Slime theater: first scene; Opening of raid

- Whaaaaaaaaa I'm tired.

I shouted while yawning and advancing in the plain between the grass.

- I spent the whole night absorbing other congeners to evolve and now, I'm knackered. I want to sleep

I thought when I came across half a sword on my path. It was half in the grass and half on my path. I approached to see it more closely

- It's all blunt but in good condition. It could be useful to me.

When I took it with what could be described as an arm or rather a tentacle, I received a notification and an interface appeared in front of me

"Steel sword with a magic spell insertion slot"

- Oh interesting. I guess it belonged to that poor guy who never managed to use it properly. I'll keep it.

I then arranged it in the interface. After which I scrolled through the places in my interface while thinking

- Well, everything is empty in there...

When I noticed a ring inside.

- Oh but it's the ring I found in the goblin cave?!

I took it out to hold it in my hand or equivalent of one hand.

- But of course, it's the ring that has the manipulation capacity. I should have remembered that earlier. But it's not too late, with this, I'm going to have even more fun. I still have plenty of points in reserve so it's time to boost and boost it to the max.

I then poured all the points I acquired the day before into the ring to make it more powerful. After which, I settled down somewhere to sleep. I don't know how long I slept but when I woke up, my first reaction was conditioned by my ability that allowed me to see the mana of a guy who was about to pierce me with his spear. I jumped to the side to avoid him and let his spear hit the ground after me. But by jumping to that side, I threw myself into the mouth of another who also tried to have me with his spear. But once again, I avoided him from the side.

- There are... 6 of them?!

I had been surrounded by guys armed with spears and well protected with armor. Their spears rained down from all sides as I looked for a way to escape by avoiding them one by one or often all together. After a while of avoiding them one by one, I managed to escape by taking advantage of a gap between two of them. I then fled by running far away when, jumping out of the grass, on a road crossing the plain, I almost got cut in two without seeing anything coming by a warrior. I ran away again when I felt a rain of magic spells waiting for me coming from the ground.

- It's coming from all sides. It's not normal.

Having no other escape, I then flattened myself on the ground by gaining strength before jumping high into the sky. I was very high in the sky more than five meters from the ground. That's how I was able to see what was happening. Humans, only humans, there were humans everywhere and armed to the teeth. They were all looking at me as if... they were expecting to see me appear there.

Before I even understood what was happening to me, I was caught under a tsunami or rather a flood of magic spells coming from all sides. Elemental spells to magic incantations as well as a lot of strange magic spells falling like a divine punishment on my person. I quickly understood that

- This is going to hurt.

I knew I couldn't avoid everything but I did my best to dodge as much as possible. The rest, I took it full in the face. It produced a big explosion in the sky. But before the clouds of smoke disappeared, I sprang to one side to throw myself into the plain

- In the air, I can't do anything against them. My only chance is to flee into the grass...

I hadn't even finished speaking when I took an air barrier on my face.

- Ouch!!!

It was a field of air, a barrier suspended in the sky and about three meters in diameter in which I had been trapped. And that's when I heard the screams of a young girl

- Yeah!!! We did it!!!

They shouted together, slapping each other's hands. There were four of them and they were all wearing pretty sexy magician outfits. Trapped in their little barrier, I observed their attitudes and behaviors towards me. The guys who attacked me with the spear and the kid with the sword in addition to another group of magicians all came near the other group of girls.

- The plan worked! Shouted a lancer

- We caught him. It cost us money for the magic scrolls but it was worth it.

- Yes, we did it. The legend of the rainbow is ours.

- I can't wait to see Neo's face when I tell him I beat a monster he couldn't beat, solo haha ​​haha ​​haha. Laughed the young warrior as he put his sword on his shoulder.

- Hey, you weren't alone. We made an alliance.

- And we're the ones who captured him.

The two young magicians from the other group continued. But they weren't the only ones. Other adventurers in the plain seemed to have come for the same reason as them. So when they started celebrating by shouting and laughing to show off their catches, the disappointment was total and the reactions of discontent were quick to follow.

"Huh? Are they kidding me? I thought he was a super monster. And he's already been had."

"I'm disappointed too. It promised to be exciting, especially if we were to believe what the rumor said."

"That's why you should never listen to rumors."

"Well, are we going home for a little date, my pretty fan?"

"Hey, I'm Stella."


"If he got captured so quickly, it's because he wasn't worth much. Shall we take the day off?"

"Well, we didn't have any plans anyway, so who's up for a good meal."

"It's already over? Too bad. I was told about a zone boss, but hey..."

"Haaaa I knew we should have gone to the dungeon. A raid? My ass yes."

Everyone seemed very disappointed and from what they said, I already had an idea of ​​the situation.

*Indeed, all of these people seemed terribly disappointed. Well, all of them, except for a small group that we know very well. In addition to a few groups that stayed behind, there was also Noah's group.

- Huh? They've already finished it? Does that mean we won't get our share anymore? Asked the priestess

- No, that means we're big losers. The sorceress replied when

- It's not over. Neo affirmed with a small confident smile before adding "He won't let himself be done so easily."

*The legend of the rainbow was spread too quickly. In this city that only counts mostly young beginners, such a creature quickly becomes the object of all desires. This is how the majority of the adventurer teams in the city had arranged to meet in this plain to be the ones who would get their hands on the legend. But seeing that the first team to try had succeeded, all the other teams were demoralized and were preparing to return home without suspecting that the game had only just begun.

Trapped in the barrier, I was able to listen to the words of the adventurers and I had already understood what was happening to me.

"Information: Survival quest in progress."

- A survival quest huh? I see. Said WOQ, what's going on exactly?

"Do you want a standard or personal answer?"

- I want my big sister's answer.

I replied with a big innocent smile.

"She's so cute. Okay, I'll tell you everything."

- Arigato, nee san.

And as expected, she started blushing again. She really has a big little sister mental problem.

"It turns out that you've become the boss of this area. Which means that your head is worth gold. All these people, therefore, want to skin you. However, if you resist long enough, they'll leave you alone."

- Soka! I see. Hehehe they want my head, right? This will be fun.

That's when I equipped the ring which melted into my body, making a strange symbol appear on it. I then gave an order thanks to the ring's manipulation ability. The small group of adventurers were arguing over who had the most merit when a small slime came and hit the almost naked sorceress near my cage.

- Ouch, where did this stupid slime come from.

Then another one came and hit her and at the same time, another one hit his friend near her. They were followed by a group of slimes that rushed at them to hit them one by one.

- But... what's going on?

- Ouch! He bit me on the buttocks.

- Damn slime.

- He's got even more.

One of them exclaimed as he saw hundreds of slimes rushing at them at full speed. They weren't the only ones. All the adventurers on the plain were overwhelmed by the phenomenal quantity of slimes on the plain. It was no longer a hundred, but thousands of slimes of all types that were charging at them while charging towards me. The groups far from me were already fed up but the one who had captured me was just on the verge of a crisis.

- Kyaaaaaaaaaaa! But what is this devilry? Shouted a magician.

- I don't understand anything. What's going on? Asked a throw while piercing slimes.

But very quickly, they were engulfed by the cloud of slime that fell on them like a real tsunami to swallow them completely. And thanks to that, I realized that the barrier of the magicians was not that strong. In fact, I think it was difficult to destroy only from the inside since it quickly gave way under the avalanche of slime that had hit it to free me.

The cloud of slime thus crossed the plain before disappearing into the grass that hid them from the groups of adventurers still in shock.

- What was that?

- What just happened there?

- Wait, I thought the raid was over... but...

- It looks like...

They all turned back to the plain thinking

- That it's only just beginning.

When I jumped above the grass, showing myself high in the sky to provoke my attackers. At the same time, all the slimes manipulated by my ring, sprang out in turn, jumping high in the air all around me.

* For the adventurers present in the plain, the message was clear. One by one, they began to smile as they retraced their steps and took out their swords and spears, sticks and shields before putting themselves on guard. Neo, who had stayed back until then, also smiled before drawing his sword to start running towards his target, shouting

- Let's go!!!

* On one side, we had a super monster, a rare evolution that had dominated an area and had established itself as supreme master, the boss and his minions. On the other, a raid team composed of young and vigorous adventures ready to fight. May the

"Raid on the Emerald Rainbow: Trigger!"

*Hmm and a good chapter finished, one. With a good suspense and a little pepper of thrill at the end. That's what I call, the recipe for a good chapter. I'm proud of myself. I congratulate myself.


*Haa thank you, big sister.

"For your stupidity."

*Hmm you're still so mean.

"Love is mean. True love is always mean and always ends in drama."

*Hey what's wrong with you? Did you find a lover or something? Unless you...