
Her mind can't seem to focus, and for a moment she feels like scrambled eggs. With thoughts coming but not sticking around long enough for her to understand.

Emory blinks, tries to focus on the tree in front of her to ground herself. Okay, there's a tree in front of her. Her silver eyebrows furrow, with bark, and it's like a giant compared to her small frame.

Wait, why is there a tree? What happened to the dark room? She takes in the rest of her surroundings and she's surprised to find herself in the woods, the feel of damp soil sinking between her bare toes. The fuss around her brain disappears and she's relieved she can think without forgetting about anything.

Emory glances around, she stands in a small clearing, with a stream running downhill. Her throat swallows, dry mouth watering, reminding her how parched she is and Emory immediately drops to her knees. She cups her hands and dips it in the crystal clear water, and she can't help but think of how lucky she is. Maybe if she gave herself time to think about that, she would probably change her choice of words. After everything that has happened so far, lucky she is not.

Emory brings the water to her mouth only to pause as everything around her changes. She's no longer in the woods, but back in her coven's basement. The water that trickles out of her hands turns to thick red blood. Her hands fly out, they shake at how warm it is, how fresh it feels. Emory quickly gets to her feet and wipes them against her clothes. She looks down and jumps when she finds she's still in the research facilities patient uniform.

Her body freezes when a deep growl echoes against the cement walls. Is that the demon? Her lungs stutter, she thought the demon hunter, Rome, killed it! She's in the middle of getting to her feet when two blue glowing eyes appear from the dark corner in the basement.

Wait, the demon didn't have blue eyes, or four of them, for that matter. So, if it's not the demon, what could it be? Emory continues to stand rigidly, as two pure as night wolves emerge from the darkness.

Her limbs start to shake as they seem to grow in size the closer they get to her, leg muscles swelling beneath their black fur. Her eyes fill with tears, fear gripping her heart as her head tilts back to look up at the two black wolves that tower over her. Sharp gleaming canines shine, blue eyes glowing with absolute judgement.

Dear Goddess, why must you torture me so? Why must I endure monster after monster with no break in sight?

One of the wolves wanders closer to her, and with his large snout aimed at Emory's head, she fllinches when it sniffs. She wonders if they can smell her fear, or hear the way her heart seizes in her chest.

There's a chuff from the other, and she drags her gaze away from one giant snout to the other. It glares at her, upper lip pulling back to bare its teeth, it's almost as if he doesn't approve as he glares at Emory.

Please don't eat me, please don't eat me. She chants the plea over and over in her head as the one who sniffs her circles around her, the sound of his large paws scuffing against the floor echoes like a taunt.

Then the one closest to her turns and the one pacing pauses. Then without a glance back at her they walk back into their dark corner of the basement from which they emerged from. However just before they can fully disappear, they both glance back over their shoulders at her, and a burning sensation comes from her left hand.

Emory hisses, raising her arm to look at it and see that some invisible sharp object is cutting her palm open, etching a symbol into it. Her blue eyes widen, relief, fear, and confusion warring inside her.

"Wait!" Emory calls out to the two large black wolves, but they're already deep into the darkness and disappear.

A strange sound escapes her as she looks down at her hand. Nothing is making sense to her. This circle, the symbols on it. It reminds her of a summoning spell. The one she used to summon the demon. At first Emory thought it was her faemiliar, but looking down at her hand, she's starting to think it isn't. She feels as if there is a small thread in her chest that links her to those two wolves. She doesn't feel like this with the demon. But if she's right, and those wolves are her faemiliars, then why had she been getting the symbol to summon a demon?

Her head throbs and she rubs her temple.

Emory's thoughts are cut off when an invisible force shoves her forward. She lurches and finds everything around her has gone dark. She touches around the four stone walls that keep her safe, she's back in the dark room. Was she dreaming, then?

No, it all felt too real to be a dream. A hallucination then? Or maybe it was a vision? She glances down at her left hand once more. She can't see anything, not even an outline of her figure, but the burning sting is there. The wet warmth of her blood trickles down her wrist.

Oh it was definitely real. A lesson she had with Priestess Promilia about familiars comes to the front of her mind.

Fae are able to travel between dimensions. On rare occasions will they pull their witch companions through with them.

Could that be what happened? Were they able to drag Emory through her dimension and into another one? Itobviously wasn't the Fae dimension, she wouldn't have found herself in the coven's basement if it was.

She doesn't know how long she stays like that as she ponders over the possibilities, huddled against herself in this small hidden room. Since she's too scared to fall asleep, she finds there's nothing else to do but think and think. And she finds herself with a lot of questions. How and why did she summon a demon without realising it? Will Emory be hunted down by the authorities for doing it illegally?

And the most important because it pertains to what happens to her at this moment, how the hell is Emory going to use the bathroom when it's safer not to leave?