Slime theater: first scene: The slime plain

A goblin, the most hateful and evil creatures in fantasy. You could say that my first encounter in this world was likely to be tense, especially since the beast seemed to have murderous desires.

- Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I screamed in fear.

"First quest: the survival of ambition. Survive the assault of the mountain goblin."

The evil creature raised its sword to the sky, looking at me with a crazy smile. It scared the hell out of me, so I didn't know what to do and I started gesticulating in all directions. I wanted to avoid its blow by running, but I couldn't control my body and its movements, so I felt like I was moving in all directions when the hideous monster brought its weapon down on me. My body then moved away by making a hole in the center of this same body to let his sword pass.

- Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I shouted not out of fear of the monster but of my own weird body. I think even the goblin was shocked by this strange phenomenon. He tried again but still wanting to get me out of there quickly, I still avoided all his blows in the same way. He was furious as I gradually began to understand this body. But at the same time, the goblin got angry and moved up a gear. He gave three simultaneous blows and I avoided them all by shaping my body to shift it from left to right and avoid all the goblin's attacks. He got even angrier and began to throw himself at me, going wild.

He was giving several blows at once in succession but none of his attacks hit the mark thanks to my new technique which allowed me to shape my body and move it in a strange way to avoid all the goblin's attacks. But I knew that my luck was not going to last and

- I don't want to die here again a second time.

So I fled at high speed while avoiding the attacks thanks to my speed, my athletic jumps of a survivor and my body as shady as it was weird. The goblin's sword only cut the water and the air without even touching me once although he was still scary.

I had to flee with all my strength, I felt that I could not escape him in this river so by avoiding the goblin's sword blow, I jumped out of the river by fleeing on the banks in the caves.

- Dirty ugly and disgusting thing, don't you have anything better to do? Besides, can you eat a slime?

I ran away again and again, it kept chasing me. I had nothing to counterattack and if it continued like this, it was sure to get me. I was so absorbed in my thoughts and my fear of dying at the hands of this ugliness that I didn't see the big snake crawling on the ceiling. When I realized it, it was already falling towards us before crashing violently to the ground and then opening its mouth wide in order to eat it directly.

As for me, I would run straight towards its mouth before stopping suddenly as if pressing the brakes. The snake was huge and seemed hungry and we both felt it so we both had the same reaction of fear and panic before starting to run in the opposite direction screaming. The snake immediately chased us both.

- A damn anaconda! What is an anaconda doing here? I shouted.

He chased us relentlessly through the cave while we gave ourselves to the max without mercy. He failed several times to eat us both. But during the escape, I noticed another tunnel in front of me so I rushed towards this tunnel seeing an escape door. But when I got near the tunnel, that's when I saw the goblin rushing into it too and there, I made a quick and very clear reflection

- If we all rush in there, and if we escape the snake, then he will be my problem. And if we don't escape the snake then we will both be finished so one of us might as well be bait.

I then jumped to hit him in the head and send him eating the wall next to him before continuing alone in the cave. That's how I managed to escape the goblin and the snake at the same time. A simple and effective strategy that works every time hahaha I was proud of myself.

The tunnel wasn't very big for a goblin but it was big enough for a slime. I rushed into it without consideration and it took me several hours before seeing the end and a little light

- Light? It's not too early. I'll be able to get out of here hahaha la lalalalalalalalalala

Strangely, anything and everything was enough to put me in a good mood and singing had become so easy now even though I never sing.

- Lalala la lala la lalala lalala la

With a face of delight from the nursery, I rushed towards the light and after a while, I managed to get out of the tunnel by jumping into the daylight. The sun was high in the sky and its beautiful ray illuminated the surroundings of this great forest that stood before me.

- Finally, I managed to get out of the cave. Hahaha hahaha hahaha

I was jumping everywhere with joy without even knowing what was so joyful and so funny. After leaving this strange place, I rushed through the forest. It was a beautiful place if there were not so many goblins hiding everywhere.

- The other cave must surely be their lairs. I would do better to go as far as possible from them.

That's when I started to rush into the forest, frolicking on the road. I went further and further ahead of me. Some places were very beautiful with clear tree leaves, others were much darker, in some places they were very high and in others they were quite low or even rare. But, why do I think about all this and the weirdest thing is that it gives me so much pleasure to make useless comments on the vegetation.

- It's really weird to be a little slime.

"Note: slimes feed on grass. Their only concern is to find as much as possible."

- Ah, that's why I did that so much.

I continued to jump in the forest when I noticed a place in the distance. It was like a cleared place in the forest.

- A village? I'll go see. Just out of curiosity to see what kind of people lived in this world.

I then rushed towards the village but when I got there, I came across ruined houses and a destroyed village. There were traces of fighting and blood everywhere. Combat is a big word, I would say more of a massacre and it stank to death. I don't know what came over me but following the smell of death, I came across graves as far as the eye could see. It was a place a bit far from the village. Given their state, those who buried them, they say they did it very quickly but at least they were lenient enough to bury them.

- It's weird but I'm convinced it's the fault of the goblins from earlier. It's sad but it's none of my business. Let's get out of here quickly before we get into trouble.

So I simply continued on my way without asking for my share. Better to put as much distance as possible with these hideous monsters. Although, I'm a monster too hahaha. This idea alone was enough to sweep away the horrors I had just seen. The life of a slime is definitely very strange and bizarre.

After that, I didn't have any interesting encounters. For one day, I jumped, jumped, jumped in another forest. Then it rained so I took a rain bath before going to hide under a rock. I spent the night there and the next day I resumed my journey in the forest. On my way, it was more beautiful strange fruit and quite exotic birds that I saw in mass in the beauty of the forest.

I passed through an impressive number of fantastic places and the journey was so beautiful that I was not bored for a second. At each corner, I discovered a unique and fabulous landscape. The greatest artists and painters would spend their lives there. But hey, all good things have an end and when this end is as beautiful as the good thing then so much the better.

Continuing to walk through the forest, I came across a plain of the most sublime. It was bathed in sunlight. It was so beautiful that one would have thought to see rainbows. The grass was fresh and diversified by several colors of grass which gave an exquisite mixture of beauty. As I said before, the greatest painters would spend their lives trying to capture this fantastic beauty. But for me, more than this natural beauty, what made me shiver with joy was the spectacular sight of so many of my fellow creatures having fun everywhere in this great plain.

- Slime! There's some everywhere! Blue, white, yellow, green, gray, pink, purple, there's some everywhere. They're everywhere hahaha!!!

This vision made me crazy with joy. I have the strange feeling of having always been one of them knowing that I am above all a reincarnation. It was as if my previous life no longer had any hold on me. It was beautiful and awesome. I felt so free at the same time super happy.

"Information: Plain of slime. A domain inhabited mainly by slime."

- I had seen that nee san.

Is she blushing again?! Well, she too is very strange as an AI. In short, it was for me, a great find so without delay, I rushed into the plain. It was so beautiful, so fresh, butterflies of all colors were flying everywhere in the plain alongside the other slimes who were jumping everywhere in joy and good humor.

My first day among all my peers was extremely joyful and beautiful. I think I won't forget it so soon I had so much fun jumping everywhere in the wind.

- Haa finally, I can breathe air.

I really had the pleasant feeling of having unloaded a burden too heavy to embrace total freedom. In the morning when the sun began its long course, I jumped everywhere with my peers to play, in the afternoon, I went into the shade of the grass to cool off a little to wait for the evening and return to explore the plain. At night it was also beautiful. I enjoyed the stars while relaxing until I fell asleep under the starry sky. Far from worry, torment, fear, stress, fears and etc ...

My life as a slime suited me very well and I am now sure that I made the right choice. That morning, it had rained a lot. I went to hide under a tree while waiting for the rain to stop. And as they often say, after the rain comes the good weather. The butterflies, the dance of the slimes, the soft sunlight with a sublime rainbow, the slightly wet grass and the pleasant smell that came from the plain, I had never seen anything more beautiful.

Just by looking, I already wanted to spend the day in this environment simply having fun. I was jumping between the grass in joy while singing when I hit another slime. Immediately, our two bodies stuck to each other as if they were going to merge. It took a considerable effort for one to absorb the other and for each to separate by going in another direction. I was both shocked and surprised so I screamed

- Big sister, what was that?

"Note: The phenomenon of absorption is common among slimes. It's their mode of evolution. A slime absorbs another in order to evolve to another level."

- Their modes of evolution?! But that's strange.

"It's not the case with slimes. It's even normal for them. After all, they don't give a damn about dying or not as long as they've had fun in their lives."

- I see. They assume that everyone dies one day so they have fun while waiting for their turn. I understand better. I'm also going to... I want to evolve. But wait a minute, there are a lot of slimes around here, I don't think I have a sex. How do they reproduce so much?

"Possible answer: Slimes are asexual and therefore do not have reproductive organs. However, they are capable of reproducing by self-fertilization."

- Hmm? You mean they give life to each other in single player mode?

"Yes! It's more like a kind of division where one slime gives life to another."

- I see, but what about me? Who gave life to me?

"No idea! Probably another slime."

- I see. Thanks. Well, I don't care. I want to go see the other side of the plain today. It'll be fun.

So, I set off by jumping into the plain when

"Information: new quest available. Do you want to accept it? If you refuse, a penalty will be required for the candidate. Please accept the quest."

- A quest? I thought.

That's when I saw a lot of slime jumping and running towards the other side of the plain. I turned around and there, I was surprised to see for the first time since reincarnation, humans. Young humans in warrior, magician, priest outfits armed with sword, staff and crystal. And they were hunting slime in the plains.

"Survival quest triggered. Please accept or decline the quest."