Goblin theater:

When I came to after being violently swept away by the tidal wave, I was already quite far from the monster girl. I had recovered badly from her attack on my side and, as if that wasn't enough, I had the strange impression of having been poisoned.

- My strength was failing me. Could it be because of the girl's attack? No? This salt water... it's not clean. But if that's true then it's the whole horde that's been poisoned. Shit, it's getting worse. I've got to get as far away from here as possible.

I thought when I saw the girl's sword in front of me. I wanted to take it when I remembered the quest.

- It's all because of that sword. It's bad luck. If I'm really the object of this quest, then I'm bound to be a prime target, but they'll never be able to identify me as an individual without this weapon, so I'd better get rid of it.

While I was thinking that, a goblin ran past me towards the grabuges, so I stopped him and handed him the sword without anyone noticing. After that, I stood up, holding my ribs, and headed into the hideout. My ribs were very sore.

* The battle had already begun and while the goblins were charging at their enemies in great numbers, these too were preparing to attack.

- There's no point wasting time on weak targets. Our objective is well hidden at the bottom of the dungeon, but it would be a mistake not to clear the dungeon thoroughly before setting off for the boss room. The rest of you are going to kill all the surviving goblins while Arcadia and I go and deal with the leader of the horde. Sir Thief, you're going to join my team.

- I don't like taking orders, but it's agreed. After all, I'm the one who insisted on accompanying my team leader on her quest, so I don't want to be a burden to her. So I'm going to enjoy slaughtering them all.

- I'm counting on you. Let's get going! Don't let any of them escape.

* Immediately, the man in grey armour made himself invisible again. His entire team immediately sprang into action. The battle was a one-way massacre. The adventurers just slaughtered their opponents without mercy. Most of the goblins couldn't even stand on two legs properly, so the adventurers had no trouble slaughtering them with violence.

* They exploded their heads, crushed them with their feet until they died, used the water to roast them, slaughtered them with arrows and so on... And the slaughter continued even when the adventurers split up to get it over with quickly. The young mage used her magic to turn on the electricity in a damp corridor to fry all the goblins inside. As for the archer, she covered them head to toe with arrows and not a single one managed to get close to her without being shot to death.

* And it was the same for all the others. All they left were corridors full of bleeding goblin corpses. Walking down a corridor where he himself had hanged several goblins with wire, the thief was attacked by a goblin with the sword that Sham had given him. The goblin screamed and lunged at the thief with the sword in the air. But the thief just used his wires to catch him and smash him to pieces. He then moved forward and took the sword from the goblin's severed hand before saying

- I recognise this weapon. Arcadia had it when we started travelling together. I think she gave it to her younger sister as a present... hmm, so it's true. She really is dead, killed by those goblins. It's really sad. An Arcadia who dies killed by simple, pathetic goblins...no wonder her whole family acted like that. Well, it's none of my business then...

* He put the sword away and continued to kill more goblins. And the slaughter continued unabated. At the same time, in one of the caves, Arcadia was running at full speed. She came across a few goblins on her way who tried to attack her, but she eliminated them without the slightest difficulty as she continued on her way. At exactly the same moment, however, an incomprehensible voice echoed throughout the lair. It was like a buzzing in all the rooms and corridors of the lair and everyone could hear it clearly. The young mage among the adventurers stopped dead in his tracks and said

- A demonic incantation? Hmm, looks like someone summoned a demon here.

* He immediately took out a long parchment from his cloak and activated it, saying

- Sacred magic: Look into the angels.

* Immediately his body lit up. He then added

- Middle-ranking magic: The benefactor's share.

* Immediately, all his companions began to light up in turn. All except Arcadia and the thief.

- I'm sorry, but this power only affects those whose information I have. But a heroine and her boyfriend should be fine without me, right?

* he added with a smile. All his friends had understood why they were in this state, hence their peace of mind. Quite the opposite of the thief, who was looking at the ceiling and saying to himself

- Hmm, this doesn't look good

* The floor first began to vibrate, then dust fell as everyone looked on, when the walls and floor began to tear and collapse in on themselves. It was a real landslide, but more than that, it was literally the rooms of the landmark... a landmark, that doesn't sound very fancy. Well, rectification, the whole dungeon started to move. It was as if they were being moved by a higher force, as if someone was rearranging the whole dungeon.

* While the other adventurers remained calm and safe, Arcadia was forced to accelerate, to jump, to destroy the walls and different pillars that were trying to crush her. Sometimes she let herself be carried by walls or slipped in certain corridors, but one thing's for sure, she and her team-mate were the only ones in this mess, even though it wasn't causing them any problems or even giving them a good time.

* The attack lasted a long time, and both goblins and humans paid the price. After a moment of intense action, the movement came to a screeching halt and the very structure of the dungeon was altered. Jumping from one corridor to another, then sliding down one of them to land in a room before jumping into another corridor to run for a moment before jumping into another to her right to pass it and free-fall into a pit that led her all the way down, Acardia found herself face to face with the goblin commander in black armour and carrying a large club.

* He seemed to be waiting for her with some goblins at his side. He had been ordered by their leader to deal with the strongest of the intruders, so he let out a loud shout that swept through the room in a wave of wind, trying to intimidate his opponent. The latter straightened up, looking at him and at everything around her, before saying to herself

- He's strong! Could it be their leaders? No! I feel another presence further away and more terrifying. I'm going to eliminate it before killing the other one.

* Arcadia half drew her sword before remembering her team-mate's advice. She immediately fixed it before taking out two beautiful runic daggers to get into position.

- I haven't used a dagger in a long time. This is my chance to brush up on the basics...

* Under the commander's orders, the goblins all threw themselves at Arcadia. Arcadia saw them charging at her and threw her two blades in the air towards her enemies. She then drew her sword and gave six blows in the air, as calmly as possible. Immediately, the eight goblins who had jumped on her were sliced into six small pieces before crashing to the ground. She put her sword back in its scabbard before drawing extremely quickly, slicing in half all the others who were charging at her. The slicing wave launched by the sword continued on its way towards the commander.

* Seeing the power and speed of the attack, the commander leapt backwards to land far in the room before throwing his club as soon as he hit the ground. Arcadia, on the other hand, had taken advantage of this moment to rush towards where the goblin commander had landed. She grabbed her two daggers and avoided the commander's large Massu by shifting just a little to the right before charging at him. Seeing her coming, the commander tried to move backwards but he was too unstable for that so he decided to cover his head with both hands but Arcadia sliced straight through them with a cross attack before coming to a halt behind her enemy.

* The goblin commander howled in pain as Arcadia straightened up behind him, putting her daggers away. She said

- However strong he may be, a simple goblin will never be able to stand up to a real hero.

* She drew her sword as the goblin, filled with rage, swung his club from side to side, extending the walls in an attempt to surprise his opponent from behind. But Arcadia stopped her bare-handed attack even though it made a loud impact.

- It was a good try... Who knows, it might have worked on a beginner, although I'd like to think it wasn't such a pathetic attack that got my sister. What would they say in a situation like that? You know, those mega-cool action movie heroes...give me a break.

* I don't know what she's talking about but she sounded very serious when she took a really cool mega pause and said

- Have a nice sleep...you mischievous little thing.

* Before cutting the goblin open from head to toe. After that, she put her sword away before heading off down one of the corridors. Just after Arcadia had left, Sham arrived at the scene along the wall. He looked very weak, so when he saw the commander's body cut in two, his concern grew even more, and it was well justified.

- Even the commander had been killed. Yet he must have been level 30 to 40 or even higher... That's what I thought. This enemy is much too strong. That girl didn't even have a problem with the commander. I'm still glad she didn't see or smell me because I'd been there for quite a while already. That means I've still got a chance of getting out of here. I've got to get the hell out of here before trouble gets me.

* Sham was right to be worried, but he was quite wrong when he said Arcadia hadn't felt him, because in reality, she had felt Sham's presence near them, but it was just that she considered him insignificant, so she left without giving him the grace to kill him with her own hands. But what she didn't know at the time was that one day she would bitterly regret her choice. But hey, we're not there yet hahaha After Arcadia left, Sham took the commander's big club and arranged it in her inventory.

- It won't do him any good now anyway. Right, let's get out of here.

* After which, he fled down another corridor different from the one Arcadia had taken. In fact, Arcadia had just found the room of the leader of the horde. A large room lit by pink crystals hanging from the walls. At the other end of the room was a sort of altar on which stood the leader of the horde. There was also the body of a naked man on the altar and a small flying demon next to the leader of the horde. Arcadia strode confidently into the room when the leader of the horde began sniffling as he said

- Human...human...always and forever human...that smells good. You're a very, very strong human...not a virgin or a saint but...appetising. Human... Sacrifice or me? Hihihihihihihihihihi

- Are you asking me to choose between death and you? Well if that's the case then I choose you...

- Hmm...human...me? After horde and sacrifice.

- Ah, now we have a problem. I've never liked orgies. I prefer an evil to my taste than a bunch of dogs in heat. But I think there's been a misunderstanding, because when I say I prefer you, it's not a question of choosing a partner, or rather... let's just say that I intend to kill you and rip your heart and cock off in memory of my little sister. That's about it. I prefer you so I can kill you with my bare hands.

- Hihihi you, human, alone. Me, leader of the horde, strong and with a demon master.

- Ah well, you're all going to die. That's all there is to it.

- Hmmm

- Oh dear, I really should have remembered one or two badass lines from action films, because I'm a bit short on them at the moment, but anyway... I'm going to give you a party, you ugly bastard.

* The goblin's confident, mischievous smile disappeared in the face of the energy coming from Arcadia. The fight was now inevitable and everyone seemed determined to give it their all, although for Arcadia, the stakes were quite different. On that note... Don't be late for the rest and if someone could sneak me some pizza...

"Information: Product placement or indecent requests prohibited.

* Haaaaa you could close your eyes for once. Anyway To be continued.