Goblin theater: first scène; Close

It had been more than four weeks now that I had been living in this shelter without any real purpose. My daily life had not changed either apart from the few daily quests to accumulate a little experience, I had nothing very exciting to do. But thanks to that, I have evolved quite a bit in magic. I was able to learn and master several different spells. My mage class is experiencing some evolution.

On this beautiful morning, like all the others after the rain, I was having breakfast outside, on a pretty table that I had set up well. My table was filled to the brim with meat, fruit, fish and even other more human preparations. All of this, I had stolen from the small village.

- Bon appetit!

I then started to eat before taking a sip of fresh milk and pure water. I had nice clothes and good food as desired, what more could you ask for.

- Hmm hmm too good. The meat I prepared myself is delicious but the soup I stole is divine. Too bad I can't share it with anyone. Haa I still feel a little lonely. Should I find another clan? Anyway I have a choice because humans will kill me on sight and the other beasts, the same. Where can I go?

I was quietly eating my meat when I felt the sound of footsteps approaching. I also strained my ears to listen better and

- Someone is approaching but... he's not even trying to hide. An enemy?

Without moving, I looked at the place where the sound came from when an old man appeared behind a large tree walking towards me.

- An old man?! What the hell is he doing here? Could it be the village chief who is coming to kill me for theft?

The old man moved forward a little more before stopping. He looked in all directions before saying

- What are you doing here alone, my child?

I couldn't believe my ears. He called me my child and not monster. Is he blind or is he doing it on purpose.

- Where are your parents? Are you lost? Unless you live here?

- You're the one who got lost, old man.

- That's true. I went out for a little walk and here's the result hahaha my son is going to get angry again saying I told you not to go for a walk alone hahaha. Otherwise, do you know the way back to my house in the village?

- Go back and turn left after the second rock then right again after the third rock. After that you'll just have to go to the main road.

- Hmm, well, all this seems very complicated to me. Plus, I'm tired and exhausted. Can I rest here with you for a moment?

- Are you blind? Can't you see that I'm not...

- It's true that my eyesight has declined a lot in recent years so yes, I can't see you very well but I know that you're a child who shouldn't be alone here.

Afterwards, without my consent, the old man joined my table to rest. So I served him a drink before chasing him away but he stayed anyway.

- So you didn't answer me, where are your parents?

- Haa you don't give up and if I told you that I killed them before making others suffer the same fate and that I even raped girls and killed kids. Would you be satisfied?

- Surely not. But I would be very sad for you. You are very young to know so much horror.

- What do you know about me?

- Oh not much except that you must feel very alone now to have set the table for several people.

- If it turns out, I plan to eat everything alone?!

- So why did you put four chairs?

- Tsss

- It's me who got lost but you seem much more lost than me. You know, I'm the one who built this little cabin in my youth. It was my little corner of relaxation when I chatted with the others hahaha it brings back old childhood memories. You know kid, no one is made to live alone. Humans are incapable of living in solitude.

- Except that I'm not human.

- It doesn't matter! This goes for every species, every individual whoever they are and whatever they have done or not. No one can bear the weight of solitude and the demons it awakens in us. Whether we are human, monster, demon, elf, half human, we have a duty to ourselves to find a pleasant and warm environment for our own soul. Whether this environment is harmful, hostile, violent or soft and pleasant like the arms of a young girl, we must go there and stay there with our fellow men. This is how we can live as we are and live in peace with ourselves. Believe me, according to the word of a former soldier, peace and inner harmony can only be found with our fellow men and nowhere else.

- Inner peace and harmony?!

- So my child, are you lost?

- Hm let's say I don't know where to go?

- But do you know where you come from?

- Where do I come from?

This sentence had created an incredible disorder in my mind.

- Where do I come from? Am I a man or a goblin? Where do I come from? From the cave or from the other world?

- If you don't know where you come from then look in a mirror. You will see the face of what you are looking for.

This sentence also upset me a lot. My face? It hadn't been the same for a long time but what do I know? I have never, ever looked at myself in a mirror in the other world. What does my old face look like? I don't know. It was at that moment that I heard a loud cry of a man calling out loud.

- Oh it seems that my son has finally realized that his father has disappeared. Haha he is always late. Goblin...

- Hmm?

I said, being very surprised after hearing that

- Apparently goblins would be somewhere around here. Several small things start to disappear in the village and they suspect a stray goblin. It is not impossible that the men of the village will come across this creature soon so if I have one piece of advice to give him, it is to flee as far as possible. Not that I pity this evil creature but if this thing has maintained my most precious treasure then I must pay him well as it should be. Besides, I would not like to see my children die without doing anything.

- You have never been blind old man.

After that, he got up before leaving with his hands behind his back in a slow and serene walk before stopping

- Ah yes, know that the nature of an individual is never good or bad but just natural...for him.

After which, he left. I immediately followed him until his son found him on the road. He took him in his cart and they returned together.

- If I understood correctly, I would soon have visitors. I have to leave here quickly.

I immediately hurried to pack my bags. I took a bag that I also stole before filling it with provisions. I left the clothes there to wear only one with my cape. After which, I went to hide a little far away but close enough to see the cabin. In the evening, the villagers armed to the teeth with torches came to check in the cabin.

They noticed that it was inhabited and that the owner was not very far away so they immediately started hunting.

- I don't sense a single powerful warrior among them. I could kill them all if I wanted but... the dirty old fox, that's why he came to hunt me himself. Too bad, I'm leaving.

The seers all took the most obvious route to pursue me, I just went around to get around them.

- As expected, they went over there. I just have to take the other direction and that's it.

I took my way back in the opposite direction. I was walking alone on the road in the moonlight when I came across the village.

- It was to be expected by taking this road. Let's take advantage of it to stock up on some supplies.

I then changed direction to go to the village. It was guarded by a dozen armed guards and a few roadblocks here and there. Nothing too difficult for me to get through. I entered the village without any problems.

- Last time, I stole there so today, I'll go the other way.

By sneaking around, I reached the kitchen of a house. I saw light inside so I approached discreetly without getting caught to take a look. The spectacle was magnificent. There was a woman kneeling on the ground cleaning. She was wearing a beautiful and long tight dress despite the layers of fabric. It brought out her beautiful divine curves. The fabric was so soft that it went into her buttocks.

In addition, she was quite round with a very beautiful round ass. I swallowed my saliva while watching her do her work.

- I have never seen such a beautiful ass in my sight. And what is this outfit, it is so sticky, so tight ... haa ... haa

The more I looked at it, the more my desire became stronger and stronger. I had water in my mouth and a most violent erection. Without realizing what I was doing, I went into the kitchen. I was walking slowly towards her when she said

- Is that you Karl? I thought I told you not to come tonight. My husband is out hunting and he could come back at any moment...

She kept talking, taking me for her lover so I didn't try to deny it, besides I wasn't even listening to her. Slowly but surely, I got closer to her buttocks so captivating and graceful. I put a hand on it and it was the foot. I felt like a wave spreading throughout my body to my heart. I put the other one but also and it was already ecstasy but when I squeezed, it was heaven.

- But what are you doing, go away. You know very well that if my husband comes back then

She was about to turn around when I put the wand in without lifting her dress or anything. My tool wrapped itself in her fabric before penetrating right inside without any difficulty.

- Hyaaaa!! Karl, what are you doing? Wait until I at least take off my outfit. Hyaaa gently... gently...

She was moaning like never before while I was going to seventh heaven. To tell the truth, I never believed in this kind of story about seventh heaven etc... but there were just no other words to describe this experience.

- Hyaaaa haaa haaaa Karl go easy. Plus, you got the wrong hole... I... I hyaaaa

I just couldn't stop. The more I penetrated her, the more I wanted to penetrate her and more violently so I went fast and with full power. The sound of the smacking was lost in the girl's moans but I didn't know which one I wanted to hear the most. Seeing her scrape the floor while taking her feet, hearing my thrusts on her divine buttocks, was already enough to make me cum in less than a minute.

- The rise to seventh heaven ... I think I just fucked an angel.

When I pulled out, the semen was flowing from the piece of fabric that came out with me. Haa what a beautiful sight. This sublime hole covered by the fabric filled with my sperm, in the middle of this divine buttocks, was just magnificent to see. The woman remained lying on the ground on her chest, her buttocks raised. She also seemed to have cum when

- Hey bintsy, are you there? I was thinking that since your husband is not here, we can have a little ...

A man said as he entered the kitchen before falling on me and the scene. The woman who was in full ecstasy got up abruptly. their expressions showed a deep disgust towards me.

- No! What is this monster doing here? No. Don't tell me that...

The woman said, having understood the situation. The man immediately took his sword out of its sheath before preparing to attack. But before he could take action, I made the Commander's Mace appear as well as a blue fireball spell in the direction of the woman.

- Move and she's dead. Scream and you're both dead. If you understood then stay still.

Neither of them moved. The woman's face was terrified and disgusted and the man's was just as much.

- I surpass you both in strength and I could very well kill you here and now and even your entire village. But I won't do anything about it. I've never had so much fun in my entire life and I don't want to waste it so here's what we're going to do, unfaithful lovers. You shut up and I'm leaving. Everyone wins. What do you think?

* At this moment, Sham didn't realize it but from his opponent's point of view, his energy, his insolent or smug tone, his face as well as the fact that he spoke the language of humans, made him seem like a devil in the eyes of the two young people. The man didn't move an inch. He had cold sweats looking at him. He was afraid deep down and the mere thought of rubbing shoulders with such an enemy had broken all his determination. Sham knew it and didn't insist before leaving the village.

- Haa I didn't take any supplies but honestly, I'm not disappointed. His smell will remain etched on my penis for months. What a feeling, I want more. I understand better why my fellow men love to rape humans so much. They are just exquisite. Huh? Did I just say that?

After that, I pulled myself together before setting off, but to go where? I then thought about the old man's words but also about what just happened earlier.

- Look at my face to know where I have to go? I have to come to terms with it. I am no longer human and so much the better. I know where I have to go. I am going to join the army of this famous demon king. With a bit of luck, I could become one of his generals and everything I desire. As much ass as beautiful as tonight. Hum hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha but...where is this demon king?

* And so began the great journey of our dear hero. But that is one of the many downloadable parts of our story. My dear readers, it is with joy that I lower the curtains on the first part of our great adventure. But keep in mind that this is only the beginning. Looking forward to seeing you all again for the sequel with another hero even bloodier and more violent than this one.

"Did you just spoil it?"

* But no, they already know because it's mentioned in the synopsis.

"If you say so."

* Yeah and we'll have another reincarnation of the weirdest so don't be late for the sequel. See you later... WOQ, say bye too


* Well... for politeness?

" Towards who?"

* Well the reader?

" Why should I be polite to the reader? I don't know him and neither does he."

* It doesn't matter. Just do it. It's so they'll come back for the rest. I whispered

"You whisper but if you narrate that too then what's the point of whispering?"

* Haa you're always complicated. Well, see you later and have fun. So Narra left.

"Does she realize her stupidity at least? Anyway, I look forward to seeing you again...for the next theater."