
I rushed toward Jimin and pulled him into a tight hug when I couldn't dismiss the painful ache in my chest any longer. Jimin wrapped one of his arms around my back and tugged my head into his upper chest. I sobbed in distress when he let out a shaky breath. Softly, he ran his fingers through my hair. He can't be taken away from me. I need him. Our hugs usually make us feel at peace, but this one... is cold and terrifyingI'm afraid the moment I let him go- I won't be able to hold him ever again.

Ah... my heart aches ... we stayed in that position for a while before breaking apart.

Jimin and I remained silent the entire night and for the next two days. We stayed by each other's side for 24 hours straight, but we didn't talk much. We held hands, cuddled, and slept in each other's arms. I spent most of the day planning my next move. Whatever it takes, I'll do it, but the most challenging part is that I have to make sure Yoongi won't be harmed.

"I'm at the university to finish some work," I tapped my finger softly against the table.

"Do you want me to come over?" Jimin asks through the line. I slowly stared at the person sitting across from me.

"Aniyah, I'm fine. I'll be home," I shook my head slowly... keeping my eyes on the person.

"Araso, call me when you leave the university," Jimin chuckled.

"I will. Take care," I finally hung up on Jimin before placing my phone on the table.

"Do you want champagne?" Yoongi asked while staring at me from the opposite side of the table.

"I'll have a cocktail," I smiled at him.

"Do you think he'll believe you? He might show up at the university," Yoongi chuckled, waving his hands at the waiter.

"He won't. I know him," I smiled while staring right at Yoongi without blinking.

"You haven't changed at all, Jang Sora," Yoongi smiled, leaning forward with a keen smile.

"Nothing has changed," I smirked, tracing my fingers over the glass. All the things I've been through only made me stronger and I plan on expanding my power. I've learned that transparency will get me killed in this society. I'll have to go down the small, narrow, muddy path to protect the ones I love and to avoid getting caught.

"I wonder how they'll react knowing the truth," Yoongi chuckles lowly, slowly placing his long pale fingers onto mine. I sat staring at our hands in silence.

"You seem better now," I nodded, pulling my hand away from his. Three days ago... he was a mess. Now he's back to normal with the dark persona.

"You think? They dress me up well, the stylist and makeup artist," Yoongi shook his head at me. Oh... right.

"Yoongi, all of the other alphas know you're doing drugs. They're waiting for you to fall. I don't want it to happen-"

"And why are you helping me? You know the consequences of me being alive right? Jimin won't survive unless I die. So why? Why are you siding with me? Do you wish to return to me?" Yoongi asked, tilting his head at me with a sly smirk. I stared at him unsurely. What should I say?

"I'll use the restroom for a bit," I got onto my feet before walking off. I quickly leaned against the sink. Yoongi is confusing me. He seems fine... how is that possible? I didn't expect him to change this quickly? What is he up to? Is this a trap? I stared at my reflection with an anxious expression before heading back inside. To my surprise, Yoongi was holding onto my phone.

"Someone's calling you," Yoongi carefully placed my phone down. It wasn't Jimin- it was Jungkook. Why is he calling? Sighing, I quickly turned off my phone.

"Yoongi, do you really want to suffer? Your parents are the ones causing you pain. We might've ended things between us, but you and I? We know each other more than anyone else. I'm saying this because I care about you," I bit my lower lips anxiously. He can't surrender to the drugs, or else the nightmare will never end.

"But I've changed. You've changed. How can you say we know each other like we used to? Ah, so if I rise to the top- you won't run away from me anymore? I can only have you when I have everything?" He questioned... staring off blankly... lost in his own thoughts. Huh? Does he even understand me? Why is he saying nonsense? Something feels off... despite the dark mode... his eyes were blank... as if there was nothing left in him. Wae? What is it?

"No, Yoongi, I want you to live-" I was interrupted when someone came crashing into our room.

"YAH- don't touch me!" Jungkook panted as a few guards tried to drag him out, but he shoved them away.

"What are you doing?" I asked in confusion. How did he know I was here?

"Why are you here with him?! I thought you chose-"

"Why don't you sit down? It seems like you've been stalking us," Yoongi scoffs as he rolls up his sleeves, revealing little bruises on his arm. Did he have an allergic reaction?

"No thanks, I'm taking her. Come on!" Jungkook refused, then grabbed my arm while he glared at Yoongi. What the hell is wrong with him?! Jungkook dragged me out of the building and into his car before driving off. I was fuming in a rage, so I took off my heels and threw it at him.

"What the fuck?!" Jungkook snapped at me in disbelief as I shot him a deadly glare.

"I almost convinced him!" I snapped in annoyance. Why is he doing this? AISH!

"Stop lying! You can't go to him like that! Everyone is watching you! If you try to stop him, what will the other alphas do?! You'll be in trouble!" Jungkook grits, turning to look at me with an upset expression.

"I don't know! I don't know! I don't know! I can't do this alone! I know nothing about this shitty society! Namjoon won't give me the important details!" I groaned while running my hands through my hair in frustration. I need help, but no one's willing to help me! They're all waiting for Yoongi to disappear...

"You have me," Jungkook said quietly. I slowly turned to stare at him, but he kept his eyes on the road.

"You? Why would you help me," I scoffed, turning the other way. What a joke.

"I'll be next after Jimin. Your father will do the same to me. I don't have a choice," Jungkook muttered, avoiding my eyes. I sat quietly staring at him. I don't know if he's being honest or if he's trying to be a snitch.

"How long does Jimin have left?" I murmured while staring at my hands.

"Until the Grand Opening night, it'll probably be his last event," Jungkook said dryly. I bit my lips. That's in three days. The field trip will last for two days, and the Grand Opening of Busan's New Port and Marine City will be the day after. Jungkook briefly glanced at me before turning back to the road. He might be looking at the road, but I can sense his attention on me.

"What's with that look? Don't you dare think of something stupid! You have to tell me everything- that's the only way I can help you," Jungkook warned as he sideways glared at me. I nodded but didn't say anything. It was almost dark when we arrived at the mansion. I quickly got out of the car and entered the property. I don't get it. What were the bruises on Yoongi's arm? Did someone hurt him- ani? The bruises were small... as small as the tip of my pinky finger -

"-Sora?" Jimin grabbed onto my arm when I blankly walked past him.

"H-huh? Oh, Jimin," I blinked in confusion after snapping out of my thoughts.

"Where's your shoes? It's cold," Jimin asked, worriedly glancing at my bare feet before looking up at me. Oh shit... I was too busy thinking I forgot to put on my heels when I got out of Jungkook's car.

"Oh. I took it off in Jungkook's car and forgot to put it on," I shrugged while scratching my head as I tiptoed on my feet. Jimin's right, it is cold, and my feet are freezing. Didn't they turn on the heater?

"Take care of yourself. What will you do without me?" Jimin sighed, taking off his slippers before bending down to slip my feet into it. I felt this sudden ache in my chest. However, I laughed instead. I don't want to keep on giving him an unsettled look. We might as well spend the next few days with joy and laughter if we really want to pull through it.

"W-wae? Why are you laughing?" Jimin glanced at me in confusion.

"Look at the size differences between my feet and your slipper. How can I possibly walk when it's so loose? I'll trip as soon as I take my first step," I giggled while staring at how small my feet were, compared to his oversized slippers. Jimin's lips slowly curved into a soft grin. The moment he laughed- I felt as if a ton of bricks were lifted off my chest.

"Put it back on," I smiled, giving back the slippers to him.

"I'll get another one for you then," Jimin smiled and patted my head before walking off towards the entrance where all the slippers were. I stood on the warm carpet as I stared at him... smiling like an idiot. Sometimes it's easier to smile than to sulk. Just then, Taehyung came through the mansion's door with an anxious look on his face, but he quickly replaced it with a dull expression as soon as he saw us.

"I need to talk to you," Taehyung muttered, turning to look at Jimin.

"Alright," Jimin nodded without hesitation.

"Oh, Sora. Your heels..." Jungkook came through the garage door, dusting off his dirty shirt as he held my heels in his hands. His sleeves were rolled up, and his clothes were a mess. Did my heels cause the stains on his shirts? I don't think my heel's that dirty though.

"Thank you, and did I stain-"

"Don't touch my hand. It's dirty. I was examining the car's engine- stop throwing your heels at people when you're upset... such a weird habit," Jungkook muttered, carefully handing me my heels before walking off towards his room. Jimin walked over and helped me slip my foot into the slippers.

"Wear something warm next time. Also, I packed the essential things we need for the trip, so go ahead and pack whatever you need. I'll talk to Taehyung for a bit," Jimin gently squeezed my hands. I nodded and walked off. Jimin packed almost everything I needed. He even packed essential meds and first aid kits. All I had to pack was my clothes, so I spent my time searching for something comfy to wear since I'll be working a lot. The stylist will bring my dress a day before the event, so I don't have to pack it.

"Sora, can I borrow your phone? Mine's broken," Jimin came through the door while running his fingers through his hair.

"Why is it broken?" I asked, handing him my phone curiously.

"I accidentally sat on it. I just need to upload my final report to finish the mid-course," Jimin smiled, unlocking my phone as he sat on the couch.

"You packed so many things," I smiled, turning to look at him.

"I'm a heavy packer, wae? Did you run out of space to put your things? We can take two luggage if you want," He asked while smiling at me.

"Ani, you packed almost everything I need. I'll just add a few things," I shook my head as I folded my clothes. After a long pause, I turned to look at Jimin out of curiosity. Why is he so quiet? Jimin was sitting up straight... furrowing his eyebrows at the screen on my phone.

"Wae? Is something wrong?" I asked, getting onto my feet.

"Your phone keeps glitching. Did you drop it?" Jimin asked, showing me the files he was uploading. I thought carefully, but I couldn't remember.

"I don't think so," I shook my head at him, so Jimin closely examined my phone.

"Ani, it's probably nothing. Taehyung's waiting for me. Do you need it?" Jimin asked as he got onto his feet.

"No, take it. I'll just pack our suitcase," I shook my head.

"I'll restart it for you after I finish," Jimin nodded, walking out of the room with my phone. It'll be a long drive tomorrow, and yes, we're taking the VIP bus to Busan. They didn't want us to take the plane because it's too risky, so we'll be traveling on the road, and I think they wanted us to see the scenery too. After I finished packing, I got up and left my room. I went to Jungkook's room because I had to tell him something, but he wasn't there. I turned to look down the empty hallway. Where did he go...? Just as I was about to walk away, Taehyung's door opened; Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook came striding out. Jimin smiled as soon as he saw me, so we all went to the dining room and ate together.

The Jeons, The Kims, and The Park barely ate anything. Mr. Jeon was tapping the table quietly while Mrs. Kim cut her steak repetitively but never really ate any of it. The Parks had this dreadful look on their faces as they sat staring at their wine glasses. It wasn't just the elders. Even the alphas were silent. Each of them was lost in their own thoughts. Did they discuss something important? What are they up to? They're all oddly quiet and kept on giving each other weird looks. On the other hand, my father and mother were eating well, they blabbed on and on, but no one really listened to them. Are they enjoying it? How can they smile in this situation? I feel embarrassed. I've always thought of them as loving supportive parents, but they aren't. Who do I have on my side..?

I searched the dull eyes in the room, and they were all blank, except one. Jungkook was staring at me when I caught his eyes- he didn't look away. Instead, he gave me a weak smile. Maybe him? Besides Jimin, can I trust Jeon Jungkook?