Chapter 7: The Rise of Hell

Ozymandias and Beelzebub ventured out together in search of the temple that is said to be the location of the Chaos Eyes.

Ozymandias began to wrap his injuries from his skin with bandages, wrapping it around him his arms and face.

"I only did what I had to as an older brother to both Mammon and Leviathan..." Beelzebub sighed.

"I understand...if anything happened to someone's beloved one, they would most likely do anything in their power to avenge them..." Ozymandias replied.

"I have a family myself, I have a son and a wife and I would have done the same for them..." Ozymandias sighed.

"Well I guess heaven and hell aren't so different..." Beelzebub said.

"Maybe but there's no denying that your dimension is filled with sinners and evil people..." Ozymandias replied.

"Tch...whatever..." Beelzebub replied.

*Meanwhile back in Hell where the other Sins are planning in their meeting room*

"Where in the name of hell is Beelzebub?!!" Lucifer exclaimed.

"Last I remembered, he was busy fighting that bastard Ozymandias..." Leviathan replied, coughing up blood.

"He better be back right this instant, cause I want to restart our war against God and heaven itself..." Satan exclaimed.

"Man do we have to do it now's so irritating..." Belphegor said, rolling his eyes, feeling lazy as always.

"We must rally and prepare our forces if we wish to overthrow the kingdom of God..." Azazel mumbled to himself.

"Honestly even I cannot wait..." A voice called out.

"Ah so you've come to join us...Lillith?" Lucifer said.

"I'd like to take on Adam if you boys don't mind..." Lillith smirked.

"Ah going for your lovely..." Asmodeus replied.

"Well it's only a matter of time before I can get my well deserved payback against him..." Lillith said.

"Lucifer, Satan..." Two voices called out.

"Ah, Belial and Astaroth, so you've come as well..." Lucifer and Satan replied.

"We have and we brought the Nephilim with us..." Astaroth replied.

"The Nephilim, how interesting..." Azazel chuckled.

"We've also contacted the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse and the Dragon..." Belial stated.

"It seems like we have enough resources to bring forth the destruction of heaven..." Satan chuckled.

*Meanwhile back in heaven, Michael and the other archangels came in rushing into God's temple much to God's surprise*

"Lord, we brought forth terrible news..." Michael said.

"What is it?" God asked.

"We have gotten word from the depths of hell that the Seven Kings of Hell are planning to destroy heaven..." Michael said.

"I see...they still haven't learn their mistakes haven't they..." God replied.

"No matter, it is best to be prepared, assemble our forces, defend this sacred land, do not fear for I am with you in battle..." God said.

"Very well, your orders shall be followed..." Michael.replied, standing up and walked away with the other angels to prepare their forced.

Michael proceeded to head towards Adam's house and knocked on his door.

Eve simply opens the door and calls Adam.

"Hello Adam, we need to talk..." Michael said.

"Come inside..." Adam said.

"Allow me to relay the message for you..." Michael stated.

"You see, Hell has began to rally their armies and they are planning to conquer and destroy heaven..." Micheal said explaining the details to Adam.

"I see..." Adam replied, chewing on his apple.

"So I hope you don't mind if we recruit you into this battle?" Michael asked.

"I see...very well..." Adam said after finish his apple and standing up.

"If it's war they want, then it's war that they will get..." Adam said.

Adam and Michael exited the room to which Cain attempts to block them from leaving.

"What's the matter Cain?" Adam asked.

"It's just that, I was wondering if I can fight with you guys side by side..." Cain said.

"I promise...I won't be a nuisance..." Cain continued.

Adam simply hugged him.

"You're not going to be a nuisance, my son." Adam said.

Cain was touched by his father's words and simply hugged him back, not long after he let go as they had to act fast.

Michael, Adam and Cain met up with the rest of the other angels to recruit the others.

They then headed to a palace where there were two thrones and in front of them was a man holding a slingshot, he had brown hair, and green eyes and looked at them with a smile.

"If isn't it the Archangels of God..." The voice called out.

"Enjoying your lavish life, David?" Gabriel asked.

"Hmph, I guess...but I'm not the type of person to be arrogant, so what brings you here?" David asked.

"Well we're here to recruit you for their is an incoming war against the forces of hell, and we want you in for this what do you say?" Michael asked.

"We're in..." A voice called out.

Footsteps could be heard, it grew louder as the man went closer, the man wore a luxurious robe, wore a crown over his head, he had white hair, yellow eyes, and a beautiful smile.

"So you speak for your old man, do you Solomon?" Cain stated.

Solomon headed towards them with a smile.

"Well I wouldn't mind fighting for the kingdom of God myself." Solomon said.

"You would do the same in this current situation." Solomon continued.

"Good, I've heard from the others that they have already found the other recruits, now we can all head back to discuss our next initiative." Michael stated.

All of them simply nodded and headed back.

The angels and the recruits all met up and began to discuss their war tactics

The recruits, consisting of Adam, Cain, Solomon, David, Moses, Samson and Noah were listening about the current situation.

"Noah, remember the Ark that you made when God caused the Flood on Earth?" Solomon asked to Noah.

"Yes, what about it?" Noah asked him back.

"What if we used that as a method of our transportation?" Solomon said.

"It's a pretty good idea but I'd have to alter and add some modifications to the Ark..." Noah stated

"Allow me to help you with that problem..." Adam said volunteeringly.

"Very well." Noah replied.

"I can't wait to crush them!!!" Samson exclaimed.

Meanwhile back to Beelzebub and Ozymandias who continued travelling across the universe to find the Temple of Chaos.

"We're getting closer to the temple...I can feel it..." Beelzebub said.

"Uhuh..." Ozymandias said, holding his weapon.

After a couple more hours of tireless walking, Ozymandias was feeling exhaustion much to Beelzebub's annoyance.

"Good grief, if you're trying to becoem a god, you should be having enough stamina..." Beelzebub sighed.

"No need to carry me, I got it..." Ozymandias said as he tried to get up.

"If you say so..." Beelzebub said as he rolled his eyes.

After a few minutes, what seemed like a long journey was finally worth the wait as they finally reached their very destination.

"Finally...we're here..." Beelzebub said as he was trying to catch for air.

"So this is the Temple of Chaos...I must say...that felt far too easy..." Ozymandias said.

"Easy...well we can only tell if it's easy once we go inside..." Beelzebub chuckled.

"So tell me, are you ready to make the next step...Ozymandias?" Beelzebub asked.

"Ready whenever you are." Ozymandias replied.

Both Ozymandias and Beelzebub entered inside the temple doors, as they entered, the doors immediately shut closed.

*Back in Hell, the Kings have rallied their forces and brought their allies with them into one specific area*

"Well do we wait for Beelzebub to arrive?" Belphegor asked.

"No need...with or without him, we shall remain objective of our plan to destroy the kingdom of God!!!" Lucifer stated.

Satan and Lucifer marched forward, as they looked down upon their armies, grinning menacingly.

"Demons of hell, tonight is the start...the start of our takeover...we will show the apocalypse to the Kingdom of God..." Lucifer exclaimed, igniting his weapon with hellfire.

"They will face the wrath of Hell!!!" Lucifer grinned.

Meanwhile in heaven, Michael, the archangels and the other recruits also rallied their own troops for their meeting.

"My fellow brothers and we are here for the start of an impending doom that will come to our kingdom." Michael said.

"We must defend the very land of Our Creator, we will ensure that no demon or armaggedon shall ever happen into this very sacred land..." Michael continued.

"My soldiers raise your swords high with might, show your enemies the divine power of our God, we are the children of God!!! Through God's power, we shall defeat our dear soldiers, show your strength, show them the power of God!!!" Michael exclaimed.

The rest of the angels raised their weapons, shouting their battle cry.

"Let the battle...begin..." Michael and Lucifer said in unison.