No bathroom

Emory holds it in for as long as she can, but she's on the verge of pissing herself, and she really doesn't want to. So after she's listened for any sound to indicate the monster is near and with her bladder forcing her to move, she pushes open the trap door and climbs out.

It's so dark and quiet that even though it's a good sign, her fear lodges in her throat. This type of fear is a little different to the one she felt when she was in the basement with the demon. Emory couldn't think or react as it attacked her coven sisters. It all happened so suddenly, and she couldn't think fast enough to process what was happening. Nor was she brave enough to even move until Walker saved her.

Now, in this situation, Emory is forced to think on her feet. She's by herself, she can't see a Goddess damned thing, and she's being hunted in a maze by a monster. What kind? She could hardly take a guess, as many supernatural creatures prefer the dark. It could be a phantom, or a dullahan, or hell, it's just a giant possessed werewolf. She doesn't know what it looks like. Just that it growls, roars, has claws, and is either big or strong, or both, enough to break down a steel door.

She shakes her head, now's not the time to think anymore. Now is the time to pay attention to all of the senses she can use since she can't see.

She's cautious to avoid stepping or tripping on the steel door, she needs to make as little noise as possible, and if she had forgotten the detail of the monster breaking it in, then running into that would have caused a lot of noise. And she has no clue whether the monster is close or far away enough not to hear it, and on the off chance it might have enhanced hearing?

She holds in her huff of annoyance. What she finds to be tedious about being a witch, is that they seem to be the only supernatural species that doesn't have any enhanced traits.

Maybe she can make a spell for that?

By the time she makes it back out into the stone maze-like halls, Emory's entire body is tense and she's on high alert. Being in the dark, not knowing what or who could be lurking in the dark watching her, sets her anxiety rocketing. However, her need to go to the bathroom is too great to avoid. That and her pride since she won't let herself pee anywhere else, like a random spot in the halls.

Emory thinks that would start a piss-marking territory war between the monster and herself.

What if there are no bathrooms though, and it does end up coming to that? Rome didn't say anything about a bathroom, or even food and water. Oh my Goddess, why didn't she ask how long she was going to be in here?!

There's this barely audible shuffle, like a long sleeve of cotton and polyester rubbing itself. Then she starts to wonder if maybe she does have super hearing.


Her eyebrows shoot up, no that is definitely very loud. The sound of angry muttering continues and she quickly but quietly shuffles along the wall to follow the sound.

"One day I'm gonna fucking kill them all,"

Emory's eyes grow wide, is that - "Parma?" she whispers, only loud enough to get the girls attention. The beast can be anywhere, and with the way Parma is jabbering so loudly, Emory can assume it must be close.

There's a small shriek, and then absolute silence.

Did she run away? No, Emory didn't hear it, her movements would've been loud in the quiet stillness around them.

"Parma? It's me, Emory. You know, the one who's pie you stole." she says softly, just in case she doesn't remember her.

"Fucking-" Emory sighs

at the number of swears and profanities that leave her mouth.

"Can you be quiet? I'm trying not to die here." Parma finally says something that isn't the word fuck.

Emory is about to point out that maybe she should try keeping her mouth shut too, seeing as she even heard her muttering about murder and killing. She's suddenly surrounded by a lot of it, now. It's not something nice to notice.

"If you hadn't stolen my pie, I don't think we would be in here at all." Emory shrugs, then she remembers Parma can't really see her in here. Unless she can because she's a vampire or a werewolf. "Hey," Emory whispers, "What are you?"

There's a strange sound that Parma makes in the back of her throat and then a moment of silence.

"I just wanted to know if you could see in this darkness," Emory sighs, rolling her eyes. "Why is everyone here so prickly?"

"Why are you such a fu-"

Emory's hands fumble over Parma's face in the dark until she finds her mouth and covers it with her palm. Hmm, she tilts her head, okay Walker is right about this being a good way to shut people up. And then Emory bites her lip to keep from crying because Walker is gone now.

"Okay, seriously," she murmurs. "One, you need to stop cursing. Two, this may be rated eighteen plus, but you shouldn't take advantage of that."

Her lips move under Emory's palm and her voice comes out muffled.

"I'm sorry, what?" Emory pulls her hand off of Parma's face.

"First you eat my apple pie, and now you have the nerve to scold me when you're the reason I'm in here in the first place?!" Parma is screaming now, and Emory winces as she glances around despite not being able to see anything. It's just a habit she guesses. But there's no way her banshee screeching didn't draw the monster's attention, if they didn't already have it.

"I'm going to fucking kill you." Parma's voice grows deep and thick, much huskier than normal. There's a sharp blow of wind in the stale air, and a suffocating aura of danger slams against Emory.

Something large wraps around her waist, and three sharp objects dig into her ribs, drawing blood. Then Emory lifted into the air, her lungs empty in her chest as she's flung through the air.

Her body slams into hard stone, her back cracking at the impact and she screams.