Chapter 62

The two arrived at a street where the scent of medicinal herbs filled the air. This was the gathering place for most of the clinics and pharmacies in Jinyang City, and it was also Qin Feng's destination for this trip.


As they approached Physician Song's clinic, Qin Feng suddenly stopped in his tracks. Inside the clinic, there was a crowd of people, mostly dressed like physicians. Even Physician Song stood at the outskirts of the crowd, his brows furrowed.


"Physician Song?" Qin Feng walked forward and greeted, with Lan Ningshuang closely following him.


The elderly man with white hair turned his head upon hearing Qin Feng's voice, his expression changing to surprise. "Young Master Qin, why are you here? I was just about to find you!"


"There are some things I'd like to consult Physician Song about. What's happening that you need to find me?" Qin Feng asked curiously, craning his neck to get a better look.


In the center of the crowd, there was a bed where a young man dressed in luxurious clothing lay. His lips were dark blue, and his face was pale. Next to him stood a well-dressed middle-aged man, his eyes red with anxiety.


Physician Song whispered the reason to Qin Feng.


It turned out that the plump middle-aged man was named Qian Fugui, a wealthy merchant in Jinyang City, and the young man lying on the bed was his son. Yesterday, after returning from a business trip, Young Master Qian felt extremely cold and started vomiting uncontrollably in the evening. They called a physician, who prescribed some medicine that seemed to alleviate the symptoms. They thought it was a false alarm, but this morning, he ended up like this!


Qian Fugui was extremely worried. They rushed his son to this place, but after multiple examinations by different physicians, no one could identify the problem.


"Last night, Young Master Qian developed these symptoms after eating at the Moonlit Pavilion. So, everyone suspects…" Physician Song didn't finish his sentence, but the meaning was clear.


Upon hearing this, Qin Feng furrowed his brows. He had never had anything like this happen since he took charge of Moonlit Pavilion. He squeezed through the crowd and walked towards the center, wanting to inspect the situation personally.


However, his pushing and shoving annoyed the nearby physicians. One of them turned his head, initially surprised and then exclaimed, "You're Qin Feng from the Moonlit Pavilion!"


The Moonlit Pavilion had several branches and was flourishing in Jinyang City, making Qin Feng's name well-known. This physician had attended Qin Feng's family wedding and recognized him.


Upon hearing this, the surrounding people looked in Qin Feng's direction. Qian Fugui, near the bed, stood up abruptly and turned around, shouting, "Who's Qin Feng?"


The other physicians made their way, revealing Qin Feng. Qian Fugui didn't hesitate; he grabbed Qin Feng's collar and glared at him angrily. "My son ended up like this after eating at your Moonlit Pavilion. If anything happens to my son, I'll hold you accountable with your life!"


Lan Ningshuang frowned, about to step forward and separate them, but Qin Feng raised his hand, stopping her. "The Moonlit Pavilion has been operating without any issues for a long time. Moreover, Mr. Qian, your whole family dined there yesterday. If there were any problems, it wouldn't just affect your son alone, right?"


His words made sense, puzzling the other physicians. They couldn't understand why only Young Master Qian was affected when many other children had dined at the Moonlit Pavilion and were fine.


"Still trying to argue!" Qian Fugui's grip tightened.


Qin Feng felt frustrated, but seeing the desperate look on Qian Fugui's face, he sighed and said, "Mr. Qian, in your current state, you won't be able to help your son. Let me take a look."


Naturally, Qian Fugui refused, thinking Qin Feng wanted to take advantage of the situation and harm him without evidence.


The other physicians voiced their objections too.


Just when the situation reached a deadlock, Physician Song suddenly spoke up for Qin Feng. "Everyone, why not let Young Master Qin have a look? I've personally witnessed his medical skills, and they are no less than mine."


After hearing this, the crowd exchanged glances. Physician Song had been in the field for a long time and was respected in Jinyang City. Yet, this Young Master Qin, how could his medical skills be comparable to Physician Song's?


The opposition lessened, and Qian Fugui struggled. Although he loosened his grip a little, he still didn't let go.


Just then, the young man lying on the bed suddenly coughed up blood and then fell back, lifeless, with no breath left in his body.


Everyone was shocked, especially Qian Fugui, who was completely stunned, his mind blank.


Qin Feng furrowed his brows and pushed Qian Fugui away. He walked up to the bed, placing his fingers on the young man's nose. Indeed, there was no breath, but strangely, there was still a faint heartbeat in the young man's chest.


A glint of gold flashed in Qin Feng's eyes as he looked at the young man's chest. Then, his eyes widened. "This is…"


Under the power of his X-Ray eyes, Qin Feng could clearly see that in the young man's heart, there was a small black bug, about the thickness of a pinky finger, clinging onto it. The surface of the bug had eerie and grotesque blood-red patterns.


In the "Listen to Rain Pavilion," there was a book called "Strange Insects," which had detailed records of this bug. The bug was called the Heart Devouring Insect, born in the desolate land of Nine Yin. It was born alongside corpses. The larvae were invisible to the naked eye, colorless, and odorless. Once inside a human body, it would attach itself to the heart, suck the blood from the heart, and release its poisonous venom, gradually growing stronger.


The Heart Devouring Insect was usually born from its mother bug. Humans infested by the Heart Devouring Insect would lose control of their bodies, manipulated by the mother bug.


However, strangely, this kind of Heart Devouring Insect was extremely rare, to the point that it was believed to have been extinct. According to the book, the last time someone found a Heart Devouring Insect was decades ago.


Why would such a rare Heart Devouring Insect appear inside a young man's body? Qin Feng didn't have time to think because the young man was now in critical condition. He had to quickly remove the Heart Devouring Insect, or the awakened bug would devour his heart completely!


So he urgently said, "Bring me ice, as much as possible!"


The people present didn't react until Physician Song shouted, "What are you waiting for?!"


Everyone hurried into action.


In no time, the area around Master Qian was covered with ice.


Qin Feng kept observing the movements of the Heart Devouring Insect. The insect feared the cold; if cold air entered its body, it would slow down, giving Qin Feng a chance to remove it!


Seeing that the Heart Devouring Insect was no longer sucking the young man's blood, Qin Feng took a deep breath. His fingertip condensed into a narrow blade.


This was the result of his experimentation after filling his spiritual sea with two steps in the Divine Sea with Literature Qi. With enough Literature Qi, the condensed White Inch could transform into a sharp needle or a narrow blade.


After confirming the position, Qin Feng carefully made a small incision on the young man's chest using the condensed inch. He didn't use any metallic instruments, not to show off, but because the Heart Devouring Insect was exceptionally sensitive to metal. A little carelessness might stimulate it.


The next step was crucial. Qin Feng held his breath, concentrating. His fingertip's condensed White Inch transformed into a long white needle.


People around him were both surprised and astonished, but they all remained silent.


The white needle continuously probed into the small opening on the young man's chest, getting closer and closer to the Heart Devouring Insect.


Now! Qin Feng's eyes widened suddenly. His fingertip trembled, and the white inch instantly pierced through the Heart Devouring Insect. Then, he flicked it outward, and the Heart Devouring Insect fell steadily into the water basin he had prepared in advance.


A black bug covered in red patterns, struggling and contorting, appeared in front of everyone, shocking them. They had never seen such a bizarre creature before!