
"How did you know about the incident?" I paused, suddenly turning to stare at Seokjin.

"What do you mean? I know everything Sora," Seokjin innocently smiled. This is weird.

"Ani. He's an average though? How come you care or know about an average's affair?" Jimin confronts Seokjin. He's right, how come...?

"I'm in rank second-"

"Stop bragging about your rank! Isn't it weird how you always know about something?" Jimin asks while shaking his head at Seokjin.

"Yah! Are you trying to say I set this up?" Seokjin huffs and waves the bags around in annoyance.

"It's possible," Jimin shrugs at Seokjin.

"Yah! So ungrateful! Why would I hurt that average guy!" Seokjin whines in frustration.

"Why did you bring food for him then?" Jimin presses Seokjin's suspicious generosity.

"Aigo!? I can't be nice huh? Do you prefer me coming in with a rifle instead?" Seokjin snaps at Jimin in disbelief.

"No, I hope you won't do that. I'm just curious," Jimin chuckles sarcastically at Seokjin.

"Well.. to be honest... I did some digging and Min Yoongi's parents made a huge investment not too long ago," Seokjin confessed, glancing away uncomfortably.

"Ah... so you're being nice because you're afraid he'll become one of us?" Jimin questioned, nodding repeatedly at Seokjin.

"It's possible, based on Namjoon's calculation and predictions," Seokjin turned to smile at Namjoon.

"Huh. You're even foreseeing things now? Can you tell me who's the anonymous alpha then?" Jimin turned to smirk at Namjoon, who was standing in silence.

"I have a couple of suspects in mind, but I won't tell you," Namjoon smiled at Jimin, then turned to look at me again.

"What are you doing here??" Taehyung's deep voice called out. I turned to find Taehyung approaching us.

"I heard about what happened and I'd like to express my concern," Seokjin smiles at Taehyung.

"Concern about an average? Do you want to finish him?" Taehyung asks, slipping his hands into his pockets.

"Why does everyone think it's me? I have my dignity okay? I'll never hurt a defenseless average- it'll hurt my pride," Seokjin rolls his eyes in frustration.

"Whatever. Sora, you can visit Yoongi," Taehyung nodded toward the mansion.

"Really?" I asked nervously.

"Oh *Korean informal yes*," Taehyung nods at me. Am I ready for this? Am I ready to see Yoongi? What if I can't handle-

"Sora? Are you okay?" Jimin waves his hand in before my face.

"Oh, yeah..." I replied, snapping out of my thoughts.

"I'll go with you if you're afraid," Jimin offered with a warm smile.

"Can I see him too?" Seokjin asks with a wide smile.

"What? No? Go home- stop being a creep," Taehyung shook his head at Seokjin.

"Come on~" Seokjin whines at Taehyung cutely.

"Let's go," Jimin smiled and led the way. I quietly followed him back into the mansion, leaving Taehyung, SeokJin, and Namjoon in the garden.

"I understand how you feel, it's alright. You think you won't be able to handle it but you'll be glad he's still breathing," Jimin sideways smiled at me.

"He's innocent," I sighed heavily. He's the softest person in the world yet he's the one suffering the most. Why? Why?

"I'm sorry that you guys have to go through all of this," Jimin sighed, stopping in front of a glass door.

"Do you want me to come inside with you?" Jimin asks, opening the door slowly. My heart starts to pound so fast, I feel like exploding. Can I handle this?

"If you want," I shrugged, nervously walking towards the bed where Yoongi was resting and glanced at the medical monitor.

"Yoongi..." I whispered while staring at him until I felt my chest swelling in pain. They cleaned his bloody body. I can see all the little scratches on his pale face.

"I'm sorry," I sobbed as tears filled my eyes. This is because of me... I dragged him into all of this... I'll never forgive myself...

"He got beat up and stabbed just below his stomach. Lucky he's still alive," Jimin quietly leaned against the door.

"Stabbed...?" I whispered as I watched Yoongi exhale and inhale in difficulty beneath the oxygen mask.

"His arms got a pretty bad cut too," Jimin whispered.

"You don't deserve this," I sighed, reaching out to squeeze his pale hand. It was cold. He used to have the warmest touch but now... now... it's just rough and cold...

"I'll wait outside," Jimin sadly nodded, walking out of the room to give me some privacy with Yoongi.

"Once you recover... we'll go back to Busan, okay? We'll go for a ride around town like always," I recalled our happy memories... yearning for the joyous time we used to spend together.

"We'll eat at the best fish cake stall near the beach... and we'll watch the sunset at the beach together... like always," I whispered, gently stroking his forehead as pain tore its way out of my chest.

"You and I... we'll be safe and happy again," I closed my eyes as streams of tears made its way down my cheeks. Yoongi's gummy smile at the park as the wind brushes softly against his cheeks. I can vividly remember the way he turned to smile at me at the beach. I can hear the laughter that could light up the whole world.

"Min Yoongi. I'll never let go of you," I whispered, leaning forward to hug him and cried in silence. I will stay by your side... just like you made me promise two years ago. I'm going to stay by your side until we're too weak to walk... until... my last breath. Waves after waves of pain struck me over and over again as I sobbed with him in my arms.


"Sora," Someone shook my shoulders.

"Huh?" I grumbled, sitting up to rub my sleepy eyes.

"We have to leave. The doctor will take care of him now," Jimin woke me up.

"Oh... alright," I got up and walked out of the room with Jimin.

"Aigo... your eyes are puffy," Jimin chuckled when he noticed my swollen eyes.

"How long..? I fell asleep," I muttered, blinking a few times to get rid of the sleepiness.

"A couple of hours," Jimin smiled as he led me back into the hallway.

"Where's everyone?" I mumbled when I noticed how empty the mansion was.

"Taehyung... he locked himself in his own room and Jungkook looks upset for no reason," Jimin nodded.

"What about Seokjin? And Namjoon?" I asked, turning to look at Jimin.

"Taehyung made them leave. He's not in a good mood," Jimin stopped in front of the mansion's door.

"Do you want to go out for dinner?" Jimin turns to smile at me.

"No, go ahead," I shook my head sadly.

"I'll see you tomorrow then," Jimin suddenly pulled me into a hug, causing me to freeze for a moment. What the...?

"I guess," I nodded as he let go of me.

"Bye," Jimin waved and walked out of the mansion.

"Hmm... What do I do? I should make something for Taehyung," I sighed, turned around, and headed towards the kitchen.

"Oh, Miss! Would you like to request something?" A few maids questioned when I entered the kitchen.

"Ah... ani... I'll do it myself," I smiled at them.

"You can't do that! Our master will get mad at us. You can just-"

"Shhh, if no one tells them- they won't know. I want to cook," I smiled at the maid again. I need to get my mind off Yoongi for a moment.

"Neh, very well then. We'll help you," The maid bowed a little and stepped aside to let me in the kitchen. I ended up making Kimchi Stew with pork for Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Will he even eat it...?" I mumbled, thinking of Jungkook. He's so picky. I carefully set the food on the tray before making my way back to Taehyung's room.

"Taehyung-ah," I called, knocking softly but there was no answer.

"You should eat," I pressed my ear against his door.

"Hmm?- Oh... be careful..." Taehyung suddenly opens the door without any warning. I stumbled forward with the food tray, so he caught me by my arm to stabilize me.

"That was close," I whispered in relief.

"I'm not hungry but thank you," Taehyung spoke in a soft tone as he took the tray from me and placed it on the table.

"You should eat," I nervously placed my hands behind my back.

"I'll eat- I like your Busan-flavored food," Taehyung smiled while scratching his wet hair awkwardly.

"I'm sorry... for blaming the incident on you," I whispered in guilt. I've been blaming Taehyung and his family for what happened to Yoongi. They've been there for me all along. He even risked his life to save Yoongi. It's wrong... of me to think of him that way.

"It's mostly my fault... it's okay," Taehyung shook his head apologetically.

"I hope you'll forgive me. I should get going now," I nodded and left his room in a hurry. I feel so embarrassed. I can't even look at him properly. I should be careful with the hurtful things I say when I'm upset!

"Yah. Are you in there?" I asked while knocking on Jungkook's door. Music was booming from inside his room.

"What a noisy kid," I whispered, pushing the door open.

"Huh...?" I glanced around in confusion. Despite the loud music... Jungkook was motionlessly lying on his couch.

"Is this what it's like to be broken?" I muttered, setting the tray down on his coffee table, then turned to scan in his messy room.

"You should eat something," I exhaled and switched off the speaker.

"I'm not hungry," Jungkook mumbled, burying his head into the cushions.

"You can't keep on living like this," I sighed, pulling the curtains open to let the lights into his room.

"Go away... you're so annoying," Jungkook groaned.

"Hey! Get up!" I snapped and smacked his arm repeatedly.

"Owww! Why are you hitting me?!" Jungkook groaned as he slowly sat up with his striking messy hair.

"Eat!" I ordered, pushing the tray towards him.

"How dare you hurt an alpha!" Jungkook snapped and glared at me with his puffy eyes.

"Maybe the glare would work if your eyes were less puffy," I smirked with my arms crossed. He looks like a lost puppy.

"Whatever..." Jungkook rubbed his eyes in exhaustion and picked up the spoon.

"So what happened?" I questioned, turning to pick up his blanket that was laying on the floor.

"Why are you so nosy?" Jungkook huffed while stuffing the food into his mouth.

"I'm trying to be nice, but if you want to die with that pain then sure. I don't care," I shrugged while folding the blanket.

"Well, thanks to you, Minah will never give me another chance!" Jungkook snaps while glaring at me.

"Well, I'm sorry. Stupid," I placed the blanket on his bed.

"Did you just call me stupid?" Jungkook shot me an offended glare.

"Yeah, I did. You're the stupidest person I've met when it comes to love," I shook my head.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asks, turning to look at me as he chews his food.

"If she still loves you, she'll give you another chance. Just don't give up yet," I turned to pick up the litter on the floor.

"So you're saying it's still possible?" Jungkook asks me quietly.

"Of course, maybe she needs some time," I shrugged and stuffed the trash into a bag.

"Omo..." I paused, stopping dead with my eyes trained on an old bright blue underpants in my hand.

"What- oh!" Jungkook gasped when he saw the underpants in my hands.

"Give it to me!" Jungkook snapped, snatching it out of my hands before stuffing it into his drawing.

"Well... that was... awkward.." I whispered when I felt my cheeks heating up.

"Shut up!" Jungkook snapped, kicking his pillow uncomfortably.

"You're so rich. Why are you using that old underpants?" I slowly turned to look at him.

"It's not that old!" Jungkook snapped then turned back to his food.

"There's... a hole in it..." I whispered, causing him to choke on his rice. What kind of an alpha wears underwear with a hole in it...?