To the Hyuga Residence

Speaking of the World Will's suppression, Akihiko found out that all his techniques and part of his soul strength were sealed away. The only technique he could use was a basic Teleportation, but he didn't mind. By the time he had the Tenseigan, nothing will be able to supress him, maybe only his body will hold him back.

However, before all this he needed to find out the secrets of the body, this was his obsession so he was not going to forget about it. It was also not wrong to experiment on his own body. In this aspect he was just another psychopathic Orochimaru, well he wasn't going to make his body slimy so he was safe.

On the third day, as Akihiko was practicing the Body Flicker Technique he involuntarily shivered. He immedialtely stopped and observed his surroundings since he knew that the intuition of a god was unparallel. After a while, he yet again felt the same shiver so he abruptly turned his head to the sky as he unconsciously deposited all his accessible Void energy into his eyes in an attempt to peer into the eyes of what was looking at him.

This technique was a Racial ability courtesy of being a Void god, its name was Void Gaze.

[Ding! Void Gaze: If you gaze long enough into the abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you!!]

'I didn't need a description for my technique' Akihiko's lips twitched at the blatant attempt of the system to seek attention. Well, he'll make do with it since he didn't want a boring emotionless life.

As Akihiko peaked at the void, he saw a large, old frog…or was it a toad? It was looking at him so he looked back into its eyes that looked slanted like a Goat's. Meeeh!! They are actually toad eyes but he wanted to mess with them since Goat eyes have an uncanny similarity with Toads eye.

As he saw this person he already knew that this was Gamamaru who tried to pry into the future, he doesn't yet know that prying into the life of a God can cause a heavy backlash if not strong enough, or even death. What he did was supposed to bury him in nature countless times over. If not for the World's Will reducing his powers and giving him protection, an antique could have died today. However, the fact that he couldn't harm him didn't mean that he couldn't stop him from viewing the future.

Releasing an amethyst glow from his eyes, Akihiko immediately cut of the connection to the future.

As Dusk approached, Akihiko could already see the silhouette of Konoha. As a Root Ninja, Danzo sent him out inorder to blackmail some lackeys of The Daimyo of the Land of Fire for funds. Calling them lackeys were understatements since they had ample power in the political aspects, however Ninja's work for money so it was not impossible to hire some ninja for protection. However to the former Akihiko they were nothing, too weak for him to be even cautious not to talk about the current Akihiko, so the Task was swiftly accomplished.

Also it must be known that Root members don't pass through the gate of Konoha but a secret underground passageway is used. It was impossible for the Ninja's not to notice this especially the Hyuga's with the Byakugan, however since everyone already knew of Danzo's ruthless methods, they decided to stay quiet. In fact, in the memories he digested, those passages were just used for surface activities, the main passage was inaccessible to even Dojutsu. This was the level of Danzo's vigilance.

Akihiko didn't care about Danzo's paranoia since he'll soon be in his grave, he needed to take Shishui's Mangyekou Sharingan and all the other Sharingan's he had stolen from the Uchiha. Another interesting thing to note was that the Uchiha were still existing. This meant that their demise is very near. He must speed up his plans and his strength likewise. He didn't want to be impaled by Itachi!!

Akihiko quickly used the Body Flicker and passed through the underground passage like a ghost. He was already very proficient in this technique as it suited him very well. Coming to a stop at a report desk in a dimly lit room, he gave his report of a successful mission to the Aburame clan member responsible for this work. His name was Aburame Rio and he was a Genin, he was unfortunate to experience a 'cleansing' operation done by the Root so they gave him a choice to either join or die.

The Hyuga god didn't care about an insignificant character so after reporting, he swaggered out to the Hyuga clan mannor. In fact, only Danzo's closest men are allowed to come in his presence, he was super paranoid of course, so Akihiko didn't need to report to him or anything. He'll rather not see that old fart anytime soon either. As for the brainwashing that was done on every member of the Root? What a joke! With his immense soul strength can a simple brainwashing work on him? In his mind, he was almost sure that even the Kotoamatsukami of Shisui wont be able to redesign his will at all. Of course he was bragging but you'll never know until you try so it was not bad to flex out arrogantly once in a while.

Arriving at the gate of the Hyuga clan Manor he observed the place casually. It was adorned in the feudal style typical to the Hyuga household, yet it boasted a richness in ancient elegance. The furnitures and designs provided an aesthetic appeal. Once in this place, an atmosphere of peace permeated Akihiko's body, he genuinely felt comfortable in this quiet, peaceful manor that seemed to be one with nature. As he passed through the courtyard he occasionally received greetings from other branch members, he gave a nod in response. The Branch family stayed in front of the Main Family inorder to serve as a kind of shield fro them in case something happened.

Alighting into his quarters, Hyuga Akihiko removed his gears and clothes and threw himself naked on the bed, before falling asleep. He needed a real sleep since his mind has been at constant work for epochs…In fact Akihiko found this weird but he later attributed this to void energy, his mind was unconsciously channeling the Infiniteness aspect of the void into his mind. Now that that is no longer needed he had to face the consequences of his actions.

[It is detected that the Host may suffer from Mind Overload!! Applying Emergency Treatment…]

Akihiko couldn't help but let out a smile, it seems that his system can still be reliable at times.

[Host will wake up in 2 days after the administration of the Treatment!!] 'What??' Before he could continue he lost consciousness.