Goblin Theater: first scène; Return to the past.

After escaping from the couple of tarers, it took us another hour or so to reach the new landmark, which was also a cave in a mountain.

But this time, instead of tall trees, it was more dead trees that were scattered all around. When we got to the gate, we met another group that had just returned, and not empty-handed. They were carrying humans. Four of them were grabbing a fainting human by the arms and legs, another was pulling a young woman tied up behind him and pulling her barbarously. And others had severed human heads with them as trophies.

They also had quite a lot of equipment like half armour, helmets or swords etc... in short, the complete opposite of us who came empty-handed.

Without delay, we entered the cave with the others. We started down a long corridor, poorly lit by torches hanging from the walls, before finally arriving in the main room. It looked like a huge false passage about ten metres long or deep. Down below, a lot of goblins were huddled together as if waiting for something to happen.

- Is there a meeting here or what?

We joined them, looking together at the podium where the leader of the horde was standing. He was still accompanied by the commander and spoke to everyone

- Soon we'll be leaving to join our king's main army. At his side, we will fight the humans in the name of the demon king and our great king.

Everyone gave a loud shout in support of his words

- A new war is about to begin between the humans and the other races, and the race that emerges victorious will be the new master of the world, and our king will be that master!

Everyone shouted again.

- But you can't go to the king empty-handed. Let's not forget that other races will also be taking part in this war alongside the great demon king. So as a member and commander of the demon king's army, we have a duty to bring as many gifts as possible to support our king, the king of the goblins. To do this, you must bring me all the offerings you can find. Pillage, steal without moderation, rape everything that moves and that you can rape, take indiscriminately and above all kill any human who gets in our way...

The chief's words were having an effect.

- But before you do anything else, you must bring me as many living humans as possible, preferably human, but of course, after defiling them as you see fit.

This was the sentence they had all been waiting for. The reactions to it were a little more unhealthy and disgusting. I think I was the only one who wasn't excited by these words and even then, I took it upon myself.

- Starting with the two we captured this morning. Be careful not to kill them.

When he said this, all eyes turned to the two young women behind him. One remained unconscious, but given that she was wearing armour, it was certain that she was an adventurer or a knight. The other was dressed as a noblewoman and although she had been roughed up, she exuded a certain grace that disappeared the moment she realised what awaited her.

- Don't come near me. Don't come near me. Go away! Go away! Get away, you vermin!

I seemed to be the only one who knew what she was saying and was screaming in fear. She managed to get up despite her arms being tied behind her back, but she didn't get very far when a goblin surprised her from behind and jumped on her, knocking her face down. She then said angrily

- Back off, you monster! You know who you're messing with. I'm the Baroness of Fisher-Town. If you...kyaaa

The goblin immediately ripped off her outfit at buttock level to expose her. Another violently placed his foot on her head and squeezed as the other began to squeeze her buttocks before taking action.

- No stop...please, stop...khh haaaaa

She screamed in pain under the vicious and delighted gaze of the leader of the horde. He seemed to revel in her suffering. As for the poor woman, the others were fighting over who would go next. When the other finished, she fell flat on the ground, but that didn't stop another from climbing on top of her, followed by another and a dozen more from screaming until she killed herself in her misery.

Meanwhile, the other girl was also waking up. She looked a little groggy and unwell, so she sat up cross-legged on the floor. Gradually, she began to get a good look at her surroundings before noticing that her arms were tied. She was startled before remembering her battle and defeat against the goblins. It was then that she noticed her employer being raped a few metres away from her. She was so shocked that she was speechless when she felt a presence behind her.

She was sitting in front of six small goblins and a champion behind her. She slowly turned her gaze to see their saliva dripping from their smiles and vicious looks. Tears welled up in her eyes. The goblin champion grabbed her by the legs and pulled her away. She let out a loud scream as she was dragged away, before the little goblins began to rip off her armour. They ripped off her breastplate and the cloth covering her chest, then tore off her trousers and jumped on her at the same time.

And I just stood there and watched them do it. One by one or in groups, they raped her in different positions. Soon they took over her mind and she gave in without resistance. At that moment, I didn't know what to think about all this or even how to act. Do I really dislike watching this? I don't know, but I wanted to see more. Maybe that's why I found myself at the front of the queue without realising it.

There was only one before me and as I watched him fucking the girl, I asked myself

- What's happening to me?

"Goblins are creatures who cannot fight their primal desires. By refusing you, it's not impossible that your instincts are acting on their own. It's in your nature".

Wok replied. The one in front finished before moving away and going to the other side to join the other queue. I looked at her before looking ahead. A young girl was in front of me, kneeling on the ground with her head pinned to the floor by a goblin, which raised her buttocks to just the right height. All she had on her body was a piece of cloth on her back, two leggings on her legs and her boots. She seemed to be suffering from blows and injuries as well.

Following my instincts, I approached her before putting my hand on her buttocks. Immediately, all my senses were brutally awakened. I couldn't even think straight.

- What is this sensation? It's so soft and so pleasant.

The more I squeezed her bottom, the better I felt. I loved it and it felt so good it brought tears to my eyes. I thought at that moment

- It's true, I never knew a woman in my former life.

* Who really is sham? I think he himself had forgotten. So, maybe it's time to reveal the true identity of our dear hero. Sham the goblin is none other than the reincarnation of Jérémie Halal. Who was Jérémie Halal? Born into a poor family, he had a very difficult childhood. From an early age, he was forced to find a job that paid a little to help his family out. But reality was cruel. For his parents, he worked after school to earn money, money that they took for granted by forcing him to go and get more and more. The child was just their way of making more and more easy money and they never once felt a bit of love for him, but the child knew that very well.

* Because of his sad family life, Jérémie's school life was even sadder. He was the whipping boy for the other pupils, especially the older ones. They used him to do all their basic chores before beating him up every evening without the slightest mercy. Worse still, they stole what little money he earned from his various odd jobs, so that when Jérémie returned home, his two parents, in turn, made sure that his body would forever remember the pain he would feel every time he went home penniless. The child's body was completely covered in wounds, hence the nickname Frankenstein given to him at school.

* He couldn't go home empty-handed or he'd be beaten up, and his abilities didn't allow him to fight his torturers who never missed an opportunity to beat him up. Jérémie's life was already sad enough, but it became even sadder the day he agreed to lick the feet of a girl in his class for money. The girl had filmed him and, with her friends, was always blackmailing him into doing whatever she wanted. Chewing on dirty knickers, cleaning a classmate's arse as she came out of the toilet, and this from the time he did it with tissues until she made him do it with his tongue.

* And when they got fed up playing with him, they published all the videos they'd taken on the net. The videos went viral in no time. This spawned another legend, that of the school's dirty dishcloth. After that, Jérémie's parents kicked him out of their house, and the school did nothing more than punish him by expelling him for soiling the school's name. He was thrown out of work and became the object of mockery throughout the town. It was not uncommon to see people in the town looking for him just to make a video with the dirty rag alive and create a buzz of their own. This had become Jérémie's new life. While those who tortured him got off scot-free.

* But everything changed one evening. That evening, in the pouring rain, having been humiliated by another newtuber and refused by another employer, hunger in his belly and tiredness in his soul and body, he screamed at the top of his lungs, "Aren't I human too? But at his cry of pain, the sky remained as silent and inert as the world in which he lived.

* Rage in his face, pain in his stomach, he bought a new Machete before heading for the lair of the gang of thugs who had tortured him at school. He killed two of them with a sharp blow to the head. The others fled but he managed to corner the leader. The one who had made his life a hell in which he was king. But after a blow to the torso with his machete, this one ended up on his knees, crying, his head bowed to beg him with all his heart to spare him. Faced with this most pathetic scene, Jérémie's determination wavered and he was planning not to go through with it when the boy had the misfortune to say "it was just for fun". That was the last straw. Filled with horror, he brought his gun down on the boy's head and continued until he was unrecognisable.

* Just for fun, so my life was just a game to you? All right then, let's play together to the end. I'm willing to be the big bad wolf of the story if that's my role here. uttered Jeremiah after committing his first murder. He was only 16 at the time. Once he'd finished with his stalkers, he was reunited with his parents, who had moved away and suffered a far more atrocious fate. But contrary to what he thought, he got no satisfaction from committing such acts, but no blame or sadness either. He left his parents' house covered in blood before heading for the house of the girl who had made him such a wretch. My life is just a game. I'm only the boss, no, the final boss of this game, so it's quite normal for me to be mean, isn't it? He said as he knocked on her door. Hearing the sound of someone opening the door, he smiled, thinking what am I going to do with this family? Yes, I know, I'm going to do to them what they did to me, only worse. They'll regret coming into this world too, and then it'll be all of theirs. The whole country will regret having laughed and done nothing but watch. Yes, that's right, take a good look. Don't move and sit back comfortably. I'm going to make it down here, the bloodiest film ever made.

* Jérémie was thinking when a dazzling light appeared in the sky. Both he and the girl who had just opened the door looked up in shock. What's all this? was the last thing he said before the drama unfolded. Jérémie, or rather sham, had partly forgotten his previous life because of the shock of reincarnation. But now, at this very moment, all his sunken memories have resurfaced, reminding him of what he was long before being reincarnated into this world, a monster.

* The awakening of the monster within him, and the evil in the nature of the monster he had become, explains the sudden and radical change in Jeremiah when he fiercely pressed the warrior's buttocks with both hands, looking angry and full of vicious and unhealthy thoughts.

I was no longer in control. My body was acting on its own. The more I penetrated her, the angrier but calmer I felt. So I kept going, increasing the speed and slamming into her bottom or squeezing her body and flesh. The girl, who had remained unresponsive, began to move and wanted to flee again in the face of such savagery. Try as she might, my fellow men wouldn't let her. No matter how much she screamed and cried, no one cared and, on the contrary, the others were amused.

Again and again and again, fed up with taking the hole at the bottom, I also took the hole at the top to unleash my full fury on this girl. But although this made me particularly happy, I couldn't help thinking what it meant for the human being I am or was. Only one answer came to mind

- Pass it on.

Long before I was even reincarnated as this creature, I had already set myself the goal of raping all the girls who had hurt me, them and their mothers too, including their sisters, whatever their age. I already had a lot of blood on my hands, including that of my own parents. I was just kidding myself, I was already a monster long before I came here. And you know what, the rage that was boiling inside me against the human world is still as hot and burning as ever.

Taking the girl by the hips for the final act, I said to myself.

- Finally, it's a good thing I've been reincarnated as a goblin. I'll finally be able to take my revenge on them. Revenge on humans.

I thought before ending up in the girl's arms with the same look on my face as my fellow goblins.

* And so the true nature of our dear hero was revealed. It's often said that the monsters most feared are those created by society, not those born different from others. And our hero is about to prove that to everyone. Big sister woq, did you know it was going to turn out this way when you made Jeremiah believe that the only choices open to him were to be reincarnated as a monster? Anyway, our story was about to take another turn.