Slime Quest: first scene; Opening

*Hello! Hello, it's me again, your favorite narrator all of Time. Okay, I'm exaggerating but I'm so happy to see you all again. I wonder if you missed me too. What? You too, were you looking forward to seeing me again? I'm so happy too. I admit that I was bored to death, while my brother finished the sequel but he did it. For a lazy person like him, that's to be congratulated. Congratulations onee san. He must also care about you. Anyway, end of the reunion. It's time to open a new page of our story.

*The story resumes on a merciless and bloody battlefield. A land of dust and fatal smoke rising above the clouds. In a bloody melee, humans and other races tore each other apart, inflicting violent damage on each other with axes and swords in the head and all over the body. Between cries of pain, rage, anger and ecstasy. Heads flew over the battlefield accompanied by torn limbs and intestines flowing freely under the iron and silver boots of the human knights as well as the paws of goblins and demons who trampled the corpses to jump at the throats of the living in the name of the king of demons and all non-human creatures.

* The carnage was happening in both directions and in front of the door of a large gray fortress rising as far as the eye could see and fiercely guarded by thousands of soldiers and seasoned mages.

* The goblins charged in numbers at the enemy and the opposing infantry did not hold back from tearing them to pieces by cutting them with their swords and piercing them with their sharp spears. The beasts, for their part, were more ferocious with their sharp fangs. Their physiques were very similar to humans but with animal DNA making them demons in their own right. In this bloody melee, they charged at their opponents to reduce them to very bloody minced meat. Human weapons broke on their fur or scales and their fangs or weapons, pierced the armor before falling on the flesh of their enemies and stained them with blood.

* If the beasts showed monstrous ferocity, on this battlefield, there were even worse beings, the demons. These did not mix with the ranks and attacked without coordination. They appeared and unleashed calamitous magic on their targets before disappearing and reappearing elsewhere to commit another magical massacre. The strength of the demons is mainly linked to that of their magic and for this, they are the most feared armies of the demon king and it was seen in this battle. In several places the climate was very unstable because of them. Columns of fire and smoke rose everywhere. Lightning struck and terrible poisons traveled the battlefield, mowing down hundreds of lives. And in this hell, weapons of all kinds crossed in deafening sounds between the cries of fear and distress mixing with the petrid smells of lifeless bodies bathed in blood, piss and shit of the cowards.

*However, the demonic army was not the only scourge on this battlefield. Among the humans, there were some who were more frightening than the demons themselves. These shed more blood than anyone else and it was by the dozens, hundreds or thousands of opposing soldiers as much the goblins and the beasts as the demons. One of these monsters was particularly violent and bloody. Unlike the others, she fought without armor and without specific weapons. She wore just a tight black jumpsuit without sleeves as well as two big white leather boots. The long and smooth hair of a deep black styled in a long braid going down to her buttocks including a long strand towards the front.

* She had no weapon but could transform any part of her body into a weapon. Jumping in the air, she held out her index finger to make spring forth about thirty wires which will pierce the heads of about thirty goblins and beasts before passing and going to lodge in the heads of about thirty other creatures to continue and pierce chests and heads in its path. After skewering almost a hundred monsters, she made a sudden downward gesture with her hand before doing it again upwards to cut into pieces, from head to toe, the creatures trapped in her thread.

* After which, the thread comes to lodge in her index finger as if it were normal.

She smiled, fully satisfied with herself, while going back down on the ground. She then melts her two hands into a kind of sticky liquid that comes to pile up on the ground before becoming a rope at the end of which are two large sharp blades before rushing on other monsters to cut them in two, tore them to pieces, tore off their arms and legs, trampled them while taking full advantage of her numerous duels to the maximum before killing her opponents and all, while smiling.

* After avoiding the assault of a dozen goblins that she cut into pieces, the young girl noticed a big shot in the battle. She thought, licking her lips

- Hmm he looks delicious to me that one. I'm going to do it.

*Before rushing towards the latter while slaughtering the dozens of goblins on his way before jumping up and throwing his strange rope very high in the sky to gather all his strength in order to bring it down on the goblin in question. But at the same time, the goblin turned around abruptly while looking at her before pointing her with his magic staff. The girl had a strange feeling but before even going on the attack, she heard the voice of the goblin who spoke the language of men, perfectly

- Disappears into ashes: Damn!!!

*More than the astonishment of having been trapped by a low-ranking monster, it was the fact of having been able to understand the language of a goblin that shocked the girl the most. Her eyes widened when thousands of sparks appeared all around her, followed by a gigantic explosion of fire visible anywhere on the battlefield. It was so intense and powerful that the earth trembled and the air became even hotter and more stifling.

* As for the goblin, he admired his work with satisfaction and a smile when the girl burst out of the cloud of smoke to give him a powerful blow with her saber that he countered with his stick but the force of the attack sent him flying a few meters from his position. In his surprise, he straightened up and as the flames of the explosion disappeared, he saw his attacker again completely unharmed and without a scratch despite the force of the explosion. He was in turn shocked and surprised to come across such an opponent. The two got up to do so while the girl smiled with excitement, the goblin growled with anger with a small smile on the corner.

* Faced with this situation that neither of them expected, they smiled while staring straight into each other's eyes ready to massacre each other. The goblin of the scarlet goblin race checked an interface out of the corner of his eye that displayed an assassination quest while the girl also checked an interface that displayed a quest to hunt the scarlet goblins whose head was put to price. If you haven't understood it yet then this little goblin was none other than Sham, the commander of the scarlet goblin race in the army of the king of demons.

* As for his opponent, it's a long story. A long, beautiful and sad story but also joyful for us other readers. Do you want to know too? In that case, let's not waste time and launch this new and beautiful adventure. Let's raise the curtain on another part of our great story, one that will cross legend and surpass the predictions of the gods themselves. The story of another of the four godslayers.

* It all started in another world. A world of technology and science where knowledge is the first baggage of success and not magical power, very strange as a world. I wonder what god created this? Well, I imagine that it must be a faulty prototype of another world. Well, whatever, it is a world populated by humans and... a lot of humans. No, there are no beasts, no demons, no nothing, no really anything except animals that serve as meals. What a tragedy, you have to wonder how they manage to live in this world, these humans. They are pitiful. Hmm? What then? I forgot the story? What story? Oh yes, I had to introduce the new arc ha ha ha I really let myself go. Well then, it must be said that they have a very boring shit world. I had to mention it. But it's okay, I'm going to continue the work. What? What do you mean I'm fired? But... it doesn't make sense, I'm the one who keeps talking.

*What? I talk too much and uselessly too? But... it's... I'm going to tell my brother.

"Says narra with tears in her eyes."

*WOQ nee-san, did you know I was going to be fired?



"Says narra while holding back tears."

*But... but... it's not fair. I'm going to complain to my brother mouahaha.

"Here she is, suddenly starting to cry."

*And stop commenting, I'm not pretending. I'm really going to complain mouahahahahhaha.

"Yare yare daze while narra whines, let's move forward in our story. I wonder what the next one is going to be reincarnated as, don't you? Try to guess, it'll be fun and let me know in the comments. On that..."

It was another beautiful morning that proliferated on the horizon. The sun had barely started its long course of the day when I woke up from my deep sleep. Sitting on my bed with only a thin tank top on and a little pink panties, I stretched while yawning heavily

- Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Before pulling myself together. I then got out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Then I cleared my throat before going to take a shower. After that, I got dressed, mini skirt, heels and glasses before doing a make-up beauty to then take my things and go down to the living room. There, there was my mother who was setting the table, my father who was reading his newspaper with a disinterested air of everything, and my little brother who was having his lunch while reading his homework

- Good morning mom! I said

- Good morning my daughter. Did you sleep well?

- Yes. Good morning... dad. I said hesitantly.

As I suspected a little, he did not even answer me and continued to read his newspaper. My mother then said

- Since you were sleeping well, I did not want to wake you. You have been working too hard lately. Try to take it easy a little okay?

- Yes, I know. I answered while going to get a glass of milk and saying good morning to my brother

- Your results are soon, aren't they? Soon you will finish school and you will finally be able to have a well-paid job. And then we will not be as poor as today. At least you are useful at home.

- Hum. I said with an embarrassed smile

- Good luck with your results. I believe in you.

When she said this sentence, I saw in her eyes all the hope she had placed in me. It was both joyful and sad when my father, with a disinterested air, said

- Of course she will have a good average. With this kind of outfit, all the teachers will give her a good 20/20. And then it comes out without anything in the head and it is surprised by unemployment tsss bitch.

This sentence and this word at the end, made me so angry that my whole body was shaking. From an outside perspective, my family is the most amazing in the world with a very loving mother, a father who is still here and a daughter and a son. But the truth is that this family is a bomb waiting to happen. A bomb that I am afraid will explode every time I go to get my results from university.

- Okay, I'm going mom. See you later. Did I say as I left.

As I left the house, I heard my mother confronting my father again for his behavior. But that's our daily life. I could answer this father who calls his daughter a bitch but I prefer not to without knowing what could happen next. It's my little brother who risks inheriting the broken pots. As for me, as long as I have good grades then everything is fine. That's my priority today. I must and still always have good grades in class.

That's how I left home to head to university. When I got there, I met two of my classmates.

- Hi Marie. One of them greeted me

- Oh jin, Allen, how are you today?

- Oh Meh, me, on the days when the grades come out, I never feel good. I feel the sessions looming over me. Jin replied

- Well that's normal when you've spent the whole year partying. Allen replied laughing

- Oh stop, it's not like you did better than me

- Huh? I'm sure I'll pass everything at least.

- I doubt that

- Do you want to bet?

That's when I intervened with a smile

- Hahaha always true to yourself huh.

Together, the three of us headed to our classroom

- On the other hand, you, Marie, are sure to pass everything.

- Yeah, I've never seen such a hard-working girl. You should take it easy and agree to come with us for once to have fun and get all this out of your head.

- He's not wrong. You're going to ruin your health.

- One day guys, one day.

I replied as I opened the door to the classroom. For two hours non-stop, we followed the class attentively until the end. Well, I followed the class attentively because the others were sleeping in class while the teacher was in the middle of explaining. Sometimes I envy their carefree attitude in this kind of situation. They live life as they expect it to without anyone to tell them what to do or force them to do anything. If only...

Two hours later, the three of us found ourselves in the cafeteria having coffee while chatting

- Hahahahaha I laughed out loud while listening to Jin's cheap jokes, supported by Allen

- But I swear. This is the most boring class I've ever seen. When he speaks, the guy, he sounds like a zouk singer, it makes me want to go to sleep.

- What do you mean, the guy? I remind you that he's your teacher. Well then, it's true that he has the profile of a cheap singer with his trembling voice.

- Hahahahahahahaha

I laughed again and again and they didn't stop. Even if it's not good to make fun of a teacher, I admit that they weren't wrong when a hand came to tap me on the back. I turned to see a girl with fake blonde hair wearing very foamy tights and a nice outfit on top. A very sexy girl and one that I hate. She said

- But who is this? Sabrina the apprentice witch and her two little sidekicks.

- Haaaa Chanel, what do you want?

- Me? Nothing. I just came to say hello to the prom queen.

- Aha you still haven't digested the high school scene huh? If I stole the show then it's your problem.

- I know, just that you too will soon know what it's like not to have what you want. You will know the reality of the less gifted, princess

Afterwards, she left with her cup of coffee before raising her hand to say bye bye adding

- The semester results are out. They just wrote it on the board.

I don't know why, but when Chanel smiled at me at that moment, I broke out in a cold sweat. As if everything I wanted to avoid was going to happen soon. As if my life was going to change forever.

"Everyone's life changes eventually. You just have to accept it even if yours was going to change in a completely unpredictable way."