Chapter 5

Xiao Niang flinched as the plate shattered, burnt food scattering across the floor. Her father's glare darkened, his eyes narrowing in rage.

She'd been hoping no one would notice she had burnt the food, but her father had picked up on it the moment she'd served him.

"You cannot even cook a simple meal." He spat.

Xiao Niang stared at the floor, her palms fisting her skirts.

All she had to do was stay calm. His anger would pass quickly as long as she did not react or meet his eyes.

Easier said than done, though. Yes, she feared whatever punishment he would come up with—she wasn't just scared, though, she was terrified. But, that fear was not enough to keep her silent.

"Is there anything you can do properly?" Her father yelled.

"I apologize, father." Xiao Niang murmured. Her father paused mid-step and turned to stare at her.

"What did you just say?" He whispered, his voice low and dangerous.

Xiao Niang immediately dropped to her knees, pressing her forehead to the floor.

"Please forgive me, father." She pleaded as his feet came closer. Xiao Niang closed her eyes tightly, willing her hands to stop trembling.

"Do not move an inch," he said. Each word was filled with venom.

Xiao Niang braced herself, taking deep breaths, but the kick still caught her off guard. A sharp pain exploded in her ribs as she fell on her side with a choked gasp.

Her father pulled his leg back again. Xiao Niang whimpered.

"If only I'd kept quiet," she thought as pain exploded across her ribs.

"Utterly useless," her father shouted, stomping on her side. "You can't do a single thing right!"

The pain blurred her vision, making it difficult to breathe. Tears streamed down her face. Xiao Niang curled into herself, trying to block out the pain.

"Clean this mess up. Now."

Her only response was a choked whimper. Her body screamed in protest, but she forced herself to get up, struggling to her feet. Xiao Niang scrubbed the floor while the rest of her family ate, ignoring the way her bruised body hurt with every move.

"Nini?" A voice hesitantly called.

Xiao Niang paused what she was doing and glanced to the door. Hua Yun stood there, her body hidden by the door.

Xiao Niang forced a smile that tugged painfully at her split lip. From the expression on Hua Yun's face, she knew she must have looked as horrible as she felt.

"Yes, my darling?" she whispered.

"I saved some food for you." Xiao Niang stared at the little bundle Hua Yun held out. It was wrapped in cloth, her sister's poor attempt at hiding the food she'd snuck from the table.

Xiao Niang swallowed the lump in her throat and smiled at her sister, a real smile this time. At least someone in this place cared for her. Her hands ached from all the pots she'd been scrubbing, her ribs throbbed from the earlier kicks, and her stomach was rumbling.

"You shouldn't have, darling. You need all the food you can get." Her voice was hoarse. Tears were threatening to rise to the surface.

"But you didn't get to eat," Hua Yun muttered softly, playing with her sleeve.

Xiao Niang hugged her sister tightly, she needed this right now to ground herself or else her tears would come pouring out. Hua Yun was a sweet soul that deserved the best in life, Xiao Niang would do whatever it took to get her medicine.

Xiao Niang checked around to see if anyone was watching and took the cloth. Inside was a small portion of rice and a tiny piece of meat. It was better than nothing. This would at least satisfy her rumbling stomach for tonight.

"Did father see you take this?" Xiao Niang asked her sister.

"No. I made sure to be really sneaky." Hua Yun whispered as she smiled proudly. Xiao Niang stroked her hair softly and smiled at her.

"Eat, Nini." Hua Yun urged. Xiao Niang hesitated before finally taking a spoon.

"Thank you, my love." She whispered. Hua Yun beamed, sitting on the floor as she watched Xiao Niang eat.

While she ate, Xiao Niang let herself pretend she was a normal girl eating with her sister after a long day as she listened to Hua Yun tell her all about her day.

She knew eventually she would have to return to reality. But for now, she would let herself be happy.

"It's time to go to bed, dearest." Xiao Niang whispered to Hua Yun as she finished the rest of her chores for the night.

Xiao Niang shook her sister, but she was sound asleep. Xiao Niang smiled softly at Hua Yun as she snored away, curled up on the floor.

Xiao Niang stroked Hua Yun's hair slowly as she slept. It had been too easy to carry her to bed, she was far too light. At this rate, she would not even make it to her 16th year. Tomorrow, she would search for another job to earn even more money, Xiao Niang thought to herself as she tucked her sister in and went to her own bed.

The next morning, Xiao Niang watched as Li Yan fussed over her daughter and the entire town gathered in front of the Lord's home, eager to find out who would be chosen.

"This is so exciting, Nini." Hua Yun whispered, practically bouncing as they joined the growing crowd headed to the Lord's home.

"Do you think An will be chosen?" Hua Yun gasped. "If Li An gets chosen, does that mean we'll, be related to royalty?" She gasped again. "Will we be royalty ourselves?"

Xiao Niang simply shrugged, "I don't know, darling."

Hua Yun rolled her eyes. "Nini! At least pretend to be excited."

Ahead of them, Li Yan was whispering to Li An coaching her daughter on how to catch the soldiers' attention.

Xiao Niang sighed, she could not wait for this to be over with.

"Nini?" Hua Yun called, her voice quieter this time.


"What if… what if you get chosen?"

Xiao Niang paused. The people behind grumbled, pushing past, but she barely noticed.


Hua Yun shifted, playing with her sleeve, "I said..... what if you get chosen?"

"The bastard? Get chosen?" A voice laughed from the crowd.

"I've never heard a funnier joke." Another replied.

Hua Yun stared at her feet. "I'm sorry, I brought it up in the first place."

"It's alright," Xiao Niang whispered. "Let's just go."

They continued walking when a familiar voice called out.


Xiao Niang paused. Aside from Hua Yun, there was only one other person who called her that.

"Min Lan!" Xiao Niang cried as she rushed forward to embrace her cousin. It had only been a few days since they'd last seen each other, but it still felt like forever.

"Nini," Hua Yun called as she tugged on Xiao Niang's sleeve. "We have to hurry or everyone well miss it."

Min Lan gasped dramatically and clutching her chest. "Oh, the betrayal! My little cousin won't even say hello!"

Hua Yun giggled and hugged Min Lan. "I missed you too, Minnie."

"Thats more like it." Min Lan ruffled Hua Yun's hair. "Now run along, your sister and I need to talk."

Min Lan's smile faded the moment Hua Yun was out of earshot.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Niang asked.

"It's my parents," Min Lan whispered with tears in her eyes. Xiao Niang frowned as she wiped them away.

"Follow me." She whispered leading her cousin to a quiet corner. "So, what happened?" She asked the moment they were away from any prying eyes or ears.

Min Lan's shoulders shook as she let out the sobs she'd been holding back. "They borrowed some money from the Lord, and they couldn't pay it back. So they made a deal with him."

Xiao Niang could barely understand what she was saying.

Xiao Niang could feel her stomach tying itself into knots. "What kind of deal?"

Min Lan took a shaky breath. "They promised him Yu Jie as his concubine."

Xiao Niang gasped in horror. ""Yu Jie?" She echoed in horror. "But she's only fourteen." The same age as Hua Yun.

Min Lan nodded, her body trembling. "I tried to talk them out of it, but Father said we had no choice and the Lord…." Min Lan shuddered. "He said ..... he said he likes to break them in young."

"That's disgusting." Xiao Niang spat.

"I couldn't let it happen," Min Lan's hands began trembling. "I made a deal with him instead. I offered myself in Yu Jie's place."

"No." Xiao Niang gasped.

"He agreed to let me work as a maid in his son's quarters instead. But…." Min Lan bit her lip. "I'm scared of going by myself. Will you come work there with me? Please, Xiao Niang." Min Lan squeezed Xiao Niang's hands, her gaze pleading.

Xiao Niang's breath hitched. "You can work as a maid with me and the pay is really good. You'll be able to afford Hua Yun's medicine."

Xiao Niang hesitated, the offer was tempting. Could she really do it?

"Could you give me the rest of the day to think about it?"

"Of course." Min Lan nodded looking relieved.

"I'll let you know my answer by tonight."

Xiao Niang stared at the Lord's home as she got closer to it with every step. Could she really afford to say no? She had until nighttime to decide, but deep down she already knew her answer.