Slime theater: first scene; New boss and the amerauld rainbow

*Hum hum hum said Narra with a very cheerful air before starting to read. And so, once again it was a beautiful morning after a bit of a stormy rain. The slimes all came out into the light to enjoy the fresh air. It was good to live in the plain with damp grass sublimating the thousands of slimes that lived in harmony. The air was soft, cold and pleasant, the grass was magnificent, sublime and...

"It's okay, we get it. Say, do you want to go back on your decision?"


"Hmmm okay, I apologize for making fun of you."


"What? I apologized right?"

*It's not about that

"Huh? What's the matter...ah I see. You wouldn't be jealous of false, the little slime by any chance?"

* Not at all.

"Come on, come over here. Come on, come over my legs. Come on, I tell you. Sit there and put your head on my legs. So listen carefully. You are my one and only adorable little sister, all cute and crunchy as you want. My princess forever, understand?"


"Now stop sulking. I'm going to buy you lots of chocolate afterwards and we'll eat them together, just the two of us."

*You promise me?

"I promise"

*Hmmm okay, I forgive you big sister.

"Hmmm, she's a saint, my beloved little sister. Now, you're going to put lots of ugly bastard and gore on us to please your darling sister, okay?"

*Hey, for the gore, it's ok, but after that, I can't guarantee anything, but I'll make an effort

"Nice girl, there, there, go ahead, rest."

*Hmm hahaha hahaha WOQ stop stroking my hair it makes me laugh hahaha hahaha huh? Whaaa I forgot we were live. Sorry to everyone for this rather indecent spectacle. Anyway let's start again. And so, she courageously goes to her book before starting to read.

"And she finally narrates herself again, let's go."

*Without even realizing that she was getting bigger as she evolved, our little slime continued to devour all her peers without mercy.

Now that I understood the trick, every morning, I searched the plain and attacked other slimes to absorb them all into me and become even stronger. My day had become a bit of a routine but a very pleasant routine. From evening to morning, I absorb my peers and during the day, I faced the adventurers and accomplished my daily quests at the same time.

"Information: Quest available: Do you want to accept yes or no?"

Huh, it's already time to have fun? And like every morning, I received these strange humans who came to kill me. He never succeeded but he didn't want to give up. I would have liked to be able to understand what they say and talk to them but I feel like they will never listen to me. That's when the warrior burst out of the sky with his sword raised to attack me violently. I avoided his sword blow by jumping very high in the sky in turn. High enough to see all the surroundings of the plain. I saw surprise on the faces of my toys but they hadn't seen anything yet.

Taking advantage of the fact that I was in the air, the little magician unleashed a single explosive shot based on elemental magic on me. I avoided everything without problem before going back down to the plain.

- Hey, there are only two of them this time?

I jumped back to gain some distance as the young warrior charged at me, shouting

- Yhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

With his sword in hand, he managed to catch me before following up with a big leap forward to try a left horizontal strike on me.

- He became even stronger and faster but...

I shrank by sinking my body into my body to become small and avoid his sword strike without problem before returning to my normal form.

- But that's not it yet.

I then took support on the ground before rushing straight ahead and hitting the young warrior, sending him flying more than three meters away. He rolled onto his back before getting up on his legs, giving a direct blow to the grass in front of him. It was as if he was looking for a possible attack, but unfortunately for him, I hadn't chased him. I then jumped a little far away, wanting to run away, when I saw lightning birds dancing in the sky before charging at me at full speed.

- Wow, that's new.

I immediately took to my heels, rushing as fast as possible across the plain. The birds were chasing me and as soon as they had the chance, they threw themselves at me. But I managed to avoid them one by one until the last one almost got me. By avoiding this one, I ran straight into another trap.  The priestess who had not appeared, sprang from the grass revealing a small parchment that managed to lock me in a wooden cage dotted with a sort of luminous mudra. She shouted

- I got it!!!

And she got me.

- I told myself that it was not normal that there were only two of them haha ​​I got had.

However, I too have progressed a lot. I coiled myself before twisting to escape like a snake from the cage. I transformed my body into a rope and passed calmly between the bars. The girl was shocked when I continued to twist before punching her directly in the face. She let go of the cage while holding her nose before shouting

- Haaaaaa my nose!  My nose but why always my nose haaaaaa

I avoided it before jumping forward when I felt a terrible pressure in my back by turning my gaze, I saw the silhouette of the young boy behind me brandishing his sword, ready to split me in two. He was so scary that I barely recognized him but fortunately, I managed to avoid his attack in extremis. But this time, he really almost got me. I was a little scared there so I fled as far as possible and in great style.

- Oh shit!!! I almost got him. Shouted the young boy as he bent down to the ground.

- Am I dreaming or is he twice the size he was last time? Asked the magician

- Yeah he's bigger and stronger too. My nose keeps bleeding even though I used healing spells.

- Never mind, we'll get him another time.  For now, let's go back. I have a plan.

Hey, I thought they were going to follow me but it seems not. After a while of playing, they got tired and left as they came. But hey, it's not like the game was going to end there for me because after they left, other young humans arrived to chase the slimes and I don't know why but they all started running after me as soon as they saw me. It's like I attract them and I don't mind. It promises to be entertaining.

*False Smile didn't realize it but by evolving, his appearance had changed a lot and he was now almost fifty centimeters. An abnormal size for a slime and his rainbow color didn't suit him because it made him pass for a rare slime since such a previous one had never been seen.  And yes, as a reminder, our heroine is called false Smile. And she is a heroine and not a hero even if we always use the he to designate him. However, note that slimes are asexual so he or she really doesn't matter anymore. Anyway.

* On the adventurers' side, this had gone home. They joined the other two members of their group in the guild headquarters.

- Huh, Neo really made the decision to go back himself? Surprising!

- What's surprising?

- No, nothing. You're growing up well.

- What are you talking about again?

- It doesn't matter but you did well to go back because there's a new one that you're not going to like.

*The warrior then explained the situation to Neo who was annoyed before charging at the little provocateur from last time.  He squeezed his neck and asked him

- What does that mean, Steel?

- Let me go, damn it.

*Neo let go of him then Steel caught his breath before explaining

- Well, do you remember that last time, I told you that my brother was going to the plains with his group? Well, imagine that he told us that he saw a multi-colored slime there and that it gave them a beating before escaping. I thought that it must be the slime you were talking about and with my team we went to see what it was.

- So? Neo asked when one of the boy's friends answered for him

- We got a beating!

- Hey, don't say it like that.

- Hahahahaha hahaha hahaha haha ​​

*The priestess of the neo team burst out laughing, making fun of the other team in turn before her nose twitched again and she started to cry again

- It belongs to the one who will have it first. Know that you are not the only ones on the case. Many groups have already encountered it and the information has spread like wildfire. Besides, look over there...

*The boy then showed the poster board to Noah and on this board was a drawing of the slime with a nice reward for its capture.

- Impossible.

- You waited too long, old man. Another one took the discovery reward. The creature was designated as a rare type but since no one has yet managed to get it, it wouldn't surprise me if we named it zone boss. Besides, I even heard about a raid on the zone but nothing concrete for now.

*Neo then hurried towards the members of his team to share his thoughts

- We are the ones who discovered this slime. It's up to us to capture it. We're not going to let ourselves be walked all over anyway.  You two too, you're going to come with us. With two adventurers of rank B, we would win...

- Out of the question.

- But why?

- Haaaa you just said it, we are rank B. This city is one of the rare areas where beginners have the leisure to train while earning something to eat. This is due firstly to the presence of the slime plain but also because the strongest monsters in the area are only goblins and small low-level monsters. And thanks to the proximity of the evolution dungeon too. That's why we called this city, the beginner's city except the two of us, are pro...

- What's the connection?

- If we participate, there would be no quest. It would be folding in two except here, it's the only place where you can gain experience without risk. That's why we are patient with you.

*Neo calmed down immediately before sitting down.

- I guess asking my sister would be futile too.

- She will refuse for the same reason. After all, it is the only A-rank in the city. Neo, you have fought this slime more than anyone here so you are by far the most likely to capture it. Have faith in yourself and it will be fine.

- You are right. This is not a quest but a challenge. It is to see who will be the fastest.

- Exactly! All the beginner groups will embark on this quest, that's for sure so give your all to get ahead of them and win the competition.

*The next day, the rumor of the rainbow slime was so widespread that the plain was filled with beginner adventurers armed to the teeth, ready to fight. Who will catch the emerald rainbow first. The quest was launched. Namely that emerald is just the name of the city and its plain famous in the world.  Noe's group composed of just the sorceress and the priestess was also there and ready to take their revenge like many others. At the same time in this same plain, false Smile was resting peacefully, sleeping soundly. Thus began the legend, a legend that died too quickly in the light of twilight. THE END.



"The end?"


"It's just the end of the chapter, girl."

*I know. That's what I said, right?

"Hmm, forget it"

*What? What's wrong? Did I say something stupid or what?

"It's okay. It doesn't matter."

*But... tell me. I want to know. What did I say, big sister...