Goblin Theater: first scene; it's narra's fault

*I got lost in the story. Hahaha it's weird but I was sure something amazing was going to be launched today but now I'm quite lost. What did you say? Well, where do you think I should start? I wanted to start on the other one...hmmm well never mind, we'll do that later. So where should I start?

* After the bloodbath scene, our dear hero was feeling bad inside, even if it was only a personal reproach or observation. Discreetly, he withdrew from the room, leaving the others to do what they did best: skinning. He went down a long tunnel for several minutes before seeing the light at the end. After emerging from the tunnel, he found himself in a large room lit by a number of luminescent blue and green stones. There were also grasses and fireflies as well as a river running through the cave, and the view was sublime.

* He walked over to the river and looked at himself for a while, then washed his face and looked at himself again, thinking, this is what I look like. Oh, how ugly I am. How ugly my face is, without an ounce of aura. How ugly my body is, an expression of everything that's disgusting in the world. Why was I born like this? What have I done to deserve this punishment? Wouldn't hell have been a better salvation in the end? I took the life of this sublime creature, my hand is stained with blood, my mind cries out in dishonour and yet my heart shudders with satisfaction and passion at the thought. What kind of vicious, unscrupulous being am I? Why... what is it? Am I overacting? Sorry, maybe I got a bit carried away hahaha

"Why are you sticking your tongue out?

* Becauseeeeeee let's start again. Start.

What's happening to me? I was wondering in this almost heavenly place with water in my hand.

- I feel like I'm going to be in pain but, on the contrary, I was feeling fine. Why, can you tell me, wok?

"The goblin race is vicious by nature and only takes pleasure in two things. The vulgarity of murder and rape. You have just discovered one of the two deepest components of your nature. If I can give my opinion, then you'd better prepare yourself, because the bigger a goblin gets, the more satisfied he is with the evil he commits. And soon, you'll know the second whether you want to or not."

- Well, for an ia, you've got your answer wok.

After that, I went and sat down on a rock to enjoy this sublime place.

- And to think that such a place could be found in such a morbid location...haaaaa

I huffed before taking the girl's sword and looking at it more closely

- It's a beautiful sword. The patterns are sublime and the steel seems to be in good condition too. If only I'd had such a precious artefact to begin with, I'd have been able to...eh, but I have to have one, don't I? My ring? The gift of the gods when I was reincarnated. Why don't I have it?

"Do you want to own this object?

- If possible yes!

Immediately, an inventory appeared before my eyes and my ring was inside. I scrolled through the empty boxes to click on it and the ring appeared in my hand.

- The mind control ring. It looks pretty nice, doesn't it? It's got a really interesting ability. With it, I could run away from here and start a new life somewhere else without any problems. It could be my ticket out of here. Hahaha

But for that to happen, I had to get it into my fingers. No matter how hard I tried, it wouldn't go in.

- It doesn't make sense.

"Information: the ring can only be worn by a holy being for the first time. A creature that has already taken life is automatically excluded and rejected by the ring. So a vicious little goblin can still dream."

- Could it be karma? So if I'd worn it as soon as I arrived before killing anything, she would have accepted me, right?


- Can't you be clearer?

"I'm not God either."

- You're really useless. Anyway, it was good talking to you. I feel much better now.

"I'll let it slide this time, but I want you to know you were never wrong."

- Keep your comments to yourself. And tell me instead, how I could get stronger.

I asked, throwing my ring into the river. It's useless now anyway.

"Complete daily quests and do not refuse event quests."

- An event quest? What are you talking about?

"Information: Event quest! Revenge of an Arcadia. Accept or decline?"

- Arcadia's Revenge? What does that even mean? What kind of thing is this?

"No further information available at this time. Accept or decline"

- Revenge? All right, I'll take your advice. I'll do it!

"Quest launch in 3...2...1. Quest start: Revenge of an Arcadia."

It's strange but nothing in particular is happening. I waited a bit longer but absolutely nothing.

- Is that normal?

"This is an event! Not a simplistic quest."

- Oh right. In that case, I'll just hang around here for a while. I don't want to see the other creeps.

So I stayed there for a while, admiring the area. After a while admiring the place, I started picking to get a better look at the herbs and all the different stones present.

"Nutritious grass: increases vitality by 1%.

"Jet Stone: Useful for creating magical artefacts.

"Lightning Stone: Able to stoke lightning and useful for creating a weapon immune to the element."

- I knew it. It's like in video games. All these materials are useful. In that case, I'm going to load up my inventory until I'm blue in the face.

Then I went into the river, whose clear bottom was filled with so many precious stones.

"Blue Diamond: Magic Artifact Amplifier."

"Pink Crystal: Subjugation Spell Booster".

"White Crystal: Effect unknown! Value unknown."

"Black Diamond: Negative energy generator. Level 6."

- Oh, that's a big find, isn't it? And there's loads more here. Why don't the goblins come down here? That's weird, isn't it, wok?

"Possible answer: goblins don't value stones, so they don't care about them at all. However, they do use herbs and other plants in medicine."

- I see. It's possible that they came down here but have no interest in stones, that's it. Well, never mind, I don't care any more. And this looks pretty too.

"Gold Diamond (a mixture of black diamond and magic gold): can be used to cast a spell. Artefact level: 7"

- Oh interesting!

"Pebbles: of no interest."

"World marble also known as the reset pill."

- Wow it looks like there's a world inside. Its name intrigues me. What does it do?

"Resets the state of a being or thing."

- Basically, to make the page blank oooooooh

That's when I realised what was involved in having this artefact

- Tell me wok, how do you use this thing?

"The name pill refers to the fact that you have to put it in your mouth and crunch it to swallow the contents.

- I see. It's as simple as that. So if I drink it. I'll be like a virgin that's it and I can use my ring.

"In principle, but you have to have the ring first."

That's when I remembered that I threw it in the river myself, calling it useless.

- Wow, I've got to find that ring at all costs.

So I started looking all over the river.

- Not there. Not here either. No. No. Where the hell did I throw it?

I shouted when I noticed a multicoloured slime in the river. It was like a little rainbow slime in that beautiful river.

- A slime? Aren't they all supposed to be blue? By the way wok, if I kill this slime, I get stronger right? By killing other living beings I get XP like in video games, right?

"Yes! The stronger the target, the stronger the gain."

- Ah. I'm going to kill this slime first before going back to zero.

I got closer to the slime, which wasn't moving, which is pretty strange considering it's the weakest monster after the goblins. I raised my sword and said

- Come on, little slime, be strong.

Before thrusting my sword in, the slime avoided it, making a hole in itself to let my sword through.

- What did you say?

I tried again and he did the same thing to avoid my sword. Then I threw three simultaneous blows and he avoided them by shifting his body from left to right to avoid all the attacks I threw.

- You're starting to get on my nerves.

I then threw several blows in succession but none of my attacks hit the mark and the creature even ended up fleeing into the river. I immediately gave chase and it was a fast little beast.

I chased it relentlessly while trying to slice it with my sword, which only stirred up water and air without hitting its target.

The slime avoided every blow from my sword and ran at full speed as I chased it. At one point, it jumped out of the river and ran into one of the tunnels, but that wasn't going to stop me. More than the lure of gain, it was the desire to slaughter this slime that held his heart, so I chased him again and again until he ran straight into the mouth of a snake that fell from the ceiling in front of us.

We both had the same reaction of fear and panic before running in the opposite direction. The snake immediately gave chase.

- A bloody anaconda! What's an anaconda doing here?

It chased us around the cave relentlessly as we gave it our all. Several times it almost ate us both. But as we fled, I noticed another tunnel ahead of me so I rushed towards it, seeing it as an escape door. But when I got close to the tunnel, that's when the slime jumped out and hit me on the head, making me miss my path before going on to eat the wall next to it.

The slime then continued on its own into the cave. The blow didn't hurt and wasn't even powerful. It was the shock of the impact and the fact of hitting myself that threw me off a bit. But I picked myself up and went back to see the snake, its mouth open, ready to swallow me straight away. I screamed as I thrust my sword forward, but the sword lengthened and pierced the snake's head through its mouth and out the back. The snake was stopped dead in its tracks, even though it wasn't dead yet. Its body kept flailing back and forth, so I used the sword to split its skull in two.

He fell to the ground and died. After that, I understood how to use the sword.

- I see. It absorbs our energy to activate its powers. But boy, does it take a lot, eh?

Before I passed out. When I woke up later, the snake was well and truly dead and there was no trace of the slime.

- This sword is dangerous. You need a hell of a lot of energy to be able to use it. It's out of my league at the moment. I'll put it in my inventory for now.

I then fixed it before setting off.

- So how do I find my way back now?

* How's our hero going to get out of this labyrinth he's got himself into? You'll find out in the next chapter.

"Stop your gibberish. Don't try to make your mistake interesting, it's not."

* Shut up big sister, everyone makes mistakes, don't they?

"No! Not about an entire chapter. You even dared to improvise a replacement chapter. Wait till the author hears about this."

* What more can I do? I've lost the document he entrusted to me and if I tell him...big brother will get angry so I've...I've...haaaaaaaaaa

"You're not going to cry about it too?

*Please wok, don't tell him."

"Only on the condition that you do what I want without question."

* Like what?

"Introduces a netorare rape scene coupled with a big ugly bastard monster cock."

* What the...

"No argument"

*Big sister...you're always so twisted eh. But I can't do that. We have to think of the readers too, don't we? They won't like it.

"Shut up and do it otherwise..."

*You're diabolical, big sister. But I'll see what I can do, but I'm not promising anything."

"Just do it! And make the chick a Loli."

*Out of the question! All right, that's it. I'm ending this chapter here...

"A chapter she made up herself. Boring!"

* Shut up! You can forget about our deal. And I'm sure my fans will love it.

"I hope so, because if they find out...whatever. To be continued."

* Hey that's my job ...

"Go cry and shut up. And we hope to find the author's chapter tomorrow anyway. Good night."