Hyuga Debate

Hyuga Clan Manor

In a luxurious feudal room, the Patriach of the Hyuga Clan, Hyuga Hiashi sat crossed legged at the forefront. With his head raised up, he exerted dominance with his posture and mannerism. He was suely a great political figure.

This was how the truly strong ones never behaved, this is not to say that the Hyuga clan head was weak, on the contrary he was very strong, reaching the Elite Jonin level. However, politics and its games has taken away his youthful vigor and hot blood, it took away his arrogance and confidence.

At his behest were 8 elders, 4 to the left and 4 to the right. The situation of the Hyuga clan was not at all peaceful as the general public had in mind. The peace that Akihiko experienced was partly due to his indifference and partly due to the fact that the Branch Family were not hostile or in power struggle like the Main Family.

In the Branch Family, strength was authority, they respect the strong amongst themselves.

There are actually 2 factions in the Hyuga Main Family, they were the Buddhist faction and the Papiyas faction. At first these mythological names were not used, however ever since the Second Hokages death, various small misunderstandings and battle's occurred between these factions.

The faction that advocated peace and restraint with patience when dealing with the Hokage and Danzo called their selves the Buddhist faction. The radical faction were incenced with such a name as it potrayed them as benevolent Buddhas. Meanwhile, they the Radicals wey Evil Heretics, who could stand this?

It reached a height that the Radical faction was greatly suppressed by the Buddist. This was not until two new Jonin became the elders of the Radical faction, renaming it the Papiyas faction. They were born to harass and ultimately destroy Buddhism. Since they were already known to be evil, then we'll just embrace the darkness. They single handedly leveled the playfield with this bold move.

The Hokage faction and the Root were busy watching this internal conflict with interest and amusement, trying to find ways to benefit from this situation. However unlike the Uchiha that were extremist, the Hyuga had a bottom line to never betray or hurt your own fellow clansmen. This was probably the only thing that set the Uchiha and Hyuga apart.

With the Patriach clearing his throat to draw attention to himself, he began…

"Ive summoned you all today too discuss the issue of the reparations that the Hokage faction are meant to provide for the humiliation of the Hyuga clan."

With the purpose of the meeting explained, the Hyuga patriarch paused for a while before resuming.

"The Hokage has sent a message stating that the recent economy of Konoha is not very stable so he implores us to exercise patience…"

"Bullshit.." Before the Patriach could finish, an elder from the Papiyas faction angrily cursed.

"Who doesn't know the massive amount of money that that Koharu bitch is siphoning from Konoha, yet he has the balls to say that the economy is unstable."

What a valid statement!! If Akihiko were here, he could have nodded in approval and given him a thumbs up. The Hyuga elder's name was Hyuga Aoi, he was one of the prominent persons who revitalized the Papiyas faction. The name of the other elder was Hyuga Tomaki. Anger was clearly etched on their faces, meanwhile the opposing faction were surprisingly calm. In Akihiko's opinion, these Buddhist elders were just cowardly, clouded with fear and uncertainty with no back bone. This is the reason why a 'mere' Kumogakure were able to humiliate them and go scot free. If it were the Uchiha clan, then over a thousand dead Kumo Ninja's would be reported the next day. This is their way of doing things, though the Hyuga clan would never understand this except someone beats it into their heads.

"Elder Hitoshi, what is your take on this issue?"

Hyuga Hitoshi was the elder that precided over the Buddhist faction.

"In my opinion, I think this meeting is meaningless, since no matter how my friends over there bark, they wont bite. So what can we do apart from staying silent. Hiashi, you understand this the most from all of us here, what is wrong in being obedient to enjoy a life of peace and leisure. Unlike some barbarians that are always restless like dogs and crave for war."Hyuga Kiyo mercilessly jabbed at the Papiyas faction with no mercy.


Hyuga Aoi wanted to retort however Hyuga Tomaki raised his sleeve indicating silence.


"That's enough Aoi, I feel the same way as you do, but, there's one thing I understand in this life. If an advice or coercion won't teach a person then experience will!! We will stay silent this time."

The other two elders Hyuga Daichi and Hyuga Hachiro nodded in tacit understanding, it seems that they too realized that all their struggles were in vain, they were just wasting saliva and consuming their lifespan. It was better for experience to teach them a harsh lesson.

"Young Kids like you are trying to teach us about experience? Why not look at your self before spilling shit from your mouth."

Hyuga Masahiro, another elder of the Buddhist faction said gloatingly. However before he could rever in his ecstacy for putting in a jab for too long, his retribution had arrived!!

"At least we know that we don't have one leg in our graves, don't worry, when you die I'll gladly take 'care' of your family."

Hyuga Aoi was quick to act, as he purposely dragged the 'care' in his words. It seems that he was already angry at everything so he butchered the goat that willingly stuck out its stubborn head.

At the merciless mocking, Hyuga Masahiro's face turned blue then alternated to red.

"Oiyyy watch your mouth Aoi, what if he vomits blood and dies an untimely death, who would take the blame?"

Hyuga Daichi admonished Aoi in a scolding tone, he also decided to extend his 'care' filled words to Masahiro.

A boisterous laughter echoed in tandem as the Papiyas faction were having a good time.

Masahiri who was already weak with one leg in his grave couldn't take such a hit thereby sustaining a severe emotional damage. Before anyone could realize that something was wrong Hyuga Masahiro abruptly vomited blood and passed out.

Dead Silence….


Everyone shut up since the progression of things were just too fast, too shocking, they didn't even react to the fainted Elder lying in the 'vomit' of his own blood. He really did spill out 'shit' from his mouth! It seems that he spoke out of experience before.

"Damn… he really did kick the bucket, I wonder who killed him??"

Hyuga Daichi couldn't help but break the akward silence.

"Pfft…" A muffled laugh was heard from seemingly nowhere, however, everyone turned to look at Hyuga Naoko simultaneously. With the observation skills of the Hyuga, finding the culprit was child's play.

He was embarrassed since he was from the Buddhist faction, so he awkwardly lowered his head and pursed his lips.

By now the faces of the Hyuga Kiyo and Hyuga Shuichi had already turned as black as a pot.

"Bwahahah" A boisterous laugh was released from Aoi as he couldn't help but feel deep satisfaction, all his anger had already dissipated. Truly Naoko was too honest as his name implies, what a good guy.

Hiashi meanwhile, has been looking at this charade impassively, but only he knew that he tried all his best to destroy his laughter, not stifle it, for he knew that just stuffing his laughter would not be enough, lest he ends up like Naoko. He had to his prestige to maintain, but even with all his efforts, the ocassional twitching of his face had already gave him out. With the keen eyesight of the Hyuga's, finding out this tiny detail was nothing.

Hyuga Kiyo wanted to blow up the roof since he had nowhere to vent his anger. There was no point in trying to get back at the Patriach now since he had no evidence that he really laughed at them, so he had to swallow the bitter pill.

Standing up, Hyuga Kiyo hastily supported the fainted Masahiro alongside Shuichi. Naoko who wanted to provide help was glared at by Kiho and Shuichi such that he shivered and shrank back.

"Hahahah!!" The conservative Hyuga Hachiro couldn't hold back his laughter after observing this scene.

Hyuga Kiyo and his Buddism Faction hurriedly left in shame, anger and indignation. With Naoko meekly following behind them, Hyuga Aoi couldn't stop himself from laughing his lungs out. Today was really an eye opener. Who would have thought that those Buddha's were very weird.

One like to 'shit' from his mouth, another loved to mock his fellow brethren. It was a shame they couldn't 'unveil' the weird side of Kiyo and Shuichi.