Goblin Quest: first scene; Régulus

After defeating my former leader, I stole all his equipment before fleeing as far as possible. By always going straight ahead, I came to a river of clear water. I took a break there to quench my thirst and refresh my face and mind a little.

Afterwards I plunged the outfits I had stolen from the leader of the horde into the river to wash them but

- Apart from the cape, everything else is ruined.

I then washed only the cape before spreading it out on the edge of the river. Afterwards, I went to take a nice cool bath before going to dry well in the sun. I didn't really like the bathing session but I enjoyed the tanning session and I also notice that the effects of the kind of poison from the other time have disappeared.

- But I'm a little exposed there, on this rock. I should find a hiding place and also something to eat. From now on, I'm alone. I also have to find suitable clothes.

I got up and started looking around for suitable places but it was not easy because I was in a forest with very few trees so clear with the river which was also very exposed. There was not even a mountain in sight so no chance of coming across a cave. But I still continued to look until I came across a cabin in the forest. At first glance, it seemed abandoned and in a bad state but I had to stay on my guard just in case because I am no longer human.

I got closer to the cabin before taking a look to see that there was really no one on the horizon. I then decided to make it my temporary home. I went to get water and leaves for dusting and cleaning. Afterwards, I put the few tables and chairs in order and it was ready. Proud of myself, I went to get my mage's cloak before coming to spread it out near the cabin.

- Hmm night will fall soon. I will now take care of the meal.

I then went out to walk all around the cabin for a while before finally finding animal tracks.

- hmm these tracks, I have no idea what kind of animal they could be.

Following the track closely, I came across a herd of gazelle eating peacefully in the forest. I sneaked quietly through the tree branches, above them, before taking out the club and then coming down on the head of one of them, killing it in one blow. This scared the others away but hey, I had my meal.

I then dragged it to the cabin before skinning it, which was not an easy thing. After I put half around the fire and the other, I exposed it to the air to dry it.

- Hmm here is a good meal in the process of downloading. My mouth is already watering. But what if...

Afterwards, I also went fishing and then picking. I admit to having been very surprised by the result because I found quite a few provisions. Afterwards, I went back to prepare all that. Thanks to the few tools found in the cabin, I was able to prepare my small assortment. A few minutes later, it started to rain cats and dogs and unfortunately, the cabin was not prepared for that. The rain was coming from several sides. I tried with my meager means to prevent it from entering through as many holes as possible but in vain. I then identified the area most spared by the rain and I moved down there.

I lit a small fire with my magic and the piece of wooden board in the cabin and then I grilled my meat and fish with this fire. It was quite cold so I put the cape around me while staying near the fire. I first started by eating the fish after seasoning it

- Delicious! Wow, this is the best meal I have eaten since I have been in this world.

I then devoured my fish in the pouring rain, hidden in my little corner. Afterwards I devoured my meat with the same appetite and it was just exquisite. The meat was quite juicy and very tender. You just have to bite into it for the flesh to give way in your mouth. A pure treat

- All that's missing is some cold drink to make a feast despite the rain.

Before my reincarnation, I have never eaten so much in my life and especially such a delicious meal despite the means at hand.

- I must say that I was not spoiled. Oh well, all the more reason to devour all that hahaha. Haa this rain will never stop. Hmm it makes me a little nostalgic all of a sudden...even if there is really no reason especially when you know how I turned out.

I ate well, then I stayed to admire the rain that fell before falling asleep. It was the rays of the sun that woke me from my sleep. When I went out, my provisions were all soaked in stagnant water.

- What a waste. Such tender meat.

From that moment on, my days repeated themselves. In the morning of happiness, I went hunting, fishing and gathering. Then I went to visit the surroundings and in the evening I trained in magic and combat until the night when I went to bed quite early. I had no other needs or goals in life. Not that it bothered me but

- It's starting to be boring... Eh but... the horde was supposed to go somewhere right? Hmm the king of the goblin race... no he wasn't some kind of demon king? I don't know anymore.

Well after, is it so important. One day, while walking, I came across a village. There were quite a few houses and enclosures. It looked like a breeder's village. I waited until it got dark to go there. The village had partied all night and then everyone went home and that's when I got really close. Some lamps were still lit in some houses. Filled with curiosity, I approached a house a little to see inside.

I first came across a normal family of old people with their children and grandchildren. Then, I went to the next house and they had just left the table then, I went to another window in which there was an old woman who was telling a story to her children and grandchildren. The children were all sitting near the grandmother next to the fireplace.

- In these troubled times, the non-human species all gathered under the order of the demon king who commanded the demon race. In doing so, the king had become the most powerful being in the world and his strength was limitless. No one or creature could still stand up to him. The human cities were all conquered in a chain without anyone being able to resist the strength of the demon king's army. They killed everyone in their path, even the old and the children. But it was in these hard times that men and elves came together to seal a legendary alliance and resist this unprecedented invasion. The war that followed was terrible. So many people were cut down early and at the end of the battle, humans and elves were defeated by the power of the demon king and his henchmen.

- Whoa but Mami, how did they win then? Because they won, right?

- Yes, they won but it was thanks to an unexpected intervention. Faced with this calamity, humans and elves all turned to the only being who would be able to save them all. An entity whose name had been lost by the bards and of which there was still only a tiny belief. The goddess and her celestial army. Taking pity on men, the goddess let one of her graces fall on earth. This grace awakened in certain men to endow them with an immeasurable and fascinating force. These men, let loose in the war, then changed the situation and started a new era. An era that was baptized the golden age and those who established it, heroes. Yes, they are the heroes who defeated the demon king and his army and saved the world. It is since that day that the order of heroes watches over the world and the safety of all.

- Whoa when I grow up, I want to become a hero.

- Me too and I will go hunt the demon king hyaaaa

- Hahaha but yes, but yes, but you know what? You are all already, my heroes.

Haa it's beautiful the love of a grandmother. I feel a little jealous all of a sudden finally, let's move on. After this last minute lesson, in the next house, I came across a scene of the most passionate intercourse. I stayed a while to watch the scene and all these crazy positions

- I thought you only saw that in porn...

I had a good eyeful but everything has an end so I went back to look for everything I could steal. Food and clothing, including kitchen utensils, etc... then I went back to my cabin.

* Finally, I'm handing over, it was starting to be long. Well, let's leave Sham in her most boring daily life and return to the human side. On this beautiful morning, Arcadia Orpheus was sitting in her office caressing her cheek when the thief from her team knocked on the door.

- Come in!

* Her office was most sublime and well arranged. She was wearing simple clothes but which showed her off well. The thief said

- You have visitors.

- Who is this?

- Hmm you know the weird shiny guy?

- Regulus? You can let him pass.

* But even before the thief did, it was Regulus who entered by himself, saying loudly

- Hello my dear friend. How have you been since?

- Still as elegant, Regulus?

- What do you want, I was badly brought up hahaha

- It's okay, leave us.

* Regulus also wore a very simple outfit. He was quite muscular and imposing without being a giant either. He had long yellow and black hair with braids going down on both sides. His neck and fingers were all decorated which showed that he was not just anyone. He took a chair and sat down, crossing his arms before placing his crossed feet on Arcadia's desk.

- Indeed, you are really badly brought up. Otherwise what did you come looking for here?

- Oh I was passing by and I thought I was going to visit my old friend. Although I always wanted to be more than an old friend. If you know what I mean hahaha haha

- No, I don't see and then I don't remember this great friendship between us.

- Huh? However, we went to school together. Remember, at the magic school, I was your knight in shining armor.

- I don't remember and I don't want to remember. Well, you're going to tell me what you want? I'm busy?

* It was at this moment that Regulus saw the scar on Arcadia's cheek. He couldn't believe his eyes to the point of whistling

- Don't tell me that someone managed to hurt you? Who accomplished such a miracle?

- It was just a mistake on my part. No need to dwell on it. So?

- Hmm, you're in too much of a hurry, my little one. Well, it's okay, I'll tell you. Do you know that a new demon with the title of king has appeared?

- Of course!

- It turns out that currently, all over the world, we are observing a phenomenon of mass movement among non-human creatures. By conducting more research, we learned that all these creatures are heading towards the same place, namely, the left continent. And guess who is there?

- The demon king?

- Exactly! And what are all these beasts looking for from the king?

- Hmm power?

- Power, strength, wealth, land and domination of others, that's what they all hope to find from their king. If all the non-human creators gather around the king then what do you think will happen?

- The non-aggression pact between humans, elves and demons will be broken and...

- The bloody war of the golden age will be upon us again. Human and elf against demons. A war like the world has not seen for over a century. And who do you think will they choose to lead this war?

- The heroes?

- It has already started! The demons have already attacked and that's why I'm here. The league of heroes will reform like during the previous war and I have been given the heavy burden of being the one who will gather all the heroes. Me, Regulus, the hero of the highlight. So I came to see you to take you with me, Arcadia.

- Hmm why did they give such a charge to an idiot like you?

- Huh, that's mean? Because I shine?

- Hah I knew that war was inevitable but I can't right now.

- Seriously? Do you realize the danger anyway?

- My family has much more urgent problems that I have to deal with first before I enlist, so sorry, I won't be the first to join you.

- That's too bad. Well, as long as I can count on you...

- I'll join you later, I promise.

- Okay. But I'm still disappointed. I made such a long detour.

- Are you going somewhere else?

- I don't plan on recruiting only heroes, what do you think. We also need strong and useful workers. That's why I'm going there, to this country where only the law of the strongest prevails.

- No, are you serious? This barbarian country.

- Yes. I'm going there and recruit all the able-bodied men there. Arcadia, I don't know if you realize it, but this world is changing. The era of peace and useless quests that we have known is about to be swallowed up. These are no longer small quests but events that will soon take us to hell. The premises are already there. On this same continent, a few weeks ago, one of the ancient gods woke up by resurrecting a legend that still frightens the ancients. The demon king, the ancient god, the threat of the unknown that awaits us and the fall of the hero of flowers on the other continent, all this leads me to one single conclusion: a new era of bloody war is upon us. And it's up to us heroes to lead this war. We can't let ourselves be overtaken. That's why I decided to recruit as many powerful people as possible.

- Hmm all this seems very worrying to me. An ancient god huh?

- These beings who set the world on fire and blood well before the golden age haha

- Hey, I hope you're not going there to face this god?

- Huh? Me? Not...at...all. Hum

* Even though he had refuted it, Regulus' smile clearly let his thoughts be heard. After finishing, he got up to leave when Arcadia said

- If what you say is true then we will all soon be plunged into a merciless hell...we will need our commander at that moment so...don't die my dear friend.

- Huh? You finally admit that we are good friends? Well, I have no intention of dying now. Not before having fun to the max. Speaking of having fun, your servants are beautiful, do you mind if...

- Get out of my house quickly, pervert.

- Hahaha come on, take care of yourself.

* After which, Regulus left laughing out loud. Arcadia lay down in her chair turning towards the window and thinking

- A new golden age? Hm hum hum hahaha hahaha that looks very exciting. I would go and face him too, this ancient god. What's his name again? Hmm Ah, Amon is it? I wonder how strong he is. Haa finally things are going to move a little here. I was starting to get bored in this new life.