Narrator's POV

Four days after Kali achieved the remarkable feat of wearing the Plate Armor for one hour, he continued to push himself in training. He slept scarcely, causing concern for Queen Ophelia and Michael. Kali's focus on his training led to minimal interaction with his family. In a room, the two siblings engaged in a heated debate about Kali's excessive training.

"Kali! I know you want to grow stronger, but you're pushing yourself too far. You barely eat and you hardly talk to us!" Michael implored his brother.

"Please, Brother, let me be," Kali replied weakly, about to turn away when Michael grasped his arm.

"No! You'll stop here and right now! You need to rest!" Michael's anger flared.

"No! Let me be, Brother!" Kali shouted back.

"You just don't understand why I'm so determined to train!" Kali added.

"Then tell me why?!" Michael challenged.

"Because I want to also contribute to the development of Zephyrthorn and aid the Celestrians. I want to make a difference in the world, Brother!" Kali proclaimed.

"Kali, watch your tone!" Michael's voice rose.

"No!" Kali shouted, his silver eyes drooping as he collapsed, fortunately, Michael caught him before his head hit the ground.

"Michael?" the newly arrived Queen voiced her concern.

"Mother, Kali's determination is becoming too much. We need to intervene," Michael suggested. The Queen remained silent and gazed at the frail figure of her youngest child.


The next day, Kali slowly opened his eyes in his private chamber. He instinctively touched his forehead, wincing in pain.

"Ah!" Kali winced softly as he attempted to stand, but his knees gave way, causing him to kneel on the floor.

"What happened?" He whispered, and suddenly, everything flashed back before his eyes.

Gathering some strength, he pushed himself to stand, opened his door, and stepped out. The servants were still engrossed in their cleaning duties and greeted the young prince as he wandered down the hallway. As Kali approached the throne hall, he heard various voices.

"It seems like Mother was in a meeting," Kali thought. However, Queen Ophelia sensed something amiss and extended her hand, summoning a blue magic circle with a floating gem—the Air Gem appeared.

Crafted by the Gods with exceptional precision, the magical gem resembled a delicate orb of shimmering air, embodying the essence of wind itself. The Gem glowed and left the Queen's hand, leaving onlookers perplexed as it circled around Kali in a welcoming gesture.

"Kali, I know you're there," the Queen announced.

"Mom," Kali replied, stepping out of his hiding spot. He glanced at the floating stone, a frown creasing his forehead.

"You always catch me when I'm hiding," Kali playfully teased the hovering stone, which then turned towards Kali as if pleased to see the young prince.

"The Air Gem really adores his highness," the General commented. Kali smiled and greeted the General.

"Return to Mother," Kali affectionately addressed the floating gem, which complied and returned to the magic circle in the Queen's palm. The Queen closed her hand and embraced her son.

"How are you?" the Queen asked gently.

"I'm fine, Mother. Thank you," Kali replied with a smile.

"What were you discussing, Mother?" Curiously, Kali moved closer to the table where the map of Celestria was spread out.

"We have observed Rogue vampires heading towards Frostpeak Mountain, so we sought permission from the Queen Mother to investigate. Rogue Vampires pose a danger to Zephernian citizens, so we must act swiftly," the General responded to Kali's query.

"Rogue Vampires?" Kali exclaimed in surprise, and the General nodded.

"The Campbell Clan sent a letter to me, expressing their need to locate these Rogue Vampires. They believe these vampires plan to summon a demonic being, so they wish to capture and imprison them," Queen Ophelia explained.

"The Frostpeak Mountain? If the Campbell Clan's suspicions are true, the Rogue Vampires might be there because the mountain is known for its cold climate. Vampires typically thrive in colder regions as it enhances their magic," Kali elaborated on his theory.

"You never fail to impress, your highness. Your theory sounds solid," complimented one of the Counselors.

"Thank you," Kali expressed his gratitude.

"Here comes the son of the Campbell Clan leader, Mother," announced the newly arrived Michael.

"In that case, Kali, could you return to your chamber for now?" Queen Mother Ophelia instructed Kali.

"Mother, may I listen to your conversation?" Kali requested with hopeful eyes.

"Forgive me, my child, but I can't risk Dave seeing you," the Queen regretfully apologized.

"Dama, please guide Kali to his private chamber," the Queen instructed the servants.

"Mother, please!" Kali pleaded, but the Queen had already departed.


Kali was then alone in his private chamber again.Frustrated that he couldn't acquire more information about the situation in Frostpeak Mountain and the Rogue Vampires. His curiosity peaked, so he silently left his room and maneuvered through the halls like a ghost, heading to the lounge where the meeting might be held. Kali's speculation was proven right as the visitor was there, alone, with the Queen and his sibling absent.

"Where are they?" Kali whispered.

Unbeknownst to Kali, the young man seated on the couch was also a Vampire from the Campbell Clan, equipped with keen senses and hearing. The young vampire caught Kali's voice and swiftly appeared before the unsuspecting prince.

The young Vampire's crimson eyes widened upon seeing the owner of the voice. With captivating high cheekbones, delicately sculpted cupid-bow pink lips, and striking silver eyes framed with long dark lashes, the figure appeared elegant and ethereal. At a glance, the lustrous shoulder-length silver hair suggested a feminine appearance, akin to that of the Goddess of Beauty herself. Startled, Kali took a step back as he realized the young man was carefully observing his features. Just as the young Vampire had scrutinized Kali's appearance, Kali reciprocated by noting the young man's prominent features.

The Vampire's flawless pale skin seemed almost otherworldly, enhancing his enigmatic allure. However, his eyes commanded attention with a deep set and a vibrant crimson hue, exuding profound intensity that hinted at his vampiric roots. They held a captivating gaze that seemed to penetrate one's soul.

The impeccable arches of his eyebrows framed his intense eyes with precision, complementing his aristocratic aura. Subtle contours of high cheekbones contributed to his refined appearance. His straight, slender nose and full, well-defined lips added a touch of intrigue and darkness.

After observing each other's features, Kali realized that the man before him was indeed a Vampire.

"Are you the son of the Campbell Clan leader?" Kali asked with dignity, maintaining his regal composure.

The Vampire was enthralled by the Young Prince's beauty and couldn't help but admire him repeatedly. Compounded by his heightened senses, the sweet scent of the young prince's blood, resembling a Moonflower—the most fragrant flower in Celestria that blooms once a decade—was intoxicating. The young prince's blood, with its sweet fragrance, tempted the Vampire, urging him to sink his razor-sharp teeth into that smooth flesh. However, the young Vampire caught himself in these dark thoughts, shaking them away promptly. Recognizing the Zephyrthorn Royal crest on the silver-haired individual's chest, he realized that the perceived female was, in fact, the Crown Prince's brother.

"You are Michael's young brother, the youngest son of Her Majesty," the Young Vampire identified.

"Indeed, I am Kali Giacomazzi, the son of Queen Mother Ophelia of Zephyrthorn and the brother of the Crown Prince," Kali confirmed.

"Michael was correct about your appearance. Your beauty truly captivates," the Young Vampire remarked.

"May I know your name?" Kali gently inquired, softening the Young Vampire's crimson eyes.

"I am Dave Campbell of the noble Vampire clan, the Campbell Clan, and the next in line to lead my Clan as the sole heir," Dave revealed. Kali absorbed the new information and nodded in acknowledgement.

"If I am not interrupting your affairs, may I know what you and the Queen discussed?" Kali asked as they walked towards the balcony.

Kali's silver hair flowed peacefully like precious silk, reflecting the moon's glow, as they reached the balcony.

"Sure, It's about the Rogue Vampires that have entered Frostpeak Mountain," Dave began, and Kali nodded, signaling him to continue.

"After reading the letter sent by Queen Mother Ophelia, my father immediately dispatched Vampire knights to investigate covertly. Our suspicions were confirmed. The Rogue Vampires were indeed planning to summon a demon, as our knights discovered blood-drawn pentagrams in the snowy ground," Dave revealed. Kali listened attentively, absorbing all of Dave's information.

"Then why didn't your knights stop those Rogue Vampires?" Kali inquired harmlessly, causing Dave to lower his gaze, clenching his fist as veins protruded.

"Four of our Vampire knights were killed on the spot after being discovered. The lone survivor also met the same fate shortly after informing us of the events, succumbing to eternal rest in hibernation," Dave explained. Kali nodded in understanding and gazed out of the balcony, where he faintly discerned the silhouette of Frostpeak Mountain, despite its distance.

"Did the survivor mention what type of demon the Rogues were attempting to summon?" Kali inquired, realizing the complexity of the situation if demon summoning was involved.

"No, they had no knowledge of it," Dave responded. Kali released a shuddered breath, not due to the cold but from the fear for the lives of the Zephernians.

"That leaves us with three questions: Did they successfully summon the demon? What type of demon is it? How powerful is this entity? But the real concern is: How will we resolve this if they did manage to summon the demon?" Kali expressed his concerns.

"Don't worry, the Crown Prince of Terravale Kingdom is also on his way here to assist Michael and me with this case," Dave reassured the distressed beauty.

"I just hope that whatever occurs, we are prepared to confront the entity they summoned," Kali spoke, gazing at the star-filled sky.

"Don't fret. Your Goddess won't forsake us, and the Queen Mother possesses the Air Gem, so it's impossible for them to defeat us," Dave explained optimistically, bringing a smile to Kali's face.

The main Goddess worshipped by the Zephernians is Goddess Sylphira, the Goddess of Air. Sylphira rules over the domain of wind and breezes, depicted as a graceful figure with ethereal wings and flowing garments. The Goddess symbolizes freedom, creativity, and change.

"Yeah, The Air Gem," Kali whispered with reassurance.