Chapter 4: The Sin of Greed

Ozymandias gets transported into a different domain and unlike from last time which was the domain of the Lord of the Flies, this domain was a tad far different.

As Ozymandias walked around the domain, he noticed that the inhabitants of the area have only been doing the same thing: fighting one another over something.

"I wonder if this is the domain of The Seven Kings..." Ozymandias wondered to himself.

He walked further and further but he eventually felt that something was off as he sensed a mysterious and sinister presence lurking around and prepared to grip towards his sword in case for an ambush.

"I feel a deadly presence, this feeling, it's quite terrifying but I should expect this since this must be one of the domains of the Seven Kings of Hell." Ozymandias said.

The sinister presence was felt even stronger as Ozymandias felt the sudden sound of footsteps approaching towards him.

"Beelzebub told me that you're the godling that kicked his ass..." The mysterious presence said.

"But when I look at you, you're nothing but a wimpy loser." The mysterious presence cackled.

It was none other than the representation of the Sin of Greed, one of the Seven Kings of Hell...Mammon.

"Another King of Hell I presume?" Ozymandias asked.

"You're absolutely damn right... I am Mammon, the Sin of Greed!" Mammon exclaimed.

"Hmph, it seems like you won't be an easy challenge but I guarantee this, I will stop you right here, right now." Ozymandias declared.

"In your dreams loser!" Mammon said as he charged towards Ozymandias.

Ozymandias quickly blocked Mammon's attack but he was subsequently knocked backwards because of his sheer strength.

"You're weak and pathetic scum, I don't see how you were able to beat Beelzebub in the first place." Mammon said arrogantly as he rushed towards him preparing to make his attack.

Ozymandias got up and stood firmly, he wasn't going to fail for a second time, he stood his ground and attacked Mammon with the use of his sword sending the latter to fly backwards due to him unleashing a devastating blow to him.

"Arghhhhh..." Mammon grunted, as he slowly got up after dealing with Ozymandias' attack.

"Looks like I have already proven you wrong, Mammon." Ozymandias smirked.

"Still not enough to impress me..." Mammon sighed as he started to transform.

"What the-" Ozymandias said in shock as he saw Mammon beginning to transform.

What Ozymandias had saw left him in a state of awe as bright gold aura emitted from all directions and as the dust settled, what stood before him was Mammon wearing a gold-plated armor with two malevolent blades floating in the air, as the latter looks at him with arrogance.

"Let's see if you can last long enough against this form of mine!" Mammon exclaimed as he directed his two blades towards Ozymandias.

The two blades charged towards Ozymandias and Ozymandias manages to block both attacks which pisses of Mammon.

"Why won't you just surrender!" Mammon exclaimed.

"Hmph, surrendering would be a sign of weakness." Ozymandias smirked.

Mammon was enraged and started to summon golden clones, surrounding Ozymandias.

"Let's see what you'll do this time." Mammon said as he ordered all of his clones to go after Ozymandias.

All of the clones started to rush towards Ozymandias aggressively, 

Ozymandias tried to keep up with the clones but with the sheer number, he starts to feel outmatched to go against him.

"What's the matter chickening out loser?" Mammon chuckled.

"No, I'm just getting started." Ozymandias said as he started to concentrate.

Mammon was confused on how Ozymandias won't surrender to him.

Ozymandias stood firmly with both of his eyes glowing and launched his sword towards three of Mammon's gold clones, much to Mammon's shock.

"How is this possible?!!" Mammon said as he stood in fear.

"This guy...he isn't some ordinary loser..." Mammon said as he started backing away.

"What's the matter, oh don't tell me..." Ozymandias said.

"You're chickening out?!!" He exclaimed.

"There's no way I'm going to lose to the likes of you!!!" Mammon shouted angrily as he charged with his clones toward Ozymandias.

"My, my, bold of you attack without a plan..." Ozymandias smirked.

"I expected more from a King of Hell..." He continued.

Ozymandias used the power of his Kontroligan Eyes and launched his sword towards the heads of the gold clones and launching it towards Mammon, stabbing him.

"Arghhhh..." He grunted.

"Come on, you mustn't stop trying." Ozymandias smirked, preparing his next attack.

Mammon was taking the fight seriously this time, he realized how much of aforce his opponent was, and decided to be cautious. 

They both engaged into each other, swinging their blades, dealing heavy blows one after the other.

"Just who really are you..." Mammon said as he and his clones surrounded him.

"Who am I, well you can me Ozymandias!!!" Ozymandias declared slashing down one of the gold clones.

He took down every clone one at a time, with incredible speed and precision, not losing his focus even once.

"Damn it this guy is completely different than what I initially thought he was..." Mammon said as he started sweating.

"What's the matter, giving up?" Ozymandias said.

"No...the battle has only just begun!" Mammon chuckled.

Suddenly Mammon got the upper hand again between the two of them as Ozymandias stood still as he couldn't believe what he saw before his very own eyes.

"Let's see what you'll do with this one!" Mammon shouted.

The sky started to rain golden arrows aiming directly towards Ozymandias.

"Damn, this isn't good..." Ozymandias said to himself.

"Do I dodge it, do I take it..." He continued.

"No...I'll have to do something unthinkable." He smirked.

Ozymandias used the power of his Kontroligan Eyes and used its power to manipulate the arrows and direct it back towards Mammon to his surprise.

He swiftly charged towards Mammon but Mammon continued to throw golden arrows towards him, but no matter what Mammon threw at him, he continued to dodge and pins him down, stepping on his face with his sword inches away from Mammon's neck.

"I must say that was quite the battle..." Ozymandias said.

"We're not done yet..." Mammon grunted.

"Are you sure?" Ozymandias said as he slowly placed his sword towards Mammon.

"Arghhh!!!" Mammon shouted in pain.

"I'll spare you and let you go retreat...but rest assured the next time I see you demons...I won't act so nicely!" Ozymandias said as he started walking away.

Suddenly Mammon threw a sword behind Ozymandias' back catching him off-guard.

"Just you wait and my brothers will get our revenge..." Mammon said as he started to get transported to a different location.

Ozymandias struggled to get up and walked slow and steady to the portal.

As he entered back, in front of him was Michael who conveniently catched him as soon as he was about to faint from exhaustion.

"Looks like you been dealt a lot Ozymandias, no matter you're here now so rest assured, you'll get better soon." Michael said as he started carrying Ozymandias to healers.

*Meanwhile in Hell, Mammon arrives fatally wounded much to the other demon kings surprise.*

"Mammon, what in the blazes of hell happened to you?!" Azazel shouted.

"It was that damn bastard Ozymandias did to me..." Mammon said as he started to cough up blood.

" were right...he is stronger than I thought." Mammon chuckled.

"I know, rest for now, dear brother..." Beelzebub said.

"I'll handle this..." Beelzebub exclaimed.

"I'm coming with you..." Leviathan said.

"Fine but don't act reckless when we confront Ozymandias..." Beelzebub said.

"He will pay for doing this to our brother..." Beelzebub shouted.

"Ozymandias...we will get even with you!!!" Satan stated.