Boiled Eggs

"Taehyung-ah, do you have everything? Did you pack your-"

"I packed everything already, eomma. Imo helped me," Taehyung dawdled, cutting Mrs. Kim off as he dragged his luggage out of the mansion. Jimin was talking to his parents, they seemed worried, but Jimin kept smiling at them. Just then, I remembered I forgot to bring my earphones, so I rushed back inside just as Jungkook came hopping out with one shoe on.

"Are you going back in?" Jungkook asked as he tried to put in his sneakers. I nodded.

"Can you grab my bag? It's on the table," Jungkook pouted at me. I gave him a disapproving look before dashing back down the hallway. I quickly snatched my earphones and entered Jungkook's room. I rushed over to his desk to grab his bag and was about to leave when something fell out. I quickly turned to find a black leather box. I quickly picked it up and shoved it back into his bag before jogging back to the entrance... hopping into the car with Jimin. Jungkook left with Taehyung.

We're required to meet up at school, where the professors will confirm our attendance before leaving the university together. The university was crowded with alphas. Jimin and I quickly got off as the driver helped us with our luggage. To my surprise, all the female alphas wore fancy clothes. What's wrong with them? They won't make it to Busan without blacking out in that kind of clothes. Seokjin and Hoseok wore casual short pants and T-shirts while Namjoon and Minho wore sweatpants. Minah had on this long fancy dress. She looked as if she was ready to attend a birthday party. Mira and Haerim, on the other hand, wore short shorts and a tank top. They'll freeze to death. What the hell?

Unlike the ordinary bus where all the seats were small and uncomfortable, we took the high-class VIP bus. What is it like? It's like a first-class plane seat, except it's on a bus. Instead of 40 people cramping into one bus, it could only fit about 18 people per bus. Therefore, it's very spacious. The 4th rank alphas and above were packed into one bus, so Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, Namjoon, Hoseok, Seokjin, Yoongi, Minah, Haerim, Mira, Minho, two professors, and I were assigned to the same bus. Minah, Haerim, and Mira are in the 5th rank, but they're allowed with us because they're in the top 3 in the 5th rank.

The seats were in pairs, but each pair faced another pair of seats with a table in between. Jimin and I sat in the middle row as Jungkook and Taehyung sat on the opposite side, facing us. Yoongi sat alone on the other side of the bus until Seokjin, Namjoon, and Hoseok filled his section. He looked irritated and was about to change his seat, but Seokjin stopped him, so he sat back down. Minho, Mira, Minha, and Haerim sat together in the section in front of Yoongi's cubicle, and since Yoongi's and my section were in the same row... I could see almost everyone from my view.

"Kids, the other bus ran out of space except for this one. There's still a section for four people, excluding the professor's seats. So a few of your fellow alphas from the 5th rank will join you," The university director announced. Seokjin let out an irritated sigh while Mira rolled her eyes. Four people came through and sat down in the section in front of us. There were two guys and two girls. I see them at the university very often but we never talked before.

"Mohyaaa~? This bus is definitely different from all the others. This is so cool. I guess we're lucky today," One of the male alpha gasped while glancing around in awe. The others didn't say anything as they quietly sat down. During the first two hours, everyone except me fell asleep on the road. Jimin was fast asleep with his head rested on my shoulder. Jungkook was sitting in front of me with his head tilted against the window while Taehyung rested his head on the table (He's sitting across from Jimin). I sat watching the mountains and villages in awe. I've never felt this calm before.

"WE'LL BE MAKING OUR FIRST STOP IN 10 MINUTES," The talkative alpha kid suddenly announced, startling everyone.

"Shut up!" Minho snapped at the guy. However, the guy didn't look frightened at all.

"The professors told me to announce it! Everyone, please get ready! We'll be stopping for some fresh air!" The guy continued with a bright smile on his face.

"Aish..." Jungkook groaned as he groggily rubbed his swollen face. Unlike the other alphas, I was looking forward to the stop. I don't know where we're at, but we're very close to the mountains, so there were a lot of hills and fog, which means it'll be very refreshing. As soon as the bus came to a stop, I immediately woke Jimin up from his nap.

"Oh? Go ahead, I'm sleepy-"

"Come on! I promise you it'll be nice out there!" I smiled, dragging Jimin out of his seat. Jimin rubbed his eyes as we hopped off the bus together. I leaned upward to kiss his cheek as I held on to his hand, so Jimin chuckled and slumped his heavy body over my back as we walked onto the grass. The other alphas on the other buses poured out of the bus to stretch, except for ours.

"It's actually nice," Jimin smiled, turning to look at me as he stretched his arms with his eyes trained on the mountains. I chuckled with my arm around his waist, so he turned to peck my lips. The air was so refreshing it made me feel at ease.

"Oh? There's a local mart- Wait here. I'll grab something for us to eat," Jimin muttered, crossing the small streets towards a mart. I turned to look through the bus window to find Jungkook and Taehyung staring at the scenery with a gloomy look. Sighing, I got back on the bus. I grabbed Taehyung's arm, so he turned to look at me in surprise. I smiled and pulled him out of his seat before leaning over to grab Jungkook, who tried to wiggle away from me, but I caught his hoodie.

"AAAAAHHH~!" Jungkook whined as I pulled him off his seat. Taehyung tried to sit back down, but I blocked him. He bit his lips awkwardly, so I pushed them towards the entrance. I quickly turned to look at Yoongi's table.

"Don't you dare touch me!" Seokjin warned me when I walked over to their table, but I didn't listen. I grabbed him and Namjoon.

"Araso, araso! I'll get off," Hoseok grinned and got onto his feet before walking out with Seokjin and Namjoon. I turned to find Yoongi leaning against the window with his eyes closed.

"I know you're awake. Come on," I sighed, gently grabbing his arm. Yoongi tugged back... still keeping his eyes closed.

"Sora~" Yoongi finally whined, finally opening his eyes to glare at me. I nodded towards the exit of the bus with a stubborn expression.

"You like the fresh air, come on," I smiled, holding out my hand for him. Yoongi let out a soft chuckle and finally accepted my request. I led him to the exit, then turned around to face the remaining alphas.

"What are you guys doing? Come on," I turned to look at Minah's section. All the girls shot me a sharp glare.

"It's really nice out there, you know," The alpha boy grinned at me before turning to look at Minho, who shot him a warning look. But the guy didn't get the signal because he quickly grabbed Mira and Minho.

"Don't touch me!" Mira whined as she pushed the guy away. She hastily stomped off the bus with Minho.

"Haerim, the fresh air will help," I smiled at her. Without looking at me... she slowly got onto her feet and hopped off the bus to join the others with her arms crossed. Finally, I turned to look at Minah, who was glaring at me playfully. She let out a playful laugh, then got onto her feet to link her arms around mine. I smiled at her and turned towards the exit.

"Kaja!" The alpha guy smiled, leading our way out of the bus.

"Oh... it's so nice," Minah whispered as she walked across the grassy slope. Jungkook and Taehyung were taking pictures with each other while Yoongi stood beside Namjoon with his hands in his pockets.


"GET OUT! AHHHH!" Seokjin and Hoseok, on the other hand, were screaming terrifically as they dodged and ran around from the bugs. I let out a soft chuckle. All of the alphas seem to enjoy it.

"It's nice, isn't it?" The alpha guy stood staring into the distance with a weak smile on his face.

"Yeah, it is," I agreed while gazing at the pretty scenery before us.

"Sora!" Jimin smiled, approaching me with a few bags in his hands. He bought a lot of stuff.

The alpha guy introduced himself as Hyun Jiwoo. He offered to take pictures for me and Jimin. We also took a couple of pictures with him. One of the professors made all of the top alphas take pictures together. Not everyone liked it, but we came together anyways. Jiwoo stepped away from us, but I beckoned him, so he stood with us.

Snap 13 alphas all in one picture. We were all different in many ways. We weren't friends, so the combination was chaos. We immediately broke apart- going our separate ways as soon as the professor snapped the picture. It's funny how we can't seem to stay near each other for longer than a second without murdering one another.

I turned to find Haerim standing quietly with her arms wrapped around herself. She's freezing... she shouldn't have worn those shorts. Sighing, I walked over to her, took off my jacket, and handed it to her. She turned to look at me with a bitter look and turned away.

"Take it before you freeze to death. I know you're shivering," I pushed my jacket into her arms. She hesitated but eventually threw it over herself. I turned and walked back towards Jimin, who was taking pictures with Jungkook and Taehyung. Taehyung looked annoyed but stayed still for the pictures as Jimin and Jungkook made weird expressions as he stood between them.

"Oh, Sora, where's your jacket?" Jimin asked in a worried tone when he turned to find me staring at them.

"I gave it to Haerim. She's freezing," I smiled, walking up to Jimin.

"Wae? My jacket is in our luggage- You'll freeze-"

"I'm wearing a sweater anyway. I'll be fine," I smiled reassuringly at Jimin. Taehyung glanced at Haerim and back to me. Sighing, he pulled off his hoodie and tossed it on my head before walking off in his thin T-shirt. What the hell? How can he just toss his hoodie onto my head? Annoyed, I pulled his hoodie off my head and turned to glare at Taehyung as he made his way back onto the bus.

"Wear it for now, don't catch a cold," Jimin smiled as he pulled Taehyung's hoodie onto me. He drew the hood over my head, cupped my cheeks then gave me a soft peck, causing my cheeks to flush red.

"It's getting dark. I'll pretend not to see your tomato face. Come on," Jimin jokingly teased me as we made our way back onto the bus. It was about 5:00 PM in the afternoon when we got back onto the bus. The sun had already set, so the fields, hills, and mountains were turning dark. The crickets' cries echoed down the quiet road. The bus lit up in yellowish light, and the driver turned on the heater since it was getting cold. Jungkook was playing games on his gaming device. Taehyung was scrolling through his phone as he listened to the music. I felt guilty for taking his jacket because all he had left was his thin T-shirt. He looked unbothered though.

"I brought some food from the mart," Jimin smiled, placing the bags on the table.

"Oh. Jinja?! I'm so hungry," Jungkook gasped, putting his gaming device down before digging into the bag. He abruptly froze... staring blankly into the bag. He quickly glanced at Jimin and back to the bag. What's with him..?

"What is wrong with you? How am I supposed to eat this?!" Jungkook scoffed in disbelief as he held up a boiled chicken egg. Taehyung and I speechlessly glanced at Jimin... with our mouths hanging open.

"Wae? What the hell is wrong with you?" Jungkook stared at Jimin with his eyes wide open. He picked up four more eggs from the plastic bag. I bit my lips and turned to Jimin, who was looking around at us awkwardly.

"T-That's all they had... in the mart," Jimin shyly scratched his head in embarrassment. Unable to hold it in, I sniggered under my breath, so the alphas turned to look at me with a baffled expression.

"Why are you laughing? Do you think this is funny!? We'll be eating chicken eggs for another 3 hours!" Jungkook snapped in an offended tone. You must be kidding me... Why are they like this? It's driving me nuts! Stupid alphas. Taehyung and Jungkook sat watching me laugh with a blank and confused looks on their faces. Seeing their reactions made me laugh even harder.