New World

Earth calendar, March 2, 3050...

Street 3, Block-C,

Shanghai Fortress City, Dragon Country,

Shang Middle High School,

Class 3-A.

As he sat at the last desk, Hun Tian, a young guy in the blue dress, felt a sharp pain in his head. Memories flashed across his mind. These unfamiliar and confusing memory fragments made him dizzy. "I... I Transmigrated," he whispered, barely audible, "Into Hun Tian's body?"

Hun Tian opened his eyes. Before he could process the new memories, he discovered that the Class Teacher Yang Hui was staring at him with a piercing glare as the school bell's ominous ring faded. Yang Hui's words, sounded with expectation, sliced through the thick air like a knife through butter.

Yang Hui's voice sounded in the classroom, "Next month, the college admission test," with a slight pause. "Essential to your growth. Everyone should strive to get into the best colleges, but very few will be successful."

Yang Hui's intense stare seemed to be looking for something beneath the surface of Hun Tian, which made his heart accelerate. Looking at the other side where another mysterious youth was sitting, "Hun Tian, Chen Ming," Yang Hui said again, his voice full of anticipation. "This school's top students. You hold the key to the future of this school."

Hun Tian mechanically nodded, "I will do my best, teacher."

Hun Tian felt a sense of dizziness descend on him like a heavy blanket as the school bell's sound faded into an everlasting calm.

His eyes went colorless after processing the memories of the body's former owner. "Actually, this is a parallel earth where soul monsters are rampant," he realized. Plants and animals underwent mutations due to the meteorites that fell from the sky a millennium ago. When it came to these beasts, modern weapons were rendered useless. Nuclear bombs, the most powerful weapon in human history, can hurt lesser monsters, but they are not as quick as high-level beast generals or the beast king. Many people lost their lives. Numerous cities were devastated. The global system broke down. We were close to the end of human history. It was the beginning of the Great Desolation Era.

After a few decades, humans awoke a mysterious power because of their thirst for living. It was called soul force. Humans have evolved to a higher level and gained a more profound inner energy over time. They reclaimed their land from the monsters and built fortress cities under the leadership of these people.

"Hun Tian, you will pass the test next month," Lin Hua said, after observing that Hun Tian was absent-minded. "What college are you going to attend?"

"I've not given it much thought," Hun Tian looked sideways and retorted.

"You can enroll in Tianhu College!" Lin Hua put his hand on head and pondered for a while. "A soul force value of seven is the bare minimum needed to get admitted. Although the training seems harsh, I've heard good things about the resources you'll receive."

From what he remembered, Hun Tian knew, "Tianhu College is one of the 3 upper-level colleges for cultivating soul force in Dragon Country, beside Fengyin College and Chusang College."

In reality, the previous owner of the body had a soul force value of 7.8, making him a middle-level iron-rank soul warrior. Hun Tian and Lin Hua are poor. Since their early years, they had grown up together. Lin Hua doesn't have much hope for other colleges because his soul force is weaker. He's going to start working in a manufacturing factory. But Hun Tian was a gifted person. At the age of fifteen, he began to cultivate soul force. At eighteen, he advanced from ordinary people to the middle level of the Black Iron rank.

There is no soul force in an ordinary person. Their soul force value is not higher than one. So they have no ability to use soul force. For this reason, they are treated as workers in manufacturing plants and companies that produce weapons. A person's soul force can only be awakened by one in a thousand. They are viewed of as a nation's treasure.

Lin Hua and Hun Tian left the classroom together. They were discussing the test scheduled for next month.

Hun Tian and Lin Hua were walking towards the school entrance. Suddenly a robust man obstructed their way. Hun Tian looked up to see that a man who was 5.8 feet tall and dressed in a black jacket was in front of them.

"Xiao Feng," Lin Hua's face darkened, "why are you blocking the road?"

"Now a rubbish dares to talk to me like that?" Xiao Feng sneered.

Lin Hua's expression became gloomy. He was furious. He held up a punching hand. Observing Lin Hua's movement from the side, Hun Tian grabbed his hand.

Looking towards Xiao Feng, "Xiao Feng, you should get out of here," Hun Tian remarked coldly, "Or would you rather be beaten once more?"

Xiao Feng became angry upon hearing this, "We will see that after one month." Clenching his fist, he murmured, "You'll be sorry for what you did."

Hun Tian ignored him. They walked out of the school like nothing happened.

Hun Tian resides in Shanghai Fortress City on Street 5, Block F. Within a radius of 100 kilometers, this city is home to 60 million people. The five main countries are Barbarian Country, Holy Nation, Dragon Country, Beautiful Country, and Kangaroo Country. Every nation has three to five city fortresses. Dragon Country is home to Hun Tian.

The sound of Hun Tian pressing the doorbell echoed through the empty house.

Hearing the doorbell, an old voice echoed in the distance. "Hun Yue, open the door." His mother called out, "It should be your brother."

Soon after, footsteps could be heard approaching in the corridor.

A vision of innocence and purity emerged when the door creaked open. Standing in front of him was his younger sister, Han Yue, whose jade-like features shone in the light like a porcelain doll. She jumped up in excitement.

"Big brother," her voice was like music to Hun Tian's ears as she yelled, "You came back early!"

Upon entering the house, he got consumed with a wave of affection upon seeing his mother rushing around the kitchen. Hun Hou turned to see her son as he arrived, a loving smile appeared on her face.

"Go get freshened up, then come eat," she added, with the soft authority of a devoted mother.

Hun Tian gave a nod in return, "Okay, mother."

After taking his meal, he started practicing soul force.

A blast of unprocessed energy engulfed Hun Tian as he continued his cultivation, igniting his senses. He felt the steady flow of energy coming from his dantian as he placed his palms to his belly button in a tense manner.

"Powerful," he muttered, his voice hardly audible, "Is this the mysterious soul force?"

He felt two intimidating orbs circling with a force that seemed to defy gravity deep within his dantian. They vibrated with a magnetic force that drew him in like a moth to a flame and made him want to explore their hidden depths.

But amidst the darkness, a third orb began to take shape, its essence shrouded in mystery. Hun Tian's senses tingled with expectation as he beheld the birth of this third entity—a step to the ranks of the high-level iron-rank soul warriors.

As the third orb continued to form, Hun Tian could feel the shadows around the light ball, urging him to seize the power that lay dormant within.

After cultivating for some time, he opened his eyes. He looked towards the watch, and it was 9:45 PM. He got up and went to the dining room. He saw his father, Hun Li, in the dining room.

Seeing Hun Tian coming, Hun Li added, "Tian'er, how was school?"

Hun Tian hesitated as he met his father's gaze with a mixture of anxiety and longing. His hand was clenched with the weight of his words, knowing the burden they would impose on his father's tired shoulders. "It's okay, Dad," he began, his voice barely above a whisper. "But there's something important that I want to tell you." As Hun Tian spoke, "There is going to be a test of the soul force on April 4," Hun Tian continued, "It is so... I want to apply. Admission fee... It's ten thousand yuan." Silence hung heavy in the air. Hun Li's eyes showed a storm of emotions mixed with the longing for the better future for his son.

Seeing the tensed look, Hun Tian felt the burden that he had imposed on his father's shoulder.

"Don't worry about it, Tian'er," Hun Li finally said, his voice barely more than a whisper. "Just focus on your cultivation. Dad will find a way to manage the money."

Hearing this, Hun Tian's eyes became watery and he reached for his father hand. In that moment, he decided to face whatever ahed of himself to protect his loved ones.

After dinner, Hun Tian began to practice again. In this era, people can practice without sleeping for a few days.

As the city slept, a dim light was flickering in Hun Tian's room. But Hun Tian didn't know that his journey would take an unexpected turn.