Narrator's POV

"Y-you?" Kali mouthed, his voice barely a whisper.

"I don't know, he just suddenly turned into a statue where he was standing," Caden answered, frantically.

A frown appeared on Eavan's forehead as he promptly approached the two, kneeling beside Kali. He then scooped Kali into his arms, a surprising action that left Caden astonished. Eavan's gesture was unprecedented, something that Caden had never witnessed before and believed no one would believe if he were to recount it to his Skyhill companions. Taking initiative, Eavan supported Kali's weight as he remained dazed, focusing his two fingers on Kali's forehead to imbue his own spiritual force for Kali's healing. A crackling golden energy emitted from Eavan's fingertips and entered Kali's forehead.

"Will he be okay?" Caden asked with a worried tone, but received no response from Eavan, who was engrossed in healing the still-dazed Kali.

After a few minutes, Kali fully recovered, prompting Eavan to cease the transfer of spiritual energy to the gifted individual. Kali sat down and rubbed his forehead.

"Thank you," Kali softly expressed gratitude to Eavan, who nodded and adjusted his posture.

Caden assisted Kali in standing, noticing Eavan's icy gaze fixed on their linked arms due to his support for Kali.

"Is he jealous, perhaps? The esteemed and aloof Second Master of Skyhill wouldn't know such emotions, right?" Caden pondered in his thoughts, not fully convinced of his observations.

"Thank you, Cay," Kali expressed gratitude to Caden, giving him the nickname "Cay."

"Cay?" Caden muttered, bewildered. Kali responded with a smile.

"It's alright; I can stand on my own now."

"Are you sure?" Caden double-checked, receiving a nod of confirmation from Kali.

Kali faced Eavan, harboring many questions, but knowing answers might remain elusive as it seemed even Eavan did not recognize him. It appeared his past would not relent, driving his need to uncover what truly happened and why Queen Mother Aquamaris erased memories of those acquainted with Kali.

"How is the young girl?" Kali redirected his query to Eavan.

"Fine," came Eavan's brief and matter-of-fact response.

"Seriously, were you born of ice?" Kali mused inwardly before calming himself.

Eavan turned to Caden, who stood composed but had caught the attention of the Second Master of Skyhill.

"The village elder has requested our presence at noon," Eavan stated in a monotone voice.

"Why? Does he require assistance?" Caden inquired respectfully.

"Aelrock Mountain," Eavan replied.

"Huh?" Caden, puzzled by Eavan's response.

"The elder has tasked us with investigating the Mountain. Why?" Kali interjected, redirecting Eavan's frigid gaze from Caden to Kali's warm silver eyes.

Now that Kali's natural locks had returned, his appearance transformed into an ethereal and goddess-like visage. With captivating high cheekbones, delicately sculpted cupid-bow pink lips, and striking silver eyes adorned with long, dark lashes, Kali radiated elegance and ethereal beauty. The lustrous shoulder-length silver hair seamlessly conveyed regal grace, enhancing Kali's captivating allure.

"They said that the Mountain is infested with Rogue Gifteds who practice Dark cultivation," Eavan replied flatly, causing Kali to pause at Eavan's response.

"R-ogue Gi-fteds?" Kali stammered.

"What are they doing at the mountain?" Caden voiced his concerns, his tone infused with worry.

"Before we worry ourselves with that, we should head back to the Tavern first. We haven't had breakfast yet, and we need to conserve our energy for the investigation of the Mountain," Kali suggested when he recovered from the shock, leading the way without complaints from the two, who followed. Caden caught up to walk beside Kali, leaving Eavan trailing behind, his brow furrowing softly.

Upon reaching the Tavern, Kali immediately noticed the ailing figure of the girl he had assisted, appearing younger than they were. As the girl approached the trio, she respectfully bowed before Kali. The look of confusion was evident on Caden's face as he wondered how the girl knew Kali. Meanwhile, Eavan observed silently. Approaching the girl, Kali adjusted her stance.

"Do not overexert yourself," Kali reprimanded, assuming a motherly tone.

"Thank you for your help. Through your assistance, I could give my departed mother a proper burial," the girl expressed her gratitude through teary eyes.

"You're welcome," Kali smiled, embracing the girl warmly, who reciprocated the gesture. Upon parting from their embrace, Kali glanced behind him.

"You two proceed; I'd like to speak with her first. I'll follow shortly," Kali instructed. Caden nodded and smiled at Kali, indicating his understanding. He entered the Tavern ahead, while Eavan remained standing, maintaining his aloof posture, his forehead now slightly furrowed.

Kali then tilted his head and raised an eyebrow, seemingly challenging Eavan, who sighed and warned Kali, "Do not tarry."

"I know," Kali responded, aware that he couldn't stray far from Eavan's radius if he wished to avoid a repeat of yesterday. The Body Link Spell was truly demanding.

"Follow me."

They ventured into the forest away from onlookers. Kali observed the girl, who appeared even more ill than the previous day—pale and almost lifeless.

"What will we discuss, and why is it taking place here in this isolated area?" the girl's voice quivered.

"I want to ask you something, and I want you to consider it carefully," Kali began, receiving a nod from the girl.

"Natasha, I want you to be my right hand in my plans."

"H-How do you know my name?" Natasha stammered.

"From your mother's memories," Kali replied. Natasha nodded, prompting Kali to reiterate his proposal.

"I-I-I want to. But I would only be a hindrance because I lack knowledge in many areas, and I cannot move properly due to my condition," Natasha's response was sorrowful. Approaching her, Kali placed both hands on her shoulders.

"Do not worry; I can address your concerns. The current Natasha will be reborn as someone of whom your mother would be proud," Kali reassured.

"R-really? Y-you could d-do that?" Natasha sought reassurance, her voice brimming with hope.

"Yes, I will transport you to a realm I have created, where you will train with the assistance of my companions," Kali smiled, offering assurance to Natasha.

"Do you mean that guy in the moonlit robe?"

Kali chuckled, amused that Natasha, too, was captivated by Eavan's lofty charisma, causing Natasha to blush as Kali uncovered her thoughts.

"No, not him. But someone I truly trust, and someone you can trust as well."

Kali stood Natasha to the side to summon one of his contracted spirits. Holding his hands in front of him, palms upturned and lifting his hands toward the sky, a golden key materialized in Kali's palm, radiating with crackling golden energy.

"Through the ancient powers intertwined, I beckon the arcane spirit to shine. From hidden realms and deep shadows, arise before me, I summon thee, the knight Sentinel, Seraphel!" Kali chanted.

A golden magic circle formed on the ground before Kali. Natasha watched in wonder, her eyes filled with amazement. The magic circle transformed into a shimmering archway of translucent energy crackling with arcane power. Wispy mist tendrils swirled around its edges, and a faint hum echoed from within, hinting at the otherworldly realms beyond. Out emerged a figure, the Knight Sentinel, Seraphel.

Seraphel appeared as a majestic warrior, adorned in iridescent armor that shimmered like stardust. This noble and valiant being possessed steadfast loyalty, wielding a gleaming sword that protected against darkness and a shield that deflected malevolent forces. With unparalleled courage, Seraphel vowed his assistance to Kali, serving as a resolute guardian and defender in times of crisis when summoned.

"Your Majesty." Seraphel bowed courteously before flashing a smile at his ethereal Master. A crease appeared on his forehead when he noticed a sickly woman standing at a distance.

"Natasha, come here." Kali beckoned. Natasha followed and took her time to approach, standing beside Kali.

"Majesty, If I may ask, who is she?" Curiously inquired Seraphel. Kali smiled and introduced Natasha.

"Her name is Natasha, my little sister." Kali's introducing smile startled Natasha, who quickly faced Kali.

"Ms—, I mean, your highness, I am not your sister." Natasha reacted, visibly flustered and flushed, inadvertently addressing Kali as "your highness" after hearing how Seraphel did so.

"Why would you introduce me as your sister? She doesn't even know me well!! And how can I pass as her sister when I'm just a total stranger??" Natasha mused silently.

"I didn't know you had a little sister, your highness." Seraphel's remark further deepened Natasha's embarrassment, waving her hands frantically in dismissal of Kali's words.

"No! It's not true! Her highness and I just met yesterday, and I-I-I don't even know her highness' name," Natasha denied, eyes downcast. Kali then gently lifted Natasha's chin.

"Starting right now, I am your guardian. I am a 'he,' Natasha, so call me your older brother. My name is Kali," Kali declared seriously. Natasha's eyes widened upon realizing the strikingly beautiful being before her was actually a man—capable of outshining any woman in beauty.

"You're a man?!!! But ho-how?" Natasha stammered.

"What do you mean how?" Kali raised a brow.

"I-I-I mean, how can a man possess a beauty greater than that of women?" Natasha explained, still struggling to believe the exceptional beauty standing before her.

"I don't know. But my Mom said that the Goddess of Beauty took her time sculpting me before sending me to my mother's womb," Kali revealed with a touch of melancholy in his voice, swiftly masking it with a smile. He then turned to Natasha and Seraphel.

"But to be my little sister, you must recover your health and train with Seraphel to learn self-defense. Will you do this for me and for your Mother?"

Natasha hesitated, " I truly fit to be your adopted little sister...there are many more worthy than me, your highness."

"I wish for you to be my little sister. Will you take this chance and embark on a new life with me?" Kali earnestly asked, his soothing voice melting Natasha's heart and sparking a flame of hope for a fresh beginning. Natasha faced Kali.

"I will. I will strive to be worthy of being your little sister, your highness. For you and for my Mom. I will seize this opportunity and live a life of no regrets," Natasha answered resolutely. Kali's genuine smile warmed her, a rare display of emotion in this second life.

"I'm grateful to have you as part of my family," Kali expressed endearingly, embracing a surprised Natasha. Tears welled in Natasha's eyes as she felt the comforting warmth exuding from Kali. Despite losing her parents, she felt thankful to have crossed paths with Kali, as he made her feel that though her biological family may be gone, she had found a companion in life—a person she could truly call family. Demonstrating that family isn't solely based on blood, but on how one treats each other.

As they parted ways after their embrace, Kali gently wiped away the tears that escaped Natasha's eyes and held her cheeks tenderly, "Take care and don't strain yourself. I'll visit you as soon as I can, okay?" Natasha nodded and placed her hand atop Kali's on her cheek.

"Go," Kali said softly.

Natasha nodded again and walked towards Seraphel, who acknowledged her presence.

"Seraphel, be gentle with Natasha and care for her as you did for me," Kali requested.

"Fear not, your highness, I shall treat Natasha with the utmost care," Seraphel promised. Kali mouthed a "thank you," and the Arcane Spirit smiled in response.

Kali's silver gaze softened as he nodded at Natasha. Seraphel and Natasha's figures glowed with golden energy and gradually began to dissolve into stardust until they vanished from before him. Left alone in the forest, Kali raised his palm, crackling with energy until a golden key materialized. Bringing the golden key to his lips, he whispered, "Go to the Silver Chamber and heal the girl with Seraphel."

The key glowed brightly, indicating that the spirit within had heard Kali. He tucked the key away before walking back to the Tavern. Despite the distance, Kali could clearly discern a figure standing in front of the Tavern—clad in a moonlit robe, hands behind his back, and a golden satchel held gracefully. Sensing Kali's gaze, the man turned to meet his scrutinizing silver eyes. As Kali approached, the man greeted him with a cool gaze, maintaining his composed demeanor. Kali couldn't help but find the man's cold facade intriguing, adding to his mystique, yet he kept this thought to himself, unwilling to share it with the man, Eavan.

"A while," Eavan uttered, causing Kali to chuckle amusedly.

"I haven't been gone for an hour," Kali reasoned.

"One hour and thirteen minutes," Eavan replied stiffly, surprising Kali.

"You kept count?!" Kali exclaimed, bewildered. For the first time, he was trying to be a normal Gifted individual without affiliations with royalty, transitioning to a new identity—Kali Hoover instead of the esteemed Prince Kali Giacomazzi of Zephyrthorn. Eavan furrowed his brow subtly, noticing a change in Kali's reactions, but he disregarded it and walked away from the handsome young man.

"Hey!" Kali called out, but Eavan continued walking without acknowledging him.

"Kali?!" a familiar voice called out.

Eavan halted his steps in the quiet first floor, observing the lively conversation between Caden and Kali, a brief hint of disappointment flickering in his eyes before vanishing, returning to his icy demeanor. He proceeded alone to his chamber.

As noon approached, the group left the Tavern to visit the elder's home, whom Eavan had spoken with in the morning.

"What kind of help did you provide to the girl earlier?" Curiosity filled Caden's azure eyes.

"I provided her with funds for her mother's burial and enough money to support herself," Kali half-lied.

Caden responded, "Ohhhhhhhh."

Upon arriving at the Elder's house, it was Eavan who knocked, leaving the two behind. A sense of unease washed over Kali, prompting him to be cautious. He scanned their surroundings, searching for any suspicious individuals, but found none—only ordinary folk going about their daily routines. Despite the normalcy, the foreboding feeling lingered, urging Kali to stay alert.

A hunched elderly man emerged after Eavan knocked, prompting Eavan to bow courteously, a gesture mirrored by the others.

"Thank you for your assistance, gifted disciples of Roekel Clan," the elderly man began, his long white hair tied in a bun.

"You're welcome. We, the Roekel Clan disciples, are ready to help with any kind of problem," Caden replied with a smile.

"Allow me to guide you to the mountain, so you won't get lost during your search," the Elder suggested.

The trio followed the Elder as they walked towards the mountain. Caden walked alongside the Elder and inquired about the village's recent experiences. The Elder reported seeing energy lights every night and shadowy figures in cloaks. They suspected actions of Rogue Gifteds as some villagers went missing, only for their possessions to be found in the mountain the following morning. Walking behind the Elder, Eavan and Kali listened quietly, Eavan's demeanor calm, and Kali keeping his hands behind his back, his expression serious.

Once they entered the forested mountain area, an hour into their walk, thunder rumbled, and darkness shrouded the mountain.

"It looks like rain will soon pour, doesn't it?" Caden remarked, stepping away from the Elder to join Eavan and Kali. Now closer to the Elder, Kali stood nearby while Caden and Eavan stood together.

"We should return, as it seems a heavy rain is imminent," Eavan suggested nonchalantly.

"But we are so close," the Elder pondered.

"You should grab a sturdy stick for support—the path ahead appears rocky, and you might stumble," Kali advised with a neutral voice.

"Oh, is that so? Hahaha," the Elder chuckled.

Hearing this, Caden quickly found a stick to serve as a support and handed it to the Elder.

"Here you go."

"Thank you, Caden," the Elder smiled, using the stick to continue walking. The sky rumbled once more, heralding an impending heavy rain.

Kali swiftly raised his hand, halting Caden and Eavan's progress, leaving them puzzled. Kali's expression turned cold, his silver gaze fixed on the Elder's back. The Elder noticed their hesitation and turned around.

"Why did you stop? We're almost there," the Elder smiled, questioning. His friendly smile seemed off to Kali, who saw through the facade and found it unsettling, though he remained composed.

The Elder met Kali's intense gaze and noted the animosity in his silver eyes.

"You didn't tell me your names, did you?" The Elder posed, as the rain poured down.

Caden furrowed his brow, realizing that despite their conversation earlier, none of them had introduced themselves to the Elder, leaving him curious about how the Elder knew their names. Eavan, sensing a potential threat, remained vigilant. Drenched in the pouring rain, their robes clung to their bodies, emphasizing Kali's alluring curves and Eavan's muscular physique. Eavan and Caden's eyes widened as various energy-charged arrows zoomed towards them.

Before the arrows could land, Kali raised his palm into the air, crackling with crimson energy. As the arrows approached, they glowed and disintegrated into dust, carried away by the wind, leaving no evidence of their existence.

"What an intriguing magic you possess," the Elder complimented, his wide smile sending a shiver down their spines.