
"You alright?" Taehyung asked, lifting the helmet off my head as I got off his bike.

"Yeah," I nodded, glancing around the parking lot.

"Hey!" Jimin appeared from behind us just as Taehyung and I entered the university.

"Hey," I greeted him.

"Did you find any suspect?" Taehyung turned to look at Jimin as we quickly made our way into the building.

"Minho, it's obviously him," Jimin glanced at me. It's really is him huh...?

"That mother fucker!" Taehyung grits in irritation.

"We'll take you to your class-"

"No, it's okay. I'll go alone," I immediately refused Jimin's offer as we got to the entrance of my building. They'll only bring unnecessary attention.

"See you then," Jimin waved as I ran into the building and headed to my course room. People were crazy. The girls kept on asking how I got to be with the alphas while the boys kept on asking me about the luxurious things they owned. I was pretty exhausted by the end of the day.

"OMO!!! It's Jimin!" Someone screamed when I got to the exit.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned when I found Jimin waiting by the exit.

"Taehyung asked me to. He's busy today," Jimin shrugged as we made our way past the crowd.

"You didn't have to come to my building," I shook my head. I hate attention.

"Well, I kind of enjoy the attention, so it's alright," He smiled as we made our way toward the alpha building.

"I'm not enjoying it," I rolled my eyes when I heard a loud crash.

"Shit!" Jimin suddenly dropped his bag and sprinted into the hallway in a hurry.

"What's going on?" I picked up Jimin's bag and chased after him in confusion.

"YOU THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH THIS?!" Taehyung's angered voice echoed across the hallway before I could even see him.

"Oh no..." I whispered when I finally approached the corridor.

"It wasn't me!" Minho yelped in pain. I turned to find Taehyung glowering at Minho by the lockers.

"Taehyung," I whispered with my mouth hanging open. He was pinning Minho against the locker. Flashes of unpleasant memories came rushing into my head again. Blood... spreading... on the floor...

"DO YOU TAKE ME AS A FOOL?!" Taehyung roughly punched Minho in the nose. The alpha whimpered in pain and wobbled onto the floor.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!? I said it wasn't me!" Minho groaned while covering his bleeding nose.

"Taehyung... stop," Jimin cautiously tugged his friend backward.

"This will be my last warning," Taehyung glared as he backed away from Minho. He was breathing heavily.

"What's going on??" Seokjin appears with Namjoon and Hoseok.

"This asshole is accusing me of something I didn't do!" Minho angrily shot onto his feet with his hand over his nose.

"Well, it's pretty obvious," Hoseok laughs, helping Minho up but Minho violently shoves him away.

"It's not me! What the hell!" Minho screamed in frustration. If it wasn't him... then who?

"You weren't at school yesterday," Seokjin shrugged at Minho.

"I skipped school! I was on a date with some average I picked up at the club!" He snaps at Seokjin.

"You're disgusting," Namjoon shook his head in disbelief.

"I didn't know about the average until this shithead pounced at me like a bulldog!" Minho glared at Taehyung, who was dully staring at him.

"Whatever, since you're all here! You're all invited to my birthday party! I'll send you the address," Hoseok beamed cheerfully.

"Come on. Let's go," Taehyung muttered, pulling me away from the alphas.

"Sora! You're invited too!" Hoseok called from behind me. I could feel Taehyung's grip tightening around my wrist.

"Are you going to the party?" Jimin asks, following us from behind.

"I'll think about it," Taehyung replied dimly as we walked into the parking lot.

"I think you should attend the party. We might find our suspect there," Jimin suggested when we got to Taehyung's bike.

"You're right. I'll see you at 10:00 pm then," Taehyung nodded after placing the helmet on my head.

"Right, see you," Jimin patted Taehyung's shoulder and walked away.

"Hold me tight," Taehyung glanced at me through the mirror with his sharp brown eyes before racing out of the campus. I got used to his speed, so it didn't really bother me anymore. I've been dying to see Yoongi. I hope he's doing well.

"Meet me here at 9:00 pm," Taehyung turned to look at me when we got to the living room.

"Why?" I asked in a dumbfounded tone.

"You have to go to the party," He sighs while leaning against the couch.

"I don't want to," I shook my head. I don't want to be around the alphas anymore. They hurt Yoongi- look at what happened to him. It's too much.

"Look, whoever hurt Yoongi knows about you two. If by any chance, they attend the party they will surely show themselves when they see you," Taehyung clasped his hands together.

"What if they don't?" I looked at him dead in the eyes. I'll probably get murdered on the spot.

"That's not an alpha nature. Just trust me, okay?" Taehyung reached out to grab my hands and gave me a gentle squeeze of assurance.

"Fine," I exhaled, pulling my hands away.

"Dress well," Taehyung got onto his feet after I agreed to go to the part with him.

"I'll go check on Yoongi first," I nodded and walked away.

"I'm here," I whispered, slowly approaching Yoongi in the quiet room.

"How are you?" I asked, sitting down beside him as he exhaled and inhaled softly.

"Wake up soon, I miss you," I squeezed his cold hands. I spent about an hour sitting in the room talking by myself. I gave him a kiss on his forehead and left the room. The nurse updated me on Yoongi's condition before I left and they said he's recovering pretty quickly which made me feel a lot better. My Yoongi is strong.

"What should I wear...?" I sighed, cluelessly staring at my closet... taking out one by one of my clothes.



"Definitely not this one," I muttered, throwing the 20th dress on the floor in frustration. I don't have anything to wear!

"Are you done??" Taehyung questioned as he knocked on the door.

"I don't think I can go," I sighed, pulling the door open. How can I leave if I don't even have anything to wear??

"What do you mean? What's wrong?" Taehyung asked, glancing from me to the clothes scattered on the floor.

"I don't have anything nice to wear," I admitted in embarrassment.

"What do you mean you don't have anything?" Taehyung chuckles at the pile of clothes on the bed. He walked into my room and picked up a black dress.

"I really don't," I shrugged.

"Huh. You're right. You can't dress like this to the party. Come on then," Taehyung agreed, dropping the dress, and walked out of my room. But I didn't follow him and stood in confusion.

"What? Why are you standing there? Come on," Taehyung turned to look at me funnily. What? What is he saying?

"I'm wearing pajamas" I muttered, staring at him with a dumbfounded expression. He wants me to go out in this??? I look like a homeless person!

"So what?" He questioned, turning to face me.

"What do you mean-"

"Just trust me, come on," Taehyung dragged me out of my room. Aish...

"I can't go like this!" I whined as he dragged me towards his car.

"Don't worry. You'll be the prettiest one," Taehyung chuckles as he drives out of the parking lot, causing my cheeks to flush red.

"Yeah right," I rolled my eyes sarcastically. I'll be a clown.

"Don't worry. My date is always the best," Taehyung smiled after taking a sharp turn.

"Your date? I'm not your date," I huffed.

"As much as you dislike it, we have to attend the party as a couple. We can't let the other alphas know about your boyfriend," Taehyung shrugged while turning his steering wheel.

"You must be kidding me," I rubbed my forehead... feeling a little frustrated.

"Here we are," Taehyung announced, stopping the car in front of some fancy department store.

"What do you think you're doing?" I questioned, glancing around the area in confusion.

"Getting something that matches your standard. Head in first. I'll catch up with you," Taehyung replied while rummaging through the car's cabinet for something.

"Hello- ah... miss-" One of the female staff greeted me but stopped the moment she saw me.

"Hello," I smiled uncomfortably as she eyed me from head to toe.

"You can't come in here. You can't disturb our customer, please leave," The staff straightened herself. Omo, she thinks I'm a beggar? This is what I get for wearing a pajama to a fancy shop huh? Well, it's not like I can afford the products anyways. I'll just ask Taehyung to take me to a different place-

"What's going on??" Taehyung appeared behind me.

"Ah, anneonghaseyo. I'm just dealing with an uninvited guest," The staff politely smiled at Taehyung. This bitch wtf.

"What do you mean uninvited? She's my sister," Taehyung questioned the staff, causing her eyes to grow wide open in shock.

"Omo, I'm so sorry," The staff immediately bowed at me over and over again. She backed away with her head down. Always judging people by their appearance. Aish...

"This place is too pricey. Let's just get something at the local store," I whispered quietly while checking the price tags. I can't afford any of these!

"Don't worry, it's all on me," Taehyung assured while looking through the dresses.

"I don't like it! Let's go!" I snapped and tugged his arm.

"You're hanging out with alphas. At least match our standards to avoid getting bullied," Taehyung insisted, picking out a red dress and placed it in front of me.

"Urgh. I don't want you to waste-"

"Fine. Just buy me food when I'm hungry," Taehyung smiled after putting the red dress away and proceeded to inspect the dresses in the store.

"For the rest of my life?" I muttered, glancing at the rows of dresses. It's so expensive I'll be paying for his food even in my next life.

"This one, try it on," He smiled, holding up a long silver off-shoulder dress.

"It's cold outside," I stared at him in disbelief.

"It won't be cold at the party," Taehyung shrugged, pushing me into the changing room. Aish, this makes me uncomfortable. I carefully pulled it on and surprisingly the dress was more comfortable than I expected. I stepped out of the changing room while Taehyung waited for me. He averted his eyes to me as patted the dress and stared at me unblinkingly.

"So..?" I questioned his neutral expression unsurely. I can't tell if he likes it or not.

"Oh- Yeah wear that," Taehyung nods. He glanced away from me and rubbed his nose uneasily.

"Right, I'll change-"

"No no, just wear it. I'll deal with the payment," Taehyung briefly eyed me and then avoided my eyes again.

"Oh... okay..." I awkwardly stood in the dress, so he quickly made his way to the cashier.

"Wait for me in the car. I'll be right back," Taehyung called out when I walked towards his car.

"What is he doing?" I unsurely buckled the seat belt when Taehyung quickly jogged down the street. He returned to the car a few moments later. He's out of breath. Did he run?

"Alright, let's go," He started the engine and drove towards the party house.

"I'll repay you when I can. I'm not taking this for free," I muttered while rubbing the soft fabric between my fingers.

"Sure, don't starve," Taehyung chuckles as we come to a stop. That's when I noticed he was dressed in a black tuxedo. Instead of wearing a vest, he wore a long black turtle neck shirt underneath the jacket. It goes really well with his blonde hair. 

[ Check out Taehyung during Melon Music Award 2017 and you'll get the picture ]

"It's so grand," I whispered while staring at the elegant gateway in awe... almost like a palace.

"Jung Hoseok. I sometimes suspect he's the first rank," Taehyung muttered while pulling into the parking lot. I was about to open the car door when Taehyung grabbed my arm.

"Wait," He stared at me.

"Huh?" I turned to look at him in confusion.

"I thought... something was missing so I got you this," Taehyung fumbled into his pocket, then pulled something out of it. He opened a velvet box to reveal a simple yet pretty necklace in the shape of the moon.

"Tae-Taehyung... You didn't have to-" I gasped, glancing at him with my mouth hanging open.

"I think it matches the dress. Here let me put it on," Taehyung quickly took out the necklace and leaned over to place it around my neck. Goosebumps rose all over my body when I felt his breath brushing against my ear. Taehyung turns to make eye contact with me and for a moment I stopped breathing when our eyes met. Our face was so close I could count all of his eyelashes. 

I wanted to tell him to scoot away but we were so close I was scared to speak. The car suddenly grew warmer as we stayed in the fixed position.