
After reading the karma message further, Tian Xing learned who his wife's newest concubines were. Raising his eyebrows at seeing Wanda Maximoff's name and possibly understanding how his wife was able to collect her, his conjecture was then proven correct when he saw that his wife managed to revive Pietro Maximoff.

Reading that she did this by taking the soul directly from the River Styx, a natural mystical realm that opens every seven thousand years, Tian Xing was intrigued, wanting to see what his world currently had to offer regarding natural mystical realms. But knowing he would find out soon enough since he was no longer stuck in the cave for cultivation, he continued reading, frowning when he saw how his wife treated her concubines like mere servants.

Although there was nothing inherently wrong with this, Tian Xing knew that making their concubines mere servants without even a pretense of love would not last long. Once the magic was gone, duty alone would frustrate them. Shaking his head at the part where his wife made Wanda Maximoff nothing more than a licker of her musical notes and Lanfear just a day-to-day maid, Tian Xing then offered her advice on how to ensure they remained in love with her for a very long time.

Because at the end of the day, her collection was also his collection, and it wouldn't be good if they weren't properly cared for, resulting in broken pieces later on. After exchanging messages on various topics, not just about their collection, he finally finished his karma SMS with his wife and arrived at the cave once again.

Turning to his two beloveds, Tian Xing said to them, "Yue, Yelena. Master wants to cultivate for quite some time, probably for another ten to thirty years, to break through the first layers of Outer Being's first stages in the Spirit Refinement realm. So while I am away, you can use my body however you want and use the method of distribution you told me about yesterday. But remember, do not disgrace my upper body with your lower body—only use your upper body for upper body and lower body for lower body. Master just doesn't like certain practices, so keep that in mind, okay?"

Snuggling into his embrace, Ying Yue nodded, "No problem, Master. Sister Yelena and I will only use lower body for lower body and upper body for upper body requests."

Nodding, Tian Xing continued, "And also, while I am away, keep an eye out for any cultivators flying past this area later using a flying boat. I don't want to keep using Butterfly Echoes every day to hide this area from prying eyes, especially now that one of the Grand Elders and the father of that Young Master Alex Guo has already received news of his son's death."

Seeing both of them stunned and confused by the news, with Ying Yue having an inkling, Tian Xing explained, "It's because the life tablet, which has an internal structure using the Spirit Awakening technique, was altered by me to stop giving false information. This means the Grand Elder of the Soul Refining Sect is now furious, as the life tablet is splintered and fractured, indicating that his son has recently died. He is currently gathering a large number of disciples to search for his son's body."

After realizing her conjecture was correct regarding the life tablet that she could not sense due to her lack of Spirit Awakening cultivation, and her Wan Shi Tong Dao being unable to detect it because of how imperceptible and subtle it was, Ying Yue lamented over her mistake at the time, regretting not checking whether killing them would lead to being hunted down.

Sighing to herself, Ying Yue exclaimed, "Ying Yue never thought they could create a Spiritual Treasure like a life tablet, even though this world's main cultivation is Body Transformation. Hmm… Maybe one or two of them already know how to cultivate the difficult Spirit Awakening and Essence Gathering techniques, since from sister Yelena's story, it seems they were able to alter the Body Transformation technique to induce subtle brainwashing. If not for Master's intervention and attention to detail, Yue might not know how I died because I wasn't able to sense Shen or Spirit energy inside that Soul Refining Young Master's body, which was very imperceptible because of Dao Yin Confusion."

Seeing her sister Yelena's lack of understanding about the importance of the life tablet, due to her limited experience with the various methods used by cultivators and the closely guarded nature of such secrets, Ying Yue explained in detail what a life tablet is and how it functions.

Although her sister might have some inkling from the publicly circulated history of cultivators in their previous world, Yelena still needed a clearer explanation, as this mistake was very important to her. Not only that, Ying Yue also silently thanked her master in her heart because an imperceptible mistake like this could have led to a disastrous outcome that she wasn't aware of, but he had mended quietly without them even noticing.

Yelena, who had a personal stake in this matter, became more shocked upon realizing that she had mistakenly believed she had escaped their grasp, only to find she was still within the Soul Refining Sect's reach. The fact that even after managing to escape their grasp, they still had a method to make her fall into despair, caused Yelena to become deeply distressed, with visible tears of fear slowly forming in her eyes.

Tian Xing, seeing Yelena slowly tearing up, probably realizing that her intuition as a spy had dulled to the point of not noticing such possibilities due to subtle brainwashing and overconfidence in her escape, pulled her into his embrace, comforting her with a slow pat on her back. He reassured her that with him around, any imperceptible mistake they made would always be fixed by him, telling her she didn't need to worry about such things as he would always be her home and umbrella, providing a safe space free from excessive worry and tension.

Hugging both of his beloveds silently for a couple of minutes, Tian Xing then broke the embrace and continued walking into the cave. He knew there was no need to dwell on such mistakes, as he preferred to be the one to fix them for the benefit of his proficiency in Tian Ming Dao. Upon arriving at the cave and sitting to meditate in his favorite spot overlooking the Taiji Spiritual Veins, he then explained what they needed to do if they encountered cultivators from the Soul Refining Sect, sent by the Grand Elder with the surname Guo.

"Yue, Yelena, remember. When those cultivators fly past this area, don't make any sudden moves or noise. Even though Master has altered the fate of this entire area to appear as nothing more than a normal forest, my Butterfly Echoes aren't powerful enough if they decide to investigate using ordinary methods like tracking our movements or listening for sounds."

Pausing, he then resumed his instructions: "So, when they fly past our cave, stay silent like a statue and don't move. If you can, hold your breath until they are completely gone from the sky above our cave. I'm sure they won't detect us if Yue and Yelena follow my instructions. As for why we don't just escape now, despite having the time, it's because one of those sent as part of the search party is a dear 'friend' of yours, my knife Yelena—the one who put you in this state in the first place. That's why Master doesn't want to leave this wilderness for civilization just yet, even though we could use the flying boats from those who chased you."