Slime Quest:first scène, ending of raid

- To the assault!!!!

I yelled at my slime subordinates who immediately charged at full power on my opponents. It was war, a fun battle between knights and monsters so I had to manage. My horde of slime charged at the adventurers who were quickly overwhelmed despite having the advantage of power. In one assault, we had managed to divide them to better approach them.

But the slime are weak so they could do nothing but charge at the adventurers before hitting them with force. However, that was quite enough. Many adventurers bit the dust because of that thanks to the high number of slime. But, there were still a few annoying troublemakers.

*The raid had started and it was already violent. The groups of adventurers found themselves trapped by the thousands of slime on the plain under Smile's control. They were surrounded everywhere and defended themselves like devils. Sword and spear blows supported by magic spells with incantations rained down on the plain. Everywhere, it was carnage. They cut with swords, burned with fire-type magic spells, caught them with capture spells, made them sleep with sleep spells, sent them flying with wind spells, pierced them with swords and magic spells. It was total war.

By sending my subordinates to face the danger, I managed to keep the majority of my opponents at a distance, so we can say that the plan was a success. I just had to take cover and enjoy the show. That's what I wanted to do, but I didn't count on this spear blow that passed right over my head. I had to jump back again to avoid another spear blow that pierced the ground in my place.

After that, I suffered a violent, fast and frantic assault from a small group of very young adventurers composed of seven members including two elves. They were after me and were very well coordinated. Jumping backwards while zigzagging to avoid the arrows coming from the sky. I'm not fooled, I could clearly see that the arrows were charged with electricity. Surely a paralysis spell or something like that.

But it wasn't enough to escape them.

- Magic attack, the thousand needles! Shouted their magicians

About twenty magic needles targeted me so I had to jump to the right to avoid them without realizing that I was doing what they wanted me to do. Because on my right, the knight of the team was waiting for me, trying to cut me in two with a sharp sword blow, but I managed to dodge his blow by jumping over his sword. Instead, he was cutting the grass around us.

- Haha, you should become a gardener.

But as soon as I managed to avoid him, their lancer fell on me with rage. But I managed to avoid his lance blow by jumping up to his face before running into him by jumping towards the knight and hitting him on the face too, sending them both to their butts on the ground. After which, I ran away.

- Bunch of big losers, how did you manage to miss him. Shouted the girl

- Wow, that hurts! Pronounced the lancer

- I admit it. Is it really a slime? Besides, it's too big to be one. The knight resumed when

- Come on, come back. Another group has already overtaken us.

Another member of their team shouted at them. Indeed, while I was fleeing between the grass, a young knight emerged from the grass with a sword blow that I narrowly avoided. He then began to chase me when another one sprang out in front of me holding his sword in both hands before attacking

- Rhaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

He yelled as he brought down his sword but I dodged it before also running into him by sending him on his ass. Another one falling on me from the sky with his big buckler that he was using as a container. He wanted to lock me in his oval shield but I managed to avoid him by letting him eat the ground full on. But I barely got out of it when the guy with the sword caught up with me holding a downward sword blow. I still dodge them by shifting to the right before stretching to give him a direct blow to the face.

- But of course, my body is very malleable. So I can stretch it as much as I want and even form weapons with it...hahahahahahahaha we're going to have fun.

At the same time, the guy with the shield was getting up when I hit him in the head near the ear with a hammer, knocking him out.

- Catch him!

- He's over here!

- Surrounded!

- He's ours!

While waiting for them, I was thinking that my slimes must be getting decimated and that I was going to be overwhelmed soon, but strangely enough it made me rather happy.

- Come on, get back and let's all have fun together.

I screamed when a young boy, more fiery than the others, suddenly burst out shouting

- Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Raising his sword, getting ready to bring it down on me. It was such a beautiful sight of a young warrior that I couldn't help but smile.

*And that's when the real fight began. Oh yes, this young fighter was none other than Neo who had cleared a path to his target. But unfortunately for him and his two comrades, several other groups arrived at the same time as them. And although they were all in the same camp, the rivalry and the sense of challenge that inhabited them, prevented them from helping each other. It was the slime's luck that opposed them, a fierce resistance.

*The fight began with ultra violent sword and spear attacks but supported by magic spells. Despite their number and individual power, the slime managed to dodge each of their assaults and better still, thanks to its special body, it managed to give them a taste of their own coin with well-placed punches. In the throat, on the nose, in the stomach for the magicians and magicians, right in the teeth, the slime responded with force and violence to each of their attacks. Many teeth were flying in the plain as well as broken noses and swollen cheeks.

*Many young girls also had whip marks on their bodies or on their buttocks and Neo's magician was no exception. She was crouching face down on the ground while feeling her buttocks red with pain with tears in her eyes. The priestess, when she was, was healing her nose while crying. And during this time, Neo was chasing with superhuman speed, the slime that was running backwards.

- He's unbelievable that one. Despite all the blows I gave him, he doesn't even seem to get tired. And worse, I have the impression that he is getting faster and stronger. The more he fights, the stronger he becomes. One day, he will be... a real monster of power.

- Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa

* Neo screamed before catching the slime and cutting it in two with a clean and powerful blow.

- Ah... it seems like... it's over for me. Or not...

*Before the young boy even breathed, the two ends of the slime immediately joined together, forming the slime's body again. The latter then responded with an ultra-powerful punch that sent the boy flying far across the plain. Neo was a gliding flight followed by a roll before landing on his knees, spitting blood. He had barely stopped when he was overtaken by a young magician flying on her broom who pronounced

- Hahaha he's mine.

* She then concentrated a kind of black-purple energy in her palm, aiming at the slime, which fled again, before firing. Neo got up when several other groups passed him, chasing the slime, including that of her rival who patted her on the shoulder, saying

- You had your chance. Now it's my turn to chase him.

*He immediately rushed at full speed towards the slime. Neo caught his breath before shouting

- Hey you two, let's go back.

*He rushed towards the slime which was already being chased by about twenty young adventurers, all classy, ​​ready to offer themselves the head of the boss of the area. And the fighting continued like this until sunset. The beautiful light of the setting sun illuminated the plain with a sublime orange color. While the noise of weapons and screams of rage were heard less and less, the magician of Neo's group as well as the priestess remained seated under a tree nearby.

- Well, I'm fed up. I'm stopping this mission and I hate slimes. My nose can't be straight anymore.

- Well that'll teach you to throw yourself at monsters. Otherwise, it's true that it's getting late. We should go back.

- Go tell that to the other hothead.

*That's why they got closer to Neo who had one knee on the ground, leaning on his sword to answer his breath.

- Hey, we should go back, it's getting late.

- Plus, you're completely tired. I can't provide any more care for the day.

- Are you kidding? Me, tired? I'm in great shape. Neo affirmed while having his breath agitated.

- Stop, this is turning into an obsession. Look, the last teams present, go home too. Everyone is home. You're the only one who's persisting like this. The quest is not over. We'll start again tomorrow.

- That's what everyone probably said. Which means that tomorrow, they will be much better prepared. Today, it was just the surprise and the lack of cohesion that saved the slime but that won't be the case tomorrow. I can't afford to let another team have this slime.

*Neo said, straightening up before cleaning the blood on his lip while smiling confidently and amused. Oh my, what a charming prince, who wouldn't want to be loved so much by a handsome guy.

"Narra said, blushing like a tomato. But she can always dream."

- I understand what you mean, but we also need to rest to better prepare. You realized it too, but throughout the fight, this slime has continued to evolve. I don't think it would be that easy to capture it. Especially for simple beginners. Let's eat first and...

- Go back without me. Lifa, I'll leave the preparations for tomorrow to you. Get some rest and meet me here, very early at sunrise.

- Neo...

- No, that's not it. It's just that, every time I face this slime, I feel stronger. I feel it in me. I feel that something is being prepared deep in my heart. I feel the strength flowing into me little by little and I have the impression that if I withdraw today, I will never succeed in revealing all my strength.

*Neo affirmed with so much conviction that the two girls were both dazzled. He then smiled and added

- Come on, we'll see each other tomorrow.

* The girls looked at each other before agreeing.

- Okay, I'm going back. I have to keep my nose in good condition.

- Okay. Haaaa you're really annoying when you get going but I can't refuse you anything when you look at me... like that... with those eyes so...

*Oooh how beautiful youth is, she couldn't help but blush as she stroked her hair. But after that, there was no one left on the plain. The sun was setting and everyone else had gone home. But still, the fight continued even more beautifully. The two beasts faced each other. The young hero took a fighting stance while the monster looked at him carefree.

- Hahaha you made me drool. Come on, let's finish this!

*The young man shouted before charging at the slime with a sharp blow. The slime dodged downwards before giving him a big blow to the mouth and continued, taking support on the ground to hit the boy head on, sending him flying back to ground level. The boy flew before hitting the ground and then quickly straightened up by sliding on the ground. But immediately, the slime concentrated all its strength before charging at him again. He straightened up by slashing the air with an unsuccessful upward blow.

* The slime had dodged his attack but thanks to his extraordinary speed, he immediately responded with a series of quick and fast sword strikes, more than 15 sword strikes in an instant. But the slime avoided them all before jumping by leaning on the ground to hit him and send him flying over the plain.

- Hahaha it's over. I'm exhausted. You won. I can't take it anymore.

The boy was smiling as he fell but I hadn't forgotten that he was smiling throughout the fight so I gathered all my strength again before hitting him head-on with all my strength as he fell. It was a big jump, projected by the force of my attack before going to smash on the ground while rolling on the ground.

- Haaaa finally finished. It was fun but all good things come to an end.

I then approached the boy who remained lying on the ground with his breathing very accelerated.

- You then, you would have made me suffer huh. You deserve... that I give you a good lesson. Like that, you will know that all good things come to an end and that will teach you to cut me in two even if it was fun.

I then started to inflate myself under the boy's not very reassured eyes before jumping high in the sky. More than six meters from the ground to then let myself fall straight on the boy who shouted

- Haaaaaaaa no don't do that.

And BAMMMMM. I ran into him before flying away again and coming back down with the same force while he was still screaming

- Whaaaaa wait please!


- No but wait!!!!


- I told you to wait...


- Please...


- Khhh wait, please!


- Please! I won't do it again.

And BAMMMMMM again to conclude in style. After that, I decided to stay on him to crush him with all my weight and I had grown a lot in these plains. To the point where, I was taller than the grass. So I made small movements to make him feel his pain pass.

- This will be your punishment for cutting me in two. Hahaha hahaha haha ​​hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha haha

And the sun set, tired for a whole day of fighting, I fell asleep at one point without realizing it. When I woke up, the sun was already rising with its beautiful light that illuminated the plain.

- Another magnificent day on the horizon.

While trying to move, I felt something under my body so I stopped to see and there was still this idiot adventurer who was sleeping soundly. And the worst is that he was even suffering.

- Him then, I would have hit him much harder. Well, well, well, I should carry him and go throw him in the river. Or no, I'm going to cover him in shit... And but, do slimes poop? WOQ?

"Is that a question?"

- Yes!

"The answer is no!"

- Ah I was also telling myself that I had no desire for that kind of thing. Well, after that, so much the better. And for him, I'm going to steal his beautiful sword to annoy him. I can see him spending the rest of his days chasing me. Hahaha it's going to be fun.

So I took his sword and fixed it up nicely without him noticing. After that, I ran away into the forest, leaving the slime plain. After all, this plain was nothing more than a memory since there were no more slimes. I don't want to feel alone and this bunch of crazy people might come back again so I took to my heels.

- Bye bye, little knight. Find me soon so we can have some more fun.

*And that's how False Smile left the slime plain and ventured into the forest. Slimes are very strange creatures. They know neither fear nor hatred. No matter what you do to a slime, it will always smile at you. But in reality, they just have no morals about good and evil. The world is a game to them and on this point, I agree. But however, it is this vision of the world that has distorted the judgment of our dear protagonist. Because that morning, it was with surprise and shock that the magician Lifa and the priestess of Neo's group, as well as a few adventurers, found the body of the young boy, lying in the grass, lifeless.

*In reality, when Neo begged Smile to stop, it was not for fun or just because he was in pain but because he was in a lot of pain. Smile did not see it but the young boy was spitting blood and crying in pain with each blow he gave him and finally, he could not bear to be crushed by the imposing size of the monster. Smile's body had grown monstrously and consequently had become extremely heavy for a simple slime.

*Neo's body lay in the plain between the grass. His face displayed a terrible ritus suggesting that he suffered enormously before giving up the ghost. Tears flowed from his eyes, saliva flowed from his mouth, his pupils had turned blood red and he had even pissed himself and maybe even more. Faced with this spectacle, the priestess of the group burst into tears before starting to vomit. As for the magician, she remained speechless with her gaze lost in the void. The other teams were all sad and demoralized, some of whom burst into tears. The oldest quickly took measures to hide the body and cover it while maintaining his dignity.

*However, nothing could have erased what had already happened. Neo, the most promising adventurer in the city was well and truly dead and his sister was immediately informed. The one who helped could be, a heroine. End of the chapter. Until next time...

"No, don't tell me you're crying now?"

*Please, big sister, leave me alone

"Well, well, if you want but I don't understand you. You really are a strange person, Narra. Well, see you later..."