Narrator's POV

The next day, the sun rose over the kingdom of Zephyrthorn. Due to the unresolved issue concerning the Rogue Vampires, Dave would remain in the kingdom of Zephyrthorn. Michael and Dave needed to wait for two more days for the arrival of the Crown Prince of Terravale, so they currently placed Wards around Frostpeak Mountain to ensure that the Rogue Vampires within could not escape. During those two days, Kali honed his magic to a greater extent, and he could now maintain it for up to 2 hours while wearing his requip armor.

Dave witnessed Kali's intense training. The Queen Mother did not readily accept that an outsider had seen her youngest son and warned the young Vampire that if he ever revealed Kali's appearance, he would forfeit the young man's breath. The palace also monitored the occurrences within the mountain, and no unusual magical usage had been observed.

In the meeting chamber were Kali, Dave, Michael, the Queen Mother, along with other counselors, generals, and the council to discuss the impending actions regarding the Rogue Vampires.

"It has been two days, but there is still no sign of magical activity from the Rogue Vampires," stated the General, leading the investigation.

"I am also puzzled why the Rogue Vampires have not made a move at the mountain; perhaps their minds have changed because they know they are surrounded?" commented one of the council members.

"It is not likely that the Rogue's minds have altered so easily. They were determined to come here from the beginning, so I believe they planned this carefully. Let us not be complacent," explained the Queen Mother to all.

"In my opinion, the Rogue Vampires are still gathering magic for their intended summoning," voiced Michael.

"And that is if they have not succeeded yet. The initial information from within mentions a blood-drawn pentagram, and if this was indeed drawn by them, the summoning may have already taken place," explained Kali, sharing his theory.

"If they have succeeded in summoning a demon, why have we not witnessed any disturbances yet?" countered Dave, causing Kali to gaze at the Young Vampire and consider possible answers.

"Let us pray to Goddess Sylphira that she does not forsake us," spoke the Queen Mother.

"Your Majesty, The Crown Prince of Terravale has arrived and is waiting in the Grand Hall," announced a guard, the Queen Mother then looked at her youngest son, Kali. Kali, noticing her gaze, turned to the Queen, who inquired if he would guide the Crown Prince. Kali's eyes glinted with excitement. The Queen nodded and Kali expressed gratitude for her trust.

The Queen Mother, Ophelia, took a deep breath as various thoughts crossed her mind, such as this being an opportunity for Kali to interact with people outside, trusting only those she knew he could rely on.


In the midst of the Grand Hall stood the Crown Prince of Terravale, with a serious and dignified expression. The ladies couldn't help but feel their cheeks warm at the sight of the handsome prince. His strong and defined jawline exuded authority and strength. Chiseled cheekbones framed a pair of deep-set, piercing eyes that seemed to hold the kingdom's secrets within their vibrant green depths. Those expressive eyes, filled with determination, revealed the keen and intelligent mind behind the prince's confident facade.

Thick, arched eyebrows lent seriousness and intensity to his gaze. Every subtle movement conveyed his thoughts and intentions, displaying a sharp and discerning mind. His straight, noble nose added harmony to his facial features, embodying the grace and poise befitting a future king.

It didn't take long for the Crown Prince of Terravale to hear the footsteps of the ladies, and his eyes couldn't hide his surprise upon seeing a figure in a long blue gown. Captivating high cheekbones, delicately sculpted cupid-bow pink lips, and striking silver eyes framed with long dark lashes, the figure exuded elegance and ethereal beauty. At a glance, the lustrous shoulder-length silver hair suggested a feminine appearance akin to that of a Goddess of Beauty herself. The ladies and knights silently felt proud witnessing how the two noble visitors were captivated by the ethereal beauty of their Young Prince.

Kali stopped at a comfortable distance alongside the ladies and knights behind him. He bowed in a show of respect, a gesture reciprocated by the Crown Prince of Terravale.

"Welcome to the kingdom of Zephyrthorn, Prince Louis of the Terravale kingdom," greeted Kali to the honored guest.

Louis was unsure how to address the beautiful being before him as he didn't recognize them. However, he maintained a stoic expression and responded, "Thank you for the welcome?"

"I am Kali Giacomazzi," introduced Kali. The prince stood up straight upon learning the identity of the person before him.

"You're the hidden child of the Queen? And Michael's sibling?!" Louis voiced out rather loudly. Kali smiled at the prince's reaction, still maintaining his elegant demeanor.

All families belonging to the Royal Zephernian were taught proper etiquette in everything. The training was strict and rigorous, with youngsters facing punishment if they didn't abide by the rules. Whether relatives or disciples of the Royal Family, in the world of Celestria, it wasn't only the gifted who had the privilege of a good life or the opportunity to prove themselves.

The Siles could train to become knights like the General of Zephyrthorn who taught Kali. The Gifteds were given the chance to hone their abilities by being disciples of the Royal Family and kingdom.

In the Zephyrthorn kingdom, the Gifted Disciples are known as Zephyrite Enchanters, while in the Terravale kingdom, they are called Earthbound Sages. The ranking also includes the capacity of your magic:

Initiate: The starting point for all magic users. Initiates have just begun their journey into magic and have a basic understanding of its principles. They are learning to channel and control their magical energy.

Apprentice: Apprentices have progressed beyond the initiate stage and are actively developing their magical skills under the guidance of a mentor. They are gaining proficiency in spellcasting and expanding their knowledge.

Acolyte: Acolytes have gained a solid foundation in magic and are capable of performing a wide range of spells effectively. They have a deeper understanding of magical theory and may have begun specializing in specific areas or elements of magic.

Magus: Magi have reached an advanced level of mastery in their chosen field of magic. They can manipulate their chosen element or school of magic with great precision and have developed unique techniques and spells.

Archmage: Archmages have achieved an exceptional level of mastery across multiple fields of magic. They possess a comprehensive understanding of magical principles and can perform complex rituals, create powerful enchantments, and weave magic in unique and innovative ways.

Sorcerer/Sorceress: Sorcerers or Sorceresses are magic users who have achieved a heightened connection and mastery over their magical energy. They can tap into deep wells of power and cast spells of immense strength. They may have unique innate talents or access to ancient arcane knowledge.

Oracle: Oracles possess the ability to perceive glimpses of the future or see hidden truths through their magic. They can access the ethereal realm and interpret signs, prophecies, and omens. Their magic revolves around divination, foresight, and deciphering mysteries.

Sovereign: The God's champion, The Magic's child. Who held complete dominion over their elemental magic.

Ascendant: Ascendants are the pinnacle of magical achievement. They have transcended conventional notions of magic and have become beings of immense power. Ascendants can reshape reality, manipulate time and space, and possess god-like abilities.

In this era, the highest rank achievable by the Gifted and the Royals is up to Sorcerer and Sorceress rank.


While walking towards the meeting room, Kali and the Crown Prince of Terravale, Louis, began discussing the recent events.

"Did the Queen Mother already ask for help from the other kingdoms?" Louis inquired.

"Mother did. Their reply was that they could only send reinforcements if the situation escalated. So, to avoid further disturbances with the people outside, we are taking cautious actions," Kali replied.

"The Rogue Vampires are escalating their actions by using dark magic, which is prohibited and banned," Louis emphasized.

In the world of Celestria, various forms of cultivating Dark Magic are forbidden. Only a few types of Dark magic, such as illusions and mild dark magic, are permissible. Witchcraft and hardcore dark practices are prohibited, and anyone caught breaking the rules would face punishment, including death or imprisonment with torture. Only the Campbell Clan is authorized to use mild dark magic and they are under the guidance of the four kingdoms.

"Do you know that many Witches have been apprehended and put to death by the Ignismancers? It is their Queen Mother's decree to eradicate all these creatures as they were responsible for the demise of the Queen of Pyroterra's youngest child," Louis recounted. Kali bowed his head, sensing pity for the Witches, for some unknown reason.

Ignismancers are the disciples of the Royal Family of the Pyroterra kingdom. As they walked, they passed by young Zephyrite Enchanters. Louis noticed the admiring glances the young men cast towards his side. However, Kali remained impassive and continued walking. Upon reaching the meeting room, the young men there greeted the Crown Prince, who reciprocated the salutations.

Their meeting commenced regarding the planned actions until they decided to carry them out that night.

"I disagree with your plan to attack tonight because they are stronger at night due to the moonlight," Kali objected, shaking his head.

"That's why we need the Queen Mother's help to use the Air Gem to shield the moonlight," Louis suggested.

"We chose tonight because Dave has started sensing the presence of dark magic. It is imperative to launch the attack tonight," declared Queen Mother Ophelia firmly.


While everyone is preparing, Kali went to Dave's side.

"Hmm?" Dave hummed, his crimson eyes observing the beauty before him.

"Please protect my brother," Kali asked for a favor. The young vampire nodded and patted Kali's shoulder.

"Can you promise me something?" Kali inquired.

"What is it?" The young vampire softly responded.

"Come back here alive," Kali requested before swiftly turning and walking away, not waiting for Dave's response.

"I will. For you," Dave whispered to the air.

Accompanied by ten Magus Zephyrite Enchanters, Michael, Dave, and Louis headed towards Frostpeak Mountain. They were greeted by the cold climate inside the mountain and its quiet, dark atmosphere.

"Dave, do you sense them?" Louis asked his friend, a cold puff of smoke escaping his lips due to the cold.

"I can, but something feels off," Dave replied seriously.

The group continued walking towards the summit when one of their Zephyrite Enchanters suddenly screamed and disappeared from their sight. They struggled to see through the thick blizzard, but it didn't hinder Dave's sharp vision.

"Michael!" Dave shouted, prompting Michael to swiftly cast a frostbolt towards a figure approaching a Zephyrite Enchanter.

"Ack!" the figure cried out, and the Zephyrite Enchanter quickly retreated, revealing a frozen vampire.

"They are surrounding us," Dave announced to the group.

Before they could act, another Zephyrite Enchanter vanished in the blizzard, with only a scream and the sound of bones cracking heard.

"Sh*t!" cursed one of the Zephyrite Enchanters. The initial ten enchanters were now down to eight, with two members lost in a short amount of time.

Various gurgling sounds followed, and hurried footsteps in the snow could be heard advancing towards the group of Gifteds.

Louis acted quickly, kneeling down and smacking his palm onto the snowy ground.

"Stone Wall!" Louis casted, creating a large magic circle around the Gifteds. Large rocks emerged from the snowy ground, forming a barrier around the group for protection.

"Why are there so many of them?" exclaimed one of the Enchanters.

"Only ten Rogue Vampires were reported to have entered the mountain, so how did they multiply like this?" Louis expressed his concern.

"It seems they have succeeded in summoning," Dave remarked to the group.

"Then why did they only attack us now?" Louis questioned, his eyes widening as he realized something along with Dave and Michael.

The Frostpeak Mountain has been sealed with wards to prevent anyone from entering or leaving. However, the group possessed badges that could open a hole for them to enter. Two of the enchanters had fallen, and all carried badges, indicating that the Rogue Vampires were waiting for them to enter so they could break the wards sealing Frostpeak Mountain.

As they locked eyes, a deafening shatter filled the air, a chilling herald of the Seal's demise. The mountain resonated with an ominous crack as the barrier crumbled, unleashing a horde of Rogue Vampires unlike any seen before. Their crimson-glowing eyes pierced the darkness, a stark contrast to the chaos unfolding.

"Kali,retreat to safety!!" The Queen Mother's urgent plea cut through the turmoil, igniting a primal fear in Kali's core.

Through silver eyes, Kali witnessed the unfolding tragedy below: the Zephyrite Enchanters locked in combat with the Rogue Vampires, a fierce battle painting the night in shades of crimson and shadows. Beyond the safeguarded palace walls, flames licked the city, casting an infernal glow upon the once-peaceful streets.

In the midst of the encroaching darkness, a sinister figure cloaked in malevolent energy loomed, a sphere of black essence hurtling towards Kali. Shock and terror held the young man captive, freezing him in a moment of dread.

"KALI!!" The Queen Mother's anguished cry sliced through the chaos, her body instinctively shielding her son from harm.

"Ack!" A spray of blood marked the Queen Mother's sudden affliction. Kali's silver gaze trembled as he watched in horror, his heart pounding in sync with the rapid unraveling of the night's events.

"MOTHER!!" Kali's cry pierced the clamor, a raw expression of agony and helplessness in the face of impending tragedy.