Narrator's POV

"I need Eavan," Kali's thoughts lingered in a haze, succumbing to the lingering effects of distancing from the spell caster of the Body Link Spell.

A surge of crimson energy enveloped him, swirling around his form like ethereal tentacles of potent power. The glittering crimson dust danced in the air, creating a mesmerizing display of magic. Kali's midnight strands cascaded seeming to float as if defying gravity within the enchanting crimson energy.

His clothes flowed with the ethereal currents of energy, rippling and billowing in response to an invisible breeze, adding to the mystique of his teleportation. As the crimson energy intensified, Kali's figure dissolved into the wind, the shimmering dust enveloping him entirely. Soon, Kali vanished from sight, leaving no trace as the air settled back to its natural state.

Reappearing in his room at the Aelrock Tavern, Kali felt a wave of weakness wash over him. With labored breath, he made his way to Eavan's room, the quiet of the Tavern signaling that the inhabitants were fast asleep. Kali successfully entered Eavan's room, his figure crackling with lingering crimson energy, allowing him to pass through the door before the energy dissipated. His silver eyes recognized Eavan, peacefully asleep, unaware of the intrusion.

Approaching the slumbering figure, Kali observed Eavan's serene sleeping form. Softly gripping Eavan's hand, Kali kneeled beside the bed, the moonlight casting a tranquil glow upon them. As the side effects subsided, Kali breathed a sigh and succumbed to exhaustion, falling into a peaceful slumber with their hands intertwined, the glowing rune at the back of their hands a symbol of their connection.

The next morning, Kali slowly opened his eyes, revealing the molten pools of his silver irises. Situated on Eavan's bed, he sat up abruptly, reflecting on his actions with a tinge of embarrassment and chagrin.

"Oh my goddess, what have I done?!" Kali's internal scream resonated with self-reproach.

Closing his eyes to meditate and regain composure, Kali then stood up, opening the wooden window to greet the morning sunlight, its golden rays bathing his ethereal countenance in a divine glow.

"I should get ready," Kali resolved, moving to the center of the room.

"Requip," he intoned, engulfed in a radiant surge of light. As the light dissipated, Kali appeared in a flowing robe of deep midnight hue, embellished with crimson runes and mystical symbols. Tying his hair into a ponytail, accentuating his striking features, he prepared to search for his companions. Descending, he drew the attention of onlookers, prompting him to hastily exit the Tavern, donning his hood to conceal his face.

"Kali?!" called out a familiar voice, prompting Kali to turn towards the source and be met with a wide smile from Caden.

"You're awake?" Caden exclaimed, approaching Kali and admiring his new cloak.

"Wow, you changed!" Caden remarked with admiration.

"Where's your master?" Kali inquired, a gentle smile gracing his lips.

"Oh, he's assisting a young girl around the corner. She's preparing for her mother's burial, who passed away last night," Caden explained, causing Kali's smile to falter as he recalled the events of the previous day.


Kali glanced towards the far end of Aelrock Village, where the scene of the small abode remained undisturbed, as if nothing had occurred within its walls. An idea dawned on Kali, and before he could hold himself back, he voiced his request to Caden.

"Caden, can you come with me? There's somewhere I need to go," Kali's tone was serious. Curious, Caden tilted his head and nodded, openly displaying his trust in Kali despite his label as a Rogue Gifted due to his practice of Dark Cultivation.

Walking together towards the far end of the village, they engaged in conversation along the way.

"Kali, can you teach me your combat techniques?" Caden asked, his tone hopeful. Kali glanced at him, considering how Caden seemed to have forgotten that Kali was once their captive. Caden's earnest desire to befriend Kali touched his heart.

"Why not," Kali replied as they reached a clearing not far from the small wooden house.

"If you don't mind me asking Kali, why are we here?" Caden inquired.

"I want to remind you of something, and I want to ensure that you remain true to your words," Kali half-lied. Raising his left hand in the air while the right remained hidden behind him.

His palm crackled with crimson energy, transforming into deep crimson smoke, filling the air swiftly.

"What are you doing?" Caden asked nervously.

The thick crimson smoke enveloped the area, crackling with energy and spinning clockwise before dissolving within itself. As the smoke cleared, a crushed or charred house was revealed in place of the once-standing wooden abode.

"What did you do?!" Caden exclaimed, horrorstruck by the sight of the destroyed house.

"I undid the hex," Kali replied tersely, his silver eyes fixed on the ruined structure.


"Yes," Kali affirmed.

"You've shown me trust, Caden, and I appreciate that. But I want to remind you that I practice Dark Cultivation, which goes against the teachings of the Clan that had taught you. So, do you truly wish to befriend me?" Kali asked emotionless, not meeting Caden's gaze.

Caden looked at the ethereal figure before him and made his decision. Clenching his fists tightly until they turned white.

"I, I, I... I truly want to be your friend. You saved my life... I owe you my life when you saved Skyhill from destruction by that dark beam, its origin unknown to us," Caden explained, his frustration evident as he voiced his determination and resolution.

Kali raised a brow in response.

"Once we return to Skyhill, I may face imprisonment again under your Headmaster—" Kali began, but was swiftly interrupted by Caden.

"NO! I believe Second Master Eavan would not allow that, and if he does, I will convince the Headmaster to reconsider and give you a chance!"

"How can you be so sure that Eavan wouldn't take action against me?" Kali questioned. Caden bit his lower lip, struggling to respond, until fleeting moments of observation sparked a realization.

"Second Master Eavan seems to have a strong fondness for you and holds you in high regard. As someone who has admired the Second Master for a long time, I can attest to it. The Body Link spell is proof of his trust in you. He could have allowed you to escape, considering he had already tracked you, but by casting that spell, he solidified his connection with you. The Headmaster is powerless against you because the Body Link spell is unbreakable. If any harm befalls you, it would mirror back to Eavan as well, his own flesh and blood!" Caden explained rapidly, leaving him breathless after his fervent explanation.

Kali was stunned by Caden's revelations. His expression a mix of confusion and surprise, his mouth moving wordlessly like a fish out of water. Eventually, all he managed to blurt out was a bewildered, "huh?"

To divert attention away from himself and mask his flushed cheeks, Kali seized upon Caden's words.

"You've held Eavan in such high regard for quite some time?" he inquired.

Caden paused and his cheeks flushed a deep shade of red. Suppressing a laugh, Kali congratulated himself internally on catching Caden off guard.

"Caught you," Kali celebrated silently.

"Well, what's wrong with that? There's nothing amiss with admiring someone of the same gender, nor is there any issue with being homosexual!" Caden retorted, his voice rising slightly, displaying a touch of cuteness. Kali couldn't help but chuckle at his words and found himself at a loss for a response.

"Isn't it obvious?" Kali mused, a sly smirk gracing his lips.

"What's so funny?!" Caden inquired, with an endearing hint of annoyance.

"Caden, I'm homosexual too," Kali confessed, offering a playful wink.

The realization dawned on Caden, leaving him momentarily speechless.

"Oh?" was all he managed, scratching his head in contemplation.

Momentarily forgetting Kali's masculine identity due to his inherent beauty, Caden bit his lower lip, recalling how everything about Kali exuded femininity — from the intricacies of his armor in Requip to his manner of dress and demeanor. No one could fault Caden for the oversight, as the feminine aura suited Kali perfectly.

As Kali reflected on his past and the weight of his responsibilities as part of the Royal Family, he pondered the exhaustion that came with shouldering such burdens. Perhaps it was time to relish this second chance, this new life bestowed upon him, and fulfill the enigmatic being's task. However, his upbringing as royalty and the demanding mission ahead reminded him that shedding his noble status was not a simple feat. The mission required sacrifices, yet amidst the challenges, Kali found solace in the potential friendship with Caden. He was willing to nurture this budding connection, risking to cultivate a bond in his garden of dreams, where each bloom held the promise of a new adventure.

"I hope that a day will never come when I am met with disdain in your eyes," Kali mused, his silver gaze turning solemn, yet a gentle smile gracing his lips.

Kali's gaze returned to the ruined house, his eyes betraying a sense of unease.

"If I may ask, why did you place a hex here? What truly transpired?" Caden inquired, facing Kali. Meeting his azure eyes, Kali proceeded to explain the events of the previous night, skirting over certain details like the summoning of the demon.

Attentively listening to Kali's account, Caden too felt a surge of anger and compassion towards the mother and daughter.

"Where is the man? He should be imprisoned!" Caden's reaction brimmed with fury as Kali recounted the unfolding events.

"He took his own life. After I passed judgment on his heinous deeds," Kali replied succinctly, causing Caden to falter.

"H-He k-killed himself?" Caden's startled response elicited a nod of acknowledgement from Kali. Certain truths were best left unsaid and untold.

"Caden, I wish to confide in you regarding my intentions, as a friend and someone I trust," Kali began, his silver eyes locked with Caden's azure gaze.


"I aimed to aid certain Gifted individuals burdened with inherent darkness, striving for a normal life, yet hunted for their innate Gifts," Kali explained in a somber tone.

"Some of them are blameless, treated unjustly due to factors beyond their control, a fate imposed upon them since birth," he continued.

"However, I resolve to act with fairness. Those Gifted who have transgressed and committed wrongs shall face suitable judgment. Those who are innocent shall find refuge under my protection," Kali concluded his explanation.

"But won't that pose significant challenges, Kali?" Caden expressed his concerns.

"I acknowledge the difficulties ahead, Caden. This is my life's calling, my destined purpose," Kali reassured.

"Many will oppose you and seek your downfall for your defiance of the rules," Caden disagreed, apprehensive for his new friend's safety.

"I have devised my strategies, Caden. Rules are not absolute; they are meant to be challenged," Kali affirmed.

In the realm of Celestria's Cultivation World, a golden rule prevails — abstaining from practice and cultivation of dark magics. Gifted individuals are born with inherent magic and a mana core. Though they may utilize their mana core to cultivate different forms of magic, such endeavors often prove arduous and met with limited success. Consequently, many focus on harnessing their innate magic, requiring unwavering resilience, time, and spiritual power to master.

"It appears you possess an unwavering resolve. I shall support your cause, under the condition that you uphold your commitment to fairness without any ulterior motives," Caden stated, offering Kali an encouraging smile. Kali's heart swelled with gratitude at Caden's display of solidarity, prompting him to embrace his newfound friend in a gesture of pure delight.

Caden was taken aback, but he reciprocated Kali's hug. As they broke apart, they shared laughter at the somewhat dramatic moment. Suddenly, Caden's azure eyes widened as he witnessed the roots of Kali's hair gradually changing color, spreading throughout his midnight strands. Kali untied his hair, unveiling a transformation. The silky darkness gave way to lustrous silver strands that shimmered in the sunlight, moving gracefully and dancing with ethereal beauty.

"Kali, your hair?!" Caden marveled, astounded by the unexpected change.

Even Kali was perplexed by the sudden alteration in his hair color and couldn't fathom why his natural hue had returned. Before he could speak, a brilliant light flashed before his eyes.


Chaos erupted throughout the Zephyrthorn Palace as Rogue Vampires infiltrated, their strength surpassing that of regular rogues. Overpowering the Zephyrite Enchanters who valiantly defended their kingdom, the five citadels in the Kingdom of Zephyrthorn were engulfed in flames, the metallic scent of blood tainting the air. Zephernian commoners fell victim to the merciless Rogues, alongside other figures shrouded in obscurity. Despite their indistinct appearances, their formidable presence exuded darkness and malevolence.

"Air Gem's: Tempest's Fury," Kali whispered, his words reaching the figures behind him. A radiant blue light burst forth as the Air Gem unleashed a storm of howling winds and crackling lightning, unfurling a tempest of fury across the battlefield. The unleashed power instilled fear, indiscriminately decimating allies and foes amidst the chaos. Lost in the maelstrom of destructive energy, Kali's control faltered, consumed by the unleashed power that spared none in its path.

"I'll kill you! I'll avenge my mother!! Ahhh!!!" Kali's rage-filled cry pierced the air, directed towards an insidious figure cloaked in malevolent energy, resembling a demon.

"KALIII!!!" Michael's desperate cry echoed with fear and urgency, reverberating throughout the scene.

With the Air Gem safely stowed, Kali flew towards the figure cloaked in sinister energy, his silver eyes transformed into glowing irises of bright blue. A testament to his bond with the Air Gem, his spiritual force now merged with the essence of the magical gem. Overwhelmed by emotions, Kali descended into madness, consumed by an uncontrollable frenzy.

"Release me! Kali needs me, we need to save Kali! I have to save Kali!!" Michael struggled against the Gifted individual clad in a moonlit robe uniform, whose affiliation remained a mystery.

Despite his blurred vision and urgency, Michael discerned details of the individual impeding his path — chiseled features with piercing blue eyes that seemed to pierce through to one's soul. Unfazed, Michael sought only to follow his brother, oblivious to the footsteps he heard approaching.

"Beloved Queen Mother Cynthia," the Azuremancers, loyal to their queen, expressed concern and followed her to offer protection.

Upon witnessing Michael's struggle, Queen Mother Cynthia swiftly approached him, casting a spell to lull him to sleep. Eavan, the unsuspecting prince, supported her in her efforts.

"Take the Crown Prince to the northern barrier where I've set the blockade. Evacuate any injured or commoners you find," commanded the anxious Queen Mother Cynthia with urgency.

"As you command, Beloved Queen," the Azuremancers bowed, escorting the Crown Prince away from Eavan.

Queen Mother turned to Eavan, worry etched on her face.

"Where is Kali?!" she inquired swiftly, but Eavan's gaze seemed to pass through her, surprising the Queen Mother.


"Kali, please stop!!" The Queen's voice rang out, filled with desperation.

In the blinding brightness of this part of the vision, all visual details were obscured, but the voices were distinctly clear. A sharp swishing sound cut through the air, followed by a mournful shriek.

"Nooo!!!" echoed the grief-stricken cry, accompanied by the sound of a sharp object being withdrawn and the rush of liquid. An unfathomable pain followed, enveloping the scene.

The subsequent scene unfolded in a bright, empty room where conversations could be heard clearly.

"I need to erase his memories; he must remember nothing of these events," a woman's voice resonated.

"But he deserves to know the truth, Beloved Queen," a mature male voice countered, hinting at his age through his tone.

"No. I will erase Kali from everyone's memories," the resolute voice of the Queen asserted.

Amidst the disorienting brightness, a sound of something falling broke the moment, dragging Kali out of his vision.


"Kaliii!" Caden's shout reverberated through Kali's mind.

Overwhelmed, Kali's strength wavered, causing him to collapse to the ground. Caden followed suit, shaking Kali's figure, who remained lost in a daze. Kali's vision remained blurry, unable to fully recover, a solitary tear cascading down his cheek.

"What's happening?" a familiar voice inquired, filled with concern.

As Kali's vision slowly cleared, he met Caden's worried and frantic azure eyes directly. Tilting his head to recognize the voice, he beheld a figure clad in a moonlit robe uniform, possessing chiseled features and refined dynamics. Piercing blue eyes seemed to see into one's soul, accentuated by dark hair styled to highlight a sharp jawline.

"Y-you?" Kali mouthed, his voice barely a whisper.