
I couldn't stay focused after the brief talk with Namjoon because my mind kept on wandering back to his words. I didn't know what Namjoon was warning me about or maybe he was just playing with my mind? He said do not trust anyone, so I shouldn't believe him, right? He's definitely fooling me. Lost in thoughts, I strolled towards the alpha building after class to wait for Taehyung.

"Hey, can you tell us about the incident at the mansion?" A group of people crowded around me. I snapped out of my thoughts at their unexpected presence. I nervously glanced at their curious eyes and looked at the time on my phone. Where's Taehyung? What's taking him so long?


"Why would you ask her? Of course, she doesn't know anything," Someone huffed from the crowd.

"I heard she was with them that night," Another voice shouted. Ani... how did they know? Every time something happens... they always find out about it the next day. Who's leaking the secrets from the mansions? The maids? The staff?

"How did an average end up with them? What's so special about you?" Questioned another person. It's always the same question. What's so special about me? Why am I with them? Nothing. There's nothing special about me. I'm simply caught up with the wrong people.

"Omo! It's Taehyung and Jungkook oppa!" Someone shrieked and as expected, I turned to find Taehyung and Jungkook exiting the building.

"Hey Sora," Taehyung smiles at me.

"Took you long enough. The crowd wouldn't leave me alone," I huffed as I walked beside them. I don't want to deal with the unnecessary attention I'm receiving because of them. Should I be glad to be friends with the top alphas? Tsk. They make me feel worthless. It feels like I'm a mere shadow under their powerful status.

"Just ignore it- by the way, you can head home with Jungkook first. I'll be staying here with Jimin and a couple of others to complete some work," Taehyung glanced at the crowd dully.

"Alright, take care then," I nodded at him. He looked so worn out... I'm worried. What's going on with him?

"Kaja! See you!" Jungkook sighs, placing his arm around my shoulder before dragging me away as he waves dismissively at Taehyung.

"Hajima!" I snapped, pushing his arm off me. I swear to god- his actions will place me in excessive trouble with the lower ranks! The closer they are to me- The more I get dragged through the dirt.

"I'm hungry. Do you want to get some food?" Jungkook patted his stomach as we made our way out of the gate.

"Maybe next time," I smiled at Yoongi, who was waiting for me in the parking lot.

"Whatever, bye," Jungkook shrugged and turned away when he noticed Yoongi standing before us.

"You know it's not safe for you to wander around, right? You should head straight to the suite," I called after Jungkook, making him stop. He turned to look at me with a bright smile on his face.

"Thanks for worrying, but I am Jeon Jungkook for a reason! I won't die easily," Jungkook chuckles before entering his car.

"Hey..." Yoongi approached me as I watched Jungkook drive out of the parking lot.

"How long have you been here?" I turned to smile at Yoongi, who was wearing a casual jacket, jeans, a t-shirt, and a black cap.

"Not long. Didn't want you to come home alone, so I came," Yoongi smiles and interlaces his fingers with mine.

"You're an entitled person now- You shouldn't expose yourself to danger like this. I don't want to hurt you again," I bit my lower lips guiltily. He can't leave his parent's territory... especially not when all the alphas are after him.

"Hey, it wasn't your fault. Listen to me. Whatever happened wasn't your fault. Just hold me tight, we'll be fine," Yoongi cups my cheeks with his hands and leans in to press his lips against mine.

"Oh my god! It's the anonymous alpha!" Someone shrieked, causing us to break apart in a panic.

"Her?! Why is she kissing the anonymous alpha when she's dating Taehyung!" Someone gasped.

"Such a whore! Look at her- She's holding hands with him!" Another person shrieked.

"Is she cheating on Taehyung?!" We both squinted our eyes at the sudden flickers of cameras. Click. Click. People were taking pictures of us as we stood staring at them in shock.

"Stop it! Get out!" Yoongi's bodyguard appeared in front of us to block off the crowd.

"Sir! Miss! We need to leave," The guard turned to us as the crowd grew bigger. Yoongi snapped back to his senses after being paralyzed by the blinding lights. He dragged me away from the crowd and into his car.

"I thought they knew about us?" Yoongi turns to me with a questioning look.

"The alphas do. Not them though. Those aren't alphas, but they're extremely rich. They still think I'm dating Taehyung," I shook my head as we drove out of the parking lot.

"They're crazy then. You don't deserve all of that. Please don't listen to their words," Yoongi gently squeezed my hand.

"Of course not," I smiled at him reassuringly. But deep down, I knew I was hurt by their harsh words. I can't help it.

"Should we eat street food? That's what we usually do back in Busan," Yoongi cutely grins at me.

"Sure," I nodded. We always visit one of the busiest markets downtown just to binge-eat the food. We'd come home so full we couldn't breathe properly. Those were the best times... I hope we can revive the happy moments again.

"I'm sorry, but we can't risk taking you to the requested destination. We have to head straight to the hotel, it's an order we can't dismiss," The guard sternly informed us.

"What? That's not fair! Bring us-"

"No, sir. Please oblige your parents' order!" They refused, cutting Yoongi off. Yoongi grits his jaw and glares out the window in irritation.

"Don't be mad," I softly pat his hands. He's no longer an ordinary person, so it'll be difficult to lead an ordinary life.

"I am not a child! You can't do this to me!" Yoongi yells at his mother as we enter the suite.

"Yoongi lower your voice! We're doing this to protect you!" Mr. Min suddenly turned off the television.

"You let me off on my own all the time. Why not now? There's no difference!" Yoongi snapped angrily at his mother.

"The past was different! You're in great danger now! Don't forget- You barely escaped death a month ago!" His mother scolded her son in frustration.

"I never asked for any of this!" Yoongi roared and suddenly stomped into his room in anger. He slammed the door shut with a loud bang. I stood staring at Mrs. Min quietly as her eyes filled with tears.

"Please don't cry," I approached Mrs. Min and wrapped my arms around her shoulder to comfort her.

"I'm trying to keep him safe... Why isn't he grateful!?" She cries quietly as she leans against my shoulder.

"I think he needs a little more time to adjust to this," I whispered while rubbing her hands.

"I think so too. I hope that one day he will realize... Whatever I'm doing is... all for him," She whispers in a broken tone.

"He will, but he needs time. So please don't give up on him," I mumbled while staring at the door to his room. Yoongi rarely gets mad, but when he does, it's scary.

"Ahhhh... I'm sorry Sora-shi. I'm sorry you have to deal with this," Mrs. Min sniffled and rubbed away her tears.

"No, it's fine," I smiled at her.

"I'll go to the spa to relieve my stress. You should get change. And please calm him down since you're the only one he'll listen to," Mrs. smiles while patting my hand.

"I'm sorry," I lowered my face in guilt.

"Aigo... don't be. You're a good person. I trust you with Yoongi," She smiles, lifting my chin up with her finger to gaze at me. I weakly smiled at her.

"I'll get going now. Why did I cry? I'm going to get more wrinkles," She whines. She got onto her feet and left the suite.

"Yoongi?" I called, softly knocking on his door.

"I just need some time alone," Yoongi answered.

"Alright. I'll be in the living room if you need me," I sighed and entered the kitchen. Should I make something for him? I should. So I prepared watermelons and apples for him.

"Yoongi?" I knocked again as I held the tray in one of my hands. No answer.

"I'm coming in. We can fix this- oh..." I pushed open the door but abruptly stopped when I found him asleep on the couch.

"So cute," I smiled before setting down the tray on his coffee table. I helped him into a comfortable position on the couch- then spread the blanket over his body. He must have cried to sleep... considering his puffy eyes.

"Sleep well," I kissed his forehead before walking out of the room.

"-Mr. Jungkook no one is home besides young master and miss Sora! We'll get someone assist-"

"I don't believe you!" I could hear Jungkook's demanding voice from behind the door.

"What do you want?" I sighed, opening the door to find Jungkook standing outside the door with the guards.

"The heater is broken. I'm gonna freeze to death! I want to complain to the chairman," Jungkook whines as he places his hand on his hips.

"Stop whining, come on. I'll go with you. You could've talked to the manager," I shut the door behind me.

"Miss Sora you aren't supposed to leave-"

"I'm going to visit their suite. Don't worry," I smiled at the guard before walking off with Jungkook.

"You know how to fix the heater?" Jungkook asks as we step into the elevator.

"Appa and I do a lot of fixing back at home. I'll see if I can help. If not, I'll remind Yoongi about the broken heater," I shrugged.

"Hmm. Just call the manager," Jungkook strode out of the elevator when we arrived on their floor.

"What's wrong with your arm?" I asked when I noticed the fresh bruise on his forearm.

"Oh, that's nothing. I accidentally hurt myself," He immediately rolled down his sleeve.

"The floor is heavily guarded," I mutter when I notice the guards patrolling every corridor as we walked toward his suite.

"Appa is paranoid," Jungkook shrugged, pushing the door to his suite open. I followed him closely.

"Sora!" Jimin appears, smiling brightly at me.

"You're staying in the same suite?" I asked Jimin in confusion.

"Yeah, this suite is so big. Eomma and appa thought we should stay together during times like this," Jimin shrugged, turning to look at the lavish living room.

"Are any of the elders home? If they are I should greet them," I glanced around the royal suite.

"No, they're not home. They have to attend an important meeting," Jungkook shook his head with his hands in his pocket.

"I see. Where's the heater?" I asked, walking towards the living room.

"The one in the living room doesn't work," Jimin nodded while scratching his head.

"Let me take a look," I mumbled, kneeling down beside the heater.

"Are you going to fix it?" Jimin asked in shock as he made his way toward me.

"I'm just examining it," I pulled open the side of the heater control system.

"I don't think this is a good idea," Jimin whispered, watching me nervously.

"Sora, what are you doing?" Taehyung asks when he walks into the living room.

"Oh, the cable is disconnected," I muttered when I spotted the disconnected cable on the inside.

"Jinja?" Jimin knelt down beside me excitedly to get a closer look at it.

"It should work again if I connect it," I turned to smile at Jungkook and Taehyung.

"Sora, I don't think you should be doing this," Taehyung darted me a disapproving look.

"It's okay, don't worry," I insisted and reached out for the plastic part of the cable.

"Sora, seriously-"

"There!" I smiled, cutting off Taehyung when I successfully connected the cable together.

"Still, you shouldn't have done that," Taehyung sighed while watching me.

"You're so cool!" Jimin smiles, glancing from me to the cable with a bright smile.

"Try turning it on," I turned to Jungkook.

"Alright," Jungkook reached out to push the screen on the wall.

"Omo! It's working!" Jimin gasped when we felt the warmth heating up the floor again but then it let out a loud click click KROOOOk KROOOOK pssss KRRROOOK KRRROOOOK pssss sound from the heater.

"The fuck is going on...?" Jimin stared at the heater funnily.

"S-sora..." Taehyung stuttered while staring at me nervously.

"What's going on?!" Jungkook yelped and backed away in panic.

"Oh! maybe we should do this!" Jimin suddenly slammed the side of the heater shut.

"JIMIN- SORA-" Taehyung gasped but was cut off when the heater let out a loud BOOBOOSH and one last KROOOK before something exploded into my face at full blast.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Jungkook screamed, backing away as I kept my eyes closed in shock. Jimin and I began coughing when we accidentally inhaled the thick smoke.

"Are you okay?!" Taehyung snapped while fanning away the smoke and coughed over us.

"WE'RE DEAD! WE'RE DEAD!" Jungkook screamed while hiding behind the couch.

"I'm fine..." I exhaled, opening my eyes to find Jimin staring at me, but his face was covered in black dust. All I could see was Jimin's eyes staring back at me in shock.

"Shut up will you?!" Taehyung glares at Jungkook in annoyance.

"Y-your... face," I whispered, pointing at Jimin's face in shock.

"No, your face," Jimin pointed at me with his mouth hanging open. I stared at his dark face with a straight face.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook questioned... slowly approaching us. We both turned to look at him... still sitting on the floor.

"Oh- AHAHAHHAHAHAHA! WHAT THE FUCK AHAHAHAHAHA!" Jungkook burst out laughing when he saw our faces. What is he laughing at? Is he crazy!?