Chapter 8: Ascension of Chaos

As Beelzebub and Ozymandias had set food inside of the temple, they became wary around their surroundings, searching for any hidden traps that may lead them to danger.

Ozymandias decides to draw out his sword while Beelzebub drew out his Malevolent Blade, emitting red light.

"Well that's a fancy light source..." Ozymandias said sarcastically.

"Just wait until I duel you after this Ozymandias..." Beelzebub mumbled to himself.

As they continued to walk into the temple, they eventually found an obstacle blocking in their way.

"Well looks like here's our challenge..." Ozymandias sighed, gripping his sword tightly.

In front of them were two giant guardians that are equipped with tough metal-plated armor, axes and shields.

"You two shall not pass!!!" The giant guardians exclaimed.

"Hmph, looks like it's time for a tasting..." Ozymandias said.

"Just don't overuse your energy..." Beelzebub sighed.

Ozymandias proceeded to attack one of the giant guardians, as their weapons both clashed with one another, echoing around the temple.

"Tell me, did you made a plan of attack before fighting them?" Beelzebub sighed, pointing his weapon at one of the guardians.

"No, but what's the use of coming up with a plan if we're in certain doom..." Ozymandias replied, blocking the guardian's axe with his sword.

"Tch..." Beelzebub replied, rolling his eyes as he focused back to his fight.

Ozymandias proceeded to activate his Kontroligan Eyes to change the flow of the battle.

His eyes slowly shifted and as he used its power, his eyes began to bleed, Beelzebub noticed this and was ready to see what will happen next.

"I alone am the one who possesses the power to control all creatures, all living things that exist in this world. Allow me to demonstrate half of my divine power to you guardian of the Chaos Eyes...Control Technique...50%." Ozymandias stated.

The whole area is illuminated with bright blue light, as Ozymandias used the power of his Kontroligan Eyes, the room became so bright that Beelzebub couldn't even focus his attention.

The sword becomes possessed by Ozymandias eyes and with a wave of his hand, he directed the sword towards the guardian's arm and cut it off, making it bleed then aimed towards the guardian's knee, making the guardian groan in agony.

"So this is the power of the Kontroligan Eyes..." Beelzebub said.

Ozymandias grabbed the guardian's axe and hit the guardian's knee making the guardian kneel before him.

"Allow me to make this death quick since you clearly look like you're begging for it..." Ozymandias said.

"Execution..." Ozymandias said as he used the guardian's axe to chop off his head.

"That's a flashy way to end someone's life..." Beelzebub replied as he used his flies to devour the other guardian.

" it takes a toll on one's own body..." Ozymandias sighed.

"Well now that we got out of the way, how bout you do us a favor and open the door?" Beelzebub sighed.

Ozymandias proceeded to open the door, and Beelzebub followed on suite with him.

Inside of the room contained broken pillars, and the room was dark, and the only light source that kept the room illuminating was the red eyes floating on the pedestal.

"There we go, we're here at the final destination..." Ozymandias sighed, walking towards the pedestal.

"Yup and that means you're no longer of use to me..." Beelzebub pointed his Malevolent blade at him.

"Oh yeah, I forgot this alliance was temporary..." Ozymandias sighed, raising his hands up.

"Now, step aside and allow me to get those Chaos Eyes..." Beelzebub smirked.

"Unfortunately I won't be moving an inch..." Ozymandias replied.

"Then prepare to die..." Beelzebub stated, rushing in, swinging his blade to deliver a blow at Ozymandias.

Ozymandias successfully blocks Beelzebub sword and steps back.

"Diptera Tempestas!!!" Beelzebub exclaimed.

A storm of flies appeared and filled around the room.

"You used this move the last time we fought, and I must say it was effective, but this time, it won't be..." Ozymandias replied.

Ozymandias began to use the power of his Kontroligan Eyes, his eyes began to bleed even further.

"I'll see you on the other side...if there is even an other side..." Ozymandias stated.

"I alone am the one who possesses the power to control all living creatures that exist in this reality..." Ozymandias stated.

The room began to be illuminated with a shining, bright blue light, which made Beelzebub began to sweat for the very first time in millennias.

"Shit..." Beelzebub gasped, unprepared for what will happen next.

"Now allow me to do the honor and showcase a divine feat worthy enough for the likes of you, Demon King Beelzebub, Sin of Gluttony...Control Technique: Maximum Output 100%!!!"

The Kontroligan is truly a powerful gift from the gods. It's power enables the user to control anything within the distance of the user. To the user, it gives them a very invaluable advantage and guarantees them a 100% guaranteed win, and leaves the enemy with no choice but to adapt to it's power.

Ozymandias wasted no time with his power, using the power of his eyes, he lifted one of the pillars of the temple and directed towards them to Beelzebub, but Beelzebub used his Malevolent Blade and cutted the pillar in half.

But that was simply a distraction used by Ozymandias to give him time to retrieve the Chaos Eyes.

"You fool..." Beelzebub exclaimed, running towards him.

Beelzebub got hit by his own Malevolent Blade by the use of Ozymandias' Kontroligan Eyes, stabbing him.

But Beelzebub pulled it out from his stomach, and tried to stand back up on the ground.

"Diptera Tempestas!!!" Beelzebub exclaimed sending in a storm of flies towards Ozymandias.

Ozymandias simply smirked and made the flies blow up using his abilities, but it gave Beelzebub enough time to distract him as he aimed for his hand.

Ozymandias tried to react quickly but Beelzebub retrieved one of the Chaos Eyes from his hand.

"If I can't have both of them, at least I can have the power to manipulate chaos!!" Beelzebub exclaimed.

He simply began to implant the Chaos Eyes on his left eye, in a painful and brutal manner as Ozymandias stood in shock.

"Hehe, it's been a pleasure doing business with you, Ozymandias but I have somewhere else to be..." Beelzebub smirked.

He began to use the power of the Chaos Eye, as he started to create an earthquake in the temple.

"You damn bastard..." Ozymandias replied angrily.

"Bye bye, godling..." Beelzebub stated, exiting the temple using a portal.

Ozymandias began to use his Kontroligan Eyes again to manipulate the ground and stopping from shaking.

"Damn what a pain in the ass..." Ozymandias sighed lying down on the ground, eventually passing out due to overuse of the Kontroligan.

*Meanwhile in Hell*

Beelzebub enters into the meeting room of the Demon Kings with a smile on his face, happy to achieve his goal.

"Finally you're here... we've been waiting for you for a while..." Satan stated.

"Sorry for the delay, I had to leave that miserable godling Ozymandias for dead in a temple..." Beelzebub sighed.

"Was it worth it?" Belphegor asked, waiting for his response.

"Oh it was definitely worth it..." Beelzebub smirked, opening his Chaos Eye.

Everyone else felt a tremendous aura from Beelzebub as the room began to shake and they could sense his power was much larger than before.

Back to Ozymandias waking up in an area filled with pitch black and skulls around the area, with the moon and stars being the only thing illuminating the place.

"Where am I?" Ozymandias said, looking around his surroundings.

"That's a lot of skulls..." Ozymandias continued as he wandered around the area.

"Ah you are awake..." A voice called out.

"Huh?" Ozymandias said as he turned around to the voice who called him.

The person in front of him was a woman with a black hood over her head, she wore a black dress, with a book on her left hand and a scythe on her right hand, walking towards him.

"Who are you supposed to be?" Ozymandias asked her, waiting for her response.

"My name is Lady Death, and if you're wondering, yes you are death but don't be alarmed, I can bring you back to life...but..." Lady Death stated.

"But what?" Ozymandias replied.

"I must have to check the type of person you are or in other words... your soul.." Lady Death stated.

"Ok? I guess I can wait..." Ozymandias sighed, following her.

*After a couple of minutes*

"Ok so I've made my verdict..." Lady Death sighed.

"And your verdict is?" Ozymandias asked.

"I'll let you go back on the land of the living..." Lady Death stated.

"Oh really?!!" Ozymandias exclaimed.

"But there is a condition..." Lady Death said, looking at him menacingly.

"And what would that condition be?" Ozymandias asked her back waiting for her response.

"If you die again... we're going to have to make a spirit's vow..." Lady Death stated.

"A spirit's vow?" Ozymandias asked.

"Yeah, basically it's a promise between the one who makes the vow and the one who is partnered with, they basically have to fulfill the vow and they aren't allowed to break that said vow." Lady Death concluded.

"Anyways you should be waking up now..." Lady Death stated.

"I'll be seeing you next time..." Lady Death finished.

Ozymandias eventually woke back up in his body, and stood up from the ground with one of the Chaos Eyes still in his hand.

"Hm, I guess it wouldn't hurt to possess the power of the Chaos Eye..." Ozymandias said.

Ozymandias proceeds to implant the Chaos Eye on his right eye with his right eye beginning to bleed.

"Well I guess I should head back to Heaven..." Ozymandias sighed, opening up a portal to Heaven.

Ozymandias enters back into Heaven where Michael and Adam are standing in front of him.

"Welcome back Ozymandias, we have been waiting for you..." Michael said.

"I'm sorry if I took so long, I had to deal with Beelzebub..." Ozymandias sighed.

"It's alright, what matters more is that you are here and we can continue our plan..." Adam said.

"What plan?" Ozymandias asked.

"The plan to defeat the Demon Kings of Hell." Michael stated.

"Come and join us with the others, we have to brief you in for this upcoming battle." Adam stated.

Ozymandias simply followed them to the meeting room to discuss.

"Gentlemen, this is Ozymandias and I've already told him about the situation..." Michael stated.

"Pleasure to meet you Ozymandias, my name is Solomon, we've came up with a plan on how to invade hell but I want you to lead the front line if that is alright with you?" Solomon asked.

"Sure I'm fine, I want to get payback with them too anyways..." Ozymandias stated.

"Well that's good to hear..." Solomon stated.

"Noah...prepare the ark!!!" Solomon exclaimed.

Emerged is a gigantic ark, that stood even taller than a building and could be compared to be the size of a mountain.

"Woah..." Ozymandias said in shock.

"I know, it is quite massive indeed..." Adam chuckled.

"Come on lads, enter inside!!!" Noah stated.

Everyone else went inside the ark.

"Are you guys ready?" Noah asked.

"Mhm, we are prepared!" Ozymandias replied.

"Then let's show those demons what we got..." Noah said.