Goblin theater: first scène; It's always cold and bitter

* After leaving the cave, Sham went towards the small river passing close to their landmarks. He washed his hands and face and stood by the river for a moment, looking at himself. Several different feelings were running through his heart and he didn't know whether he was happy with his deed and having succeeded in remembering his past, or whether he was at the height of happiness after his act of rape, or whether he was sad. He found himself torn between these different emotions, the cause of which he could only ask the one person who could answer him.

"The goblin race is one of the most malicious, vicious, evil, filthy, cruel and shameless races, and there's nothing wrong with what you've done. There is nothing wrong with being true to our nature."

- Why did I ask you.

"Because there's no one else around who might give a shit about your feelings?"

- This is exactly the same as last time. I know what I did was wrong and yet I have no regrets. In the end, this reincarnation isn't so bad. No, it's perfect. If I were a human, I certainly wouldn't have put up with something like this, but right now I don't give a damn. I don't feel anything towards humans and that's perfect because I don't want to feel anything for that shitty race. Hahaha ha yes, that's perfect.

* Sham's reaction wasn't just due to the fact that he'd become a goblin in this life, but his new attitude also stemmed from the fact that he'd never known love or happiness in his old life, so for him, this situation was no great tragedy. He's been through worse, but we'll come back to that one day. As he sat facing the river, Sham remembered the book he had stolen on their journey. He called up its inventory before summoning it. At that moment, he was about to make what you might call a real career choice.

- A book of magic. Incredible. This kind of thing really exists. I wouldn't have believed it if I wasn't living it right now. Basic and intermediate magical incantations. What's that? Why can't I open it?

"Info: To open it, you need a mage class."

- No shit?

"Info: Possibility of obtaining a class. Class available: mage. Do you want to accept or refuse?

- No dec???

"No shit!"

- You don't have to answer haa. Mage class eh? Hmm how do I get to be one of the leaders of the horde? When I look at this body, I think it would be a miracle to stand up to real warriors with it. If the other girl wasn't hurt, she'd have broken my neck with her bare hands. WOQ, what is the normal evolution of a goblin?

"The Scarlet Goblin race has three levels of evolution, unlike the other goblin races, which are limited to two. The first evolution is that of goblin champions. This is a stage that can only be achieved with a great deal of experience and strength, both physical and mental. This evolution can be seen in the size and weight of the champions, who can reach heights of two or three metres.

"The second is the goblin knight. An evolution limited to a few rare goblins capable of displaying strength rivaling that of the knights. It is only accessible by fulfilling very specific conditions and only the scarlet goblin race can rise to this high rank. It does not include any physical transformation."

- Interesting! Is it possible that this is the commander's class? He looks really powerful and ferocious.

"The third is a demon with pupils of blood. Only a high-ranking magician can reach it. Very few goblins reach this level, and those that do are considered to be the leaders of the horde. To have this class, you absolutely must be a mage."

- Ah... isn't that why you led me to this book?

"I don't understand"

- Forget about it, and tell me instead, how do you get this class once you've become a mage? I don't want to start without knowing.

"Blood sacrifices. A lot of blood sacrifice, especially human blood."

- And why is that?

"Demonic ritual requires a certain viciousness in relation to the rules and values imposed by the great goddess of men. Maybe that's why."

- I see...hmmm this could be much more interesting. I agree.

And that's how I got the mage class. Immediately, the book opened up to me. I started reading it.

Magic is the world's source of power. Every human being has magical veins within them, and human and non-human alike are no exception. Magical energy circulates naturally like blood in the body. Mastering it begins with awakening and perceiving it. This is often done using grimoires, but there are many other methods.

Once you can sense magical energy, mastering it becomes the key to casting spells. To do this, you need to master the flow of energy and know how to dose it correctly. The amount needed for each spell must be well known to avoid unnecessary expenditure and spell failure. Magical power has to go through this and then knowledge of magical spells and incantations will do the rest.

I've read all about this in the book. First concentrate and then concentrate. So I did a Zen pose to put myself at ease and concentrate.

- Zen hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

But no sooner had I started than sexual memories filled my mind.

- I couldn't do it! I couldn't do it like that. But I have to say it was too good. Haa it was my first time and it was so good that I emptied myself three times. I should have changed partners at some point and if I was going to see if...no, I need to stay focused. Clear my head. Zen.

And for more than an hour, I sat there playing the fool trying to clear my head with no success until I said to myself

"It's been proven that it's impossible to clear your head completely. Even experienced monks can't do it."

- It's impossible!

I pronounced as I relaxed my concentration, tired.

"Obviously! You idiot!"

- Instead of insulting me, don't you want to help me instead? How am I supposed to do that?

"I've said it over and over: visualise the magic veins."

- Oh no, that's not what you said. You just said visualise.

"Visualise what, do you think? Dumbass!"

- No need to be vulgar too.

"Idiot! Brainless moron."

- I get it. I get the idea.

"Sparrow-brained! Ugly! Fat gross and braindead. "

- Hey, enough, okay. I won't allow you, you weird interface.


- What?


- Are you sulking now? But you started it, so... Do what you want, I don't want to talk to you either. That's good, now I can concentrate.

Then I closed my eyes and concentrated again. This time, instead of looking for the void, I was thinking about the vein. I concentrated solely on this vision, putting aside all others, and I can assure you it was no piece of cake. Just to concentrate on one thing, you have to fight a terrible battle with all the imaginary creations of your twisted imagination. At the end of this battle, you'll finally be able to see, or reach, nirvana.

This is surely what happened to me after a moment of concentration when I began to see clearly, the luminous veins running through my body. Then I thought

- It was like a river of white energy, or rather steam.

There were several of them running through my body, just like blood. A very pleasant sensation.

- It felt really good. Very different from sex, but just as pleasant.

Without realising it, as I had my eyes closed, an energy was flowing from my body. Admittedly in small quantities, just like steam rising from my body, but quite magnificent all the same. When I opened my eyes, I could see this energy gushing out of my body like the wind and it was impressive.

- Hey WOQ look at that, I've done it. It's really amazing. Energy manifesting itself as wind, it's mind-blowing. WOQ?


- You're always sulking, aren't you? Haa you can't grow up a bit. It was a tiny little argument, and it was you who started it, by the way.

"Fuck you 🖕🏼"

- Wooooooow what's with the finger? You're the one who started it and you're the one who's pissed off? No, but... take that back right now. I've never seen such a vulgar interface in my life. WOQ? You're going to answer yes. I remind you that you're supposed to make my life pleasant.

* Hahaha our hero seemed to be having a hard time of it, but he hadn't seen anything of my big sister yet. When she wants to, she can be a real pest sometimes. Oops, I hope she didn't hear me or else... Anyway, Sham, our hero, had just discovered magic. He stayed in the river for a while, trying to get in touch with my big sister, but to no avail, so he decided to learn magic on his own. Thanks to the contents of the book, he could already learn the basics with some basic magic. And he spent the next few hours studying the book to improve as much as possible.

* After that day, sham's daily life became very hectic. He was given the rank of hunting party leader and deployed like all the others on the hunt. In the mornings, he was free to avoid the guards and head for the river to practise his magic. In the evening, after supper, it was hunting time, so he also went hunting.

* Just like now. With the rest of his troop, they ran into a forest until they spotted smoke rising from an area. They immediately slowed down and moved slowly through the forest, getting closer and closer to the nearby village. Sham climbed a tree to get a better look at the nightlife of the inhabitants.

- The archetypal medieval village with little to worry about other than eating and sleeping. But there's a lot of habitat here, so it's going to be no easy task to capture them all. We're going to have to be methodical hahaha

* What's terrifying about being reincarnated as a goblin is that we're bringing together the two most malevolent spirits in the world. The goblin spirit and the human spirit.

With gestures, I ordered some goblins to sneak into the village without being seen or known. Their mission was to throw something into the big well in the centre of the village, but to do that they first had to cross the village. Which would be an impossible mission if the villagers weren't otherwise occupied. That's when my second order comes in.

- This kind of small medieval farming village usually gathers all its harvests in a large shop. This is often the largest building in the village and even from here I can identify it. Go and set it on fire.

Two goblins crept up to the window of this shed, threw in a torch and lit it. Very quickly, there was panic in the village. The shed was burning brightly and everyone was scrambling to put it out.

- Hm hm hm it looks like a bunch of ants attracted by the light from my point of view hahaha now go stick the poison in the well.

My orders were carried out without any problem. Of course the villagers rushed to the well, but it took them a minute to think and marvel at the scene. Which was enough for a goblin to get ahead of them and throw the poison into the well and then slip away unnoticed.

- After that, all we had to do was wait for the flies to fall before picking them.

Waiting patiently for our moment in the forest, we eagerly observe the scene and the big clean-up in the village.

- Worry, sadness, suffering and pain, all mixed together hahaha what joy. Such a spectacle deserves to be seen.

I was thinking when I spotted a girl standing at the edge of the forest, looking at me with a wide-eyed expression of surprise and utter incomprehension. You could see her innocence in her pupils. She looked at me attentively as I looked back at her, completely shaken. I thought

- What's that girl doing here? No, she's going to ruin the whole plan. But she's... Just a girl. Why is she here and what should I do? If I let her go then my whole plan...

* Sham couldn't make up his mind. He thought he was unshakeable, but a fog settled in his heart. The little girl looked at him for a moment before starting to run towards the village. With small steps, she ran hastily before shouting "Daddy! Mummy!". At that moment, sham thought "no, she's going to raise the alarm. I must stop her...". But while he was lost in thought, the little girl managed to get an arrow in the back that knocked him to the ground.

* The arrow came from a goblin who was rather proud of his shot. Sham looked in his direction in shock before looking at the girl lying on the ground. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth before saying to himself, "Maybe it's for the best. But his expression was one of strong empathy. But contrary to what he thought, the little girl wasn't dead and even started to get up, saying "It hurts! It hurts. Daddy! Mommy!" Meanwhile, a goblin approached her and stabbed her several times in the back.

* Faced with the macabre scene of the little girl being stabbed to death, Sham looked horrified. His hand was outstretched in front of him as if he wanted to stop the action and save the little girl, but his conscience quickly called him back.

- But that's exactly what I was going to do to those poor people. But then... Why did I...

* He then lowered his hand and his head as he saw the goblin dragging the girl's corpse into the woods. After that, he remained calm, observing the village and its inhabitants as they worked tirelessly to put out the fire. Watching them, Sham did nothing else. He watched every moment from start to finish, the villagers working hand in hand on this common task with pain and joy, laughter and worry and the quietude of everyday life. Others were trying to find the cause of the fire, while some were resting with their wives and children who brought them water to dehydrate themselves with from the well.

* Sham watched everything in cold silence. He watched them for several minutes until he noticed a man coughing heavily. It didn't escape his notice and he immediately understood why. At the same time, he also saw a woman in her thirties with long black hair looking for her daughter in the village. When she couldn't find her daughter, she approached a man to tell him about her concerns and together they set out to find the child in the village, without success. The group's leader, Sham, stood up and raised his hand before storming the village.

* Immediately, the goblin horde jumped into the village. "Help! Help, help! Goblins are attacking!" Very quickly, there was panic. It didn't take long for the battle to begin between a few armed men from the village and the goblins. It was soon a bloodbath on both sides. And in the midst of all the bloody mayhem, one man was desperate to find his daughter, whose name he shouted, "Cosette! Cosette my daughter, where are you? Has anyone seen my daughter? Cosette, where are you?

Has anyone seen my daughter? Cosette, where are you?" He shouted as he fought and killed goblins when

- She is dead.

* He heard these words. He turned in shock and saw a goblin behind him. But to this man, the creature in front of him was no goblin at all. It was the devil who had just told him what he feared most in the world. And the devil added

- It was I who killed her, your daughter.

* At these words, the man couldn't contain himself and keep his cool. He let out a terrible cry of rage and anger before raising his sword and charging at the goblin, ignoring the fact that he was bleeding profusely from every orifice of his body as well as from his wounds. Sham, seeing him coming at him with hatred and violence, drew his great scimitar and raised it to the sky before throwing it with both arms. The great graveyard pierced the chest of the man who fell to the ground on his knee before collapsing to the ground.

* After this act, Sham also looked to the other side and saw the girl's mother being harassed by a goblin. The goblin had stabbed her in the stomach and ripped off part of her clothes as she stood with her back to the wall, trying to resist. The goblin was advancing with a smile on his face when Sham drew Arcadia's sword from his inventory and, from a distance, punctured the goblin's head before thrusting the point of the sword straight into the woman's heart. Both died without suffering. After that, the looting went according to plan. Poisoned by water and fatigue, the fighting men were decimated and the still fresh girls and women were all captured, raped and violated before being taken to the hideout where they would suffer the same thing and worse. Only the girl's mother escaped this hell. The village was set on fire, but some of them held out until the goblins fled.

* Did our hero kill the girl's parents out of weakness or pity? Did he want to clear his conscience or is he just cruel beyond compare? In any case, I want to believe that the parents and their daughter found each other on the other side and left together as a family. Isn't it better to believe in that than to throw a stone into the sea? I don't know, but that's what I want to believe. But one thing's for sure, that's the end of our chapter for today. Have a good evening!

"Just to point out that paradise no longer exists."

*SHUT UP!!!!!!!