Slime theater: fist scene; WOQ and Smile

"Hello! My name is WOQ. I am an artificial intelligence created by superior beings to ensure the well-being of the reincarnated. My role is to help you for a new fulfilling life. Do you want my help? You have the choice to accept or refuse but know that in case of refusal, you will be left to your own devices in a world extremely hostile to morons and in which your survival rate would be less than 6% without forgetting that you will have no chance of getting out of it. Note that this is not a personal addition to influence your decision and not find myself unemployed. Thank you for making a wise choice."

I still looked dejected even though I could hardly see anything in this darkness. But strangely, I felt lighter and much better since earlier. Looking at this shady interface in front of me, I even wondered if all this was not just a simple dream after all.

- Where am I? What's happening to me again? Oh yeah, I know. The light appeared in the sky and... are you God Almighty?

"Please make a choice"

- A choice? Hahaha that's funny. I thought I didn't have one. Tell me who are you? If you're not God? Can you answer my question?

"Please make a choice. Do you need my help or not?"

- Help? Yes, that's all I ask.

"Thank you for your trust. I'll make sure not to disappoint you."

- So can you tell me now if I'm dead or anything?

"You want a cutscene too?"

- Huh? Well, why not. That's a strange way to look at things.

"You died following a Cosmic accident between gods of destruction. The earth was destroyed and about twenty other planets were in the same situation. Faced with such injustice, the gods of creation decided to offer a second chance to all beings who died because of this divine accident. Several worlds were then created, including the world you are about to go to. The world of Quests."

- I'm dead? The earth was destroyed? I'm going to go to another world?

It was unbelievable and yet, I don't think all this is a very bad joke in bad taste. There was something that emerged from this room, I felt like an oppressive anguish that squeezed my heart. I don't think it's a joke and yet

- It's unthinkable.

"No, improbable. But it happens."

- Let's suppose that yes, but then what will I do in this world? I already hate my life... I never want to feel that way again. This feeling... of disappointing, being manipulated and raped by a dirty pig, spending my whole life in studies only to fail at the last moment... never again. I never want to feel that way again.

"Am I to understand that you refuse this reincarnation?"

- Ah what's the point of reincarnating me if it's to relive the same thing? Better, I'd rather disappear forever into nothingness than live this shitty life again. I'm fed up, I can't take it anymore. It's okay. Leave me alone. I just want all this to end. I don't want anything, I don't desire anything especially not to live like a pathetic human again.

I was still on the verge of tears even if I didn't have any at the moment. I would never have believed that I was so fragile until this day. I just had no desire or will to fight when

"I think there's a mix-up. Are we off to a bad start?! In the quest world, you'll have the choice to choose your new appearance yourself. Whether you want to be human or not is up to you. However, there are races that are completely apart from human society and live happily and fully throughout their lives. A new life without any obligations. Just doing what you love. Doesn't that tempt you? A life where every move is your choice."

- Tell me, who are you really? You don't sound like an AI.

"My name is WOQ. I am indeed an AI but at your service."

- I understand. A world where I will be free to make my own choices? Another race? I prefer... for everything to end.

"That is impossible! As I told you, your world was destroyed and many others suffered the same fate and it turns out that heaven too. If you refuse reincarnation, you will go straight to hell. Normally, I don't care but having accepted my offer, I must advise you against it. In hell, there is only suffering and suffering."

- Is this offer of reincarnation really a choice? I really don't see any difference between that and what the professor asked me to do. In the end, he was right on all points.

"You will have the choice after you are reincarnated."

- Hmm give to receive. Even destiny agrees with him.

"I am displaying the list of races. For your request, I have selected the most suitable races for you. Please make a choice."

- The list of races? My new race?

I looked at the list carefully and there was no human marked so it is true that it took my condition into account.

- The golem? They are asexual. They have no emotion or moral value. They live as they please but more than anything, they are completely autonomous. There are several types of golem: the earth, wood and iron golem. Hmm that's interesting but that's not what I'm looking for. Another one. Spirit of bond. A race whose existence depends on an external factor...another one, I don't want to be bound yet. Demon?! I'll go straight to it. Slime, a race of monster living very often in the plains. Slime feel no negative emotion and are totally immune to negativity. Their strange construction makes them always happy, joyful, content, enjoying their lives to the fullest. They live carefree and they die happy.

At first, it was just the desire not to go to hell that motivated me to read this gibberish because yes, deep down, I didn't really believe in all that. But when I started reading the description of the slime, my sad and bruised heart was beating strongly as if

- This is it, true freedom.

"Please make a choice"

- The slime. I want to be a slime in my next life. To feel only joy and happiness.

"Okay! Choice of race validated. Please fill out the form by personalizing as much as you want."

A form then appeared in front of me. It was with joy and haste that I filled it out

- The name? If I want to change my life, I also have to change my name but I don't really know what to put.

"Information: slime often uses names related to smiles and cheerfulness."

- Smile and cheerfulness?! Hmm what could correspond? Smile and cheerfulness, if I pronounce smile in another language, it could give Smile or... smile? Yes, that's it. I'm going to choose smile but... is it really a real smile or a fake one?

That's when the idea for my name came to me.

- False Smile. There you go, I think that's the name that would suit me the most.

"False Smile, note."

- And for the rest, humm, the choice of colors is huge. There are so many, is that normal at least?

"Slimes are creatures with different colors. They share all the colors of the world."

- Hmm in this case, I'll take all the colors. And then?

That's when my profile appeared

- Strength: 0. Agility: 5. Everything is zero basically. It's like a video game like that

"Following your choice, the deities give you gifts of their kindness. Please choose a divine gift please."

- You know, you don't have to say please every time and stop with the you. It bothers me. Just call me, false Smile.

"Noted. Make a choice, false Smile"

- Hmm I feel much better. So then, magic, artifact or armor? A slime in armor, that would be weird and an artifact? I don't really know where to wear it. In this case, magic. Oh oh done, I'm going to a world of magic, is that it?

"Yes. The world of quests has magic as its main weapon. It's a good choice false Smile."

- Thanks, WOQ.

"You can also call me WOQ nee san. It'll make me happy."

- Oh hmm thanks WOQ nee san.

Am I dreaming or did the interface blush? Well, I had to choose a magic so I chose

- Mana detection. It seems very useful to me. Well, I think so. Is it good or do you recommend me better nee san.


No I'm not dreaming, it's really an interface that blushes and loses its means in front of a flattery. Well, that promises.

"I think that... it's a good choice. Yes, it will help you avoid dangers."

- So, what's next?

"Reincarnation will happen in a moment but before, do you want to keep your old memories? If not, we can erase them so that you can enjoy your new life."

This question made me think a lot at the time but in the end

- The point of a lesson is not to forget it in order to learn from it. I want to remember this life so as not to repeat it.

"It's your choice. Try not to regret it."

- I'll do my best nee san.

"Haaaa...o...yes. Do your best. Hum hum watch out, reincarnation."

It was then that a light as beautiful as the one from last time, appeared out of nowhere in the room. I closed my eyes so as not to be too dazzled and when I opened them, I found myself in a strange place. The first thing I noticed was that there was light in this place. A beautiful light projected by fireflies flying everywhere, luminous plants and pebbles that shone at the bottom of a river. A beautiful and seductive cave like I have never seen. It was fantasy in its most beautiful art.

While trying to walk, I noticed that I had a serious problem. Instead it was as if I was rolling. It was both very strange and pleasant when, while moving in this river, I saw my reflection in the water.

- Ah hahaha I had forgotten that slime in fantasies look like little balls of water. Hahaha ha too bad, I feel so good!!!!!

I rolled into the river and jumped in as if for the first time in my life, I felt free. This weight that I carried on my back was no longer a distant memory and this sadness that had invaded my heart had quickly given way to pure happiness and joy without reason as if it was natural to be happy, natural to laugh heartily.

- Oh but I can swim too. It's so cool. Hmm hmmm hmm hmmm

A really strange feeling. I no longer felt tied to anything. It was freedom. The freedom to go and do whatever I want when I want and where I want. How? Is there another word to describe this immense satisfaction that I felt in this body? I don't think so. This is true freedom, true happiness.

- Wow, all these precious stones at the bottom of the river...

Seeing these diamonds of all kinds, I thought that my human instinct would come back at full gallop and that I would throw myself on these stones without even knowing what to do with them, but at that moment, all that interested me was

- It's so beautiful!!!

I just wanted to swim even more in this beautiful and sublime little river running through this beautiful cave when my mana detection allowed me to identify something far in the river. It was an object that releases mana. I then rushed towards the object before diving deeper into the river and found it deposited on the piles of very beautiful multi-colored stones.

While trying to take it, a kind of hand came out of the water bubble that I was, but in reality it wasn't really a hand but rather an extension or something like that. In any case, I managed to pass a piece of my body between the hole of this gold ring deposited on the stones.

"Information: This is an object with the ability to manipulate. No restrictions for its use."

- Huh, it's a magic object? Are they that easy to find?

"Is that a question?"

- Of course. Teach me everything WOQ nee san.

"Hmmm haaaa okay. You win. I'll tell you everything."

So I was checking this magic object, I felt footsteps in the water and when I looked up to see, I had the shock of my life facing an extremely hideous monster.

"Information: Red Goblin of the mountains. Level 4."

A goblin, the most odious and evil creatures in fantasy. It's safe to say that my first encounter in this world is likely to be tense especially since the beast seemed to have murderous desires.

- Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Did I scream in fear.

"First quest: Ambition's survival. Survive the mountain goblin's assault."