Ten Feet

I turned to look at the busy streets after letting out a deep sigh. Honestly, I don't know what to do. I couldn't stop thinking about the discussion I had with my father. Who do I have by my side? No one? I can't rely on anyone. How can I lean on Jimin when he's about to collapse? Whatever happens, I won't let him fall. They say I can only save one person- but I know I can't do that. My heart aches the more I think about them. Should I let Jimin know I'm aware of his condition? Or should I wait for him to tell me?

"Noona..." Yangcha spoke quietly, causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I smiled at him. He glanced at my ice cream and back at me.

"Your ice cream is melting. Why aren't you eating? Are you sick?" He worriedly searches my eyes. Awee... he's so sweet.

"No, I blanked out for a bit. Don't worry," I chuckled while shaking my head. I'm going crazy... but then I froze when Yangcha reached out to squeeze my hand.

"You must be going through a difficult time. It's okay. Hang in there, noona, it'll pass, and I'll be here with you! Hwaiting?" Yangcha softly patted my hands. I stared at him in awe. I needed that comfort.

"You're right. How bad will it get, huh? Hwaiting~!" I smiled while holding onto his hands. I took Yangcha home afterward, and we bid each other goodbye. I don't want to go home. Tsk... H-home? When was it ever my home? Fifteen minutes later, I ended up in front of Bogum's cafe. Sighing, I walked inside. To my surprise, the staff in the cafe weren't Bogum. It's not his shift?

"Excuse me, is the Bogum here?" I asked one of the staff.

"Bogum? Oh. Why do you want to see him- He doesn't come here often," The staff politely smiled at me. What? I stood staring at the staff in confusion.

"What do you mean he's not here? He works here," I asked, furrowing eyebrows at him.

"Ah. He's a very busy person, you see. He runs a lot of branches. He's our-"

"What are you doing here?" Bogum suddenly appeared at the cafe door dressed in a casual T-shirt and jeans. The staff quickly bowed when Bogum tried to signal him not to... but stopped when he noticed me staring. Huh...?

"Haha... my colleagues are funny...," Bogum cleared his throat awkwardly as the staff stood glancing between us in confusion. I slowly crossed my arms and stared at him. This guy... What a tacky person...

"What? Why are you giving me that look? Want free coffee again? Wae? Did your boss fire you?" Bogum asked while chuckling at me.

"Boss," I shortly replied while smirking at him. I can't believe he lied to me...

"What are you talking about-"

"You're the boss here, stop fooling me," I shook my head at him. Bogum tightened his lips in embarrassment. He fooled me. We ended up drinking at a small barbecue place Bogum claimed he loved so much. I didn't eat much. I drank the soju one bottle after another to flush away the stuffiness I felt inside my chest. Bogum stopped midway when he noticed... me drinking nonstop.

"Moh? Quit giving me that look!" I huffed at him. Why is he staring at me as if I'm a weirdo?

"Did your boss bully you again?" Bogum asked, raising his eyebrows with a dumbfounded expression. I shook my head. I'm the one bullying myself.

"Are you upset I lied then? I'm sorry if-"

"I'm not mad. I understand why you did it. Sometimes you want to make friends with people who genuinely like you for who you are, not for what you have," I scoffed, gulping down another cup of Soju. Keeping our identity hidden is the only way to protect ourselves from all the bloodthirsty monsters.

"Yeah, it's easier to trust people that way- YAH- STOP DRINKING!" Bogum snapped, trying to snatch the bottle of Soju from me when I tried to chug down the entire bottle. My phone started buzzing. I was about to turn it off when Bogum snatched it from me. What is he doing?!

"YAH! GIVE IT BACK! DON'T ANSWER!" I screamed so loud everyone turned to look at us. Bogum shot me an irritated look before answering the call. This fucking stupid ass! How dare he!

"You better come pick her up! I don't know how bad you overworked her- but take her home before she devours all the Soju in my favorite barbecue place!" Bogum shouted into my phone and hung up. He tapped furiously on my phone and handed it back to me.

"You're embarrassing me!" He snapped, sitting back down before snatching the soju bottle from me. I quickly leaned over and smacked his forehead. His mouth drops open in shock...


"WHY WOULD YOU CALL THEM!?! I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK!" I stomped my foot in frustration. Am I drunk already? Aish...

"You're a mess! You need to go home!" Bogum argued, handing me some tissues. I hastily grabbed it and wiped my lips repeatedly. I wish I could punch him, but he'll probably punch me back, so I darted him a sharp glare instead.

"Oh. I have something *hiccup* ... for you," I muttered while digging into my purse. I still have the pin he dropped. Where did it go? I remember keeping it in my purse... eh? Did I lose it? Just then, Jungkook came bursting into the restaurant.

"Oh shit, I gotta go to the bathroom," I muttered, frantically getting onto my feet. I have to leave before he catches me. But as soon as I got up- I lost my balance and fell into one of the tables. Sssshit!

"S-Sorry *hiccup* ..." I shook my head to clear up my vision. I was about to walk away when Jungkook grabbed my arm. Well... fuck. Urgh.

"Don't let him take me home," I turned to beg Bogum, who was staring at me anxiously. He glanced at Jungkook and back at me as if he was trying to make up his mind.

"What's wrong with you? Stop making a scene! Let's go!" Jungkook seethed, pulling me forward, but I caught Bogum's arm- yanked my arm free from Jungkook, and quickly hid behind Bogum.

"I don't want to go," I sobbed while clenching onto Bogum's shirt tightly. I can't handle the stress anymore... I really don't want to go... Jungkook tried to grab me again until Bogum stopped him.

"What are you doing? Let me go," Jungkook shot Bogum a sharp glare.

"Why is she like this? What did you do to her? I shouldn't have picked up your call," Bogum spoke in a monotone voice. Jungkook let out a huge sigh, then combed his hands through his hair in frustration.

"I don't know why she's like this too. But the safest place for her is home, Sora... please," Jungkook whispered worriedly as he slowly wrapped his hands around mine. I can't run away forever, can I? He lightly pulled me from Bogum.

"Are you sure?" Bogum asked, grabbing my upper arm as he searched my eyes for answers. I bit my lips and nodded weakly. Bogum wasn't convinced, but he eventually released my arm. Jungkook led me to his car, so I got in the passenger seat and leaned back.

"You shouldn't roam around the city by yourself," Jungkook sighed as he started the engine. I turned to look at him with a weak smile. He knows, but just like everyone else, he pretends like it's nothing.

"Jungkook-shi... are you going to let Jimin go too?" I whispered drunkenly. Jungkook froze. He stared at me without saying a single word. My chest is tearing me apart. I can't breathe properly. Tears started to build inside my eyes...

"You're drunk," Jungkook quickly snapped out of his thoughts and drove off. I started laughing, then turned to look out the window. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I laughed through the pain. My chest ached so bad I had to clench it tightly. Maybe if I clench it hard enough, it'll go away. Suddenly, Jungkook pulled up on the side of the road and killed the engine. He balled his hands into a tight fist... and let out a deep sigh.

"Yoongi is doing drugs. He won't last, so Jimin will be fine," Jungkook leaned back in his seat. He knows... something's not right about this.

"How did you know?" I questioned in a croaked voice. Something's not right. I can sense it.

"Are you going to save Yoongi? Or will you let him go? Since when did you have any choices?" Jungkook sighed, turning to look at me with a pained expression. It must be killing him too...

"I know I won't let Jimin fall. But Yoongi- he's- he's innocent. He didn't want to be involved in any of this," I shook my head while rubbing away my tears. Yoongi is also struggling with the society.

"Sora, you can't save both. Listen to me, you can't save both! It's not just Yoongi or Jimin- I'll be next! What can I do?!" Jungkook shakily ran his hands through his hair. I bit my lips quietly. He must be scared too. How can I live knowing I'm responsible for all of their downfalls? We stayed in silence, both of us lost in our own thoughts. About an hour later, Jungkook started the engine again, and we drove home. We drove through the gates and towards the mansion.

"Don't tell Jimin about this. I'll make up some excuses," I whispered while staring at my hands. I don't want Jimin to know.

"Maybe next time," Jungkook said shortly. I turned to look at him in confusion until I noticed Jimin. He was sitting in front of the mansion with his phone clutched tightly in his hands. The bright headlights beamed right at Jimin as he stared at us with a sullen expression. I sucked in my breath. He already knows...


Appa dismissed the man he was conversing with upon my arrival. I sat down and immediately got straight to the point. The conversation left me hurting, hopeless, and upset. It didn't go well.

"-we're the supreme alphas, so why can't we save Jimin?" I asked, staring at my father with a blank expression.

"My daughter finally wants to talk to me, and it's about her boyfriend?" Appa asked, chuckling at me in disbelief. This is not funny. He shouldn't be laughing.

"He's also our ally. Why are you doing nothing? Why? You have to save him!" I snapped. Why is everyone doing nothing?! Why did he let the Mins take away everything from Jimin?

"Since you really want to know the answer, then I'll happily fill you in. But Sora, you won't be able to do anything," Appa clasped his hands together... his voice growing deeper as he spoke.

"I won't give up," I smiled at him.

"Jimin is a sacrifice. No, I mean the Park. A sacrifice for the better," Appa exhaled heavily. Huh? I furrowed my eyebrows. I'm baffled by what he said.

"What do you mean?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion. What is he talking about?

"In the movies you watch, the main character always survives. Why? Because many sub-characters sacrifice themselves to keep the main character alive. Those climaxes when the main character is about to die a tragic death, but they don't because someone shows up to rescue them and dies saving the main character. You see... the Park is the sub-character. We're the main character. Why else did we make alliances with the lower ranks? So why don't we just be allies with someone as powerful as us? We can't. And that's because they can destroy us, and we need followers. The lower ranks can't harm us, so we choose them, and they'll gladly obey us. We need the lower ranks to shield us from all the harm," Appa spoke in a firm voice. My mind was all over the place after I heard his words. What the actual fuck.

"This isn't a TV Show- Your allies made you stronger! Without them, you'll crumble!" I scoffed in disbelief. I didn't know my father was a murderous cold-hearted person?!

"Yes, that's true. But it's the last resolution when we're being threatened. The Min will not back down. They will fight. They tried to shatter us as soon as they revealed themselves, and they almost succeeded Sora. You almost died. They tried to kill my daughter, a supreme alpha. That's how vicious they are. They failed, but they didn't stop, did they? They clawed the Park's property because the Park is weaker- but they're also our source of power. We have to cut off our weakness and turn it into our strength," Appa smiled at me, but it wasn't a warm smile. It was a psychopathic smile. Everything inside me flipped in shock. I was speechless. He's not my father. Who the hell am I talking to...?

"Killing off the Parks won't do us any good! Yoongi is weak! He's-" I abruptly stopped talking when my father suddenly turned to look at me in surprise. He doesn't know, does he...?

"He's what? Why is he weak?" My father turned to look at me with an eager expression. He doesn't know Yoongi is doing drugs. Shit, he's gonna use it against Yoongi if he knew. I can't tell him...

"N-nothing. I was just bluffing. The Park can't be-"

"Sora, I know you love Jimin. But you have to save yourself. He's willing to sacrifice for you. All of his assets will be transferred to us before they fall. We will inherit everything to boost our power. It'll keep the Min off for a while," My father stated, leaning over the desk with a shady smile. I searched my father's eyes but nothing... there was nothing. My body started to tremble in anger and fear. He's mad. I can't believe this. Sora... get yourself together... you can't let this happen. Think of something to counter him!

"Appa, will you continue to take everything from me?" I scoffed in disbelief. I'll guilt-trip him. Maybe he'll come to his senses.

"I'm giving everything to you, Sora. Everything," Appa claimed, opening his arms... turning towards the city.

"I never asked for it. I guess you'll be taking my mother and father from me too," I said dryly with a disappointed look as I got onto my feet. I didn't wait for him to say anything and simply turned and left. My legs went weak as I stood in the elevator alone, so I leaned against the railing for support. I-I'm scared... what will I do? Sora... believe in yourself. Don't fall now. Jimin and Yoongi need you. They're both caught in a fight they never wanted. Stay strong, Sora.

At least that's what I told myself before coming face to face with Jimin.


The Present

I told myself to be strong when I left the building, but no matter how hard I thought about it- I couldn't seem to find any solution. How long do I have left? I'm really scared. What if I can't help him? I don't want to lose Jimin. He doesn't deserve this. The same goes for Yoongi... I can't let him fall either. Will this be the end?

Jimin stood up weakly when I slowly got off the car. Jimin and I maintained our eye contact as we stood staring at each other. His beaming face was replaced by a dull and drained expression. All the lights in his eyes were gone. Usually, we're never farther than one foot apart. But now... now... we're standing ten feet apart. Is this what it's like? Is this what Yoongi went through? Despite being so close to the person you yearn for, you can't seem to reach out for them. Just ten feet away, but you can't do anything but watch them break into pieces. My chest swelled in pain as I stared at him. Jimin's eyes were dim. I can't do this. Tears started forming in my eyes when Jimin weakly smiled at me... a single tear ran down his cheek. I felt a sharp stabbing pain piercing through my chest. It was so painful I couldn't breathe properly.

Why is he smiling?! Why is everyone smiling!? I don't understand why they're smiling! It's killing me! WHY ARE THEY SMILING AS IF EVERYTHING IS OKAY?!

"You didn't answer my calls, so I waited," Jimin choked. He tried to hold in his tears and smiled for me, but he couldn't, so he bit his lips. His nose turned red, lips trembling, with tears flowing down his cheeks.

Yet, he smiled.

Waves after waves of pain struck my chest over and over again.

"J-Jimin-ah..." I whisper shakily. I wanted to say something, but there was a hot lump in my throat, so I couldn't... my chest swelled in immense pain...

Why is he always so understanding when it's my fault...? Why does he always have to brush it off like it's nothing...? Why is he always taking the blame? It's killing me.

Park Jimin, you'll the be the death of me, and I'll be the death of you.