Chapter 5: The Product of God

After the long battle against the Demon King Mammon, Ozymandias is currently in bed, recovering from the injury he received after barely making it out of the Greed Dominion.

"Mmm...huh? What happened?" Ozymandias said as he woke up, looking at his surroundings.

"Ah I see that you have awoken..." A voice called out.

Ozymandias turns to his right and sees God accompanied by the 7 archangels.

"So I made it out of there huh?" Ozymandias stated.

"Yup, you successfully managed to defeat one of the Demon Kings." Michael said.

"Well, that's good news to hear." Ozymandias smiled.

"Take the time to rest Ozymandias, you require it." God said as he shortly left afterwards.

Ozymandias started to contemplate, thinking about his current status as a godling, wondering how everything will play out and if he would ever be reunited with his family.

"Hmph, based on everything that has happened to me in this past few days, everything felt like a rush, I ascended to heaven promoted into a godling, defeated a demon king, everything feels so heavy for me to handle..." Ozymandias said.

"Once everything is over, I wish to be reunited with you two, Elysia and Arion...I promise we will see each other once again." Ozymandias concluded.

After a week, Ozymandias eventually recovered after his fatal injury and traversed around heaven to clear his thoughts.

He continued to walk around the heavenly plane until he eventually bumps himself.

"Ouch..." Ozymandias said as he hit his head towards something.

"Woah..." Ozymandias stated as he looked at the thing before him.

In front of him was a gigantic tree that stood tall, with roots that stood it's ground firmly, filled with fruits, acting as a shade towards the sun.

As Ozymandias was looking at the tree, he suddenly heard a voice calling him.

"Well hello there..." The voice cried out.

"Who are you?" Ozymandias asked.

The voice simply chuckles.

"What brings you here, my dear child?" The voice stated.

"Child?" Ozymandias rebuked.

"You are one of my children and I am your father." The voice cried out.

"Ah I see you've already met him Ozymandias." Michael said as he came towards Ozymandias.

"Who is he Michael?" Ozymandias asked.

"That man before you is none other than Adam, the original man and the father of humanity." Michael stated.

"He is correct." Adam said as he chew an apple.

"By the way, how are things going?" Michael asked.

"Oh well, Eve and Seth are at home trying to discipline Cain from hurting Abel again..." Adam sighed.

"They never do change huh?" Michael asked.

"Yeah, I know..." Adam chuckles.

"So I take it that this man before me is the son of mine that became a godling?" Adam asked.

"Yup, his name is Oz Marcuse also known as Ozymandias." Michael stated.

"I see, well in that case...would you mind if you and Michael come over to my house?" Adam asked.

"Sure, I'd be willing to go." Ozymandias replied.

"Alright whenever you are ready..." Adam stated.

"Sure I'm down." Ozymandias said as he and Michael followed Adam to his house.

After a little bit of walking, they eventually reached Adam's house where Adam gently knocks on the door, and someone opens the door for them.

"Hey Papa..." Abel said.

"Hello there Abel." Adam smiled.

Cain was approaching towards Abel but sees Adam in front of him, immediately calming down.

"Oh hi Papa, you're home early..." Cain said.

"Mhm, indeed I am." Adam replied.

"Hello Papa..." Seth stated as he headed towards Adam, embracing him.

"Hey Seth." Adam chuckles as he hugged Seth back.

"What a surprise, you're a bit earlier than usual darling..." Eve said as she slowly walked towards Adam, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Well I didn't came alone, I also brought some visitors with me, I hope you don't mind?" Adam asked.

"I don't see why not..." Eve chuckled as she let Adam and the others in.

All of them entered inside the house, Ozymandias takes the time to look around, feeling comfort as if he was visiting a regular house back on Earth.

Adam notices Ozymandias' look and simply smiles.

"Please, make yourself comfortable." Adam states.

*All of them sit down to have dinner as Eve began to serve the rest of them some food*

As they were eating, Ozymandias was thinking of some plan against the Seven Kings of Hell and simply whispers to Adam.

"Excuse me, but I wish to inform you that I wish to talk with you after dinner, if you wouldn't mind?" Ozymandias asked.

"I wouldn't mind at all, sure let's talk somewhere privately." Adam replied as he continued to eat what Eve had prepared.

*After the dinner, both Ozymandias and Adam stood from their chairs and headed towards Adam's room to begin their discussion*

"So I heard you wanted to discuss something about me..." Adam stated, curious of what Ozymandias has to say.

"Yes, to tell you the truth..." Ozymandias said as he begun their discussion.

"I recently defeated a King of Hell but I feel like there is more that is to come, since I defeated one of them that means..." Ozymandias stated elaborating every single detail to Adam.

"The rest are coming after you, am I correct?" Adam asked, waiting for his response.

"Yes..." Ozymandias said as he let out a contented sigh.

"Well...if that's going to be the case..." Adam said as he walked a little further.

"Then it must be quite the special occasion..." Adam continued, letting out a sly smile.

"Why?" Ozymandias asked, curious of what Adam has to say.

"Then it's going to be the first time in history ever since the rebellion against heaven that the Seven Kings of Hell will crumble..." Adam said as he looked back at Ozymandias.

"I mean, I like the sound of that...but..." Ozymandias said, struggling to say what he wants.

"But?" Adam asked, waiting for his response.

"How exactly am I going to do that?" Ozymandias asked.

Adam simply smiled.

"Allow me to show you, my child..." Adam said as his hands started to glow.

The room was lit with bright light as Adam's hands were constructing an object built from nothing but from the power of his hands.

Ozymandias couldn't believe what he had saw.

The light began to fade as Adam had finished developing a gift for Ozymandias.

"A sword?" Ozymandias said in surprise.

"Oh no, this isn't some any kind of sword." Adam said.

"The very sword that you are holding right before your eyes is a special sword." Adam said as he began to elaborate about the sword he made.

"I call it...The Bane of Demons..." Adam stated.

"Woah..." Ozymandias said in awe, holding the very blade.

"This blade is quite special, it serves as the counter to any demon that you may face along the way." Adam said as he continued to elaborate.

"I can't help but say thank you for the help you have done for me." Ozymandias said, looking at Adam with a contented smile.

"Anytime my dear child, may you be safe in the journey that lies ahead." Adam said, placing his hand on Ozymandias' shoulder with reassurance.

"By the way..." Ozymandias said.

"What is it?" Adam asked.

"What is that power that you possess, I can't help it but I've gotten curious and fascinated from your display of power as you created this very sword that I now possess..." Ozymandias asked Adam.

"Oh, this is a technique bestowed from me by God Himself, it is known as Divine Creation, normally God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the ones who possess this power, but I've also inherited it, since I was based in the image of God, so I'm basically a reflection of Him if He was human." Adam explained.

"That's very interesting..." Ozymandias said.

"I know." Adam replied, chuckling.

"Well as much as I'd like to stay here for a while but I have to go now, goodbye for now." Ozymandias said to Adam.

"Farewell, my child and remember this grace, you can do all things through God strengthens you..." Adam said.

Ozymandias simply smiles and leaves Adam's residence with Michael as accompaniment.

"I take it that you got to know more about Adam?" Michael asked.

"Indeed I have Michael, with this weapon, it can help me in this war against the Kings of Hell." Ozymandias said raising the sword, with the sword reflecting him.

*Meanwhile Leviathan and Beelzebub are currently in Leviathan's domain where everything is surrounded by deep waters and scary sea monsters lurking *

"I can't wait to fight that Ozymandias guy..." Leviathan exclaimed.

"Only time will tell my dear brother..." Beelzebub said with reassurance.

"After all..." Beelzebub said menacingly.

"That Ozymandias bastard has a debt to pay..." Beelzebub said angrily.

"And he will pay that debt...through his death!!!" Beelzebub exclaimed.