Narrator's POV

In the mysterious exchange between Kali, Eavan, Caden, and the Elder, tensions rose as the Elder demanded the surrender of Caden. The Elder's unnerving smile and threats cast a veil of fear over the group.

"Who are you?" Kali's voice echoed starkly, sending a chill through the air. Caden and Eavan glanced at Kali, startled by his icy tone.

Maintaining his smile, the Elder replied, "My identity is inconsequential. Hand over Caden, and no harm will come to either of you."

"What do you want with me?" Caden's question quivered with underlying unease despite his attempt to sound brave.

"I'll say it again: hand Caden to me, and there will be no trouble," the Elder insisted, evading their inquiries.

"And if we refuse?" Kali challenged.

The Elder's smile transformed into a smirk as thunder rumbled louder overhead, the rain intensifying minute by minute, and a mist began to form in the forest.

"It's simple. If you don't comply, someone will get hurt. You may have escaped the Dark beam we aimed at Skyhill, but now, we have the power to end your lives," the Elder disclosed.

Caden and Eavan's eyes widened in shock at the revelation.

"Y-you? You're the ones behind the Dark beam?!!" Caden's stunned reaction echoed.

Eavan's grip tightened on his satchel upon learning the truth about the Dark beam incident that nearly decimated Skyhill were it not for Kali's intervention.

"I knew you possessed keen senses, pretty boy. So, you must have guessed that I am not alone," the Elder boasted confidently.

"Eavan, take Caden and hide him. The Elder has accomplices. There are four others hiding in the shadows. Trust the Body Link; I'll follow as soon as I can," Kali communicated telepathically.

Eavan was taken aback by Kali's voice in his mind, glancing back at Kali before locking gazes. Kali's silver eyes conveyed his intent. Unable to ignore Kali's silent directive, Eavan nodded before swiftly grabbing Caden's hand and sprinting away, utilizing his Mana to enhance his speed. Observing Eavan's departure, the Elder grinned, finding amusement in the unfolding events.

"Follow them," the Elder commanded, his voice resonating through the forest as Kali observed four figures swiftly pursuing Eavan and Caden.

Facing the Elder's sinister smile, Kali maintained a steely glare. "Are you really brave enough to face me alone? Your magic may be strong, but it's not enough to defeat me," the Elder taunted.

"We won't know until we try, right?" Kali coldly challenged, his silver eyes devoid of sentiment.

"Sure, why not," the Elder agreed, ready for the confrontation. As the Elder's form shifted, his true appearance emerged—shrouded in shadows, with crimson eyes exuding ancient wisdom. Dark waves framed his face, emphasizing an intense gaze that seemed to peer beyond reality. However, what captivated Kali's attention were the two pointed devil horns atop his head.

"A demon?" Kali thought in mind

"I am Stelios, a demon. Kneel before me, and I may show you mercy," the demon declared with a grin. Kali's laughter in disbelief seemed to challenge the demon's confidence.

"You're far too self-assured for one as feeble as you," the Demon taunted.

"I fear nothing because I have faith in my own strength," Kali retorted confidently.

"Who do you think you are?!" the demon sneered.

"I'm the one who will end your story," Kali replied with determination, exuding an air of animosity.

"You're just a nobody!" the demon scoffed.

"I'm the 'nobody' who will ensure you remember my name," Kali retorted with a sharp edge in his voice.

"Enough talk!" Stelios growled angrily.

Stelios then invoked the "Veil of Shadow," enveloping himself in darkness and becoming invisible to the naked eye. Undeterred, Kali raised an eyebrow, acknowledging the demon's cunning while preparing himself for the challenge ahead.

"What a clever demon. Good thing I have something that can match you," Kali quipped confidently.

"Requip: Shadow Reaper Armor!" Kali invoked, his figure glowing with a bright surge of light that illuminated the darkened forest. As the light dimmed, Kali emerged clad in the enigmatic Shadow Reaper Armor.

The Shadow Reaper Armor was a menacing ensemble that embodied the essence of shadows. Crafted from obsidian-like plates that seemed to absorb light, the armor exuded an aura of darkness. Adorned with sleek, angular plates resembling midnight black crystals, it exuded a mysterious and powerful presence.

Atop the armor, a thorn-like crown twisted around Kali's head, enhancing his mysterious aura with an air of sinister elegance. The thorns gleamed ominously, hinting at the dark magic coursing through the armor. Sprouting from the back were ethereal wings made of shadows, symbolizing the wearer's mastery over darkness.

"A lost magic! I'm increasingly intrigued by who you are. Your mind is impenetrable to me, unlike others. Requip magic, huh? Tell me, Gifted, who are you?!" the demon expressed, his red eyes gleaming with curiosity and greed.

"Before I reveal my identity, let me introduce you first to the sharpness of my weapon," Kali remarked, summoning the Voidblade Scythe in his palm. Slim and durable, the scythe matched the enigmatic fibers of his armor.

"How will you introduce the blade to me when you can't even see me?" the demon cackled maniacally.

"Who says I can't?" Kali responded, swiftly moving towards the demon, catching Stelios off guard. Kali managed to slash the demon's chest, but Stelios merely laughed, seemingly delighted by being wounded by Kali.

"A worthy opponent! It's been a while since I've encountered someone like you," the demon admitted, then swiftly launched an attack on Kali.

Engaged in a fierce battle, Kali and the demon clashed with their scythe and claws. The echoing clang of their weaponry filled the forest, painting a picture of an intense struggle amidst the pouring rain. Despite their fatigue, both warriors fought fiercely, their movements swift as lightning, augmented by their dark magic.

"Spectral Mirage!" Stelios cast, conjuring ten ghostly apparitions of himself, which also attacked Kali. Undeterred, Kali doubled his speed, defending himself against the eleven illusory Stelios circling him.

In a harrowing moment, one of the apparitions managed to slash Kali's arm, destroying a piece of his armor. However, Kali retaliated, swiftly vanquishing the apparition in a counterattack. Fatigue began to set in, reminding Kali of his human vulnerability despite his powerful abilities.

Sudden tremors and a massive explosion rocked the earth, prompting Kali to shout in horror for Caden and Eavan. Ready to rush towards the explosion, Kali was intercepted by the appearance of eight apparitions.

"Void Rift!" Kali invoked, slashing through the air with his scythe and tearing a void rift through reality. The rift absorbed the apparitions, trapping them in a realm of darkness and removing the immediate threat.

"Not impressive enough," the demon taunted before Kali could even attempt to escape, striking him immediately with a dark energy ball that resulted in an explosion.

However, Kali emerged from the smoke and soared through the air.

"Twilight Slicer!" Kali screamed, infusing his scythe with twilight energy and sending it hurtling towards Stelios with unparalleled speed. This spell had the capability to cut through defenses, leaving opponents disoriented amidst the shifting hues of dusk and dawn.

"Reality Warp: Disintegrate!" Stelios countered. When their attacks collided, Kali's silver eyes widened as his assault turned to dust, bypassing Stelios and causing his armor to gradually fade away.

Violently tossed to the damp ground, which now bore the marks of his body, Kali struggled to stand as the thunderous sky rumbled once again, signaling his weakening body.

"H-how?" Kali stammered.

"That's the result of being too overconfident in oneself," Stelios taunted.

"Shadow Puppetry!" Stelios invoked, his voice resonating despite the tumultuous downpour. The shadows morphed into sharp tentacles that relentlessly assaulted Kali before he could even rise.

"Argh!" Kali spat blood as the tentacles continued their relentless onslaught, targeting vital points and muscles to render him immobile.

Successive explosions beneath them erupted from the tentacle attacks, all while Stelios observed from the sky, admiring his handiwork. Another significant blast occurred not far from them.

"No! Caden! Eavan! They need me! I can't afford to be weak!" Kali's inner scream echoed as he fought against the painful constriction of his body and the incessant bleeding from the assaults.

"Ahhh!" Kali shrieked.

"DISSONANCE WAVE!" He roared in agony.

His body exploded with crackling crimson scarlet energy, unleashing a wave of discordant power more potent than ever before. The wave disintegrated everything in its path—stone, water, trees, animals—all turned to ash by Kali's spell. Stelios's eyes widened as he sensed the foreboding, dangerous magic, almost beyond comprehension.

Kali's silver irises were now scarlet, devoid of their former hue. With a menacing tilt of his head, Kali spoke coldly,

"Now, this is where your story ends." A powerful surge of crimson energy radiated from Kali like a beam within his vicinity, as a dark violet magic circle materialized beneath his foot and dark tentacles surged forth to envelop him.

The manifestation of immense power left Stelios frozen in fear. Despite being a demon of power, he couldn't deny that the Gifted before him was not to be trifled with.

"Essence Domination Magic: The Shadow Sovereign, Malakara," Kali dangerously whispered.

The air crackled with a palpable energy, a dark current pulsing through the forest. Kali, his silver hair cascading down his shoulders, stood bathed in an eerie glow. Then, it began. A subtle shift, a flicker in his eyes, a deepening of silver to a steely grey. The change was gradual, almost imperceptible at first, like a whisper in the wind.

His skin, once smooth and pale, began to take on a faint, almost imperceptible crimson hue. It spread like a blush, intensifying with each passing moment. The delicate curve of his lips, once soft pink, hardened into a sharp, sensual line. His eyes, once striking silver, flared with a molten gold light, pupils shrinking to pinpoints.

The transformation was not merely physical—it was a shift in his very essence. His flowing silver hair transformed into a crown of dark, raven-like feathers, each imbued with crackling dark energy. His once graceful shoulders broadened, assuming a more powerful, commanding presence.

Then came the wings. Erupting from his back, magnificent raven's wings spread out, each feather tipped with shimmering gold. They were both breathtaking and fearsome, symbolizing his newfound strength.

The final adornment was the runes. They materialized on his skin, intricate patterns of dark energy pulsing with life. They testified to his mastery of essence domination magic, a mark of his transformation.

When the metamorphosis was complete, Kali was no more. In his place stood Malakara, a being of dark beauty and power, her crimson skin radiating an otherworldly glow. Her presence filled the room, a magnetic force drawing all eyes to her. No longer the gentle, youthful Kali, she was now Malakara, the embodiment of darkness and power.

Stelios was left reeling in his own thoughts as he beheld Kali's completed transformation. His red eyes betrayed disbelief and horror at the sight before him.

Malakara then tilted her head towards Stelios, her molten gold pupils revealing nothing of her thoughts. She unfurled her massive raven wings to hover in the air before Stelios, who remained incapacitated, unable to speak or move.

"Wh-what? H-how c-could you do that?" Stelios stammered, the tremor of fear evident in his voice.

"Do what?" Malakara responded, her voice resonating with dark power.

Stelios's breathing was erratic, his figure trembling. Although a demon himself, the one he faced now was no ordinary demon—it was Malakara, the Shadow Sovereign, one of the most powerful demons in Terra Despartio (hell). Legend had it that she had been vanquished by an ancient elder Goddess, so how could this formidable demon stand before Stelios, regarding him as if he were a mere peasant?

Shaking his head, Stelios chuckled maniacally. "No, this cannot be real—just an illusion, right? How could you possibly house that demon within you?"

Malakara merely blinked without a word.

"Answer me!" Stelios demanded.

"You're far too presumptuous for one as feeble as you," Malakara taunted, throwing Stelios's own words back at him.

"Show me what you've got, 'strong demon.'" Malakara's words dripped with sarcasm. Enraged, Stelios's eyes blazed with fury as he swiftly charged at Malakara. However, with a single sweep of her raven wings, Malakara effortlessly sent Stelios hurtling to the ground from the force of the wind generated by her wings.

Malakara huffed, "I have no time for the weak like you."

"Begone!! Arghhhhhhhh," Malakara roared, summoning her magic.

Bringing her hands together, palms facing each other, Malakara slowly separated them while conjuring a swirling orb of dark energy as black as night, exuding a sinister aura promising death in its wake.

"Soul Shatter!" Malakara invoked, hurling the swirling dark orb at Stelios, who watched with wide-eyed astonishment.

Upon impact, the orb triggered a massive, blazing explosion that sent a powerful shockwave felt even at the foot of the mountain. Everything within the radius of the explosion was obliterated, and where Stelios once stood, there remained only a massive crater, showing no trace of his existence. Malakara then extended her hand in a claw-like manner, revealing a floating soul orb—Stelios's soul. Absorbing it with her Essence Domination Magic adding to Kali's set of demons forms that he could transform into.

Meanwhile, Eavan was battered and bloodied from battling the four relentless demons who continually attacked him. His moonlit robe was torn and revealed various injuries sustained from either fighting or defending himself, including slashes and lacerations. His once fair skin now bore a myriad of wounds, marred with bruises. However, he stood resolute, gripping the hilt of his divine sword firmly.

Having concealed Caden and put him to sleep in a secure location, Eavan now faced the demons' onslaught for refusing to disclose Caden's whereabouts. Despite the raging downpour, his labored breaths echoed as his icy ocean eyes scanned the sky where the demons hovered. Just as he prepared to counterattack, a sudden, constraining pain seized his senses, forcing him to kneel and grip his chest. The unbearable agony signaled the severing of a thread connected to Eavan. Looking at his hand, he saw the dissolving rune tattoo, widening his eyes in realization—as this meant one thing: Kali was gone. Eavan's gaze then shifted to the part of the forest where he had left Kali, and for the first time, grief and profound anguish filled his icy eyes.

Despite the overwhelming sense of loss, Eavan clung to the promise Kali had made—that he would follow after attending to the Elder. Though grief permeated his senses with the absence of emotional connection from the other side of the severed thread, Eavan's eyes blazed with anger as he launched another assault on the demons.

"Eavan invoked 'Golden Radiance' once more, summoning a brilliant burst of golden light that dazzled and blinded the four demons, temporarily disorienting them and creating an opportunity for attack.

Quickly, Eavan launched his assault, slashing at the demons, only to find his attacks ineffective as they swiftly retaliated, striking him violently and hurling him to the ground with vicious force. The resounding sound of bones cracking echoed as the impact left Eavan's weakened form lying battered and bruised, creating a dent where he lay. Despite Eavan's strength and power, he was overwhelmed by the coordinated attacks of the four demons. As they conjured energy orbs, poised to end Eavan's life, a sudden massive explosion shook the ground, causing Eavan to lose hope, wondering if Kali had prevailed or fallen to the Elder's might.

"That silver-haired pretty boy must be dead by now," one of the demons sardonically chuckled.

Struggling to rise, Eavan's body refused to obey, his divine sword lying out of reach.

"If that's the case, what are we waiting for? Let's kill one of the masters of the Roekel Clan!" suggested a demon, met with resounding laughter from his companions. Suddenly, a sinister aura engulfed the area, causing their hairs to stand on end.

Perplexed by the raw darkness surrounding them, the demons realized it wasn't emanating from Stelios. A dark, cloud-like smoke advanced towards them, heightening their alertness. Meanwhile, Eavan lay immobilized on the ground, observing the unfolding events. Sensing a warm tingling sensation at the back of his hand, despite his weakness, Eavan's determination allowed him to move his arm, witnessing the reformation of the once-lost body link rune. Unknowingly, relief washed over Eavan's bruised countenance.

As the dark clouds entirely shrouded the area, a figure emerged—his silver, silk-like hair flowing and dancing in the wind. Despite his tattered robe gracefully floating, carried by the breeze, his enigmatic aura was unmistakable. His silver eyes glinted coldly, hands poised in a claw-like stance, crackling with raw crimson energy.

"Where is Stelios?!" one of the demons bellowed.

"Gone," Kali responded vaguely, devoid of emotion.

"Impossible!" another demon exclaimed in disbelief.

"Fear not, you are next," Kali stated coldly.

"You can't hurt us!" one of the demons retorted. Undaunted, Kali merely tilted his head.

"Pain is a subjective experience. You'll understand soon enough."

"You b*tch!" the demons hissed.

However, Kali only smirked, bringing his hands together, conjuring a swirling scarlet orb of chaotic energy that promised destruction in its wake.