Narrator's POV

A week had passed since the incident involving the dark energy beam, spreading news of Kali's heroic deed throughout Celestria. The Class A prisoner, proficient in dark cultivation, had averted the imminent disaster at SkyHill, saving all present.

Post-incident, the prisoner had seemingly vanished. Rumors suggested he perished on the spot after his act of bravery. In a cold cave behind SkyHill lay an unconscious figure, adorned with midnight silk locks, possessing a pale yet striking countenance.

Eavan stood by a frigid pond, his icy gaze fixed on the unconscious form of the young man floating before him – battered and bruised.

"Why did you do that? Why?" Eavan's inner whisper reverberated as he observed the desolation etched on the young man's once flawless complexion, now marred by wounds and scars.

"Eavan?" a concerned voice interrupted.

"Brother?" Eavan responded in his usual monotone tone.

"You're here again?" his brother inquired.

"He saved us, Brother," Eavan stated. Mark, his brother, comprehended Eavan's implications, eliciting a sigh from him.

"He did, but individuals with great power who practice dark cultivation are dangerous. He should be grateful that the Headmaster brought him here to heal, rather than confining him to rot in prison," Mark explained.

"And to keep him unconscious," Eavan added. Mark's demeanor softened, acknowledging their debt to the gifted individual floating, as it was he who saved SkyHill and, consequently, his brother's life.

The pond where Kali rested possessed potent healing properties, gradually inducing a deep slumber upon extended immersion. In Kali's case, his severe injuries challenged the pond's healing capabilities, plunging him into a prolonged unconscious state. Only intervention by a courageous individual could awaken Kali from this profound slumber.

"Eavan, the Headmaster requests your presence," Mark announced. Eavan cast his eyes downward and, with a heavy heart, exited the cave, leaving Mark alone within its confines.

Mark's gaze lingered on the enigmatic figure, contemplating the SkyHill savior. Despite a desire to offer the gifted individual a chance, he lacked the authority to challenge the Headmaster's decisions – their father and Eavan's superior.

Another week elapsed, and Eavan was tasked with investigating a village experiencing unusual phenomena. Meanwhile, Kali's inert form lay motionless, resembling a lifeless body. Unexpectedly, a surge of white-golden energy disrupted the cave's serenity, unveiling a celestial portal adorned with swirling constellations and twinkling stars suspended in mid-air. Water burst from the pond, resembling a volcanic eruption, as a woman's hand gently guided Kali to rest safely on the ground, unharmed.

In an unseen moment, the celestial being known as the Water Bearer, Aquarius, materialized. Supporting Kali's motionless form, Aquarius' stern gaze fixated on the vulnerable figure, brimming with anger and exasperation.

"Why would you act so recklessly?! Are you attempting self-destruction?" Aquarius berated the unaware form, receiving no response. Aquarius exhaled deeply, maintaining a watchful eye over Kali's being.

"Water Bearer's Embrace," Aquarius whispered, conjuring a celestial water from a large vase cradled in her hand, enveloping Kali as if in a comforting embrace. The water, imbued with healing properties, initiated its curative influence on the embraced figure.

Another radiant surge of golden light manifested, unveiling a verdant archway adorned with entwined vines and vibrant blooming flowers, redolent of a fresh earth and foliage scent. Soft sunlight filtered through the canopy above, casting dappled shadows on the luxuriant greenery surrounding the portal. From within the portal emerged the Frost Fox, Nirvanna.

Nirvanna, a resplendent Nine-Tailed Fox, boasted ethereal snow-white fur that glistened like freshly fallen snow beneath the moonlight. Her eyes gleamed a striking silver, emanating an otherworldly wisdom and power. Each of her nine tails bore intricate patterns of frost crystals that shimmered with a cold, icy luminescence.

"Aquarius," the Nine-Tailed Fox acknowledged the celestial mermaid.

"Good, now that you're here, take Kali and lead him away from this place, perhaps to a secluded forest. Stay by his side until he can summon a spirit for assistance," Aquarius elaborated.

The Fox nodded in response, and Aquarius gently placed Kali behind the Nine-Tailed Fox.

"Run as swiftly as possible after I unleash my spell to incite chaos, so they won't notice you and the guards outside will be startled," Aquarius instructed. The Fox nodded once more as Aquarius prepared to cast her spell.

"Aquarian Torrent!" Aquarius cried out, conjuring a massive surge of water from her cradled large vase, followed by Nirvanna swiftly carrying Kali away.

The eruption within the vicinity caused by the forceful water surged outward, extending to the Cave, startling the guards with its powerful deluge.

"Icy Tempest!" Nirvanna roared, summoning a tempest of ice and snow, unleashing a whirlwind of freezing winds and blinding snow that enveloped the backside of SkyHill, startling nearby students.

Nirvanna swiftly descended to the River, ensuring not to emerge from the water, her icy energy preserving her atop the surface as she made her escape, effortlessly navigating the river with her icy paws, swiftly managing to traverse the water without submersion.

Chaos engulfed Skyhill due to recent events, and the backside lay undisturbed by the blizzard left by Nirvanna, ensuring their swift escape unnoticed. As nightfall approached, Nirvanna sensed fatigue settling in and scanned the surroundings, ensuring their safety before gently propping Kali against a tree.

The duo found themselves in a glowing lagoon illuminated by bioluminescent organisms, casting an ethereal radiance upon the waters. Known as the Luminous Lagoon, it enchanted travelers with nature's dazzling light show.

Meanwhile, Eavan reluctantly returned to Skyhill after the upheaval. From the exterior, all seemed serene under the watchful care of Mark, the Headmaster, and the disciples – the chaos of the cold pond remained the only visible aftermath.

"Where are they?" Eavan inquired of a disciple clad in the customary moon-lit robe. His icy-blue eyes exuded impassivity.

"Second Master," the disciple respectfully replied with a bow, addressing Eavan's query.

"First Master and Headmaster are at the cold pond," the disciple answered respectfully. Eavan nodded and swiftly made his way to the Cave housing the said pond.

Upon entering the Cave, Eavan overheard the Headmaster's furious exclamation.

"I shouldn't have left him here! I should have just killed him before!" Headmaster Dean's voice resonated with anger, referencing the escaped Kali.

"Headmaster Dean, settle down. Anger won't solve our predicament," Mark intervened, calming the agitated Headmaster.

Eavan, after taking a deep breath, joined the two figures now standing before the emptied cold pond. He showed courtesy by bowing before addressing them.

"Headmaster, How can I be of help?" Eavan inquired, his gaze unwavering and stoic.

"Bring Caden with you. I need you to retrieve that ungrateful brat back to Skyhill," Headmaster Dean's words dripped with animosity.

The siblings shared a glance; Mark understood Eavan's empathy towards the gifted individual who saved his life. Sensing the tension, Mark refrained from mentioning it to the Headmaster to shield Eavan from potential repercussions.

"Understood, Headmaster," Eavan acquiesced with a cool tone, bowing before departing, leaving the two to their deliberations.

Meanwhile, the Nine-Tailed Fox, Nirvanna, perceived a shift in Kali's mana, witnessing his wounds glow with crimson energy as they began to heal. One by one, Kali's scars vanished, his complexion returning to a healthy radiance.

"It appears Master's magic is aiding in his recovery," Nirvanna observed gratefully. After an hour, Kali's once battered form transformed into a revitalized state, exuding grace and vitality.

Sensing her energy dwindling from the portal's use, Nirvanna approached Kali's unconscious form, emanating a golden luminescence as she transformed into an ice barrier, shielding Kali throughout the night.

Back at Skyhill, Eavan reached Caden's chamber and knocked thrice before Caden answered. Caden's eyes widened upon recognizing his visitor, his cheeks flushing unintentionally. He then bowed courteously before Eavan.

"Second Master, how may I assist you at this hour?" Caden inquired politely. He possessed a countenance defined by gentle yet distinct features, striking a harmonious balance between strength and gentleness. Elevated cheekbones added an air of refinement, complementing his flawless complexion radiating a youthful vibrance. His lips, naturally tinted with rosiness and curved into a genial smile, exuded warmth and goodwill, fostering trust and camaraderie.

His chestnut locks cascaded gracefully over his shoulders, adding a touch of untamed allure to his visage. These flowing strands seemed to sway in tune with the breeze, mirroring the elegance of his movements. At times, wisps of hair framed his forehead, imparting a hint of boyish charm to his otherwise composed demeanor.

Caden's physique bore witness to his unwavering commitment and training as a disciple of the Roekel Clan. Despite his lean and nimble build, an inherent strength resonated through the confident way he carried himself. His posture exuded assurance and poise, reflecting the discipline and fortitude ingrained in his character. Every action he took was deliberate and purposeful, a testament to his dedication to abide by the Clan's etiquette and guidelines.

"I've come to inform you that the Headmaster has assigned us a task to locate the gifted individual practicing Dark Cultivation and to bring him back to Skyhill," Eavan elaborated, a slight furrow appearing on his brow as he observed the deepening redness on Caden's cheeks.

The unexpected revelation rattled Caden, intensifying the blush on his face. He raised his hands flusteredly, then paused as Eavan approached, cool hand meeting his warm forehead.

"Are you feeling unwell?" Eavan inquired, concern etched on his features.

"N-no, ummmm....I'm ju-just—" Caden stammered, halted by Eavan's touch.

"I sense no turmoil in your energy. Perhaps you're simply fatigued from today's lesson. Rest now, and we shall depart tomorrow," Eavan reassured, withdrawing his hand and leaving Caden bewildered by his unexpected attentiveness.


In the midst of the luminous lagoon, a thick icy barrier surrounded Kali as he stirred from his slumber near a sturdy tree, encapsulated in a realm of isolation. Within the frost-kissed enclosure, Kali was engulfed by a tumult of memories, his Chrono Vision unyielding in its grasp.


"K-Kali, go," the Queen Mother's voice quivered, every word a symphony of maternal love and despair. Despite the heart-wrenching ache that twisted within him, Kali clung desperately to his mother, a futile shield against the encroaching darkness.

"No, no, no, I can't," Kali's voice fractured, a haunting melody of desolation resonating through the air.

"Please, Kali, please," the Queen Mother's plea hung fragile in the air, a fragile plea on the cusp of irrevocable loss. Kali's gaze, filled with torment, sought solace in the face of the malevolent entity that loomed ominously before him.

"K-Kali?" the Queen Mother's voice wavered, a fragile whisper amidst the tumult of tragedy.

"Mother?" Kali's response was a tender caress in the storm of anguish, his touch hopeful yet tainted by profound sorrow.

"T-Take this," Queen Ophelia's voice trembled with exhaustion, burdened by the weight of impending tragedy. Her outstretched hand offered the ethereal Air Gem to Kali, a beacon of light in the encroaching darkness.

With trembling hands drenched in conflict and sorrow, the Queen passed the Air Gem to her son. The luminescent gem hovered between them, a silent testament to love and sacrifice.

"Mother, I can't," Kali's voice cracked with grief, each syllable a poignant plea to alter the cruel course of fate.

"Please," the Queen Mother's supplication was a fragile whisper, a final entreaty on the brink of loss. Kali's eyes shimmered with unshed tears, a silent waterfall of emotions cascading unbidden.

The Air Gem represented the Queen's sustaining thread, and any dislocation or disturbance of its state would seal her fate in a breathless goodbye.

"Mom, I'm sorry, please hold on, we need you," Kali pleaded through tears, his heart shattering with each moment.

With trembling hands, the Queen passed the Air Gem to Kali, a gesture of profound sacrifice. Kali's eyes glowed momentarily, then faded, denying the harsh truth looming before him.

"Motherrr!!! Nooo!!!" Kali's anguished cry ripped through the air, a tempest of grief and sorrow that shattered the icy silence, encompassing all in its embrace.

Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted, chilling the air within the palace with an icy grip, each breath a battle, a dance of cold and suffocation.


"Mother NOO!!" Kali's agonizing wail pierced the tranquility, sending birds scattering from their perches, startled by the surge of crimson energy. The explosion shattered Nirvanna's icy barrier, releasing a wave of energy that spread far and wide, instilling fear in all creatures within its reach. Ground-dwellers fled in panic, sensing an invisible predator at their heels, while birds took to the sky, seeking refuge from an intangible threat.

Alone in his grief, Kali clasped his hand to his heart, tears staining his cheeks. The bitter ache of loneliness consumed him, a relentless torment in the frigid night.

"I'm sorry mother, I'm sorry," Kali's whispered cries echoed like a haunting refrain, a broken record of remorse until his eyelids fluttered shut, enveloping him once more in the solace of darkness.


The Palace of Zephyrthorn stands as a grand homage to the elemental prowess of Wind, commanding a vista of undulating hills and endless skies where ancient whispers ride gentle breezes. Its architecture echoes the grace of wind, characterized by sweeping arches and airy passageways that sway with every breath.

Adorned with intricate carvings of swirling winds and ethereal beings, the palace pays tribute to the elemental forces shaping the realm. Towering spires pierce the heavens, adorned with delicate wind chimes serenading the breeze. In the palace gardens, blossoms sway in unison with the wind, their petals gleaming like spun silk under the moon's gaze.

Within its chambers, the wind murmurs its timeless tales, carrying scents of distant lands and the allure of uncharted horizons. Moonbeams filter through stained glass windows, casting vibrant hues on marble floors, painting the halls with a kaleidoscope of colors.

At the apex of the palace, on an open balcony, stood a solitary figure—the Youngest King to ascend the throne, His Majesty, Michael Giacommazi. Gazing at the star-strewn sky, Michael pondered if among those twinkling lights shone the spirits of his beloved Mother and brother, watching over him and offering silent encouragement. Memories of his late mother filled his heart, yet those of his departed brother remained elusive. Following a tragic chapter in the kingdom's history, Michael found himself bereft of family, tasked with safeguarding the realm alone.

According to the Queen of Aquamaris, Michael's lack of recollection of his younger brother stemmed from the latter's fragile health and seclusion within a chamber accessible only to trusted healers and Her Majesty. Fearful of contagion, Michael's interactions with his brother were limited, leaving him unaware of the sibling's appearance save for a grand portrait in the palace hall. The painting depicted a figure with radiant silver hair, facing the moon, beside an ethereal nine-tailed fox. The fox, with snow-white fur shimmering like fresh snow, exuded an aura of wisdom and power, a symbol of the late prince dubbed the Silver Goddess, a stunning marvel heralded by Aquamaris and endorsed by the Goddess of Beauty herself.