Chapter 2

After getting to the cave and ordering the harvester to start digging it deeper, I watched as it used its two top claws to dig into the cave walls and pull rock and dirt loose. Then it would use the bucket to scoop it all up, and any large chucks it used it's pinchers to pick up. It's an interesting creature, the claws can be used as weapons while the bucket could be a shield and the pinchers can grab enemies. But that isn't its main purpose and it would be weak overall in combat. Now I needed to figure out how to create a new spell and creature. I wanted something that can birth or make more hive so I wasn't wasting all my energy.

I closed my eyes as I sat on the ground and felt for the runic energy coursing through my veins. I wanted to find out where this energy was coming from, what happened to that small glowing rock. I followed the runic energy through my body, going against the flow to find out where it came from. Eventually it lead me to my heart, and there I felt it. Right beside my heart was the runic stone, and it was attached to my heart from a new artery. It was pumping the energy into my heart and from there into the rest of my body.

It was a bit surreal realizing I basically have a second heart. Now I needed to figure out this spell, it would be a key part of my future hive. I tried focusing on the energy while also thinking about what I wanted. I felt close to achieving a new spell, yet something was missing.

'Connect hive'

'Yes use minion'

'Become hive'

'Meld with the hive'


I hesitated to go any further. Not from fear though, I simply didn't want to be controlled. Eventually I convinced myself to go along with my advisors, after all they've yet to lead me astray. I quickly felt the connection between the harvester and I, and then I tried to amplify it. I felt it was close to connecting to a larger network or minds, yet it couldn't quite reach. Thinking of solutions I figured my best bet was using the energy to push the connection further. It worked but I only had a moment of satisfaction before I blacked out from the massive amount of signals being sent through the connection.

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POV change

My name is Xyphos god and father of the Hive Legion. Currently I am in space around the hives home planet of Daagantx. Unfortunately I'm to large to walk on worlds anymore, however using the hive connection I'm able to see through the eyes of any hive member. Which isn't nearly as good but until I have a suitable avatar it would work.

That's what I was doing today, watching through the eyes of a hive queen as she went about conquering some distant planet. Suddenly I felt a new connection to the hive, and it felt unusual, it didn't feel like a normal hive. Yet the new active connection went dormant within seconds of joining the hive mind. Most of the hive wouldn't notice it, yet as the creator and god of the hive, nothing involving the hive mind went unnoticed by me.

Finding the connection, I followed it to some back water human world, I quickly found the source of the connection. A lone harvester was working away in a cave, yet the connection continued to a human boy. He was passed out on the ground since his feeble mind couldn't keep up with the vastness of the legion. What the boy didn't realize is that by connecting and then passing out, he had left his mind unguarded and open to the hive.

I quickly entered his mind to find the cause of a human being apart of the hive. I watched his life unfold, his shunning from society for being himself. His thirst and pleasure of blood would definitely resonate with most of the hive. I watched as his own brood mother and father basically cast him from his family. And finally I found the reason he was able to connect to the hive, a rune stone. Artifact thought lost to time, and now a rune holder was apart of my hive. I must aid his growth, this would be a huge boon to the legion, but I'd also make sure he wouldn't become a god. I'm the only hive god, there must not be another.

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POV Return

I was getting a bit pissed now, all this passing out was becoming an annoyance. I was still connected to the hive, however most of the other connections seemed to be blocked off to me. I started wondering if it had been the rune that did it, when I felt something coming through the connection to me.

"Welcome to the Hive Legion young one. I am Xyphos god and creator of the hive, I will aid you on your journey and help you grow a legion to conquer the stars in the name of the Hive."

This was unusual, I didn't hear a voice, it was as if the words were being sent straight to my mind. I decided I'd try to send a message back, before that I had a decision to make though. Would I follow some bug god? The answer was easily yes, if worshipping this god would enable me to gain more power then of course I would.

"Thank you my god. I am still gathering my bearings and trying to learn quickly. Any help would be gratefully welcomed." I thought as I actively pushed my energy into the connection.

"You have done well for such a short time. Now tell me what you wish to know. As long as you remain connected to the hive mind, you will be able to send me messages. Know this though, I am a god of a galaxy spanning species, I may not answer quickly." I received back from my new god.

"I have much I want to learn about. But most importantly I request any information you're willing to share on runes." I sent back. Since this is a god I figured it would already know about the rune. If not then this may cause issues.

"Yes I've seen that you are a Rune Holder. Runes are artifacts created by an ancient species called the Runearri. There were many rune holders millions of years ago, however when they came together and decided to try enslaving the Runearri, the Runearri destroyed the Rune Cluster Controllers spread throughout the galaxy. It would seem they missed some of them however since you found an active Rune. Runes are ancient artifacts that enable the holder to manipulate and control runic energy, an energy created by the Great Ones, also known as the Runearri gods. Only those with a rune have access to this energy, thus when the destroyed the RCCs they also destroyed most of their own species. They figured it would be better to die then be enslaved." I received an extremely long message. A minute later another came through the hive mind.

"While the Runearri people were born with runes, their runes and thus their control over runic energy, was most often weaker then the runes created by a Runesmith. This allowed the rune holders from other speices to gain enormous power, which led to the attempted enslavement. I have not seen a Rune Holder in a couple million years, be careful who you inform that you have a rune. They are ancient artifacts that many would kill and die for. One last thing, the only way to empower your rune and runic energy is to obtain another rune and let your rune consume its energy. That is all I will tell you of this subject." This was a lot of information, all of which is extremely important.

"Thank you my god. I was going to attempt to make a production facility to help me produce hive. Do you have any advice?" I asked the god.

"Remember this young king. We as hive are a bio-mech species, newly created hive are all biological. However as they age and go on with their lives, and with the proper facilities, they will begin replacing the weaker part of their body with metal and sometimes mechanical part if they can find some from their dead foes. You planned to create a hive nest, which while useful it is completely stationary and will be a waste of resources to evolve. What you truly want is a hive mother, it has the same functions as a nest and more. They can create hive from gathered resources and still move, even if slowly, this will allow you to move the most important piece of your hive. There is the usual blueprint for all hive members, however you with runic energy with have an easier time modifying your hive at creation. Allowing for greater customization to fit your current needs. Now this is all the aid I will give for now. I shall send you the blueprint for the hive mother. Now build your powerful hive and conquer the star. We shall speak again soon Hive King Jerrick."

For a minute I simply sat there digesting all the new information. This was honestly far better then anything I could've imagined, there was so much potential. I would need to experiment with my runic energy more. As I watched the harvester work away, I felt the blueprint for the hive mother enter my mind. I quickly started figuring out my next steps.