Waking up

Before the Patriarch came back to his senses, the Buddhist elders had already walked away. He opened his mouth to speak but he ultimately swallowed his words.

Who are you kidding? Can't you see Hyuga Kiyo's face, he didn't want to fall into his trap. If he spoke now, Kiyo would be able to redirect his anger at him.

He didn't want to suffer a loss after 'laughing' at them. So he turned his attention to the other remaining elders.

"There is another minor issue for us to discuss but since we are not complete, I'll just inform you..."

Recovering from their laughter, the 4 Hyuga's were quick to regain their seriousness, though they were still giddy and pleased. It was literally oozing from their expressions.

"Hyuga Akihiko from the branch family has reportedly fallen into a coma for 2 days now. After a medical check up, it is detected that he has had no rest for a long time. What do you have to say on this?"

The partriachs question made the elders fall silent. In the matters of the Branch family, the radical faction rarely intervenes or speaks. This was because they knew that what the Branch family were suffering was unfair, but they didn't have the power to overturn the ancestral decree.

Futhermore, unlike the ignorant Hyuga and the general public. The elders knew some forbidden information regarding the Branch Family. So they decided to keep shut.

There was a rare period when, these elders actively opposed Danzo's decree to send 3 Hyga chunin to his Root. However due to the clash with the Buddhist Faction, 3 Branch Chunin members were sent.

Ironically, they sent Akihiko alongside 2 others. After 2 years, Akihiko showed great talent not inferior to the current Neji Hyuga. The Hyuga had to swallow the bitter pill.

Ever since then, the Papiyas faction never put in an opinion about the branch family. The partriach knew this very well,but he just told them nevertheless, he never expected an answer in the first place.

With that said, the Partriach stood up and departed. He picked on the clue that they were not going to answer him. The elders following soon after. Regarding the Branch Family, Hyuga Hiashi had complicated feelings since he's brother that died was from the Branch family.

One might say that the Hyuga had a lot of issues, however a truly perceptive person would know that they only had one problem. This was the existence of the Branch Family.

The Buddha and Papiyas thing was just something the elders used to pass time and to put more flavour in their conversations. And to also signify their unity in diversity, it would be weird if there was no infighting in a clan, if there really was no infighting, it meant that a significant portion had already betrayed the clan.

The partriach was actually pleased with the way, things were going so far. It was only the Branch families existence that always dampened his mood.



Hyuga Akihiko slowly opened his eyes, he felt very light, like a leaf. He was refreshed like no other. It was the first time he felt something like this. As if the chains on his body were broken.

Slowly getting out from bed, Akihiko found out that he was dressed up, and his room was clean and arranged. He remembered that he slept naked, and he also left the room scattered. Anyway, Akihiko just shrugged, who cares about what happened.

Stretching from inactivity, Akihiko felt a cool sensation running through his body, he didn't need to check to know that he's chakra had increased. He knew that, chakra was the product of the mixture of physical and spiritual energy. With his now vast spiritual energy, it'll be weird if he didn't experience anything.

His chakra felt cold due to the fact that all Dojutsu affiliated clans had Yin as their main attribute. It is said that a Dojutsu is the mirror to one's soul. This was coined by Madara after he noticed that a Mangyekou will inadvertently give powers based on the desire the owner had before the evolution.

As seen, in the case of Obito who wanted to escape from the cruel world he was in, he really did find a way to escape from anything. Shisui wanted to change the ways of the Uchiha, as they were always opposing the Hokage faction, this led to Kotoamatsukami.

As Akihiko peered through the mirror in front of him, he noticed the slight purple hue that his eyes developed. He couldn't help but being fascinated. He now truly believes in Madara's words back then. It seems that his Byakugan had already began to mirror the Void. How amusing, well he wasn't against this.

Another thing worth noticing was the fact that he's hair colour had changed from black to white. Observing this prominent change, he was perplexed. There was no reason for his hair to change colour.

"System, why the hair change? I look like an old man now!" He questioned the system since it was meant to know.

[Ding! It is detected that the body of the host is rapidly adapting to its soul, therefore the body would express the image of the soul to its best.]

Hearing such an answer, Akihiko was perplexed. Did this mean that his soul was an old man? Errr.. This was actually true to a certain extent.

He didn't mind the hair change, he just wanted to know the reason. He knew that this hair change will bring him unnecessary attention. He didn't want some Anbu or Root sticking their noses in his daily life

"Did someone see me like this?" Akihiko needed to know who saw him like this so that he could deal with the situation accordingly.

[Ding! Negative Host! Only a certain Hyuga female that came to check up on you today saw your hair colour.]

He quickly caught the word play in this.Tge system need not say Negative, then say 'Only'. This means that others came to check up on him when he was asleep, it's just that he's hair colour changed only recently. With this information he could deduce that he was diagnosed by some medical Ninja.

Since what they came up with was not lethal to his life, they left him here. Also a Main branch member definitely didn't come here to check up on him. So it could only be a branch family female that was close to him in one way or another.

It must be said that the mind of a god even without Divine energy was really terrifying. With just a sentence he was able to peice up all necessary information.

After all this, he'll need to meet up with Danzo and explain why he was absent, though he knew that with Danzo's information network, he'd already know about it. Not reporting will arouse suspicion so he had to meet the old geezer, but he'll do that tomorrow.