Chapter 41: Followed


Naruto and all of its characters belong to Shueisha and Masashi Kishimoto.

I own nothing but the original characters I create.



-Author notes-

Chapter 41: Followed

'I'm sure all those things would have meant a lot for the previous owner of this body…' Naruto glanced over the many pictures and other memorabilia displayed on the shelves.

'But they mean nothing to me.'

He did not consider these people as his family, so it was impossible to feel anything at all while glancing over these things.

What mattered to him right now was to find out if these two powerful ninjas had left behind any useful techniques or artifacts. Considering that the Hokage himself felt the need to protect this place from others, they must have come to the same conclusion as he did.

'The house is not too big, so it shouldn't take long to explore. I better get started.'

He began upstairs; there were only two bedrooms and one bathroom. One of them was almost empty. Naruto could guess that this was meant to be his room.

The other one looked like a normal bedroom with one large bed at the center, surrounded by several pieces of furniture.

He approached the largest wardrobe and opened it up. It was divided into two sections, each containing a very different style of clothes.

Naruto pulled out a white robe. It had some writing on the back that said 'Fourth Hokage.'

"If I start wearing these in public, it would make people go crazy."

The other section was packed with more feminine clothes. Several dresses in different colors, although she mostly seemed to prefer green.

Since he had no intention of wearing any of their clothes, he closed it up after making sure there were no hidden compartments and moved to inspect something else.

Naruto spotted a wooden cabinet on the other side and walked to it.

"Oh…" The first drawer he opened was filled to the brim with scrolls. He then opened the other drawers and saw that they all contained either books, scrolls, or loose papers.

"This may take a bit longer than I thought." He was sure that most of this was useless, but he didn't want to miss anything that could be potentially important, so he had to be very thorough.


By the time he was satisfied with his search, the sky outside was getting dark.

"Ufff…" Naruto rested his tired body on the living room couch. His team had spent the entire night traveling with no stop to rest because they wanted to arrive at Konoha as soon as possible.

He had planned on spending this day resting at his apartment, but instead, he used it all to search his dead parents' home.

His eyes moved to the short table in front of him. There were three scrolls resting on top.

"I thought they would have more than that, but… who knows, they may have stored things somewhere else."

The first scroll contained a detailed manual for a sword style that originated from his mother's clan: the Uzumaki Sword style.

Naruto wasn't sure if he could learn something from that since he was hardly an apprentice when it came to the Sword Dao, but who knew? It seemed like something useful to keep.

The second scroll had a very peculiar ninjutsu called Rasengan. It involved circulating your chakra to form some type of spherical shape that could maintain the rotation of all that energy and create a serious destructive force.

Naruto was looking forward to practicing that one.

The last scroll talked about something called the 'Flying Thunder God' seal . From the few notes, it seemed to be a very advanced movement technique that involved the use of fuuinjutsu.

There were two problems with learning that one. For one, Naruto did not know anything about this world's version of sealing techniques that they called 'fuuinjutsu.' And two…the writing was incomplete. At most, that scroll only had half of the instructions to replicate that technique, and he had no idea where the rest was.

He did find a large box with books about fuuinjutsu, so he intended to read them when he had time. If he could somehow combine what he already knew from his previous world about seals with the ones from this one… maybe he could create something new and powerful.


With his job at the house concluded, Naruto placed everything in a large box and began the walk back to his apartment.

For the moment, he had no intent on living here. He found his small apartment more comfortable, as he was used to spending long periods of time in very small spaces.

The streets of Konoha were all well-illuminated and still brimming with people.

Naruto earned a lot of glances as he walked by. Not that he usually didn't get harsh glances, but he was sure that his old clothes, dirty appearance, and the large box he was carrying didn't help him blend in among the other civilians going around the village.

It was a bit too late to stop for any shopping, so he decided to make his way directly towards his apartment.

Just a few minutes later, he was walking on a deserted street, away from the busy center.

'Hmm?... is someone following me?...' His spiritual senses may be dull, but his senses of hearing and smell were very sharp. And he was clearly hearing steps behind him.

Naruto stopped for a moment and looked back. As soon as he did, the other set of steps also came to an abrupt halt.

'I am definitely being followed… could it be?' His eyes moved to the box in his hands. Perhaps someone had been following him all day as he went into the former Hokage's house and was now planning on stealing the scrolls he had acquired.

He was sure that many would love to get their hands on those.

'If they think it's going to be easy to take something of mine…' His eyes became sharper as he spotted a shadowy figure hidden behind a lamp post.

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