Ranks and Professions

Welcome to the realm of Soulfire, where people are judged based on their power; where professions are compared to nobility. Here is a glimpse of this Infiniteverse.

#Normal Person: Individuals unable to use inner force. Their soul force value does not exceed 1.

#Soul Warrior:

*Iron Rank: Entry to realm, enhancing speed and strength using soul force (Soul force: 2-10).

*Bronze Rank: Increased combat effectiveness using inner soul force (Soul force: 11-40).

*Silver Rank: Can shape soul force externally (Soul force: 41-100).

*Gold Rank: Can fly using vibrating dantian (Soul force: 101-250).

*Diamond Rank: Affinity with one element, glimpse into the universe of law (Soul force: 251-500).

*Platinum Rank: (Soul force: 551-1000).

*Sovereign Rank: Start of the journey towards divinity, create the domain based on law, (Soul force: 1001-2500).

*Holy Rank: Soul purification, one step behind divine power, creating multilayered domain (Soul force: 2501-5500).

*Demigod Rank: Closer to divine power, entry in the law realm (Soul force: 5501-10000).

#Soul Alchemist: Fire element is must for an alchemist. So an alchemist should awaken their soul fire, which is very rare and difficult or he/she should master beast fire.

*1st to 6th Rank: Condense pills of increasing tiers (Comparable to soul warrior ranks).

*Epic Rank: Condense earth tier pills with limited intelligence.

*Holy Rank: Condense heaven tier pills with understanding.

*Legend Rank: Condense legendary tier pills with the ability to form a body.

#Phantom Master: Utilize phantom avatars, their strength determined by genetic level, entry of the law realm.

#Illusionist: Create illusions, control minds, and cast charms.

#Enchanter: Enchant people or objects, creating buffs with short- or long-term effects.

#Fierce Beasts:

*Beast Soldier: Comparable to iron rank soul warrior.

*Beast General: Comparable to bronze rank soul warrior.

*Beast Lord: Comparable to silver rank soul warrior.

*Beast King: Comparable to gold rank soul warrior.

*Beast Emperor: Comparable to diamond rank soul warrior.

*Beast Ancestor: Comparable to platinum rank soul warrior.

#Soul Fire: Condensed by individuals and beasts, which can be distinguished by their appearance. The most mysterious and basic form of all the living beings, thought to be existed from the beginning of the Infiniteverse. But in universe, it is very hard to produce soul fire before godhood.

Soul fire can be broadly distinguished into the following forms -

*Mortal fire: Individuals awaken their soul fire before reaching divinity. In Earth, if a beast awakens soul fire before reaching godhood, it is also known as beast fire. Most of the time, soul fire gave related skills to the user.

*Deity Fire: Exclusive to Gods. Deity fire condenses divine skills on its own.

*Universe Fire: Condensed by universe-level powerhouses.

*Primal Fire: Condensed by primordial and ancient beings, also known as origin fire.

*Supreme Fire: The highest-grade fire, condensed only by supreme beings. It is rumoured that it can be condensed by merging different kinds of origin fire.

#Elements: Condensation of laws.

*Primary Element: Fire, water, earth, wind, wood, metal.

*Mutated Element: Ice, lightning.

Restricted Element: Light, darkness.

*Primal/original Element: Time, space.

*Supreme/True Element: Chaos.

#After reaching godhood:

*3rd level god

*2nd level god

*1st level god

*God elder

*God king

*God emperor

*Universe knight

*Universe marquise

*Universe master



*Chaos lord/Overlord

No more spoilers!!! Be a part of this exciting journey and witness the rise of a mortal to the peak of the Infiniteverse.