Chapter 1

AN: Read the Auxiliary chapter before you start the story.

Welcome dear readers to the fantastic, but horrible, joyous but frightening, stories and tales of different Rune Holders from throughout the ages. I am your author, yet I am not the hero of these stories, nor am I the villain. I am but a member of the audience, I am the Observer.

I have spent countless eons watching the different worlds as they were plunged into wars across the stars. I have seen them have beautiful peace, only to be pulled into war once more. I have seen speices advance to untold heights only to be destroyed to the last member.

These observations have allowed me the chance to write the stories of these heros and villains, for I have seen their lives. You did not come to read about me though, so let us begin with the first Rune Holder in known history, the Hive King.

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My name is Jerrick Mars-4-25, I am a resident of Mars, and my family was the 4th to step foot upon the planet and I'm part of the 25th generation on Mars, thus the Mars-4-25. The year is 1211 GA, GA stands for Golden Age, which first began after the year 3499 AD. My family first arrived on Mars in 500 GA, the Federation spent 500 years terraforming the world before colonizers were sent.

The Golden Age has been an age of peace and expansion, we've terraformed and settled on both Venus and Mars as well as a few different moons in our system. Now the Federation of Humanity was looking to expand outward. However none of that involved me, I was just a simple son of a simple farmer on a planet deemed to expensive to care about.

Currently I was at the hospital with my mother, and things are not looking well for me. Apparently the voices in my head speaking more often was a bad sign. I don't see anything wrong with it though, they've never lead me astray. Of course others didn't see it that way, they said I was crazy, some even suggested I be put down like a rabid dog when the medicine didn't work.

It's fine though, I didn't care what these fools thought, my mother did for some reason. Or at least she pretended like she cares, all to keep up appearances of being a good mother. My father openly said he didn't give a shit about me years ago, when they first mentioned I might be a psychopath. After I killed my first chicken is when it became noticeable that he despised me. We came to an agreement though, I could go out into the hills and kill wild animals and he would leave me be. I really think he was hoping I'd get killed, I loved every trip I took though. It was exhilarating feeling the warm blood on my hands, and seeing the life leave a living being.

Perhaps I am a psychopath, but I can't find it in me to care. I enjoyed the voices of my advisors, as I've come to call them, far more then other humans.

Eventually my mother and I left taking a hover taki out of the city and back to the farm. Obrus Capital City has a small population of 3 million, in fact the Obrus continent is one of the smaller one. Both in size and landmass compared to the other 4 continents on mars. The continent as a whole only has about 50 million people, meanwhile the actual capital of mars Ostral City, has 25 million by itself.

As we stepped out of the taxi and watched it speed away, my mother turned to me.

"Now fuck off boy, I need to go tell your father about how you're disappointing us even more." She snarled at me before she marched into the house.

Shrugging I hopped on my hover bike before heading towards the hills. Some would consider my parents to be abusive, I however just didn't care. I takes to much energy to keep up with emotional humans, it takes to much energy to pretend to care about something I don't. The hills are giant mounds that rise up about 600 feet, and there are dozens of them before they stop and the forest begins. I've explored a good 15 of them completely, finding the dens of small animals to kill and sate my bloodlust.

Today I decided I'd explore one of them that I haven't been to before. I rode between the hills before arriving at the third row, jumping off my bike and heading to the nearest one. I spent hours searching every crack and hole I could find, yet no little pests were found. Eventually I did find a cave as I climbed higher, maybe this was a wolf den. How exciting.

As I made my way in, knife in my left hand and an ancient kinetic pistol in my right, I noticed there wasn't any tracks. What I did noticed was a fucking floating rock. For a minute I stood and simply stared at the glowing rock, then I decided I'd investigate. Screw going and telling the "authorities" about it, this was mine now.

As I stood a couple feet away inspecting it, I noticed writing I couldn't understand on it. It also seemed to be weakly emitting some kind of energy. My inspection done, I turned to leave when my advisors finally spoke.

'Touch it'

'Grab it'

'Take it, it's yours'

'No it's our'

'Harness its power'

It seems they wanted me to take the thing. Since they've never lead me down the wrong path, I shrugged my shoulder and grabbed the thing, then all went dark.

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When I woke the sun had already set, and the moons were shining bright. I wasn't in pain so that's a good sign. I did however feel different, I felt energetic, I felt like power was flowing through me. I focused on the odd energy now inside me, and as soon as I concentrated on it, something happened.

{Rune Holder: Jerrick

Rune Class: Hive King

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Compatiblity: *****

Rune Energy: Full

Health Status: Hungry

Allegiances: Mars, Hive Legion}

{Current Hive Count:0}

{Starter Spells:

Summon Harvester

Summon Grunt}

{Note runes will only give starting spells for free. All future spells the holder must create. Think Rune Status to bring up this sheet at any time.}

The first thing I noticed after reading everything was that I'm indeed hungry. Well I guess it's real.

'Summon a minion'


'Do as we have said'

'They can kill for you'

'And die for you'

My advisors spoke once more. A minion would be nice indeed. However I didn't know how exactly to summon it. Did I just think of summoning it? Hmm no because I was already do that. Next I thought about selecting the summon harvester spell and it worked!

Suddenly I felt the foreign energy in me start to move. It seemed to slide through my veins towards my hand, I lifted my hand and pointed it at the ground away from me. A large ball of sickly yellow energy shot from my hand and hit where I was aiming. Then it collapsed into itself and with a pop a huge centipede looking creature appeared.

While it looked like a centipede at first glance, it most definitely was not one. The most obvious tell was that it had dozens of long legs on both sides of its body. It's about ten feet long while having a flat body and a hard carapace all the way down one side of its long body. The next thing I noticed was four arms about a foot below its head, each arm ended with a sharp looking claw, further down was four more arms, two had claws similar to a lobster and the other two had what looked like an old age tractors loader buckets. Which makes sense since it's a harvester. Next I noticed that it has four eyes on both sides of its head.

Suddenly feeling lightheaded, I decided to pull up my runs status.

{Rune Holder: Jerrick

Rune Class: Hive King

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Compatiblity: *****

Rune Energy: low

Health Status: near starving

Allegiances: Mars, Hive Legion}

{Current Hive Count:

1 hive harvester}

{Starter Spell:

Summon Harvester

Summon Grunt}

I needed to get home to eat and rest. I could play more with my new power tomorrow. First though, I felt a new mental connection with the harvester, I tried ordering it to move a few feet to the right. It worked and so I ordered it to rest here until I return. As soon as I thought the order, it curled in on itself on the ground. Most would find it odd sharing your mind with another being, but I already had others in my mind. The harvester wasn't very different except I can control it.

'Can't control us'



'Summon more'

'Need sleep'

It was unusual for my advisors not to agree on what I should do, but it did happen sometimes. I do need sleep so I left and rode back home. But my mind was already thinking up plans.

The rune status said I needed to make spells if I wanted more. Obviously that would involve the rune energy, how is the problem though. Even now with my rune energy being low, I can still feel it within my veins, running throughout my body.

Eventually I stumbled into the house to eat whatever was in the cryo-fridge and then passed out on my bed.

I woke with the rising sun, I scarfed down breakfast then packed enough food and water for a couple days. Taking a shower before packing some gear in my bag. I of course had my knife and pistol I picked up off the cave floor when I left the night before. I was also bringing some extra clothes as well as a couple lighters and a sleeping bag and some pots and pans. My parents might noticed but I didn't really care. The last thing I did was taking my personal ai chip out. The chip allowed for calls and messages as well as virtual games. I pressed on the back of my neck and the chip popped out, the skin around where it came out slowly melded back together. Finally I got on my hover bike and started driving back to the hills, excited for whatever was to come.