Goblin Theater: first scene; Versus

* So where was I? Ah yes the scene of the fight between Arcadia and the leader of the horde accompanied by his demon. After a small verbal exchange between the two beings, the battle finally began. The goblin made ten white circles appear in the air, the inside of which was colored yellow. From these circles, he summoned large, long and pointed iron bars before throwing them at Arcadia. She bent down a little, taking her guard before drawing her sword, launching a powerful cutting wave which reduced the iron bars to smithereens and continued her route towards the goblin. The latter then created a magical barrier of pure energy to absorb the shock.

* Just with this little exchange, the goblin quickly understood the gap in strength that separated him from his opponent, hence his dissatisfaction. Arcadia, not giving him time to act, rushed at him with incredible speed, giving the impression that she had just disappeared to reappear in front of the goblin. She was about to cut the latter when the demon appeared right next to her, shooting her at point blank range. She narrowly avoided the attack by jumping back several times to avoid the demon's shots.

- The goblin is not a problem but the demon is. Well, he's just a mid-rank demon. I wouldn't have much trouble getting rid of it.

* After a few words, a little proud or just serene, Arcadia jumped high to take support on the wall before propelling herself with incredible force and speed towards the goblin. The latter having become frightened, created a small fireball allowing him to shoot ten more in a row towards his opponent. Her demon also started with her lazer shots but Arcadia, despite being in the air, avoided them all while maintaining her course until reaching her opponent with her sword ready to fall on the latter.

- I don't care about the demon. It's your head that interests me. So die!

* She was about to cut off the head of the leader of the horde. This one displayed an extremely fearful look in the face of death and was completely desperate because even his demon could do nothing for him when an explosion of pure energy was in the room. It was followed by insane laughter and a presence threatening enough for Arcadia to stop her attack and jump away from the goblin to the other side of the room before putting herself on guard by looking towards the other side of the room. where came this great black and gloomy yellow glow which had just manifested itself in the room.

- Gh hahahahahahahahahahahahaha the creature that entered the scene laughed out loud

* Seeing the spectacle, the goblin smiled as a silhouette was gradually distinguished in the pure cluster of energy. The more the energy dissipated, the clearer the silhouette became and in the end, it revealed itself to everyone as a higher-ranking demon. A human silhouette with a man's body. He had an inhuman lower half with hooves and a more human upper half in addition to two huge black horns on his head and long yellow hair on his skull that went down to his back. He laughed out loud in the room before calming down and starting to look around as if to make an observation.

- A higher rank demon? What is he doing here?

* Arcadia wondered when she saw the joyful expression of the goblin who spoke to the demon in a language that was incomprehensible to him. But she quickly understood what it was about.

- I noticed that a lot of people were talking about countless goblin attacks in the surrounding area and if it was for...he's a goblin mage so it's not impossible that this rank demon was summoned superior thanks to the summoning and sacrifice rituals... How many souls does it take to summon a higher rank demon? You band of villains, I will be happy to massacre you all.

* Arcadia uttered, letting her energy explode into the room. After noticing this, the higher-ranking demon stopped his conversation with the goblin before heading towards his enemy. Thanks to his two wings on his back, he hovered quietly in the air without worry. He addressed Arcadia 

- But what charming young lady do we have there? Don't tell me it's because of you that this coward dared to summon a demon of my status?

* Arcadia went straight into combat stance before responding

- Who knows! If I expected to one day see a higher-ranking demon under the orders of a common goblin... Well, the demon and dragon hunting heroine in me is really very disappointed.

- I'm not dreaming, did you say heroin? You want to talk about one of those super big guys? Hahaha finally I did well to come. But I will correct you directly because I am not under anyone's orders. You hear me, no one gives me orders.

- Say the demon that was summoned by a goblin. Ultimately, you don't deserve my sword.

* Immediately, Arcadia put away her sword and took out her daggers. What the demon took as the worst affront. He exploded his magical energy into the room once again but in anger.

- How dare you...

* He was about to say when his words were cut off by the goblin who shouted at him to kill the enemy by raising his hand on the back of which was a circle of magic which shone. The demon felt a tingling sensation in his heart but he gritted his teeth so as not to show weakness but Arcadia had noticed this and added

- What? Your master just gave you an order, right? You shouldn't disobey him otherwise it will end badly...for you.

- Shut up!

* The demon uttered as the other demon laughed out loud. The goblin became angry at the demon's inactivity, shouting at him again to carry out his orders.

- Well, well, I'm really, really into it. Wait a little longer, I will also call my servant to confront you. A fight between servants seems more fitting and entertaining to me. Just two minutes...

- I told you to shut up.

- Not that I can't fight you, but as a member of the high nobility and a heroine to boot, I can't lower myself to facing a low-level demon.

* The goblin used his seal to try to control the demon but saw that the latter did not move so he yelled at him and did it again and again. Except the seals which bind the demon and the master are twice as powerful as the slave seals. This seal obliges the demon to fulfill its contract at all costs because it is after having collected its dues that the demon can be invoked. Additionally, the more powerful the demon, the more powerful the seal.

* But faced with the demands of the goblin which undermined his honor, faced with the criticism and provocation of Arcadia, the demon got angry and broke the seal without problem. The circle on the back of the goblin's hand immediately disappeared and the demon escaped from his control. After freeing himself, the demon, without turning towards the goblin, struck him with an almost invisible gust of wind which sent his master flying and smashed him against the wall. The shock was extremely violent and the goblin spat out all his blood along with broken bones.

- Nobody gives me orders and especially not a pathetic goblin. Well let's pick up where we left off.

- Hahaha it's crazy how ticklish demons can be.

- I know very well that you did this to get me out of my contract because you have everything to gain from it, right? A demon who frees himself from his contract is forced by the counterattack to return home.

- Yet your pride makes you lose your head and the result...

- Do not worry. I'll last long enough to kill you, heroine. Come on, let's get started without further delay.

* Arcadia immediately put away her daggers to take her sword and the demon rose a little higher in the air before making a yellow and red flame appear without her hand.

- Faced with a higher-ranking demon, I don't have to hold back. Arcadia Technique: Moonlight Dance.

- Yes that's it. Let's dance together!!!

* Immediately, the two beings launched themselves simultaneously towards each other with all their rage. The sword of Arcadia comes to clash with the fiery fist of the demon in incredible violence. The demon immediately followed up with a barrage of punches and kicks while Arcadia blocked all his attacks before responding with well-placed sword strikes. The demon in turn also avoided the girl's attacks or blocked them without problem. The exchange that followed was extremely violent to the point of shaking the entire mountain. The room was destroyed in the blink of an eye as well as the left part of the mountain which was already collapsing on itself. And in the rubble of this hell, they could barely be seen. Arcadia which, thrown by a blow from the demon, lands on a large rock before taking support and propelling itself forward while at the same time avoiding the terrible and successive magical assaults of the demon which completely destroys the area. At the same time, in the air, the demon also flew forward while avoiding the sharp assaults of arcadia which in turn sliced ​​everything within its reach.

* After each has avoided the other's attacks at a distance, the two come to meet halfway in incredible violence without anyone gaining the upper hand over the other. They were much too fast to the point that we could only see the damage, the lights left behind by their various hooks. But after hitting Arcadia, sending it crashing to the ground, the demon gained height before snapping its fingers and making several flames appear suspended in the air and then making them fall into the room like a rain of flame in creating a large explosion of fire. He smiled at the damage when his explosion was sliced ​​in two by Arcadia's blade.

- Haa I will never tire of seeing and admiring the strength of heroes.

* Pronounced the demon before flying into the room to gain strength and speed finally heading straight towards Arcadia. She took a position in turn before rushing at him with full force and the duel resumed with even more force. Everywhere, we felt the clash between the two superpowers and the ground and the entire mountain threatened to collapse. Meanwhile, the leader of the horde was recovering from his wounds thanks to the care of the little demon at his side. Considering its condition, I would say that it just had several of its sides broken as well as serious internal damage. In any case, he was coughing up blood when he got up.

- Demon, order everything to be destroyed. The cave and everyone. Destroy everything.

* He uttered, filled with anger, to the little demon who started laughing before taking a deep breath and then screaming with all his might. But his cry barely had time to come out when a sword passed through his head from the back of his skull to come out through his mouth. Under the shocked gaze of the goblin, the little demon collapsed to the ground and died of his wounds after the sword was removed from him. Immediately, the man in heavy armor appeared in the room behind the goblin.

- She did a great job. Did she sense my presence in the room? She angered the demon into breaking his contract and then lured him into another room to give me free rein. We clearly recognize here the common sense of a hero. Good, now I'm going to finish with you.

* The man uttered as he advanced towards the goblin with his ridiculously short sword. The goblin tried to flee with fear in his stomach. He turned his head towards the warrior before displaying a very terrified look. For the goblin, the image of the adventurer was altered with that of death in flesh and armor. His extremely cold expression, his calm and icy energy, his extremely calm approach to the point of sending shivers down the spine, everything about the man made him think of death and therefore gave him unparalleled fear. That's why, out of excuse for his injuries, he tried to flee cowardly, but of course without counting on the man.

* The goblin struggled to run so he turned to pull a piece of iron towards the man. The latter avoided the attack by shifting a little before resuming his walk in complete tranquility. The goblin pulled two more iron bars but the man dodged them all the same way.

- Poor creature! Beast creature! If you had stayed still, you would already be a thousand miles below the ground. You who take so much pleasure in making your victims suffer, in killing for no reason, in killing for pure pleasure, are you faced with death and what do we discover? Shameless cowardice. Disappears from my sight. A good goblin is a dead goblin...

* Pronounced the man in armor before raising his sword to the sky and then adding


* Before slicing the goblin's back. But when the sword reached his back, he stopped and thrust it deep into his chest before pulling it out. He then flicked the air to wipe his sword before taking out a handkerchief to wipe it again and remove the goblin blood that had soiled it.

- May your soul experience eternal torment! Looks like it's over there too.

* The man uttered as he watched the Greater Demon disappear like a soap bubble while Arcadia lay just below on the ground.

- Hahahahahaha it was exciting. I hope to see you again on the battlefield, heroine. Finally, if you are a heroine then there is a good chance that war will break out soon. Hahaha hahaha

* Pronounced the demon before leaving. Arcadia was also unharmed, she took a breath before saying

- His time is finally up. I didn't manage to shoot him down. He is strong, very strong. If this goblin had managed to manipulate such a creature then he would have been a real dungeon boss. Whatever, it's already over with him too.

- Well done! It's great work.

* The armored man said before entering the room where Arcadia was.

- And the goblin?

- I'm done with him and the little demon too. Thanks for the diversion.

- Did you kill him?

* Asking Arcadia with a very disturbed look to the point where the man was confused.

- Yes! Would you like to take care of it personally? It's true that you are here to avenge your little sister. Anyway, sorry.

- No it is nothing. I would like to see his body though.

- He is fair...

* Turning around, the man saw that the goblin's body had disappeared. He was very surprised and hurried to see what was going on and the body had indeed disappeared.

- Impossible!

- No, unlikely. You let him escape.

- He must not have gone far given his condition. Besides, he shouldn't even have been able to get up. Is it that...

- Did anyone take it away?

- I will find them and kill them all.

* The conclusion of the two adventurers was good. Someone had indeed taken away the body of the leader of the horde. While trying to escape, Sham got lost and found himself by chance in the chief's room. He had even seen the end of the leader of the horde but decided to stay well hidden in his corner without making the slightest suspicious gesture so as not to be noticed. He waited very calmly in his corner for everything to happen and when the man left the room heading towards Arcadia, he decided to come and check if the leader of the horde was really dead and he discovered that not because the latter was still moving. He cannot leave this place alone so he took the leader of the horde with him to use him as a guide to finally flee the lair by throwing himself into a sort of underground river which was filled by the water attack of the adventurers at the start of the assault. By allowing himself to be guided and carried away by the river, he managed to leave the marker with the wounded leader and escape through the rocky area.

* So, you should never let your guard down haha ​​well done protagonist, the story couldn't end like that though, it's far from over. But you will know that very soon. So...