Narrator's POV

The world of Celestria is not just an ordinary world, for it is a vast realm inhabited by the Gifted and the Siles. Siles are those who do not possess any magic, while Gifted are those blessed with supernatural abilities by the Gods and Goddesses above.

There are four expansive and grand kingdoms in the world of Celestria, each representing one of the four elements. Leading the way is the kingdom of Zephyrthorn. This kingdom embodies the element of Wind. Zephyrthorn is a land of gentle breezes and towering cliffs, where its inhabitants harness the power of the wind to shape their lives. The people who reside in this kingdom are called Zephernians.

Secondly, we have the kingdom of Pyroterra. This realm symbolizes the element of Fire. Pyroterra is a domain of eternal flames and volcanic landscapes, where its residents possess a fiery spirit and utilize fire in both practical and mystical ways. The people who dwell in this kingdom are known as Pyroterrians.

Thirdly, we have the kingdom of Terravale. This kingdom represents the element of Earth. Terravale is a land of lush forests, rolling hills, and ancient mountains. Its people share a deep connection with the earth, cultivating its resources and maintaining a harmonious balance with nature. The inhabitants of this kingdom are called Terras.

Lastly, there is the kingdom of Aquamaris. This kingdom signifies the element of Water. Aquamaris is a realm of shimmering lakes, meandering rivers, and vast oceans. Its inhabitants are skilled sailors and possess a profound understanding of the seas, using water for trade, fishing, and spiritual practices. The people who call this kingdom home are known as Aquarians.

After decades passed, the once distinct four elemental powers flourished even more, leading to cross-breeding where Siles married Gifteds or vice versa. Other lineages intermarried with those from different kingdoms, resulting in the emergence of various magical abilities, thus leading to the discovery of new types of powers.

The lives of the Celestrians, the inhabitants of the world of Celestria, were peaceful. When the first war occurred, and to aid the Celestrians in defeating those with dark hearts, the Gods and Goddesses decided to bestow upon each of the four kingdoms powerful stones to their respective leaders. The Stone of Wind was entrusted to Zephyrthorn, the Stone of Fire to Pyroterra, the Stone of Life to Terravale, and the Stone of Water to Aquamaris. Under the protection of these powerful stones wielded by their leaders, they vanquished the darkness, but it was foretold that it would return to sow chaos once again.


In the balcony of the highest floor of the kingdom of Zephyrthorn stands Queen Ophelia Giacomazzi alone. Queen Ophelia Giacomazzi, the esteemed ruler of Zephyrthorn, possesses a regal and captivating physical appearance befitting her role as the leader of the kingdom. With grace and elegance, she commands attention and exudes authority.

Queen Ophelia, of average height, carries herself with poise and confidence. Her upright posture conveys inherent dignity and strength, while her serene composure sets her apart as a true leader.

Regal in complexion, Queen Ophelia's flawless and porcelain-like skin complements her delicate features. High cheekbones exude regality and refinement, and her deep blue eyes, reminiscent of a clear sky, are framed by long, expressive eyelashes that accentuate her gaze.

Her golden hair cascades in waves, adorned with fine ornaments and delicate hairpins, reflecting her status and connection to the winds of Zephyrthorn. Occasionally, she wears a crown or diadem adorned with gemstones, symbolizing her royal lineage.

Queen Ophelia's radiant smile lights up the room, conveying warmth and charm. Soft, rosy lips add natural elegance, while her melodious and soothing voice resonates with the gentle breezes of her kingdom, captivating all who listen.

"Mother? You asked for my presence?" A soft voice echoed. Queen Ophelia turned to her youngest son, Prince Kali Giacomazzi.

Kali, with soft silver locks cascading over his skin, exuded a delicate glow. His face radiated exquisite femininity that surpassed mortal beauty.

His features were meticulously sculpted, with prominent cheekbones and perfectly heart-shaped lips, boasting a subtle curvature that allured stolen glances and lingering desires.

Kali's eyes, resembling pools of molten silver, sparkled with a captivating mystery. Long, dark lashes framed his bewitching gaze, enchanting all who met his eyes.

As Kali spoke, his physique embodied a graceful allure, emanating feminine charm that ignited hearts with passion.

"Oh, my dear child, how is your training going?" Queen Ophelia inquired affectionately. Kali smiled and rested his hand on the balcony railing.

"I'm still weak, Mother. I could only do one spell, and my magic only lasts for a minute before my body exhausts," Kali replied solemnly, his silver eyes downcast. The Queen gently cupped his cheeks and turned his face towards her.

"Don't think negatively, Kali. Your stamina has improved, albeit slowly," the Queen smiled. Kali returned the smile, and the Queen took his hand while Kali sighed.

"It's frustrating, Mother, that my progress is slow. I feel I have the lowest Mana capacity among all living Gifteds. I fear I am not worthy to be called noble," Kali relayed, teary-eyed, his silver eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"Kali, listen. You are strong. You are on par with our General. He even complimented you, saying you could take his job," the Queen comforted.

"He's just saying that to comfort me, Mother, nothing more," Kali replied dejectedly.

"Kali—" the Queen began, but Kali interrupted.

"Mother, I have to return to my chambers," Kali cut in. The Queen nodded, kissed his forehead, and Kali turned to leave.

Kali lied to get away from his mother's presence, knowing she would only comfort him with lies. He made his way to a pond exclusive to the royals, closed his eyes, and began meditating to improve his spiritual power, hoping one day it would be enough to summon a spirit. Kali's silver hair clung to his fair skin, now flushed from the warm pond water. Kali is the hidden son of Queen Ophelia, as she feared for his safety. Due to Kali's weak Mana capacity, his magic is also weak, a fear of the Queen that his son might be in danger. So she concealed her youngest child even outside the kingdom. The Zephernians knew Queen Ophelia had another child, but all they had were speculations, as no one had seen the young prince. Although Kali's Mana capacity is weak, his mental capacity compensates, as he knows many spells and information from reading almost all the books in the palace library. Despite his vast knowledge of spells, Kali struggles to use them due to his weak magic.

Kali stood up from the pond, his porcelain-like skin shimmering with water droplets, his figure curvy akin to a woman's body. His palm glowed with a golden light, and a golden key appeared. Gripping the hilt tightly, he cast a spell,

"With nature's whispers and wild allure, I call upon the animal spirit pure, from forest depths and skies above, appear to me, I summon thee, The Frost Fox, Nirvanna!" Kali cast the spell, holding his hands in front of him with palms facing up, slowly lifting them towards the sky.

The golden key remained motionless, unlit. The pond maintained its calm, and the atmosphere remained still. Kali gasped for breath, drawing deep breaths and releasing the energy in his body. This time, he recast the spell more loudly.

"With nature's whispers and wild allure, I call upon the animal spirit pure, from forest depths and skies above, appear to me, I summon thee, The Frost Fox, Nirvanna!" Kali cast the spell again, hands in front of him, palms facing up, slowly raising his hands towards the sky.

Kali gasped for breath and cast the spell again, and for the third time, yet nothing occurred, further frustrating him. He tried repeatedly until his Mana wore off, and he collapsed in the pond, tears streaming down his face. Kali cried silently and alone, questioning his existence and magic.


Quietly standing on the balcony of the highest floor of the palace, Kali was forbidden to leave. He could only venture out at night, concealing his face with a cloak and mask to remain incognito. Lost in thought, Kali heard approaching footsteps and sensed the imminent arrival of someone.

"Kali?" a baritone voice called out.

"Brother?" Kali responded without turning around.

Michael Giacomazzi, possessing piercing blue eyes, radiated an air of intelligence and depth. His eyes sparkled like the tranquil waters of a serene ocean, captivating all who crossed his path.

Accentuating his captivating gaze, Michael sported a mane of luscious brown locks that cascaded gracefully around his face, framing his chiseled jawline. His hair boasted a warm earthy hue, exuding sophistication and charm. Whether neatly styled or falling in natural waves, Michael's brown locks added an extra touch of refinement to his appearance.

Beyond his eyes and hair, Michael's countenance exuded regal grace and symmetry. His high cheekbones and well-defined jawline conveyed strength and determination. A subtly arched brow completed his features, offering an expression that effortlessly balanced confidence and approachability.

Michael's physique echoed his royal lineage, emanating elegance and stature. With a tall and commanding presence, he carried himself with regal poise. His well-toned physique reflected discipline and inherent strength, bearing witness to his dedication to physical fitness while maintaining an air of aristocratic refinement.

The contrast between the brothers was stark, with Kali's silver hair and eyes and Michael's brown locks and blue eyes inherited from both his mother and deceased father. Kali's birth had puzzled many, as he hadn't inherited any traits that would mark him as part of the Royal Zephernian family. However, Queen Ophelia was reassured in a dream by the Goddess of Beauty that Kali was a precious creation gifted by the Goddess herself. She was instructed not to worry, as Kali's unparalleled beauty was a divine blessing in recognition of the family's virtuous deeds.

True to the Goddess's words, Kali grew into a striking young man surpassing all others. Even the palace knights remained on high alert, fearing that their beautiful young prince might fall prey to a covetous entity.

"Why are you still awake?" Michael inquired of his brother.

"I can't sleep," Kali replied softly and faintly.

"You're overthinking again, aren't you?" the crown prince remarked.

"Why can't I be as powerful as you, Brother? Why can't I?" Kali whispered unknowingly, catching Michael off guard with the broken tone of his voice.

"Kali?" Michael whispered, a note of concern in his voice.


Under the harsh sunlight that bathed the entire training ground, Kali's skills with blades had immensely improved after being personally trained by the General of the Kingdom. Despite Kali's modesty in acknowledging his swordsmanship prowess, all the knights took pride in his remarkable achievements. At that moment, Kali stood alone in the training ground, his strands of silver hair shining under the intense sunlight, clinging to his neck and shoulders.

The only sound that broke the silence was Kali's labored breath as he paused to regain his strength. Gathering his energy and focusing his Mana, a visible aura of power surrounded him.

"Requip: Plate Armor!" Kali casted, his figure enveloped in a brilliant surge of silver light. As the light faded, Kali's training attire vanished, replaced by the impressive Plate Armor.

The Plate Armor was a formidable type of armor that provided exceptional protection, constructed from interlocking steel plates that covered the wearer from head to toe. It ensured maximum defense against various attacks—slashing, piercing, and blunt force. Despite the armor's weight, the distribution allowed for both mobility and protection.

Feeling the weight of the armor and the continuous drain on his Mana from utilizing magic, Kali persisted, summoning more energy, which intensified.

"58 minutes," Kali mentally counted the duration.

Unbeknownst to Kali, someone silently observed him in the Training Ground, offering quiet encouragement. It was none other than his brother, the Crown Prince, Michael.

"1 hour," Kali whispered to the wind. A resounding crack was heard, followed by Kali's figure glowing silver once more, before he collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

"You are improving, Brother, truly," praised Michael to the unconscious silver-haired young man. With care, he lifted Kali in a bridal-style hold, carrying his brother to the Healer for assistance.