Narrator's POV

The following morning at Skyhill, Eavan and Caden emerged from the temple together. Caden trod cautiously behind Eavan, afraid that his rapid heartbeat might betray the emotions stirring within him. In Celestria, the notion of two men being together was no longer taboo, but within a disciplinarian clan like the Roekel Clan, challenging traditional views posed a formidable obstacle. The Headmaster's teachings instilled in them the belief that a man should be with a woman and nothing else. Caden chose to bury his feelings, acknowledging the potential pain it might bring, particularly since Eavan, the son of the Headmaster, epitomized the ideal disciple of the revered Roekel Clan, earning the admiration of all students.

Descending from the mountain, they were greeted by a vast forest, sunlight filtering through the dense canopy in a breathtaking display. Embarking on their journey, Caden pondered how they would locate the escaped Gifted, given their lack of knowledge regarding his whereabouts.

"Second Master Eavan, If I may ask, how will we find the prisoner that escaped?" Caden's curious inquiry prompted Eavan's response, delivered in his usual monotone voice without so much as a glance in Caden's direction.

"We have enchanted a tracking spell, enabling us to trace his movements and locate him," Eavan answered. Caden marveled at Eavan's swift reply, enveloping them in a contemplative silence.

Known for his icy demeanor and reserved nature, Eavan preferred brevity in speech and interactions, speaking only when necessary or inclined to do so. Despite his aloof persona, his enigmatic allure garnered admiration from afar, captivating those who observed him.

At the luminous Lagoon, Kali sat beneath the protective shade of a tree, immersed in deep contemplation as he grappled with his purpose. Revived by an enigmatic being for a singular mission, he felt compelled to fulfill it. Yet, amidst his task, the gnawing mystery of his forgotten past clawed at his mind—why the shroud of oblivion veiling the tragedy that befell him, and the unsettling question of why his existence appeared erased from collective memory.

Reflecting on those he had encountered—knights, disciples—the nagging doubt lingered: was Michael truly oblivious to their shared history, or was it a facade shielding deeper truths? A sharp pang pierced his mind, prompting Kali to wince from the mental strain. Amidst the mental tumult, a familiar face surfaced in his thoughts.

"Dave?" Kali murmured, reminiscing about the young vampire, his loyal confidant and first true friend who understood him like no other, save for his Mother and Brother.

Deciding on his next course of action, Kali resolved to venture to the estate of the Campbell Clan—a secluded faction independent of the four kingdoms, akin to the Roekel Clan. Recalling the distance to their estate from his current location, he intuited the urgency of his departure, aware that scouts had likely been dispatched to locate him.

"I must hasten my departure," Kali reasoned, his crimson energy crackling as he emerged from the clearing. As Kali closed his eyes, a surge of crimson energy enveloped him, swirling around his form like ethereal tentacles of pure power. The glittering crimson dust danced around him, shimmering in the air like a mesmerizing display of magic. His hair, a cascade of midnight like strands, seemed to float mid-air as if defying gravity, caught in the enchanting dance of the crimson energy.

His clothes flowed around him, caught in the ethereal currents of energy, as if responding to an invisible breeze. The fabric rippled and billowed, adding to the mystique of his teleportation. As the crimson energy intensified, Kali's figure began to dissolve into the wind, the shimmering dust embracing him completely.

In a breathtaking display, Kali vanished from sight, leaving behind no trace of his presence. The air seemed to shimmer momentarily, as if holding onto the memory of his form before returning to its natural state.

Meanwhile, Eavan's emotionless announcement halted Caden mid-step, prompting him to observe the shining object akin to a compass in Eavan's hand. Ruminating on the enchanted tracking spell, Caden voiced his concern regarding Kali's destination, drawing a furtive gaze from Eavan, his icy eyes meeting Caden's warmly radiant azure orbs, causing a subtle flush to color Caden's cheeks, despite its insignificant meaning to Eavan.

"We must utilize the portal talisman," Eavan declared, evoking a sense of urgency that resonated with Caden, who tacitly acknowledged the pressing need.

Extracting a 1/5 piece of paper from his attire, Eavan activated it, prompting Caden to join him, conjuring a colossal blue magic circle humming with energy. The intensifying wind around them tugged at soft leaves while the circle gradually engulfed their figures until they vanished, leaving behind no trace.

Within the forest's depths, a ripple of distortion enveloped the air, struggling under an unseen force. A shimmering wave of crimson energy heralded Kali's return, materializing resolutely amidst a cascade of dark hair that slowly settled as the teleportation energy dissipated into the ether.

Seating himself within the sheltering roots of a large tree forming a cave-like alcove, Kali quickly composed himself, sensing impending pursuit. Focusing his Mana, he summoned his Chaos Magic with closed eyes, allowing his astral form to detach from its vessel, floating mid-air with midnight hair dancing in ethereal union.

In his astral state, Kali navigated effortlessly to the estate of the Campbell Clan, veiled by Vampire disciples. Despite the intangible nature of his presence, Kali wielded his magic astutely, tracking Dave amidst the estate's mystical prowess. Sensing unusual disturbances, the Vampire disciples perceived an anomaly, prompting Kali to expand his tracking radius. Despite his astral state, Kali methodically scanned the estate, mapping its expanse while his consciousness navigated through the labyrinthine grounds in search of his elusive friend.

Unbeknownst to Kali, Eavan and Caden had already located the tree where he sat. Locking eyes for a moment, they silently communicated before Caden raised his hands, a golden key appearing.

"In nature's whispers and wild allure, I call upon the pure animal spirit, from forest depths and skies above, I summon thee, the Resilient Firebird, Phoenixa!" Caden invoked.

The golden key ignited with crackling energy, creating a large golden magic circle before Eavan and Caden. A verdant archway entwined with vines and blossoming flowers exuded the fragrance of fresh earth and foliage. Soft sunlight filtered through the canopy above, casting dappled shadows on the lush surroundings where the portal materialized. From this portal emerged the Resilient Firebird, Phoenixa, soaring swiftly through the sky, circling the two below.

Eavan silently observed the ancient spirit bird, suppressing any visible emotions while admiring Caden's power known for channeling ancient spirits to aid in battle. Phoenixa emerged from an inferno with vivid crimson feathers and a radiant aura symbolizing rejuvenation, rebirth, resilience, strength, and renewal.

"Do not lower your guard," Eavan vaguely cautioned before proceeding towards the roots beneath the tree. There, Kali's floating figure, crackling with red crimson energy, captured his attention. Eavan took a moment to study Kali's appearance: shoulder-length midnight hair floating effortlessly, with long dark lashes, porcelain skin emitting a subtle glow, delicately sculpted high cheekbones radiating elegance and allure, and perfectly heart-shaped lips inviting stolen glances and lingering desires.

Even Eavan couldn't deny being captivated by Kali's ethereal beauty—an artwork seemingly crafted by the Goddess of Beauty herself. Shaking off intrusive thoughts, Eavan fortified his resolve, considering the possibility of Kali's beauty being a lure for deception, a trap that he wouldn't succumb to.

"Evoke the Chain of the Divine!" Eavan commanded, his palm ablaze with golden energy as intricate runes encircled Kali, binding him with chains suffused with divine power.

Kali's astral body felt a sudden pull, returning him to his physical form, causing immense pain and disorientation. Falling to the ground, overwhelmed by the mental anguish, Kali's eyes slowly opened, revealing molten silver pools glistening with unshed tears wrought by excruciating torment. Despite the agony, Kali willed his vision to focus, meeting Eavan's emotionless gaze.

"Y-you," Kali whispered with animosity.

"I cannot afford to fail now. I must uncover clues and answers to unravel the truth about my past and my demise," Kali resolved in his mind.

Summoning magic while chained by the Chain of the Divine induced excruciating pain in both the Mana core and the physical body. In Kali's case, the debilitating throb in his head compounded the agony, intensifying to an unbearable crescendo. Eavan detected a sinister aura emanating from Kali, observing the transformation of his silver irises into glowing scarlet hues.

"Dissonance Wave," Kali invoked, releasing a surge of crackling crimson energy that shattered the runes and ruptured the chains, liberating Kali from his constraints in a dazzling display.

Reacting swiftly, Eavan unsheathed his divine sword, prepared for the ensuing chaos. The enchanted blade possessed divine properties capable of warding off malevolence and repelling dark energies. With precision, Eavan cleaved through the Dissonant Wave using his divine weapon to shield himself from its effects. Yet, he was caught off guard by Kali's swift follow-up.

"Chaos Bolt!" Kali chanted as his hands radiated with crackling crimson energy, launching a bolt of chaotic power aimed at disrupting the essence of his target, causing havoc and damage upon impact.

Eavan's agility allowed him to evade the attack, granting Kali the opportunity to escape the root cave, unbeknownst to Eavan's unseen companion.

"Phoenixa!" Caden summoned the majestic bird.

"Inferno Blast," Phoenixa intoned, unleashing a fiery torrent towards Kali.

Witnessing the dazzling yet perilous attack, Kali stared wide-eyed as an explosion rippled through the forest, frightening the inhabitants into a frantic retreat. Swirls of smoke veiled Kali's location as Eavan and Caden regrouped, Phoenixa circling overhead. Caden's azure eyes widened in awe, contrasting with Eavan's stoic demeanor. As the smoke dissipated, Kali emerged unscathed, adorned in a bewitching armor that accentuated his physique and flawless complexion.

Donning the Phoenix Feather Armor, Kali sported a radiant creation crafted from the iridescent feathers of a mythical phoenix. The armor, revealing and empowering, shimmered with fiery hues symbolizing eternal flame. Sporting Fiery Blazing Wings at his back, the majestic aura exuded fierce elegance, granting the wearer the miraculous gift of flight.

"That's an impressive flame spirit you wield, Caden," Kali complimented, emanating a potent aura that left Caden astonished.

"He knows my name!!!" Caden's internal scream echoed. Meanwhile, Eavan's icy gaze met Kali's molten silver eyes.

"That armor seems familiar...I believe I have encountered it before," Caden stated despite the tension in the air.

"The Phoenix Feather Armor," Eavan affirmed, clarifying Caden's uncertainty.

"Huh?" Caden exclaimed, realizing the significance: The Phoenix Feather Armor, a legendary artifact recorded in the annals of history within SkyHill's library. The powerful relic endowed its wearer with regenerative abilities, healing wounds and fortifying resilience. Moreover, it rendered the bearer impervious to fire-based assaults, summoning a shield against scorching adversaries.

Musing aloud, Caden articulated for Kali's benefit, "You've got an astute ally in Eavan," an observation that reverberated with unexpected sincerity, shaking Caden to the core.

"Surrender," Eavan's chilling demand hung in the tense air, met with a sly smile from Kali, who had swiftly recuperated from the torment, aided by the curative properties of his enigmatic armor.

"I have no business at SkyHill. I have more pressing matters than being unjustly imprisoned and tormented for a crime I didn't commit. I saved Skyhill from annihilation, so you should thank me and let me go," Kali proposed, attempting to broker peace. His molten silver gaze then shifted to Caden, leaving the young man stunned by the piercing intensity of his stare.

Mesmerized by the captivating sight, Caden was spellbound by the physical perfection of the Gifted prisoner before him. From the mesmerizing flow of his shoulder-length midnight hair to his enigmatic molten silver irises and flawless features, including delicately sculpted high cheekbones and inviting lips, Kali exuded an unparalleled allure that ensnared Caden in his gaze.

"Caden!" Eavan's authoritative voice snapped Caden back to reality, redirecting his focus from the entrancing spectacle before him to Eavan's stern countenance fixed upon him.

"Stay alert," Eavan reprimanded before shifting his gaze back to the adversarial figure standing before him.

"No more games. Beware," Kali's amiable façade vanished, replaced by a gaze of unadulterated animosity. He had grown weary of being pursued.

"Surrender. You won't win a fight against three opponents alone," Eavan highlighted Kali's disadvantage in the impending confrontation.

"I know," Kali sarcastically mused inwardly, prepared for the ensuing battle against insurmountable odds.

"We won't know until we try, right?" Kali challenged, eliciting a surge of cold resolve from Eavan.

"Caden," Eavan beckoned. Caden, anticipating the command, summoned his spirit.


"Scorching Talons," Phoenixa proclaimed, her claws ablaze with fiery power, poised to strike with scorching precision.

In response, Kali's palms emanated a glowing light, materializing the Phoenix Talon blade, a sword infused with the phoenix's fiery essence, capable of engulfing foes in searing flames.

"Phoenix Inferno Slash!" Kali's roar resounded, infusing the blade with scorching flames, ready to unleash a devastating inferno slash targeting Phoenixa. With the aid of his blazing fiery wings, Kali soared to meet Phoenixa's fiery assault head-on.

The clash of their spells birthed a fiery explosion, shrouding the forest in an ominous cloud of dark smoke. Caden momentarily held his breath, bracing for the impending outcome. Emerging from the haze, Phoenixa and Kali ascended into the sky, engaging in an aerial duel. Phoenixa and her blazing claws clashed with Kali wielding his Phoenix Talon blade, while Eavan joined the fray, his Divine sword propelled by Mana, dueling with Kali in a flurry of lethal strikes. The clash of swords reverberated through the forest, signaling the intensification of their fierce battle.

"Blazing Wings!" Phoenixa manifested fiery wings with the ability to lacerate Kali with scorching heat. Reacting swiftly, Kali deflected Eavan's divine sword and countered Phoenixa's searing assault.

"Phoenix Flame Burst," Kali retaliated, unleashing a torrent of phoenix flames from the Phoenix Talon blade, creating an explosive wave of fire aimed at incinerating Phoenixa's attack.

The collision of their powerful attacks birthed yet another explosive eruption, showcasing the ferocity of their clash. Seizing the moment, Eavan capitalized on the chaos.

"Golden Radiance!" Eavan invoked, summoning a radiant burst of golden light that momentarily dazzled Kali, inducing disorientation and creating an opening for impending strikes.

"Solar Flare!" Eavan swiftly followed up, unleashing a surge of intense golden energy that engulfed Kali in searing brightness, inflicting ongoing damage and sapping his strength.

In Kali's disoriented state from the blinding effects of the Golden Radiance, he was caught off guard by the Solar Flare, resulting in another explosive impact that sent his figure hurtling through the air.

"Phoenixa!" Caden urgently called upon the spirit once more.

"Fiery Vortex," Phoenixa conjured a swirling maelstrom of fire that dragged Kali's fallen form into the ground, threatening to engulf and consume him in flames.

The blazing vortex spiraled with scorching intensity, devouring nearby foliage in its fiery path. Yet, amidst the inferno, a luminous surge of silver light materialized within the fiery whirlpool.

"Requip: STORMWING TEMPEST ARMOR!" Kali bellowed, his voice tinged with agony, as the silver radiance intensified following his invocation.