Narrator's POV

After settling into their respective rooms, the trio emerged together for dinner at Aelrock Tavern. The spacious establishment housed the rooms on the second floor, while the ground floor accommodated the dining area where food and beverages were served. Caden requested a table for them, and they quietly settled in.

A waitress approached to take their order, catching Caden's notice as she stole glances at the Second Master. Meanwhile, Kali kept his silver eyes cast downwards, visibly weary.

"Give me two servings of your best-selling meat dishes and one serving of your top-selling soup. And for drinks, a fruit juice—preferably...ummmm mango?" Caden placed the order for the group, with the waitress silently noting it down before disappearing, leaving Caden to thank her. A serene hush enveloped the trio momentarily before Caden decided to break the silence by inquiring about Kali's surname.

"Kali, I was wondering, what's your surname?" Caden's curiosity piqued. Kali met Caden's azure gaze, contemplating the question.

Caden's interest in Kali's background stemmed from a sense that Kali was more than just a commoner, exuding a grace and elegance reminiscent of royalty. Observing Kali's poised movements in battle, Caden marveled at his refined etiquette. Eavan, intrigued by Caden's query, fixed his icy gaze on Kali as well.

"Oh?" Kali feigned surprise, quickly fabricating a new surname on the spot.

"Hoover, Kali Hoover," Kali lied, maintaining a composed facade.

"Hoover? Hmm, I'm not familiar with any prominent family by that surname," Caden remarked, prompting a smile from Kali at Caden's keen interest in his background.

"I didn't come from a noble family, Caden. I am just a commoner from the kingdom of Zephyrthorn. As for this 'grace,' perhaps it stems from my childhood dream of becoming a Queen. Foolish, right?" Kali elaborated, weaving another tale about his identity but truthfully sharing his childhood of royalty.

Witnessing the somber shift in Kali's demeanor, Caden panicked and vehemently shook his head in response.

"No, no, no, no, it's admirable. Who wouldn't aspire to be a Queen? I too harbored the same dream," Caden interjected, aiming to uplift Kali's spirits with a touch of humor.

Kali's nod was accompanied by a smile that failed to reach his eyes. Eavan, frozen in place, was overwhelmed by a wave of profound loneliness and sadness that emanated from Kali. The Body Link spell, a connection forged between Eavan and Kali, allowed them to experience each other's strongest emotions. Presently, Kali's intense mix of sorrow and isolation enveloped Eavan, drowning him in a sea of emotions.

The source of Kali's emotional turmoil traced back to a childhood promise made before his mother, Queen Mother Ophelia of Zephyrthorn. As a young and naive child with a weak mana core, Kali pledged to his mother that he would one day lead Zephyrthorn to greatness, akin to his beloved mother. However, as he grew older and discovered his limited magical potential, Kali's world shattered. Undeterred, he immersed himself in rigorous swordsmanship training under the guidance of Celestria's greatest warrior general. Surprisingly, Kali mastered Requip Magic, a rare ability granting access to a personal storage vault within a pocket dimension.

Despite possessing rare magical prowess, Kali struggled to enhance his Requip Magic's strength, channeling his efforts into meditation to bolster his mana. Surprisingly, this led to the cultivation of yet another rare magic—Summoning Magic. While the palace celebrated his achievements, Kali faced recurring failures in mastering his Summoning Magic. Gifted with the golden animal spirit key of the Frost Fox, Nirvanna, on his sixteenth birthday by Queen Mother Ophelia, Kali's cultivation journey was fraught with setbacks despite determined efforts.

Tragedy befell Zephyrthorn during the demon summoning incident led by rogue vampires, a pivotal moment where Kali's fear rendered him immobile, unable to defend his homeland. In a heart-wrenching turn of events,Kali was the target of a dark energy sphere, but his mother, the Queen, shielded him from the attack, absorbing the energy meant for him.This act of selfless sacrifice led to the Queen's demise, leaving Kali devastated and haunted by the weight of her sacrifice. He felt a crushing sense of guilt, believing he should have been the one to protect her, not the other way around.So how utterly useless do you think Kali felt that day? All those years of rigorous training, all those lessons... they had meant nothing. He hadn't even been able to defend himself, let alone protect her. If only he had been stronger, maybe, just maybe, she would still be alive.

Observing Kali's tear-filled eyes, Caden panicked, fearing he had caused Kali's tears. Meanwhile, Eavan remained frozen, succumbing to overwhelming pain as Kali's emotions enveloped him. The intensity of Kali's emotions felt like a crashing storm, drowning Eavan in a torrent of perpetual sorrow and unrest.

With a hard frown etched on his forehead, Eavan's rigid breath mirrored the weight of Kali's emotions. A tear escaped Kali's eye, tracing a path down his cheek before he abruptly rose and wiped it away.

"I'm not hungry anymore. Please enjoy your meal without me," Kali announced with a tone heavy with sorrow and brokenness. Caden didn't need the body link spell to sensed the depth of Kali's despair, already evident in his shattered voice.

Turning to Eavan, Kali raised a finger aglow with golden energy, enveloping Eavan momentarily before releasing him, signaling relief. Kali silently turned his back on the duo, retreating to the solitude of his chamber, carrying the weight of his emotions in the shadows of the tavern's haze.

The food that Caden ordered arrived, and the two of them ate in silence, with only the clinking of utensils breaking the quiet of the table.On the other side, Kali retreated to his chamber, his cheeks stained with tears and his chest clenched in unbearable pain. With shaky knees, he steadied himself against the door, gasping for breath and seeking solace in the shadows. Hiding his face beneath the hood of his robe, Kali's crimson energy enveloped him in a swirl of power, casting an otherworldly aura around him.

The shimmering crimson dust danced around him, creating a mesmerizing spectacle of magic as his midnight strands defied gravity, floating in the air with an ethereal grace. His crimson robe billowed and rippled, responding to the invisible currents of energy, enhancing the mystique of his disappearance. As the crimson energy intensified, Kali's form dissolved into the swirling dust until he vanished completely, leaving behind an empty space and a lingering sense of his presence.

In a breathtaking display of power, Kali reappeared, the forest air rippling around him as he materialized back into existence. His hair cascaded down like a dark waterfall, returning to its natural state as the energy dissipated, leaving a trail of sparkling dust in its wake.

Standing with a commanding presence, Kali exuded an air of mystery as the remnants of teleportation energy dissipated into the atmosphere. His clothes settled gracefully back into place, accentuating his enigmatic aura and leaving a lingering sense of his powerful and enigmatic presence in the room.

As the last echoes of the teleportation faded, Kali stood with a weariness in his eyes but determination in his stance. His figure crackled with residual crimson energy as he extended his power across the village, his consciousness drifting, searching for something. His senses honed in on a familiar emotion—hatred and sorrow. A desolate house on the outskirts of Aelrock Village came into focus, where a dark scene unfolded.

That night, the father of the household relentlessly beat the mother for failing to prepare dinner, a recurring cycle due to his constant drunkenness and abusive nature. The man would squander his earnings on alcohol, using his hands to inflict pain on his family members: his wife and their delicate daughter, who had fallen ill from the repeated beatings. Weakened and malnourished, the mother resorted to sending her daughter into hiding to protect her. With tear-filled eyes, the daughter watched helplessly as her mother drew her last breath.

Although physically frail, the daughter could only witness as her father continued to assault her lifeless mother. The sound of the brutal beating reverberated through her ears, sending her into a state of powerlessness. She covered her ears with trembling hands in a futile attempt to block out the haunting sounds, but the violence persisted, vivid and relentless.

"Please, whoever can hear me, gods or goddesses, make it stop. I can't bear it anymore," pleaded the girl. Kali, attuned to her thoughts, used his Chaos Magic to conceal the unfolding tragedy, creating a facade of tranquility that masked the horrors within the house from prying eyes outside.

Amidst the eerie calm, a figure materialized before the girl in a crackling display of crimson energy, revealing Kali in his crimson robe.

"What do you want?" his voice, though calm and soft, contained an underlying intensity. Encouraged by the brewing storm within her, the girl bravely expressed her dark desire.

"I w-ant m-y Fa-ther dead, I wa-nt to avenge my Mom," she answered, her tone unnervingly composed, seeking retribution for her mother's suffering.

Kali, fueled by a wrathful determination, advanced toward the small abode and entered, revealing a tragic scene of a woman brutally murdered, her body marred and bruised. Standing before her was the man, bathed in her blood, his demeanor shifting from surprise to defiance as he reached for his axe.

Removing his hood, Kali revealed his face to the man, who stood dumbfounded before the living physical perfection before him. With an ethereal beauty and an aura of allure, Kali's presence captivated the man, unaware that this encounter would seal his fate.

As Kali's palm crackled with energy, a golden key adorned with black stripes materialized before him. Lifting his hands toward the sky, Kali's gaze bore into the man with intense anger and his voice dripped with righteous condemnation, mirroring the girl's desire for justice.A fiery rage burning in his eyes, he condemned the man for his heinous deeds.

"Every man wishes to be with a woman who will be loyal to him until their hair turns grey, and the gods above have blessed you with such a woman. But what did you do? You killed her, and tried to kill your own child as well. How despicable of you!" His placid countenance was gone, Kali's silver eyes were bare with anger, and his voice was laced with hatred, mirroring the girl.

Unleashing his wrath with righteous fury, Kali's voice resonated with hatred, echoing the girl's desire for justice.

"In shadows deep and flames aglow, I conjure this demon spirit to show, from the abyss where darkness thrives, come forth to me, I summon thee, Demon of Nightmares, Beleth, arise," Kali chanted with a commanding voice, invoking the ominous presence of the Demon of Nightmares, Beleth.

With a fierce incantation, Kali invoked the Demon of Nightmares, Beleth, commanding her to appear. The air grew heavy and suffocating, chilling even the girl outside with fear as a massive golden magic circle took form above the abode. Transformed into a swirling vortex of darkness, the ominous portal exuded an aura of primal dread, whispers of despair echoing from its depths.

Emerging from the portal, Beleth materialized with an aura of terror. Her eyes, deep voids of malevolence, glowed with an intense red light, reflecting the dreadful nightmares she embodied. Possessing an otherworldly appearance with ashen skin and haunting features, Beleth's presence was nightmarish, instilling fear in all who beheld her form.

With wings akin to a bat's unfurling from her back and claws sharp as daggers, Beleth held an intimidating visage, exuding a menacing grace and deadly intent. Every gesture she made exuded an aura of malice, a chilling embodiment of terror and darkness brought to life at Kali's command. In her formidable presence, Beleth exuded a sense of apprehension, her sinister influence spreading fear and foreboding throughout the abode.

The man stood frozen in fear at the sight of the demon beside Kali. He was immobilized, his figure trembling, incapable of supporting the weight of the axe any longer, causing it to fall with a resounding thud upon the wooden floor. Beleth inclined her head, peering deeply into the quivering man's eyes.

"How may I be of service, Master," Beleth inquired respectfully to Kali.

In the realm of cultivation, what Kali had done might be perceived as foolish—summoning a demon to exact punishment upon a mere commoner. Yet, for Kali, it was a necessary act. Should this man even be regarded as human? He had taken the life of his own wife, who had stood by his side enduring his violence, bound by the unbreakable oath they had made to each other to never part ways. Even in her final breath, his wife had pleaded for his transformation, urging him to seek love elsewhere. In the cultivation society, those who delved into dark practices were labeled as malevolent and faced death, regardless of age. However, some individuals were born with an inherent connection to darkness, an innate gift they did not choose. Many among them were innocent souls yearning for a chance at normalcy, concealing their identities in fear of persecution and execution. Even without committing any wrongdoings, their lives were at risk, hunted down for crimes they had not committed. In stark contrast, mere mortals, known as Siles, were not swiftly condemned to death for severe transgressions like murder, as they worshipped a divine God and Goddess. Instead, they underwent investigation and imprisonment, offering a chance for repentance and reflection during their sentence.

How ironic, isn't it? It is seems easier for a Sile to become a demon than to scrutinize the Gifted individuals branded as evildoers simply due to their inherent darkness. These Gifted faced harsher punishments without due examination of their alleged misdeeds, often facing immediate execution. While Siles who committed atrocities were subjected to thorough investigation before imprisonment, granting them an opportunity for redemption upon release. Thus, Kali found himself in a position of neutrality and fairness, condemning true transgressors while safeguarding the innocent. This particular Sile, deemed a monster, was unworthy of a second chance through imprisonment. Sometimes, to exact justice upon a monster, one may have to mete out punishment fitting of its deeds. This rationale led Kali to summon Beleth, for she could dispense justice where it was deserved.

"That woman could never rest a wink in her entire life with you. For if she did, nightmares would plague her, so she chose to remain vigilant. Guarding her fragile daughter from harm. Therefore, I desire for you to bestow upon this man the sweetest dream imaginable, so sweet that he would plead for the release of his own demise," Kali elucidated, each word striking fear into the man who listened in mute terror. How much fear can a human endure?

The man collapsed to his knees, desperate pleas gushing forth, tears cascading down his cheeks, remorse etched across his face.

"Have mercy, I implore you! Spare me! I acknowledge my transgressions, but I beg for a chance to make amends, please spare me!" the man beseeched fervently, in a frenzied repetition of pleas.

Kali's silver eyes dilated with fury as he swiftly advanced and delivered a resounding slap to the man, kneeling before him. Tears flowed as Kali absorbed the shattered remnants of the woman's soul in the abode, guided by his necromantic blood. Compounded by the ability to witness flashes of the couple's memories through his Chrono Vision, the weight of their suffering weighed heavily on Kali.

"Spare you?!" Kali spat with contempt.

"Why? When your wife pleaded for mercy, did you offer her a chance? So why should I? You are unworthy of life after committing such heinous acts!" Kali's voice thundered, seething with righteous anger.

"I have a daughter, she will be left parentless if I am gone!" the man pleaded, further stoking Kali's fury.

"Parent? You dare call yourself a father?" Kali retorted mockingly.

"You are not fit to bear that title! Fearful of leaving your child alone? Then why did you take the life of her mother?! Why extinguish her source of happiness and life?! Anyone can father a child, but not everyone can be a true parent," Kali's words dripped with disdain.

"You know what?" Kali raised his hand, enveloped in dark, chilling energy.

"You do not even deserve reincarnation, for shattering her soul into the smallest fragments," Kali continued, disgust evident in his tone.

As the dark, cold energy in Kali's hand intensified, he cast the spell "Spiritual Agony," inflicting excruciating torment upon the man's spirit with spectral energy. The man could only bear witness as Kali unleashed the spell, bringing forth the consequences of his unforgivable actions.

"This is your rightful retribution," Kali declared with a steely gaze.

Kali rose and turned away, raising his palm into the air to gather the shattered fragments of the wife's soul and body. Meeting Beleth's gaze, they shared a nod of acknowledgment. Meanwhile, the man writhed in agonizing pain, his soul tormented by the dark spectral energy, consumed by fear as Beleth cast the spell "Dark Reflection," invoking a malevolent smile upon her pale lips before enveloping the abode in a thick black smoke.

Exiting the house, Kali proceeded to where the young girl was hiding. The girl gazed up at Kali, her tear-filled eyes hindering her from fully appreciating his ethereal presence.

Kali's hand glowed with crackling crimson energy as he revealed a lifeless body on the ground. The girl's eyes widened in shock as she immediately knelt beside the deceased body, overcome with sorrow.

"Give her a proper burial tomorrow, so you may bid your final farewell. Meet me at Aelrock Tavern in the afternoon," Kali instructed, crouching to place a pouch of money for the girl to prepare for her mother's burial.

Struggling to maintain his balance, Kali experienced the side effects of being away for an extended period within Eavan's radius.

"Damn, this Body Link," he muttered, his movements unsteady as he exited the hex where the house stood, his surroundings starting to blur. Collapsing to his knees on the grass outside, the strain from overusing his mana and summoning the demon taking its toll on Kali's frail form, compounded by the taxing effects of the body link spell.

"I need Eavan," Kali's thoughts clouded by the haze of exhaustion, longing for the comfort of Eavan's presence to ease his suffering.