
Seeing her master already back to his meditation, eyes closed as he sought to understand how to cultivate Spirit Awakening in this world, Ying Yue noticed his lower clothes standing up, ready to become their plaything. She then looked at her sister, Yelena.

Pausing and having conflicted thoughts for a long time, she finally said, "Sister Yelena, I think it's best if you are the first to dual cultivate with Master. It will benefit all of us if Master gains higher cultivation through your own cultivation, which has already reached the sixth stage of Meridian Refining and dropped to the fourth stage of Bone Tempering. Later, once Master has achieved higher cultivation due to your dual cultivation, Yue then will be able to achieve the same level of cultivation using Master's Yang essence, so we'll all have equal cultivation together."

Listening to Ying Yue's explanation, Yelena stayed silent for a long time. Though they trusted their master completely, knowing they couldn't be detected, Yelena felt it was still better to prepare in this way so all three of them would have equal cultivation by riding on her coattails. However, knowing they needed to consult their master about this, Yelena only saw him nod mechanically, as if he had expected this dilemma long before it even arose. With their master's confirmation, Yelena then turned to Ying Yue and asked, "What about you, sister Yue? Won't you be jealous if I have extra time with Master? Are we just going to forsake the schedule we created during the weeks when Master is awake?"

Rolling her eyes, Ying Yue replied, "Of course not. This is just a pure transaction. When you finish with Master, you owe me the decades you dual cultivated alone with him. Don't think that just because this is for the greater good of Master, you can get away with it scot-free and still keep a normal schedule. It's an unfair excuse that could be used every time someone has the highest cultivation among us, allowing them to monopolize Master's body."

Frowning, Yelena retorted, "But it's my cultivation you'll be using later. Why are you still selfish and won't let go of my debt in exchange for that cultivation?"

Snorting at her sister's short-sightedness, Ying Yue exclaimed and then explained, "Because I'm the first, that's why I can be selfish. As for you? How many guys have you embraced before Master? Hundreds? Thousands? And do you think I don't know that you truly enjoyed and loved a couple of them? Don't be naive with me here. Master is disgusted by that kind of thing, and you know it too. But to him, the present is what truly matters, so he doesn't mind those things because he found something valuable within you—not because you were already valuable and worth it. So don't talk to me like you have a fair deal on the table. You have nothing at all."

Seeing tears forming in sister Yelena's eyes from the harsh words and knowing her sister was very emotional due to the recent events that had pushed her to the brink, Ying Yue sighed, walked up to her, and hugged her. Patting her back, she guided her to sit on their master's lap before continuing, "And not only that, sister Yelena, there's something you must know. I understand that you come from a background where individual strength is what matters, which is why your mindset is still fixated on this. But you've entered a different household entirely, sister Yelena. In this household, individual strength isn't seen as anything special, because when the Dao strips away strength, all that's left is the individual."

Opening her dress to press her pomegranate breasts against their master's back, Ying Yue sat down behind him and continued, "You might not clearly understand Master's motivation for gathering so many of us, sister Yelena, but let me tell you a story before Master and I ascended together."

Positioning herself to satisfy her own desires while still touching her master's body from behind, Ying Yue began to tell her sister Yelena a story, "At that time, Master was very distressed and distraught after realizing, again and again, that his unbelievable and unmatched strength couldn't free him from a pitfall of weakness. It doesn't take much to destroy someone when you know how to bring them down. Because of that, Master decided to draw inspiration from one of his unintentional deeds and create an organization named Herald, where his weaknesses could be mended by others."

Seeing that sister Yelena still hadn't opened her dress to dual cultivate, possibly because Ying Yue's harsh words still echoed in her ears, Ying Yue took the initiative to undress her sister and helped her engage in the lovemaking session, knowing Yelena was now afraid and ashamed of the past.

As they continued, Ying Yue said, "Fast forward to the future, and Master's daughter, wanting to keep ascending and open up a pathway for future generations rather than starting at the same level as Master, made his Predetermination, or Tian Ming Dao, increasingly useless whenever she was far from him. Because of this, Master made a drastic decision to implicitly ask all his friends in the Herald to forsake their desires and live in the mountains, with the intention of teaching them his Tian Ming Dao so they could help him calculate his daughter's safety. But as you know, sister Yelena, they aren't like us. They have their own motivations and ambitions."

Recognizing that sister Yelena had already started moving up and down on her own, likely having guessed where this was going, Ying Yue decided to finish the story. "So distressed and distraught once more, but now with a deeper pain because he loved his daughter so much, Master turned to his friends with benefits. But among the three, I was the only one who agreed. However, as you know, and as sister Yelena knows, combating the Dao in terms of Tian Ming calculation is nearly impossible. The fact that it was only me, Master, and his wife working together didn't help either."

Looking Yelena in the eyes from her master's shoulder, Ying Yue concluded, "Although Master eventually received a gift from the Dao that completely resolved his daughter's issue, the fact remains that collective strength is far better than individual strength when Master needs to solve certain problems, becomes the motivation behind Master's creation of concubines. Although Master never explicitly said it, Yue thinks this is probably what's going on in Master's subconscious mind. So when it comes to shared benefits, it's better for us, sister Yelena, to give it our all. So, sister Yelena, do we have a deal?"

Seeing Ying Yue's outstretched hand, slimy from satisfying her own cherry, Yelena nodded and shook it with her own slimy hand, saying, "Deal."