Return to Konoha

If Orochimaru truly did obtain an Otsutsuki army all that remained was for them to take the chakra fruits in the multiverse. The thought was actually interesting; Create an Otsutsuki empire that will rule over the multiverse. Well, those aren't his plans at all, since he never set his sight on this Multiverse with a 9th Dimension threshold. The system explained that each Multiverse has a threshold to the power of an entity which resides in it. This Multiverse's threshold was the 9th Dimension. This means that there are certain multiverses that can theoretically have the possibility to make someone an Outer Being.

He also found out from the System that the Dragon Ball Multiverse's threshold was also the 9th dimension. Yes, Zeno who all fans thought was the strongest was actually just a 9th dimensional entity. Not a Transcendentalist, even the Time Queen, Grand Priest and Dragon Zalama were on the cusps of breakthrough to the 10th dimension, however due to the multiverse threshold this was impossible. Except the find a way to extricate themselves from the multiverse of course. Transcendentals like The Presence and One Above All were rare after all.

Another interesting aspect was the Cardinal World that Dragon God Veldanava created, that is Rimuru's World. The system stated that it is theoretically possible to become an Eldrich level existence if the right process is followed. Thinking of the Cardinal World, Akihiko regretfully shook his head. He didn't want to go there at all, since he could die or be enslaved by the beings over there. It wont be impossible to enslave him with just a Unique Skill, not to talk of an Ultimate Skill.

If he was ever going to that world, then he'll go with a minimum 8th life level strength if not….

Extricating himself from stray thoughts, Akihiko examined he's body. This was the 'unlucky' one the system mentioned. He's original body had distinct short black hair, he was handsome, not perhaps in the conventional sense, but he had that appearance which could make him stand out in the crowd. He was fair, almost pale white, with the signature white eyes, he gave a feeling as if he was meant to be one with 'white'. He had a broad shoulder, he was somewhat of medium height, he was 16 years of age. He also found out from his memories that Hyuga Neji was 13 years of age. This means that the plot has already begun or was almost starting. He had to speed up his plans.

Without wasting time, Akihiko swiftly stood up and dashed back to Konoha, as he trodded on the various trees. Experiencing tree travelling was a new experience for him but he didn't get distracted. With his immense soul power he was rapidly adapting to his new body. The journey from the border of the Land of Fire would take 3 to 4 days as a Special Jonin, so he was going to use this time to gain perfect mastery of his body and relearn all the known jutsu of the original body.

With Akihiko's rapid learning and absurd talent it wont take long for him to learn everything.


Mt. Myoboku

On a large oversized fluffy mat sat an oversized toad. It was old, very old. This toad was the Great Toad Sage that led Hamura and Hagoromo against their mother. He was the progenitor of this Holy land. He normally slept all the time due to old age, he was after all over a thousand years old. This was confirmed since he was born even before the arrival of Kaguya Otsutsuki.

With a violent jerk, the Great Toad Sage abruptly opened his eyes, as he took on a solemn expression. By his Left and Right were Shima and Fukasaku, the two elder sages, they were Jiraiya's summons. Though they were relatively small compared to the Great Toad Sage they had the power necessary for their position.

"Ojiji-sama, your awake!!" Following Shima's call of surprise, Fukasaku who had his eyes closed, abruptly opened his eyes with surprised expression. This was because, Gamamaru wont wake up until he wants to give a prophecy or if woken up. And it has not even been long when the prophecy of The Child of Destiny was released so it came as a shock to them.

"Shima…Fukasaku, I had a revelation just now!"

Noticing the grave tone of the Great Sage, the elders decided to curb their curiosity and pay attention.

"At first, everything was proceeding the exact way with The Son of Destiny saving the World, however before all of that was possible, a mass of pitch black darkness began to shroud the world in its grasp. It was horrifying, when I looked intently at this black abyss, I, I saw a pair of huge amethyst eyes staing back at me. I was forcibly expelled from my vision!!"

At the startling revelation, the two elders couldn't help but gasp, it must be known that the only time Gamamaru was expelled from his vision was when he tried to divine Kaguya who had already fused with the ten tails. What did this mean? It meant that, the new entity was as strong as Kaguya at her prime, if not stronger. The elders expression turned grave.

"Ojiji-sama, what will we do now, with this variable our world could be destroyed totally by this abyssal darkness" Shima couldn't help but say. Normally they wont be able to talk to Gamamaru like this but they were anxious, even if Fukasaku didn't say anything, his expression said it all.

To their question, the Great Toad Sage was silent for a while before he made his decision.

"Inform Jiraiya to speed up the search for the Son of Destiny, give him the authority to mobilize everyone for the expedition of the search. Also Fukasaku you are meant to find the Reincarnation of Indra and Ashuru of this generation. Bring them to me when you find them, use any means possible!!"

The elders were startled at the decision but immediately understood the Great Toad Sage's intent. By finding the Son of Destiny much earlier, they could make him countless time stronger inorder to salvage the situation. And the Reincarnations of Indra and Ashuru could very well be a pivotal fighting force in the future.

Unknown to them, Gamamaru was still having doubts, will The Son of Destiny grow as powerful as Hagoromo? He didn't know but there was nothing they could do now. So in hind site of imminent destruction Gamamaru made a decision to forward his vision to the other Holy Lands, so that they could be prepared. If push comes to shove, then they'll have to evacuate into their reserve dimension.


Unknown to Akihiko, his presence had already began to spread in this world. In fact the truth of Gamamaru's Vision or Prophecy is just an advance manipulation of Natural Energy besides, with the World's Will personally supressing Akihiko, it wont be surprising if it allowed the toad to see this. The World's Will wanted his Son of Destiny to eliminate this external threat.