Chapter 61

In the early morning of the next day, Qin Feng opened the door and left the house very early. He had tossed and turned on his bed the previous night, unable to sleep. His mind was filled with the medical texts he had read over and over again. Unbeknownst to him, dawn had arrived.


"No wonder the ancients often said, 'Do not look at anything inappropriate.' The ancients were truly wise," Qin Feng sighed. This young man's body was indeed too hot-tempered.


Today, he didn't plan to go to the Listen To Rain Pavilion; instead, he intended to find a place to open a medical clinic.


This would allow him to apply the knowledge he gained from medical texts, accumulate Literature Qi quickly, and, at the same time, enhance his medical skills to help Liu Jianli repair her damaged meridians as soon as possible.


After wandering around, Qin Feng arrived at the Qin residence's lake pavilion, where two graceful figures had already returned.


A gentle breeze lifted the beautiful woman's white robes and her black hair, stirring Qin Feng's heartstrings imperceptibly.


Looking at her exquisite profile like a fairy's, Qin Feng sighed. If it weren't for her failed breakthrough, he feared he and she would have remained strangers for life.




At this moment, Qin Feng suddenly noticed a detail.


The exquisite sword box, which was usually carried by Miss Lan or placed next to a pillar in the pavilion, was now leaning against Liu Jianli's wheelchair.


This was a good sign!


At the very least, it indicated that Liu Jianli was starting to let go of her inner struggles.


Qin Feng smiled faintly and then called Lan Ningshuang over.


"Do you plan to go out for cultivation today?" Qin Feng asked.


Lan Ningshuang shook her head. "Haste makes waste. I plan to consolidate the things Miss taught me in the past few days. I have to thank the Young Master. If it weren't for you, We wouldn't know how long she would have remained lost."


"She is my wife. Caring for her is my duty," Qin Feng said casually. "If you have nothing else today, come with me."


Yesterday's encounters had taught Qin Feng a lesson. He had decided that from now on, no matter what he did outside, he would always bring a bodyguard with him and never take his own life lightly!


Moreover, he still couldn't figure out why the seventh-ranked martial warrior from the Lord's Manor had tried to kill him. Was it because of the Tang family from the Imperial Capital's Ministry of War?


Qin Feng always felt a bit wronged. Since he had transmigrated into this world, many people seemed to want him dead for no apparent reason.


Lan Ningshuang nodded, "Young Master, please wait a moment. Miss helped me in my practice, so she didn't eat anything yesterday. I'll instruct the kitchen to prepare something."


"No need to bother. I'll make a bowl of noodles for your young lady. She said my noodles were delicious last time." After saying this, Qin Feng went to the kitchen and soon brought a bowl of noodles to Liu Jianli.


The faint aroma of noodles wafted over, and Liu Jianli gently lifted her jade-like chin, looking at Qin Feng. She opened her vermilion lips and said, "Thank you." After that, she extended her fair arm and took the bowl of noodles.


She ate slowly, still as elegant as the last time. Qin Feng stood by without impatience.


Seeing this scene not far away, Lan Ningshuang couldn't help but have a thought: perhaps the Young Master and the Young Lady were naturally a perfect match.


The two of them left the Qin residence, taking a different route this time. Lan Ningshuang couldn't help but ask curiously, "Young Master, where are we going?"


"I plan to open a medical clinic in the city. Since I lack experience, I want to consult a knowledgeable physician, Dr. Song," Qin Feng replied.


"Open a medical clinic? Young Master, you're perfectly fine. Why do you want to become a physician?" Lan Ningshuang was puzzled.


"I found a clue in the 'Celestial Inner Canon' from the Listen To Rain Pavilion on how to treat Miss Liu Jianli's damaged meridians. However, the meridians connecting the upper and lower body are crucial. Any carelessness could lead to disastrous consequences. Therefore, I want to open a medical clinic, treat more patients, and improve my medical skills. Perhaps in the near future, I will be able to heal the injuries of your Miss," Qin Feng said confidently.


Lan Ningshuang stood still in shock. "Young Master, are you serious?"


Seeing her disbelief and excitement, Qin Feng could understand. After all, Liu Jianli's injuries were beyond the ability even for the Imperial Capital's royal physicians to heal.


However, he also understood that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Therefore, he didn't make any absolute promises.


"It's just a rough idea for now. Whether it succeeds or not, we'll know when we try," he said.


"Young Master's words have always come true. I believe you can do it," Lan Ningshuang said firmly.


Qin Feng smiled but didn't say much. Having hope was what gave life meaning.


The two of them walked for a while, and suddenly, the familiar birds chirping could be heard in the distance.


Qin Feng hurriedly looked up and indeed, it was the brothel he had been thinking about.


Since the new Qin residence was moved to the central city, the route from the Qin residence to the Listen To Rain Pavilion no longer passed by the brothel. This made Qin Feng regretful. Unexpectedly, today he would have such an unexpected encounter while going to see Dr. Song.


The weather was getting colder, and the girls, despite wearing more clothes, still had their chests and smooth legs faintly visible beneath their colorful attire. This hazy feeling was even more captivating than before.


As they got closer, those seductive voices became clearer: "Sir, it's freezing cold today. Why not come inside and warm up~"


Naturally, Qin Feng couldn't go inside, but there was no harm in looking a little longer, right? So, he deliberately slowed down his pace.


Seeing this scene, Lan Ningshuang frowned. She intended to say something, but the words stuck in her throat.


Miss Liu Jianli was unwell, so she couldn't share a room with the Young Master. The head maid at the Liu residence had mentioned that men of Young Master's age were at the peak of their vitality. If they couldn't find release, it might lead to discomfort.


Thinking about this, Lan Ningshuang blushed slightly and bit her lip. "Young Master."


"Huh?" Qin Feng was startled. Did he stare for too long and get caught?


"If you can't control yourself, I can come to your room late at night," Lan Ningshuang's voice was as soft as a mosquito, her ears burning, and her heart beating even faster.


Back when they had their wedding night, she could still unemotionally take off her clothes and substitute for Miss to be with Young Master. However, as their contact deepened, her courage diminished.


Damn, I've really been found out. Qin Feng's mouth twitched. He hurriedly explained, "You've misunderstood. I've said it before; I won't touch anything related to men and women until I reach the seventh rank."


"Then why were you staring at those brothel women?" Lan Ningshuang's direct question caught Qin Feng off guard.


Can't you give me a way out with your directness? Qin Feng swallowed nervously, his mind spinning rapidly. Then he blurted out, "Miss Lan, you've misunderstood. I'm about to open a medical clinic and become a physician. In the eyes of a physician, there's no distinction between men and women. Do you think I was looking at those girls? No, you're wrong. I was just observing their symptoms."


"Symptoms?" Lan Ningshuang frowned, looking somewhat skeptical.


"You see the girl with pale complexion and blue lips; she probably has a gastrointestinal problem leading to poor appetite. Then the girl with the bloated chest; she likely faces intense competition in her profession, causing excessive mental stress and insomnia, resulting in pneumothorax. And that girl…" Qin Feng listed various symptoms in one breath, and Lan Ningshuang's suspicious gaze gradually faded. "I didn't expect the Young Master to be so skilled in medicine. Can you tell what illness I have?"


Are you testing me? It seems you still don't trust my character. Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, then glanced at her and asked, "Miss Lan, do you sometimes feel chest tightness, shortness of breath, and brief difficulty breathing after exertion?"


Lan Ningshuang widened her eyes. "How does the Young Master know?"


Heh, with such a majestic chest, trying to bind it with cloth. Wouldn't it be uncomfortable? Qin Feng said earnestly, "Miss Lan, stop using binding cloth. Wear a chest wrap instead."


Hearing this, Lan Ningshuang quickly crossed her arms in front of her chest, her face blushing.


After a while, she said softly, "I used a chest wrap before, but it… affects my sword practice."


Qin Feng opened his mouth and thought to himself, it seems I underestimated Miss Lan's chest.