Slime theater: first scene; All for me

*The plain had never been as sublime as this morning. The sunlight and the slime's joy of life gave it an even more beautiful shine. As for our little rainbow slime, after having escaped from adventurers and death several times, he still remained very serene and joyful to live. He continued to have fun in the plain as if nothing had happened

Recently, I came close to being killed several times. Well, I say recently but it was just yesterday. The good side of things is that I found it cool and fun and also that it taught me something important: I have to become stronger to survive. Another good side is that by surviving this quest, I received a lot of points that I will be able to invest in my strength to gain levels. The problem with slimes is that they are very weak.

However, they have a very useful body. For example, it is almost impossible to hurt a slime with a direct physical attack. You can at least stun him but never kill him thanks to their weird bodies. That's already a weight off my shoulders. For my part, I decided to put all my points into agility and speed. I'm not looking to hurt my game partners so I prefer to run away if it becomes too cumbersome and exhausting. That's done.

- Said nee san, why do these people attack slime?

"Possible answer: They obey quests. Among humans and also elves, there is an institution called a guild that brings together somewhat special people. The guild is a place where humans and elves can get work related to their strengths and abilities. They deal with all kinds of missions. Even hunting slime."

- I see. I understand better.

"Suggestion: In this world, strength is often very determining for who wants to live or survive. So it's better to be strong than not to be strong at all at the risk of losing everything."

- You're asking me to become stronger, is that it, big sister?


- I see. Hum hum hum I already know what to do. It's going to be fun. Thanks nee san.

And she starts blushing again. She really likes it, huh? Anyway, I'm going to go have some more fun. Last time it was too funny so I hope that today too we'll all have fun together.

*Nee san? Why does she call you nee san, sis?


*Answer right away!!!!

"Well, I'm her big sister, that's all and I don't see what it's any of your business. I remind you that we're not sisters anymore because you wanted it. So I have a new adorable little sister."

*Hmm kkhhhh

"Narra said, holding back her tears with an extremely funny face."

The other day, WOQ told me that the best way to evolve as a slime was to absorb my fellow slimes. So that's what I plan to do to evolve.

- Mana detection.

My divine gift allows me to see the quantity and quality of the mana of everyone nearby. I can therefore see and make an assumption of the strength of those concerned and thus avoid the strongest or most dangerous to attack the weakest. By rushing towards them to hit them, I created a phase situation in which our two bodies stick together to try to merge.

- Hmmmmmmmm it's harder than expected.

The challenge is to stay first and foremost, stay conscious and then you have to try to be the dominant one to be the one who absorbs. A challenge both physical and mental opposes the two challengers and in the end, only the one with the strongest character wins and it was me. That's how I absorbed one of my fellow men and strangely, it didn't do anything to me.

- Haaaa it's strange but it feels good.

"Information: You have won 100 points."

- That much? It's great. I'm going to continue even more.

One by one I rushed towards other of my fellow men to absorb them and win even more points. Whether they were red, blue, green, yellow, purple, brown slimes, I absorbed them all until I got tired of this game.

"Information: You have obtained 150 points."

- Haaaa I'm exhausted. So big sister, how many points do I have in total?

"Information: you have collected 3000 points."

- Haaaa that's great. Well I put 1000 in strength and 2000 in agility.

"Information: Possible evolution. Do you want to evolve into a major slime? Yes or no?"

- Evolve into a major slime? Hmmm why not. I accept!

It was then that my body bathed in a soft rainbow light. This had the effect of making me evolve to another stage. After which, I went in search of other amusements. I was wandering in the plain when it appeared to me. A familiar and indelible energy that was watching me.

- Hum I was sure it would come back.

There were three of them and they were hiding in the grass to advance little by little towards my position. It was the boy from last time with the two other girls. They think they're discreet too. I'm going to surprise them. Without her seeing me coming, I advanced towards the magician before jumping on her to trample her face while jumping again to run away.

- Khaaaa she crushed my face. You'll see little slime.

She immediately came out of her hiding place before running at me with a ball of fire and wind. One of her companions, who stayed far from them, shouted

- Lifa, bans on everything burned. You're going to make them run away again.

But the magician didn't listen to her and threw spells of fire and wind in gusts at me but unfortunately for her, not a single one of her attacks hit me. The young boy then jumped in turn before charging at me using his sword this time

- Super ultra mega sharp non-sharp attack!!!

He shouted while performing a superb direct sword strike technique towards me but I managed to avoid it thanks to a big jump executed forward to jump on his torso and hit him under the chin before fleeing again. While fleeing, the other girl also came out of her hiding place praying

- Oh holy goddess, grant me your mercy to achieve salvation!

All this gibberish to launch a small light attack that also missed its target. Finally, I avoided it by shifting just a little before charging at him in turn to jump and crush his face by sending him back to fall on his buttocks.

- Whaaaaaaa haaaaa haaa my nose!!!

- Get out of here, you useless thing!

The boy shouted before passing the girl, chasing me with a flurry of sword strikes. Even though I don't know much about weapon handling, I felt that this boy had mastered his sword very well. You could see it just by looking at the path of his blows and his different postures. He's probably a great knight in the making, but for the moment, he's too slow. I had no trouble avoiding his attacks and then counterattacking with blows without much damage.

My blows didn't do anything to him, but it was enough to bother him and put him on his nerves a little. The more he's removed, the better I can avoid all his attacks. It's the magician who was causing me problems at the moment. She kept her distance and attacked with different types of spells, not just fireballs. There were also black mana balls.

- Whoa!

I screamed while avoiding one of his attacks. The black mana ball then hit another slime which was immediately paralyzed.

- A paralyzing spell, interesting!

I had lowered my guard for a moment and it had allowed the young knight to take me by surprise by attacking from behind with a downward blow on my head. I panicked for a moment before pulling myself together and moving in a completely unusual way. I literally wrapped myself around his sword like a snake before going up to his arm to give him a direct blow to the face by hitting him.

He and I were both surprised by this sequence. But just after escaping him, the other priestess appeared right in front of me by hiding behind the boy to take me by surprise. She opened her arm to catch me when I stretched out part of my body to give him another blow to the face before falling to the ground. Avoiding the boy's counter who turned around with a sword strike, I crushed the priestess' face again, who fell backwards, before running away into the grass.

- Haaaaa haaaaa haha ​​I'm fed up. If this continues my face will end up square and I will never have a husband again.

She said with a bloody nose.

- This slime is really tough.

- That's why we have to catch it at all costs.

* The warrior and the magician continued before going back on the hunt. Far away, still in the plains, the knight's two other teammates were watching them from afar. They were both sitting on a rock. They were the warrior and the elf.

- Well, with what you caught, the cota is full, right? Asked the warrior.

- Yes! We can go back now.

- These three seem to be having fun forgetting the goal of the mission. What a bunch of kids.

- Let them play a little hahaha and then look at them, yesterday, they were all fighting individually but faced with this common goal, they managed to find an adequate combination to fight as a group. That will make them a little more evolved.

- If you say so. We'll wait for them a little longer then.

By jumping everywhere, I managed to avoid all their assaults and attacks. The warrior's sword blows are effective but too predictable, eating some small surprises from him. Proof that he is a true genius of the sword. The little magician is also very gifted and she is the real problem of this group that attacks me. As soon as I lower my guard just a little, she takes advantage of it to cast a spell on me that is difficult to avoid. The priestess when she... let's move on.

But like the last one, not once did they manage to get me and after hours of playing together, they ended up giving up and going home.

- Haaaa what a joy to breathe this fresh air.

I thought in the plain. Today too, I had fun. But I have to become even stronger because if they come in greater numbers, I won't have a chance. So it's time for the... du du du du du du du absorption duel. By rushing at another slime, I hit them to absorb its strength and so on throughout the night until dawn.

"Information: you have obtained 5000 points plus 400 bonus points."

- Great!!! Hum I'm going to divide them between strength and agility.

* While our little slime was busy distributing his points, on their side, the troop of adventurers had just recovered all of their winnings following the accomplishment of the mission. But while he was sitting at his table, another young warrior came to provoke Neo by making fun of him

- What? Repeat to see. Neo shouted

- Well are you deaf or what? I said that you are not even capable of beating a little slime so you are a loser.

- You are the loser and then who told you that in the first place?

- Guess! The provocateur said, looking at the priestess with a slightly showy air.

*She was putting a handkerchief on her nose when Neo looked at her before rushing at her and grabbing her by the shoulders

- You good-for-nothing, what allowed you to come and tell everyone that?

- But I didn't tell anything at all. I just said that I don't want to spend the day tracking down a poor slime.

- Idiot!!! You spilled the beans!

*The other boy then started to make fun of other companions in his team when Noe rushed towards them, saying

- I never struggle against a slime. It's just that this slime is special.

- Oh really, and how? Asked one of the provocateur's friends

- Well... eh... he... haaaa I can't tell you but you'll see when I've captured him.

- Haaaa poor boy. We don't capture special opponents that easily. Start by training with slimes to be stronger... oh... but your opponent is so special a slime hahaha hahaha

- To catch a unique monster you must at least have your sword able to cut a... slime haaaahahahahaha

*Together, they began to make fun of the boy until they held their stomachs and hit the ground, adding

- The other day, my little brother went on an adventure and I told him to go to the slime plain. But I think I'll call him to protect him from these dangerous and terrifying slime monsters haaaahahahahahahahqhah

- Khaaaaaaaa hahahagagagaaahaha

*The more they laughed the more the boy got angry when the warrior of his team intervened by saying

- Interesting. If I understand correctly, a sword that failed against a slime is a blunt sword and therefore has no effect on you? Well, what if we put that to the test. I too failed against this slime. That makes me and my sword incapable, doesn't it?

*The mana she gave off, the tone of her voice, her gaze ready to massacre anyone, put a strong and terrible pressure on the band of mockers who calmed down immediately before running away while giving lame excuses.

- What a bunch of idiots, we don't evolve that quickly. There are steps to follow. Don't listen to them. You're making progress...

- No, they're right. I'm the younger brother of a rank A adventurer. I have to live up to it.

- Um, very well, next time, we'll do a quest of a higher level...

- No, you don't understand. I'll have this slime.

*The young boy said with a small, confident smile on his face as he looked at the warrior. In his eyes, a fiery flame burned that didn't leave the young woman unmoved. The latter almost blushed as she remained speechless before this aura worthy of a great knight that emanated from the young boy. And so ends this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it.

"Another chapter that was too calm and boring. Is there a problem in the script?"

*Um hum I said with a smile.

"You even comment on your reaction"

*I decided to remove from the story everything you like. The blood, the sex, the death and the trashy rating, I removed everything until further notice. As long as you haven't apologized, it will be family fun hahaha.

"Did you at least think about the viewer?"

*It's all your fault so apologize.

"Better and better. What would a good story be without sex? You're a real sadist who punishes readers for no reason."

*Ha I warned you big sister. And I won't go back on my word. End of chapter. Until next time...