Slime Quest: first scène; Goodmorning, my name is WOQ

In front of the scoreboard, I was speechless. Out of the nine subjects in our stream, I had only passed eight. I couldn't believe my eyes and I remained shocked without a word while the boys tried to cheer me up

- Come on, it's only one subject, you'll catch up in the session.

- Don't worry, you'll succeed on the next try anyway. Eight out of nine is already excellent. Look Jin, he didn't even pass half of it.

- Hey, I remind you that you didn't either.

- At least I did better than you.

To tell the truth, it wasn't the average that shocked me but rather the fact of knowing how I managed to miss the average in this specific subject. I didn't see how I could have missed the average in that when during the correction, I had found everything. I needed an explanation and it haunted me all day in the classroom. I couldn't be calm or concentrate on the lesson anymore. I needed an answer so as soon as the lesson was over, I went to the teachers' offices to see my teacher.

I was told that he was in his own office so I went there to find him. Arriving in front of the door, I knocked but without answer so I tried again but without answer.

- Teacher, it's me, Marie, I want to talk to you about my average in your class. Are you there?

I shouted when he answered me

- Marie? It's open, come in.

- Okay. I'm going in.

I opened the door and found him sitting behind his desk. He was a man in his forties with a big belly and a little short in height.

- Ah Marie, take a seat.

I sat down and told him about my problem with supporting evidence. He listened to me until the end without saying a word and when I finished, he said to me

- I know all that.

- But then why?

- Hmm how to say that? It's to teach you a life lesson.

- What? I asked in surprise

- Marie, in life, not everything is earned through meticulous effort etc ...

- But what are you talking about?

- Hmm I mean that sometimes, you have to make compensation. You know, thanks to this teaching system, it is me and me alone who can change your grade and if I refuse to give it to you then it's over. You can complain to whoever you want.

- What does all this mean? I deserved this grade.

- No, you didn't deserve anything at all.

- I...

- Know that in working life, you will often have to make choices that you will not be proud of. It is our daily life. It is to prepare you for that that I gave you this lesson. I am not proud of what I do either.

That's when I calmed down to ask myself the right questions. Then I looked at this wrinkled face behind his glasses, the more I wanted to give him a slap. However, will this solve my problems? No. I need this grade otherwise... I don't know what will happen to my family. This idea was going through my head so I immediately calmed down to ask

- What should I do? What do you want from me exactly? I asked him, looking down.

That's when the teacher looked down at his pants and put his hand on something, saying

- Okay, that's enough. You've done enough. You can go now. You'll get a good grade, little girl.

That's when I was shocked to see Chanel get up from under the desk cleaning her mouth from which a white liquid was flowing at the corner. She cleaned it and left the office to head towards the door. Arriving near me, she whispered to me

- It's your turn to work very very hard to get a good grade.

Then she left, closing the door behind her. The teacher then turned and looked at me as if to invite me to join him. Just this idea disgusted me deep down so I wanted to withdraw when

- If you leave then you will not have your diploma this year because of a single subject. You do not have time to think because if my member falls off before you are there, it will be the end of you.

This sentence raised all the hairs on my body. I had hatred, anger and I was ashamed and afraid at the same time of this man. This dirty old fox without any scruples. But did I have the choice to leave without looking back? I know more than anyone how much everything is upside down in this country. It is very likely that no one will raise their hand to help me and even that many teachers make young students go through the same thing. That is why I retraced my steps.

Panties on the floor, she had her head down or rather towards the gentleman's thighs and had her thing in her mouth. While he held her by the waist, her two legs were raised towards the sky and spread wide to better show off her crotch while her skirt had gone down to her hips. The young girl had blades in her eyes while the old man, him, took her legs with a satisfied and apologetic air. After finishing, he dropped her on the floor and got up to go in front of the desk, tapping it to indicate to the girl to quickly come and lean over it.

With tears in her eyes, she looked at him with rage before getting up to get closer and lean over the table. He lowered the skirt and admired her point of view by kneeling down to better enjoy the view. After which, he stood up and grabbed her by the hips before starting to move forward and backward on her. He laughed and was satisfied while she cried through gritted teeth.

That's how she... that I had my first sexual experience. It was the worst of all. A week later, the final results came out and Chanel had validated everything but I still had the same grade. So filled with anger, I rushed into his office, violently opening it to scream

- You dirty bastard! How dare you play with me.

- Shut up!

This simple sentence managed to shut me up right away as if he had some kind of control over me.

- What did you think, that I was going to give you everything at once? That's not how it works. I told you I was going to teach you a lesson so note, never give anything without guarantees.

I was frustrated and angry to the point of exploding and I had tears in my eyes when I thought about what that dirty old man had done to me but

- And Chanel? She got a good grade.

- That's the difference. Do you know how many times she came to show me her good will over the past week? Fourteen times? Every day, every evening, she came to see me while you, I never saw you again so you'll go to session.

I wanted to hit him but I didn't have the courage or the strength.

- In that case, will I get the average I deserve thanks to my grades?

- Never! If you want an average then you know what to do.

In my head, I was screaming bastard, dirty bastards, bastard, bastard, bastard, and yet, my body knew the truth. With just this bad grade, my family risks going to the catas so if I had to repeat, it would be the end. And once again, I gave in and undressed myself under the vicious gaze of my teacher, sitting behind his desk enjoying the show.

- Wow, I didn't see that you had such beautiful breasts. Let me see all that up close. I want to taste it.

He stood up and approached me. With his height, he barely reached my chest and yet, he caressed everything in the smallest detail. In this vicious office, looking up at the sky, I said to myself

- My life, what's happening to you? With a tear running down my yoke.

As I feared, nothing was going well since that day. When I announced my result to my mother, I saw the most disappointed look of my entire life. Since that evening, she has never looked at me the same way again. My father didn't give a damn and life went on. My school had become hell and without seeing it, I was slowly becoming the zombie I watched in movies and the bitch Chanel had called me.

Every week, I let this dirty old man play with my body as if my life depended on it. I didn't like it but I couldn't break the cycle and it continued. The catch-up ended with this point and I examined like everyone else. However, I will never forget the face of Jin and Allen when we crossed paths at the start of the school year that morning. I was like a light out.

My mother only spoke to me to say what was necessary. My father didn't care. My friends didn't understand why every morning I looked more and more hideous while every evening, this teacher played on my fragility.

Time passed and every day was the same for me. Getting up had become hell to the point that even Chanel looked at me with pity. She tried to help me according to the teacher but he put her in her place so she turned a deaf ear. Jin tried to understand what was happening each time but I never really answered him. Allen's look...

And finally, the results came out and I hadn't validated the subject knowing that I was in my final year. I almost collapsed in tears before rushing into the teacher's office. But it was the principal who received me by informing me that the teacher had been fired for abusing young girls. All the girls who benefited from his help will be sent back with a reprieve. They will have to take the whole year again. Only the one who denounced him was spared.

I tried to beg him but he was firm and uncompromising. Afterwards I quickly left the office to go catch up with the director when I came face to face with Jin. I could no longer see his eyes shine as he looked at me. He just gave me a dark and very disappointed look without any words, or anything more than disappointment and sadness in his eyes. I watched him panic while waiting for him to say something, anything, a hello, a hi, how are you, anything would be enough for me but he didn't say a single word.

- Say something, please?

I asked him but without an answer. He had completely lost faith in me so, my eyes filled with tears, I yelled at him while hitting him on the chest

- Say something? Say something? Say something? Please...say something?

He just pushed me away before leaving. Allen said behind me

- You know, Jin was in love with you.

That day, what Allen told me will forever be etched in my soul.

- It's true that you were often called a bookworm but you know, we just wanted to support you. Because you were a hard worker, a real one like we rarely see. But it was just illusions, huh? You disappointed us all, you know. I loved the girl I knew. Really.

You disappointed us all. I will never forget it. Now that I think about it, those two have always been there for me and at all times without ever asking me for anything. It's because they wanted me to succeed when in reality, they didn't even come to school until I forced them to. I destroyed the trust of the only ones who trusted me selflessly. The only ones who truly loved me.

I was destroyed and lost when I remembered that what was waiting for me at home was even worse. So I rushed in even without knowing what I was going to do or say. I just went home panicked and lost. Sweating, breathing quickly, I opened the door to the house and my mother was sitting on a chair with the phone next to her, on the floor as if she had fallen.

- I can explain everything. I had no choice. He said that if...

- It's okay. Go away. Go do what you want.

In her voice was the deepest disappointment. Still with her head down, she added

- I had bet everything on your education. I thought that you at least, you would not be like your good-for-nothing father. I am...they say like father, like daughter. Go away before you dishonor this family. What an example for your little brother. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of you. I can't take it anymore. I did everything, everything for you. I even took midwifery classes at my age for you and this is how you thank me. With a large dose of shame. Go away. I never want to see you again.

What could I have answered to that? I just turned around before leaving. I went out and started walking down the street. Everything was upside down in my head. What to do? What to do? Where to go? Where am I? Who am I? Why? These questions, they repeated themselves in my head. Especially the why? Why? Why me? I just wanted to graduate and get a job. I just wanted a quiet life. I just wanted to give my little brother and my mother better. Why? When did it go wrong? Why does it only happen to me?

Walking barefoot, tired with blisters on my feet I let myself fall to the ground and screamed as loud as I could while looking at the sky

- Why me? What did I do wrong? Answer me, God!!!!!!!!

It was then that I saw a golden light sublimate the sky, growing ever larger until it illuminated the sky in a fantastic and distressing brilliance. Was it an answer to my question? I don't know, but it was the last thing I saw before hearing the voice. This voice that announced a new chance to me. I saw nothing and I felt nothing. In front of me was just an interface on which was displayed

"Hello! My name is WOQ. I am an artificial intelligence created by superior beings to ensure the well-being of the reincarnated. My role is to help you for a new fulfilling life. Do you want my help? You have the choice to accept or refuse but know that in case of refusal, you will be left to your own devices in a world extremely hostile to morons and in which your survival rate would be less than 6% without forgetting that you will have no chance of getting out of it. Note that this is not a personal addition to influence your decision and not find me unemployed. Thank you for making a wise choice."